74 resultados para Capillary electrophoresis microchip
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in fused-silica capillaries is an effective analytical approach for the separation and determination of the transferrin (Tf) isoforms and thus carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum. Sera of patients with progressed liver cirrhosis are prone to interferences in the beta region which prevent the proper determination of CDT by CZE without additional sample preparation. Efforts to identify, reduce or even eliminate these interferences have been undertaken. Data obtained by ultrafiltration, affinity subtraction procedures using protein A, protein L and antibodies against immunoglobulins or Tf, and immunopurification of Tf suggest that the interferences in the patient sera are caused by increased levels of IgA and IgM and are best eliminated by immunopurification. Avian IgY antibody spin column immunocapture of serum Tf followed by CZE analysis of the stripped and concentrated fraction is shown to provide an attractive approach for CDT monitoring in sera with beta region interferences.
Data obtained with two CZE assays for determining carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum under routine conditions, the CAPILLARYS CDT and the high-resolution CEofix (HR-CEofix) CDT methods, are in agreement with patient sera that do not exhibit interferences, high trisialo-transferrin (Tf) levels or genetic variants. HR-CEofix CDT levels are somewhat higher compared to those obtained with the CAPILLARYS method and this bias corresponds to the difference of the upper reference values of the two assays. The lower resolution between disialo-Tf and trisialo-Tf observed in the CAPILLARYS system (mean: 1.24) compared to HR-CEofix (mean: 1.74) is believed to be the key for this difference. For critical sera with high trisialo-Tf levels, genetic variants, or certain interferences in the beta-region, the HR-CEofix approach is demonstrated to perform better than CAPILLARYS. However, the determination of CDT with the HR-CEofix method can also be hampered with interferences. Results with disialo-Tf values larger than 3% in the absence of asialo-Tf should be evaluated with immunosubtraction of Tf and possibly also confirmed with another CZE method or by HPLC. Furthermore, data gathered with the N Latex CDT direct immunonephelometric assay suggest that this assay can be used for screening purposes. To reduce the number of false negative results, CDT data above 2.0% should be confirmed using a separation method.
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is a marker of recent alcohol consumption. For the optimization of the analysis of EtG by CZE with indirect absorbance detection, the use of capillaries with permanent and dynamic wall coatings, the composition of the BGE, and various sample preparation procedures, including dilution with water, ultrafiltration, protein precipitation, and SPE, were investigated. Two validated screening assays for the determination of EtG in human serum, a CZE-based approach and an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), are described. The CZE assay uses a coated capillary, 2,4-dimethylglutaric acid as an internal standard, and a pH 4.65 BGE comprising 9 mM nicotinic acid, epsilon-aminocaproic acid and 10% v/v ACN. Proteins are removed via precipitation with ACN prior to analysis and the LOQ is 0.50 mg/L. The EIA is based upon commercial reagents which are promoted for the determination of urinary EtG. Krebs-Ringer solution containing 5% BSA is used as a calibration matrix. All samples are ultrafiltered prior to analysis of the ultrafiltrate on a Mira Plus analyzer. Assay calibration ranged between 0 and 2 mg/L and the upper reference limit was determined to be 0.05 mg/L. Both assays proved to be suitable for the analysis of samples from different individuals. For EtG levels above 0.50 mg/L, good agreement was observed for the comparison of the results of the two methods.
The performance of high-resolution CZE for determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum based on internal and external quality data gathered over a 10-year period is reported. The assay comprises mixing of serum with a Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis of the iron saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. CDT values obtained with a human serum of a healthy individual and commercial quality control sera are shown to vary less than 10%. Values of a control from a specific lot were found to slowly decrease as function of time (less than 10% per year). Furthermore, due to unknown reasons, gradual changes in the monitored pattern around pentasialo-transferrin were detected, which limit the use of commercial control sera of the same lot to less than 2 years. Analysis of external quality control sera revealed correct classification of the samples over the entire 10-year period. Data obtained compare well with those of HPLC and CZE assays of other laboratories. The data gathered over a 10-year period demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution CZE assay. This is the first account of a CZE-based CDT assay with complete internal and external quality assessment over an extended time period.
High-resolution capillary zone electrophoresis in the routine arena with stringent quality assurance is employed for the determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in human serum. The assay comprises mixing of human serum with a Fe(III) -containing solution prior to analysis of the iron-saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. In contrast to other assays, it provides sufficient resolution for proper recognition of genetic transferrin variants. Analysis of 7290 patient sera revealed 166 isoform patterns that could be assigned to genetic variants, namely, 109 BC, 53 CD, one BD and three CC variants. Several subtypes of transferrin D can be distinguished as they have large enough differences in pI values. Subtypes of transferrin C and B cannot be resolved. However, analysis of the detection time ratios of tetrasialo isoforms of transferrin BC and transferrin CD variants revealed multimodal frequency histograms, indicating the presence of subtypes of transferrin C, B and D. The data gathered over 11 years demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution capillary zone electrophoresis assay. This is the first account of a capillary zone electrophoresis based carbohydrate-deficient transferrin assay with a broad overview on transferrin isoform patterns associated with genetic transferrin variants.
CZE-based assays for carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in which serum is mixed with an Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis are effective approaches for the determination of CDT in patient samples. Sera of patients with progressed diseases, however, are prone to interferences comigrating with transferrin (Tf) that prevent the proper determination of CDT by CZE in these samples. The need of a simple and economic approach to immunoextract Tf from human serum prompted us to investigate the use of a laboratory-made anti-Tf spin column containing polyclonal rabbit anti-human Tf antibodies linked to Sepharose 4 Fast Flow beads. This article reports extraction column manufacturing and column characterization with sera having normal and elevated CDT levels. The developed procedure was applied to a number of relevant hepatology and dialysis patient samples and could thereby be shown to represent an effective method for extraction and concentration of all Tf isoforms. Furthermore, lipemic sera were delipidated using a mixture of diisopropyl ether and butanol prior to immunoextraction. CDT could unambiguously be determined in all pretreated samples.
An enantioselective CE method was used to identify the ability of CYP450 enzymes and their stereoselectivity in catalyzing the transformation of propafenone (PPF) to 5-hydroxy-propafenone (5OH-PPF) and N-despropyl-propafenone (NOR-PPF). Using in vitro incubations with single CYP450 enzymes (SUPERSOMES), 5OH-PPF is shown to be selectively produced by CYP2D6 and N-dealkylation is demonstrated to be mediated by CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP1A2, and CYP1A1. For the elucidation of kinetic aspects of the metabolism with CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, incubations with individual PPF enantiomers and racemic PPF were investigated. With the exception of the dealkylation in presence of R-PPF only, which can be described by the Michaelis-Menten model, all CYP2D6-induced reactions were found to follow autoactivation kinetics. For CYP3A4, all NOR-PPF enantiomer formation rates as function of PPF enantiomer concentration were determined to follow substrate inhibition kinetics. The formation of NOR-PPF by the different enzymes is stereoselective and is reduced significantly when racemic PPF is incubated. Clearance values obtained for CYP3A4 dealkylation are stereoselective whereas those of CYP2D6 hydroxylation are not. This paper reports the first investigation of the PPF hydroxylation and dealkylation kinetics by the CYP2D6 enzyme and represents the first report in which enantioselective CE data provide the complete in vitro kinetics of metabolic steps of a drug.
Dynamic models for electrophoresis are based upon model equations derived from the transport concepts in solution together with user-inputted conditions. They are able to predict theoretically the movement of ions and are as such the most versatile tool to explore the fundamentals of electrokinetic separations. Since its inception three decades ago, the state of dynamic computer simulation software and its use has progressed significantly and Electrophoresis played a pivotal role in that endeavor as a large proportion of the fundamental and application papers were published in this periodical. Software is available that simulates all basic electrophoretic systems, including moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC, and their combinations under almost exactly the same conditions used in the laboratory. This has been employed to show the detailed mechanisms of many of the fundamental phenomena that occur in electrophoretic separations. Dynamic electrophoretic simulations are relevant for separations on any scale and instrumental format, including free-fluid preparative, gel, capillary and chip electrophoresis. This review includes a historical overview, a survey of current simulators, simulation examples and a discussion of the applications and achievements of dynamic simulation.
The impact of initial sample distribution on separation and focusing of analytes in a pH 3–11 gradient formed by 101 biprotic carrier ampholytes under concomitant electroosmotic displacement was studied by dynamic high-resolution computer simulation. Data obtained with application of the analytes mixed with the carrier ampholytes (as is customarily done), as a short zone within the initial carrier ampholyte zone, sandwiched between zones of carrier ampholytes, or introduced before or after the initial carrier ampholyte zone were compared. With sampling as a short zone within or adjacent to the carrier ampholytes, separation and focusing of analytes is shown to proceed as a cationic, anionic, or mixed process and separation of the analytes is predicted to be much faster than the separation of the carrier components. Thus, after the initial separation, analytes continue to separate and eventually reach their focusing locations. This is different to the double-peak approach to equilibrium that takes place when analytes and carrier ampholytes are applied as a homogenous mixture. Simulation data reveal that sample application between two zones of carrier ampholytes results in the formation of a pH gradient disturbance as the concentration of the carrier ampholytes within the fluid element initially occupied by the sample will be lower compared to the other parts of the gradient. As a consequence thereof, the properties of this region are sample matrix dependent, the pH gradient is flatter, and the region is likely to represent a conductance gap (hot spot). Simulation data suggest that sample placed at the anodic side or at the anodic end of the initial carrier ampholyte zone are the favorable configurations for capillary isoelectric focusing with electroosmotic zone mobilization.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of a chiral drug can significantly differ between application of the racemate and single enantiomers. During drug development, the characteristics of candidate compounds have to be assessed prior to clinical testing. Since biotransformation significantly influences drug actions in an organism, metabolism studies represent a crucial part of such tests. Hence, an optimized and economical capillary electrophoretic method for on-line studies of the enantioselective drug metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes was developed. It comprises a diffusion-based procedure, which enables mixing of the enzyme with virtually any compound inside the nanoliter-scale capillary reactor and without the need of additional optimization of mixing conditions. For CYP3A4, ketamine as probe substrate and highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector, improved separation conditions for ketamine and norketamine enantiomers compared to a previously published electrophoretically mediated microanalysis method were elucidated. The new approach was thoroughly validated for the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation pathway of ketamine and applied to the determination of its kinetic parameters and the inhibition characteristics in presence of ketoconazole and dexmedetomidine. The determined parameters were found to be comparable to literature data obtained with different techniques. The presented method constitutes a miniaturized and cost-effective tool, which should be suitable for the assessment of the stereoselective aspects of kinetic and inhibition studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic steps within early stages of the development of a new drug.
A computer simulation study describing the electrophoretic separation and migration of methadone enantiomers in presence of free and immobilized (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD is presented. The 1:1 interaction of methadone with the neutral CD was simulated by using experimentally determined mobilities and complexation constants for the complexes in a low-pH BGE comprising phosphoric acid and KOH. The use of complex mobilities represents free solution conditions with the chiral selector being a buffer additive, whereas complex mobilities set to zero provide data that mimic migration and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized, that is CEC conditions in absence of unspecific interaction between analytes and the chiral stationary phase. Simulation data reveal that separations are quicker, electrophoretic displacement rates are reduced, and sensitivity is enhanced in CEC with on-column detection in comparison to free solution conditions. Simulation is used to study electrophoretic analyte behavior at the interface between sample and the CEC column with the chiral selector (analyte stacking) and at the rear end when analytes leave the environment with complexation (analyte destacking). The latter aspect is relevant for off-column analyte detection in CEC and is described here for the first time via the dynamics of migrating analyte zones. Simulation provides insight into means to counteract analyte dilution at the column end via use of a BGE with higher conductivity. Furthermore, the impact of EOF on analyte migration, separation, and detection for configurations with the selector zone being displaced or remaining immobilized under buffer flow is simulated. In all cases, the data reveal that detection should occur within or immediately after the selector zone.
Software is available, which simulates all basic electrophoretic systems, including moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC, and their combinations under almost exactly the same conditions used in the laboratory. These dynamic models are based upon equations derived from the transport concepts such as electromigration, diffusion, electroosmosis and imposed hydrodynamic buffer flow that are applied to user-specified initial distributions of analytes and electrolytes. They are able to predict the evolution of electrolyte systems together with associated properties such as pH and conductivity profiles and are as such the most versatile tool to explore the fundamentals of electrokinetic separations and analyses. In addition to revealing the detailed mechanisms of fundamental phenomena that occur in electrophoretic separations, dynamic simulations are useful for educational purposes. This review includes a list of current high-resolution simulators, information on how a simulation is performed, simulation examples for zone electrophoresis, ITP, IEF and EKC and a comprehensive discussion of the applications and achievements.
BCT is a benign entity, whose appearance on conventional MR imaging makes its differentiation from neoplastic, inflammatory, or subacute ischemic disease challenging. SWI is sensitive to susceptibility effects from deoxyhemoglobin with excellent spatial resolution. Only scarce case reports have described the utility of SWI in cases of BCT. Our aim was to show the diagnostic value of SWI applied to a larger series of cases.