35 resultados para Exodus 20:1-17
In der vorliegenden Studie wird ausgehend von der Annahme, dass Personen bestrebt sind, für sich Wohlbefinden zu erzielen bzw. aufrechtzuerhalten, Fehlen als ein Mittel zu diesem Ziel hin konzeptualisiert. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welcher der beiden Indikatoren des subjektiven Wohlbefindens - allgemeine Gesundheitsbewertung vs. Arbeitszufriedenheit - für die Erklärung von Fehlzeiten von höherer Relevanz ist. Es wird erwartet, dass der kontextungebundene Indikator psychischen und körperlichen Wohlbefindens stark mit Fehlzeiten zusammenhängt, während der arbeitspezifische Indikator in keiner Beziehung zu den selbstberichteten Fehlzeiten steht. 1 410 Beschäftigte einer Telekommunikationsfirma wurden befragt. Die Ergebnisse hierarchischer Regressionsanalysen bestätigen die vermuteten Zusammenhänge und geben korrelative Hinweise für den postulierten Mechanismus.
AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value (sensitivity, specificity) of positron emission mammography (PEM) in a single site non-interventional study using the maximum PEM uptake value (PUVmax). PATIENTS, METHODS In a singlesite, non-interventional study, 108 patients (107 women, 1 man) with a total of 151 suspected lesions were scanned with a PEM Flex Solo II (Naviscan) at 90 min p.i. with 3.5 MBq 18F-FDG per kg of body weight. In this ROI(region of interest)-based analysis, maximum PEM uptake value (PUV) was determined in lesions, tumours (PUVmaxtumour), benign lesions (PUVmaxnormal breast) and also in healthy tissues on the contralateral side (PUVmaxcontralateral breast). These values were compared and contrasted. In addition, the ratios of PUVmaxtumour / PUVmaxcontralateral breast and PUVmaxnormal breast / PUVmaxcontralateral breast were compared. The image data were interpreted independently by two experienced nuclear medicine physicians and compared with histology in cases of suspected carcinoma. RESULTS Based on a criteria of PUV>1.9, 31 out of 151 lesions in the patient cohort were found to be malignant (21%). A mean PUVmaxtumour of 3.78 ± 2.47 was identified in malignant tumours, while a mean PUVmaxnormal breast of 1.17 ± 0.37 was reported in the glandular tissue of the healthy breast, with the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.001). Similarly, the mean ratio between tumour and healthy glandular tissue in breast cancer patients (3.15 ± 1.58) was found to be significantly higher than the ratio for benign lesions (1.17 ± 0.41, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION PEM is capable of differentiating breast tumours from benign lesions with 100% sensitivity along with a high specificity of 96%, when a threshold of PUVmax >1.9 is applied.
PURPOSE To compare time-efficiency in the production of implant crowns using a digital workflow versus the conventional pathway. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective clinical study used a crossover design that included 20 study participants receiving single-tooth replacements in posterior sites. Each patient received a customized titanium abutment plus a computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) zirconia suprastructure (for those in the test group, using digital workflow) and a standardized titanium abutment plus a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown (for those in the control group, using a conventional pathway). The start of the implant prosthetic treatment was established as the baseline. Time-efficiency analysis was defined as the primary outcome, and was measured for every single clinical and laboratory work step in minutes. Statistical analysis was calculated with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS All crowns could be provided within two clinical appointments, independent of the manufacturing process. The mean total production time, as the sum of clinical plus laboratory work steps, was significantly different. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) time was 185.4 ± 17.9 minutes for the digital workflow process and 223.0 ± 26.2 minutes for the conventional pathway (P = .0001). Therefore, digital processing for overall treatment was 16% faster. Detailed analysis for the clinical treatment revealed a significantly reduced mean ± SD chair time of 27.3 ± 3.4 minutes for the test group compared with 33.2 ± 4.9 minutes for the control group (P = .0001). Similar results were found for the mean laboratory work time, with a significant decrease of 158.1 ± 17.2 minutes for the test group vs 189.8 ± 25.3 minutes for the control group (P = .0001). CONCLUSION Only a few studies have investigated efficiency parameters of digital workflows compared with conventional pathways in implant dental medicine. This investigation shows that the digital workflow seems to be more time-efficient than the established conventional production pathway for fixed implant-supported crowns. Both clinical chair time and laboratory manufacturing steps could be effectively shortened with the digital process of intraoral scanning plus CAD/CAM technology.
BACKGROUND Impact of contemporary treatment of pre-invasive breast cancer (ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS]) on long-term outcomes remains poorly defined. We aimed to evaluate national treatment trends for DCIS and to determine their impact on disease-specific (DSS) and overall survival (OS). METHODS The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry was queried for patients diagnosed with DCIS from 1991 to 2010. Treatment pattern trends were analyzed using Cochran-Armitage trend test. Survival analyses were performed using inverse probability weights (IPW)-adjusted competing risk analyses for DSS and Cox proportional hazard regression for OS. All tests performed were two-sided. RESULTS One hundred twenty-one thousand and eighty DCIS patients were identified. The greatest proportion of patients was treated with lumpectomy and radiation therapy (43.0%), followed by lumpectomy alone (26.5%) and unilateral (23.8%) or bilateral mastectomy (4.5%) with significant shifts over time. The rate of sentinel lymph node biopsy increased from 9.7% to 67.1% for mastectomy and from 1.4% to 17.8% for lumpectomy. Compared with mastectomy, OS was higher for lumpectomy with radiation (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.79, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.76 to 0.83, P < .001) and lower for lumpectomy alone (HR = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.13 to 1.23, P < .001). IPW-adjusted ten-year DSS was highest in lumpectomy with XRT (98.9%), followed by mastectomy (98.5%), and lumpectomy alone (98.4%). CONCLUSIONS We identified substantial shifts in treatment patterns for DCIS from 1991 to 2010. When outcomes between locoregional treatment options were compared, we observed greater differences in OS than DSS, likely reflecting both a prevailing patient selection bias as well as clinically negligible differences in breast cancer outcomes between groups.
Die Schweiz gilt als Musterland direktdemokratischer Beteiligung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an politischen Entscheidungsprozessen. Die große politische Zufriedenheit und Stabilität, das hohe Vertrauen in die politische Elite, der wirtschaftliche Leistungsausweis und das starke zivilgesellschaftliche Engagement scheinen Folgen eines an Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten reichen politischen Systems zu sein, das zudem auch politischen Protest zu kanalisieren versteht und hohes bottom-up Innovationspotenzial aufweist, so PD Dr. Marc Bühlmann, Direktor des Année Politique Suisse am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Bern. In seinem Gastbeitrag hinterfragt er jedoch das »Loblied auf die Schweizer Demokratie«. Seiner Meinung nach werde das partizipative Potenzial in unserem Nachbarland nicht ausgeschöpft, weil der Zugang zu diesem System in dreifacher Hinsicht selektiv sei: erstens würden Beteiligungsrechte nur sehr zurückhaltend vergeben; zweitens zeige sich eine eher schwache Nutzung der Instrumente: die niedrige Beteiligung bei Wahlen wie auch bei Abstimmungen, aber auch die seltene Ergreifung der Initiative und des Referendums durch nicht gut organisierte zivilgesellschaftliche Minderheiteninteressen seien Anzeichen dafür. Nicht die schwache, sondern drittens die wenig repräsentative Nutzung und Beteiligung müssten aber als eigentliche Mängel der Schweizer Beteiligungskultur bezeichnet werden: Individuen, die über ein hohes Einkommen und hohe Bildung verfügen, scheinen die Beteiligungsopportunitäten nicht nur häufiger zu nutzen, sondern auch stärker von ihnen zu profitieren.