33 resultados para Model accuracy
The updated Vienna Prediction Model for estimating recurrence risk after an unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been developed to identify individuals at low risk for VTE recurrence in whom anticoagulation (AC) therapy may be stopped after 3 months. We externally validated the accuracy of the model to predict recurrent VTE in a prospective multicenter cohort of 156 patients aged ≥65 years with acute symptomatic unprovoked VTE who had received 3 to 12 months of AC. Patients with a predicted 12-month risk within the lowest quartile based on the updated Vienna Prediction Model were classified as low risk. The risk of recurrent VTE did not differ between low- vs higher-risk patients at 12 months (13% vs 10%; P = .77) and 24 months (15% vs 17%; P = 1.0). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for predicting VTE recurrence was 0.39 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.25-0.52) at 12 months and 0.43 (95% CI, 0.31-0.54) at 24 months. In conclusion, in elderly patients with unprovoked VTE who have stopped AC, the updated Vienna Prediction Model does not discriminate between patients who develop recurrent VTE and those who do not. This study was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00973596.
PURPOSE The study aims to evaluate three-dimensionally (3D) the accuracy of implant impressions using a new resin splinting material, "Smart Dentin Replacement" (SDR). MATERIALS AND METHODS A titanium model of an edentulous mandible with six implant analogues was used as a master model and its dimensions measured with a coordinate measuring machine. Before the total 60 impressions were taken (open tray, screw-retained abutments, vinyl polysiloxane), they were divided in four groups: A (test): copings pick-up splinted with dental floss and fotopolymerizing SDR; B (test): see A, additionally sectioned and splinted again with SDR; C (control): copings pick-up splinted with dental floss and autopolymerizing Duralay® (Reliance Dental Mfg. Co., Alsip, IL, USA) acrylic resin; and D (control): see C, additionally sectioned and splinted again with Duralay. The impressions were measured directly with an optomechanical coordinate measuring machine and analyzed with a computer-aided design (CAD) geometric modeling software. The Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test was used to compare groups. RESULTS While there was no difference (p = .430) between the mean 3D deviations of the test groups A (17.5 μm) and B (17.4 μm), they both showed statistically significant differences (p < .003) compared with both control groups (C 25.0 μm, D 19.1 μm). CONCLUSIONS Conventional impression techniques for edentulous jaws with multiple implants are highly accurate using the new fotopolymerizing splinting material SDR. Sectioning and rejoining of the SDR splinting had no impact on the impression accuracy.
We analyzed more than 200 OSIRIS NAC images with a pixel scale of 0.9-2.4 m/pixel of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) that have been acquired from onboard the Rosetta spacecraft in August and September 2014 using stereo-photogrammetric methods (SPG). We derived improved spacecraft position and pointing data for the OSIRIS images and a high-resolution shape model that consists of about 16 million facets (2 m horizontal sampling) and a typical vertical accuracy at the decimeter scale. From this model, we derive a volume for the northern hemisphere of 9.35 km(3) +/- 0.1 km(3). With the assumption of a homogeneous density distribution and taking into account the current uncertainty of the position of the comet's center-of-mass, we extrapolated this value to an overall volume of 18.7 km(3) +/- 1.2 km(3), and, with a current best estimate of 1.0 X 10(13) kg for the mass, we derive a bulk density of 535 kg/m(3) +/- 35 kg/m(3). Furthermore, we used SPG methods to analyze the rotational elements of 67P. The rotational period for August and September 2014 was determined to be 12.4041 +/- 0.0004 h. For the orientation of the rotational axis (z-axis of the body-fixed reference frame) we derived a precession model with a half-cone angle of 0.14 degrees, a cone center position at 69.54 degrees/64.11 degrees (RA/Dec J2000 equatorial coordinates), and a precession period of 10.7 days. For the definition of zero longitude (x-axis orientation), we finally selected the boulder-like Cheops feature on the big lobe of 67P and fixed its spherical coordinates to 142.35 degrees right-hand-rule eastern longitude and -0.28 degrees latitude. This completes the definition of the new Cheops reference frame for 67P. Finally, we defined cartographic mapping standards for common use and combined analyses of scientific results that have been obtained not only within the OSIRIS team, but also within other groups of the Rosetta mission.