44 resultados para Reuter, J. E


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Das gesellschaftliche Bild des Alters und seine Realität haben sich stark verändert - Menschen können im Durchschnitt bis in das achtzigste Lebensjahr ein aktives Leben führen. Hegemoniale Altersbilder von den fitten und jungen Alten nehmen diese Situation auf. Aber es gibt auch Ambivalenzen: Angesichts wachsender sozialer Ungleichheit kommen längst nicht alle Älteren in den Genuss eines guten Alters. Der Band diskutiert die Situation der "Neuen Alten" aus sozialwissenschaftlichen, ökonomischen, religionswissenschaftlichen und theologischen Perspektiven.


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Nach innen heterogen, konfrontiert mit den Folgen einer massiven Finanz- und Schuldenkrise und gekennzeichnet von zunehmender sozialer Ungleichheit, nach außen hart gegen Flüchtlinge und Migranten und auf den Schutz der eigenen ökonomischen Interessen bedacht, scheint die Europäische Union von der Idee eines 'sozialen Europa' weit entfernt. Gleichwohl ist das Projekt einer europäischen Einigung fest mit der Vorstellung eines 'europäischen Sozialmodells' verbunden, in dem die verlässliche soziale Absicherung der Menschen in Europa hohe Priorität geniesst, auch wenn über die Form der Umsetzung intensiv gestritten wird. Im europäischen sozialen Protestantismus, der die wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Kulturen Europas in vielfältiger Weise geprägt hat, wird die Frage nach Möglichkeit und Gestalt einer möglichst effektiven, effizienten und gerechten sozialen Absicherung im europäischen Kontext in unterschiedlicher Weise diskutiert. Der Band informiert über institutionell-politische Strukturen, soziale Problemkonstellationen, ökonomische und politische Optionen und sozialethische Grundprinzipien für die Gestaltung eines 'sozialen Europa' und bietet Diskussionsstände aus vielfältigen Perspektiven des europäischen Protestantismus.


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Das weitverbreitete Konzept eines 'europäischen Sozialmodells' wird dargestellt und anhand eines konkreten Problems - der auch als 'Prekarisierung der Arbeit' bekannten Zunahme mangelhaft gesicherter und insofern problematischer Arbeitsverhältnisse im zeitgenössischen Europa - einem ethischen Realitätstest unterzogen. In einem Ausblick werden Schlussfolgerungen für die Weiterentwicklung dieses Modells gezogen.


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The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of histo- and cytomorphological features of PAXgene-fixed specimens and their suitability for histomorphological classification in comparison to standard formalin fixation. Fifteen colon cancer tissues were collected, divided into two mirrored samples and either formalin fixed (FFPE) or PAXgene fixed (PFPE) before paraffin embedding. HE- and PAS-stained sections were scanned and evaluated in a blinded, randomised ring trial by 20 pathologists from Europe and the USA using virtual microscopy. The pathologists evaluated histological grading, histological subtype, presence of adenoma, presence of lymphovascular invasion, quality of histomorphology and quality of nuclear features. Statistical analysis revealed that the reproducibility with regard to grading between both fixation methods was rather satisfactory (weighted kappa statistic (k w) = 0.73 (95 % confidence interval (CI), 0.41-0.94)), with a higher agreement between the reference evaluation and the PFPE samples (k w = 0.86 (95 % CI, 0.67-1.00)). Independent from preservation method, inter-observer reproducibility was not completely satisfactory (k w = 0.60). Histomorphological quality parameters were scored equal or better for PFPE than for FFPE samples. For example, overall quality and nuclear features, especially the detection of mitosis, were judged significantly better for PFPE cases. By contrast, significant retraction artefacts were observed more frequently in PFPE samples. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the PAXgene Tissue System leads to excellent preservation of histomorphology and nuclear features of colon cancer tissue and allows routine morphological diagnosis.


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In the recent past, various intrinsic connectivity networks (ICN) have been identified in the resting brain. It has been hypothesized that the fronto-parietal ICN is involved in attentional processes. Evidence for this claim stems from task-related activation studies that show a joint activation of the implicated brain regions during tasks that require sustained attention. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to demonstrate that functional connectivity within the fronto-parietal network at rest directly relates to attention. We applied graph theory to functional connectivity data from multiple regions of interest and tested for associations with behavioral measures of attention as provided by the attentional network test (ANT), which we acquired in a separate session outside the MRI environment. We found robust statistical associations with centrality measures of global and local connectivity of nodes within the network with the alerting and executive control subfunctions of attention. The results provide further evidence for the functional significance of ICN and the hypothesized role of the fronto-parietal attention network. Hum Brain Mapp , 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Die wissenschaftlich-technischen Entwicklungen mit ihren riskanten Folgen, die Globalisierung und die zunehmende Individualisierung der Lebensentwürfe stellen frühere Selbstverständlichkeiten in Frage und werfen neue ethische Probleme auf. Das Handbuch der Evangelischen Ethik bietet einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit kompakte Informationen zur Urteilsbildung in den wichtigsten Handlungsfeldern. Führende Fachleute orientieren zuverlässig über die Grundlagen und Teilgebiete auf dem aktuellen Stand der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion und im Gespräch mit Philosophie, Rechts-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften. Der Band enthält je einen Beitrag zu: Grundlagen und Methoden der Ethik, Rechtsethik, politischer Ethik, Ethik des Sozialen, Wirtschaftsethik, Ethik der Kultur, Ethik der Lebensformen, Bioethik des Menschen, Bioethik nichtmenschlicher Lebewesen und Umweltethik.


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Der Beitrag stellt den Gegenstand, die normativen Ansätze, Themen und Problembereiche der Ethik des Sozialen vor. Ein erster Abschnitt dient der begrifflichen Abgrenzung und Bestimmung der Ethik des Sozialen, die von der klassischen Sozialethik zu unterscheiden und in den Zusammenhang der Bereichsethiken einzuordnen ist. Der zweite Abschnitt dient anhand der Grundbegriffe von Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarität und sozialer Gerechtigkeit einem Überblick über die unterschiedlichen normativen Ansätze in diesem Bereich. Im dritten Abschnitt werden konkrete Problemfelder der Ethik vorgestellt und erörtert. Dabei geht es um materielle Teilhabe, die anhand von Arbeit, Armut und Reichtum thematisch wird, um Partizipation, die anhand von Bildung und Befähigung erörtert wird, und um Anerkennungsfragen, also Probleme von Wertschätzung und Diskriminierung. Der vierte Abschnitt bietet eine Auswahl grundlegender und weiterführender Literatur.


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PURPOSE Patients with biochemical failure (BF) after radical prostatectomy may benefit from dose-intensified salvage radiation therapy (SRT) of the prostate bed. We performed a randomized phase III trial assessing dose intensification. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with BF but without evidence of macroscopic disease were randomly assigned to either 64 or 70 Gy. Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy or intensity-modulated radiation therapy/rotational techniques were used. The primary end point was freedom from BF. Secondary end points were acute toxicity according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 4.0) and quality of life (QoL) according to the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaires C30 and PR25. RESULTS Three hundred fifty patients were enrolled between February 2011 and April 2014. Three patients withdrew informed consent, and three patients were not eligible, resulting in 344 patients age 48 to 75 years in the safety population. Thirty patients (8.7%) had grade 2 and two patients (0.6%) had grade 3 genitourinary (GU) baseline symptoms. Acute grade 2 and 3 GU toxicity was observed in 22 patients (13.0%) and one patient (0.6%), respectively, with 64 Gy and in 29 patients (16.6%) and three patients (1.7%), respectively, with 70 Gy (P = .2). Baseline grade 2 GI toxicity was observed in one patient (0.6%). Acute grade 2 and 3 GI toxicity was observed in 27 patients (16.0%) and one patient (0.6%), respectively, with 64 Gy, and in 27 patients (15.4%) and four patients (2.3%), respectively, with 70 Gy (P = .8). Changes in early QoL were minor. Patients receiving 70 Gy reported a more pronounced and clinically relevant worsening in urinary symptoms (mean difference in change score between arms, 3.6; P = .02). CONCLUSION Dose-intensified SRT was associated with low rates of acute grade 2 and 3 GU and GI toxicity. The impact of dose-intensified SRT on QoL was minor, except for a significantly greater worsening in urinary symptoms.


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We have searched for periodic variations of the electronic recoil event rate in the (2-6) keV energy range recorded between February 2011 and March 2012 with the XENON100 detector, adding up to 224.6 live days in total. Following a detailed study to establish the stability of the detector and its background contributions during this run, we performed an un-binned profile likelihood analysis to identify any periodicity up to 500 days. We find a global significance of less than 1 sigma for all periods suggesting no statistically significant modulation in the data. While the local significance for an annual modulation is 2.8 sigma, the analysis of a multiple-scatter control sample and the phase of the modulation disfavor a dark matter interpretation. The DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation interpreted as a dark matter signature with axial-vector coupling of WIMPs to electrons is excluded at 4.8 sigma.


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We have searched for periodic variations of the electronic recoil event rate in the (2-6) keV energy range recorded between February 2011 and March 2012 with the XENON100 detector, adding up to 224.6 live days in total. Following a detailed study to establish the stability of the detector and its background contributions during this run, we performed an un-binned profile likelihood analysis to identify any periodicity up to 500 days. We find a global significance of less than 1 sigma for all periods suggesting no statistically significant modulation in the data. While the local significance for an annual modulation is 2.8 sigma, the analysis of a multiple-scatter control sample and the phase of the modulation disfavor a dark matter interpretation. The DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation interpreted as a dark matter signature with axial-vector coupling of WIMPs to electrons is excluded at 4.8 sigma.


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The low-background, VUV-sensitive 3-inch diameter photomultiplier tube R11410 has been developed by Hamamatsu for dark matter direct detection experiments using liquid xenon as the target material. We present the results from the joint effort between the XENON collaboration and the Hamamatsu company to produce a highly radio-pure photosensor (version R11410-21) for the XENON1T dark matter experiment. After introducing the photosensor and its components, we show the methods and results of the radioactive contamination measurements of the individual materials employed in the photomultiplier production. We then discuss the adopted strategies to reduce the radioactivity of the various PMT versions. Finally, we detail the results from screening 286 tubes with ultra-low background germanium detectors, as well as their implications for the expected electronic and nuclear recoil background of the XENON1T experiment.