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Clinical presentation of celiac disease and the diagnostic accuracy of serologic markers in children
There has been growing recognition of a changing clinical presentation of celiac disease (CD), with the manifestation of milder symptoms. Serologic testing is widely used to screen patients with suspected CD and populations at risk. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the clinical presentation of CD in childhood, assess the diagnostic value of serologic tests, and investigate the impact of IgA deficiency on diagnostic accuracy. We evaluated 206 consecutive children with suspected CD on the basis of clinical symptoms and positive serology results. Ninety-four (46%) had biopsy-proven CD. The median age at diagnosis of CD was 6.8 years; 15% of the children were <2 years of age. There was a higher incidence of CD in girls (p = 0.003). Iron deficiency and intestinal complaints were more frequent in children with CD than those without CD (61% vs. 33%, p = 0.0001 and 71% vs. 55%, p = 0.02, respectively), while failure to thrive was less common (35% vs. 53%, p = 0.02). The sensitivity of IgA tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTG) was 0.98 when including all children and 1.00 after excluding children with selective IgA deficiency. The specificity of IgA-tTG was 0.73 using the recommended cut-off value of 20 IU, and this improved to 0.94 when using a higher cut-off value of 100 IU. All children with CD and relative IgA deficiency (IgA levels that are measurable but below the age reference [n = 8]) had elevated IgA-tTG. In conclusion, CD is frequently diagnosed in school-age children with relatively mild symptoms. The absence of intestinal symptoms does not preclude the diagnosis of CD; many children with CD do not report intestinal symptoms. While the sensitivity of IgA-tTG is excellent, its specificity is insufficient for the diagnostic confirmation of a disease requiring life-long dietary restrictions. Children with negative IgA-tTG and decreased but measurable IgA values are unlikely to have CD.
BACKGROUND: Influenza-associated myositis (IAM) is an infrequent and poorly known complication of influenza virus infection in children. The aim of this study was to describe five cases of IAM and to review the literature on IAM in children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of cases of IAM diagnosed at two university children's hospitals in Switzerland during two consecutive influenza seasons. Findings were compared with 39 individual case reports and five publications summarizing an additional 272 cases identified by a medical online library (MEDLINE) search. RESULTS: Overall, 316 cases were analyzed. IAM typically occurred in school-aged children with a 2:1 male predominance. Influenza B and A viruses were identified in 76% and 24% of cases, respectively. The median interval between onset of influenza and onset of IAM was 3 days (range 0-18). The calf muscles were involved alone or together with other muscle groups in 69% and 31% of cases, respectively. Blood creatine phosphokinase (CPK) concentration was invariably elevated. Median duration to clinical recovery was 3 days (range 1-30). Rhabdomyolysis occurred in ten of 316 patients (3%), was more common in girls (80%), more often associated with influenza A (86%), and led to renal failure in eight patients (80%). CONCLUSION: Clinical and laboratory findings of IAM are highly characteristic and allow a rapid diagnosis during the influenza season.
BACKGROUND Small airways disease is a hallmark in adults with persistent asthma, but little is known about small airways function in children with mild asthma and normal spirometry. We assessed ventilation heterogeneity, a marker of small airways function, with an easy tidal breath single-breath washout (SBW) technique in school-aged children with mild asthma and normal FEV1 and healthy age-matched control subjects. METHODS The primary outcome was the double-tracer gas phase III slope (SDTG), an index of ventilation heterogeneity in acinar airways derived from the tidal double-tracer gas SBW test. The second outcome was the nitrogen phase III slope (SN2), an index of global ventilation heterogeneity derived from the tidal nitrogen SBW test using pure oxygen. Triplicate SBW and spirometry tests were performed in healthy children (n = 35) and children with asthma (n = 31) at baseline and in children with asthma after bronchodilation. RESULTS Acinar (SDTG) but not global (SN2) ventilation heterogeneity was significantly increased in asthma despite normal FEV1. Of the 31 children with asthma, abnormal results were found for SDTG (≤ -2 z scores) in 11; forced expiratory flow, midexpiratory phase (FEF25%-75%) in three; and FEV1 in zero. After bronchodilation, SDTG, SN2, FEF25%-75%, and FEV1 significantly changed (mean [95% CI] change from baseline, 36% [15%-56%], 38% [18%-58%], 17% [9-25%], and 6% [3%-9%], respectively). CONCLUSIONS Abnormal acinar ventilation heterogeneity in one-third of the children suggests that small airways disease may be present despite rare and mild asthma symptoms and normal spirometry. The easy tidal SBW technique has considerable potential as a clinical and research outcome in children with asthma.
BACKGROUND: Cortical gray matter thinning occurs during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Preterms show alterations in brain structure, with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes, smaller cortical volumes and reduced white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if there is a differential influence of age on cortical thinning in preterms compared to controls. AIMS: To investigate the relationship between age and cortical thinning in school-aged preterms compared to controls. STUDY DESIGN AND OUTCOME MEASURES: The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. SUBJECTS: Forty-one preterms (<32weeks gestational age and/or <1500g birth weight) and 30 controls were included in the study (7-12years). RESULTS: In preterms, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Furthermore, young preterms showed a thicker cortex compared to old preterms in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. CONCLUSION: In preterms, cortical thinning still seems to occur between the age of 7 and 12years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas whereas in controls, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed before they reach the age of 7years. These data indicate slower cortical thinning in preterms than in controls.
To assess if tree age may modulate the main climatic drivers of radial growth, two relict Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii populations (Maria, most xeric site; Magina, least xeric site) were sampled in southern Spain near the limits of the species range. Tree-ring width residual chronologies for two age groups (mature trees, age <= 100 years (minimum 40 years); old trees, age > 100 years) were built to evaluate their responses to climate by relating them to monthly precipitation and temperature and a drought index (DRI) using correlation and response functions. We found that drought is the main driver of growth of relict P. nigra populations, but differences between sites and age classes were also observed. First, growth in the most xeric site depends on the drought severity during the previous autumn and the spring of the year of tree-ring formation, whereas in the relatively more mesic site growth is mainly enhanced by warm and wet conditions in spring. Second, growth of mature trees responded more to drought severity than that of old trees. Our findings indicate that drought severity will mainly affect growth of relict P. nigra populations dominated by mature trees in xeric sites. This conclusion may also apply to similar mountain Mediterranean conifer relicts.
The stress of dental treatment often elicits negative emotions in children, expressed as dental fear or anxiety. Highly anxious children obstruct treatment and avoid therapy, further amplifying oral health problems. The aim of this study was to examine the neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system responses to dental treatment and their possible interactions and associations with psychometric indices of anxiety, caries, previous dental experience, anesthesia, age and gender in school children. Upon informed consent, saliva was obtained from 97 children (59% males, mean age ± SD: 89.73 ± 15 months) in the Clinic of pediatric dentistry before treatment, immediately post-treatment and at the recall visit to determine cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) levels. Dental and general anxiety was assessed through specific questionnaires completed by the children. Compared to pre-treatment, cortisol levels were increased following treatment, while sAA levels were higher at the recall. Pre- and post-treatment cortisol and sAA responses were positively correlated. Dental and general anxiety questionnaire scores were also significantly correlated with each other. The integrated autonomic and neuroendocrine responses prior to treatment were correlated with state anxiety and those following treatment with dental anxiety. However, univariable and multivariable linear regression analysis associated post-treatment cortisol, but not sAA, levels with dental anxiety. No associations of cortisol or sAA responses with caries, age, gender, previous dental experience or anesthesia were detected. These data provide some evidence that both sAA and cortisol levels are altered in children in anticipation or during dental treatment, but only cortisol levels are associated to dental anxiety.
β-Tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) ceramics are approved for the repair of osseous defects. In large defects, however, the substitution of the material by authentic bone is inadequate to provide sufficient long-term mechanical stability. We aimed to develop composites of β-TCP ceramics and receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-B ligand (RANKL) to enhance the formation of osteoclasts and promote cell mediated calcium phosphate resorption. RANKL was adsorbed superficially onto β-TCP ceramics or incorporated into a crystalline layer of calcium phosphate by the use of a co-precipitation technique. Murine osteoclast precursors were seeded onto the ceramics. After 15 days, the formation of osteoclasts was quantified cytologically and colorimetrically with tartrate-resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP) staining and TRAP activity measurements, respectively. Additionally, the expression of transcripts encoding the osteoclast gene products cathepsin K, calcitonin receptor, and of the sodium/hydrogen exchanger NHA2 were quantified by real-time PCR. The activity of newly formed osteoclasts was evaluated by means of a calcium phosphate resorption assay. Superficially adsorbed RANKL did not induce the formation of osteoclasts on β-TCP ceramics. When co-precipitated onto β-TCP ceramics RANKL supported the formation of mature osteoclasts. The development of osteoclast lineage cells was further confirmed by the increased expression of cathepsin K, calcitonin receptor, and NHA2. Incorporated RANKL stimulated the cells to resorb crystalline calcium phosphate. Our in vitro study shows that RANKL incorporated into β-TCP ceramics induces the formation of active, resorbing osteoclasts on the material surface. Once formed, osteoclasts mediate the release of RANKL thereby perpetuating their differentiation and activation. In vivo, the stimulation of osteoclast-mediated resorption may contribute to a coordinated sequence of material resorption and bone formation. Further in vivo studies are needed to confirm the current in vitro findings.
BACKGROUND The lung clearance index (LCI) measured by multiple-breath washout (MBW) has been proposed as an outcome for clinical trials; however, MBW is time consuming and LCI can be affected by breathing pattern. We aimed to evaluate moment ratios and abbreviated LCI in school-aged children with mild-to-moderate CF lung disease. METHODS Using existing data from three studies we assessed the sensitivity of moment ratios and abbreviated LCIs to (i) detect mild-to-moderate CF lung disease and (ii) detect treatment effects after 4weeks of hypertonic saline or dornase alfa inhalation. MBW was measured by respiratory mass spectrometry using 4% "sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. RESULTS Compared to the traditional LCI, moment ratios and abbreviated LCIs were similarly sensitive to detect CF lung disease. Moment ratios consistently demonstrated treatment effects, whereas abbreviated LCIs were less sensitive. CONCLUSIONS Both moment ratios and abbreviated LCI are suitable to differentiate health from disease. Sensitivity is decreased for abbreviated LCIs in interventional studies in mild CF lung disease.
Many people routinely criticise themselves. While self-criticism is largely unproblematic for most individuals, depressed patients exhibit excessive self-critical thinking, which leads to strong negative affects. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy subjects (N = 20) to investigate neural correlates and possible psychological moderators of self-critical processing. Stimuli consisted of individually selected adjectives of personally negative content and were contrasted with neutral and negative non-self-referential adjectives. We found that confrontation with self-critical material yielded neural activity in regions involved in emotions (anterior insula/hippocampus-amygdala formation) and in anterior and posterior cortical midline structures, which are associated with self-referential and autobiographical memory processing. Furthermore, contrasts revealed an extended network of bilateral frontal brain areas. We suggest that the co-activation of superior and inferior lateral frontal brain regions reflects the recruitment of a frontal top-down pathway, representing cognitive reappraisal strategies for dealing with evoked negative affects. In addition, activation of right superior frontal areas was positively associated with neuroticism and negatively associated with cognitive reappraisal. Although these findings may not be specific to negative stimuli, they support a role for clinically relevant personality traits in successful regulation of emotion during confrontation with self-critical material.
Large uncertainties exist concerning the impact of Greenland ice sheet melting on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) in the future, partly due to different sensitivity of the AMOC to freshwater input in the North Atlantic among climate models. Here we analyse five projections from different coupled ocean–atmosphere models with an additional 0.1 Sv (1 Sv = 10 6 m3/s) of freshwater released around Greenland between 2050 and 2089. We find on average a further weakening of the AMOC at 26°N of 1.1 ± 0.6 Sv representing a 27 ± 14% supplementary weakening in 2080–2089, as compared to the weakening relative to 2006–2015 due to the effect of the external forcing only. This weakening is lower than what has been found with the same ensemble of models in an identical experimen - tal set-up but under recent historical climate conditions. This lower sensitivity in a warmer world is explained by two main factors. First, a tendency of decoupling is detected between the surface and the deep ocean caused by an increased thermal stratification in the North Atlantic under the effect of global warming. This induces a shoaling of ocean deep ventilation through convection hence ventilating only intermediate levels. The second important effect concerns the so-called Canary Current freshwater leakage; a process by which additionally released fresh water in the North Atlantic leaks along the Canary Current and escapes the convection zones towards the subtropical area. This leakage is increasing in a warming climate, which is a consequence of decreasing gyres asymmetry due to changes in Ekman rumping. We suggest that these modifications are related with the northward shift of the jet stream in a warmer world. For these two reasons the AMOC is less susceptible to freshwater perturbations (near the deep water formation sides) in the North Atlantic as compared to the recent historical climate conditions. Finally, we propose a bilinear model that accounts for the two former processes to give a conceptual explanation about the decreasing AMOC sensitivity due to freshwater input. Within the limit of this bilinear model, we find that 62 ± 8% of the reduction in sensitivity is related with the changes in gyre asymmetry and freshwater leakage and 38 ± 8% is due to the reduction in deep ocean ventilation associated with the increased stratification in the North Atlantic.