55 resultados para ANNULUS


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OBJECTIVES We sought to analyze the time course of atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes before and after circular plus linear left atrial ablation and the percentage of patients with complete freedom from AF after ablation by using serial seven-day electrocardiograms (ECGs). BACKGROUND The curative treatment of AF targets the pathophysiological corner stones of AF (i.e., the initiating triggers and/or the perpetuation of AF). The pathophysiological complexity of both may not result in an "all-or-nothing" response but may modify number and duration of AF episodes. METHODS In patients with highly symptomatic AF, circular plus linear ablation lesions were placed around the left and right pulmonary veins, between the two circles, and from the left circle to the mitral annulus using the electroanatomic mapping system. Repetitive continuous 7-day ECGs administered before and after catheter ablation were used for rhythm follow-up. RESULTS In 100 patients with paroxysmal (n = 80) and persistent (n = 20) AF, relative duration of time spent in AF significantly decreased over time (35 +/- 37% before ablation, 26 +/- 41% directly after ablation, and 10 +/- 22% after 12 months). Freedom from AF stepwise increased in patients with paroxysmal AF and after 12 months measured at 88% or 74% depending on whether 24-h ECG or 7-day ECG was used. Complete pulmonary vein isolation was demonstrated in <20% of the circular lesions. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in patients with AF treated with circular plus linear left atrial lesions strongly indicate that substrate modification is the main underlying pathophysiologic mechanism and that it results in a delayed cure instead of an immediate cure.


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Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral bodies assess fracture load in vitro better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but boundary conditions affect stress distribution under the endplates that may influence ultimate load and damage localisation under post-yield strains. Therefore, HRpQCT-based homogenised FE models of 12 vertebral bodies were subjected to axial compression with two distinct boundary conditions: embedding in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA) and bonding to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD) with distinct hyperelastic properties for nucleus and annulus. Bone volume fraction and fabric assessed from HRpQCT data were used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behaviour of bone. Ultimate forces obtained with PMMA were 22% higher than with IVD but correlated highly (R2 = 0.99). At ultimate force, distinct fractions of damage were computed in the endplates (PMMA: 6%, IVD: 70%), cortex and trabecular sub-regions, which confirms previous observations that in contrast to PMMA embedding, failure initiated underneath the nuclei in healthy IVDs. In conclusion, axial loading of vertebral bodies via PMMA embedding versus healthy IVD overestimates ultimate load and leads to distinct damage localisation and failure pattern.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT Proteolytic enzyme digestion of the intervertebral disc (IVD) offers a method to simulate a condition of disc degeneration for the study of cell-scaffold constructs in the degenerated disc. PURPOSE To characterize an in vitro disc degeneration model (DDM) of different severities of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water loss by using papain, and to determine the initial response of the human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) introduced into this DDM. STUDY DESIGN Disc degeneration model of a bovine disc explant with an end plate was induced by the injection of papain at various concentrations. Labeled MSCs were later introduced in this model. METHODS Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS control) or papain in various concentrations (3, 15, 30, 60, and 150 U/mL) were injected into the bovine caudal IVD explants. Ten days after the injection, GAG content of the discs was evaluated by dimethylmethylene blue assay and cell viability was determined by live/dead staining together with confocal microscopy. Overall matrix composition was evaluated by histology, and water content was visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Compressive and torsional stiffness of the DDM were also recorded. In the second part, MSCs were labeled with a fluorescence cell membrane tracker and injected into the nucleus of the DDM or a PBS control. Mesenchymal stem cell viability and distribution were evaluated by confocal microscopy. RESULTS A large drop of GAG and water content of the bovine disc were obtained by injecting >30 U/mL papain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed Grade II, III, and IV disc degeneration by injecting 30, 60, and 150 U/mL papain. A cavity in the center of the disc could facilitate later injection of the nucleus pulposus tissue engineering construct while retaining an intact annulus fibrosus. The remaining disc cell viability was not affected. Mesenchymal stem cells injected into the protease-treated DDM disc showed significantly higher cell viability than when injected into the PBS-injected control disc. CONCLUSIONS By varying the concentration of papain for injection, an increasing amount of GAG and water loss could be induced to simulate the different severities of disc degeneration. MSC suspension introduced into the disc has a very low short-term survival. However, it should be clear that this bovine IVD DDM does not reflect a clinical situation but offers exciting possibilities to test novel tissue engineering protocols.


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STUDY DESIGN Descriptive anatomical study on ovine and human cadaveric lumbar spinal segments. OBJECTIVE To describe the alternative transpedicular approach to deliver therapeutic agents into intervertebral disc (IVD). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA The present delivery approach of therapeutic agents (growth factors/cells/hydrogels) within the IVD is through injection, via the annulus fibrosus (AF). However, it has recently been demonstrated that small needle puncture of the AF leads to further degeneration and disc herniation. In addition, the injected material has a high chance to be extruded through the AF injury. METHODS Lumbar ovine and human spinal segments were used. Under fluoroscopy, a 2-mm Kirschner wire was introduced in the caudal vertebra through the pedicle and the inferior endplate to the nucleus pulposus. Gross anatomy analysis and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) were performed to assess the right position of the wire in pedicles. Discography and nucleotomy were performed using a 14G cannula insertion or a 2-mm arthroscopic shaver blade, respectively. Nucleoplasty was also performed with agarose gel/contrast agent and imaged with HR-pQCT. RESULTS Gross anatomy, fluoroscopy, and HR-pQCT images showed that the nucleus pulposus could be approached through the endplate via the pedicle without affecting the spinal canal and the neural foramina. The contrast agent was delivered into the IVD and nucleus pulposus was removed from the disc and filled with agarose gel. CONCLUSION This study describes how a transpedicular approach can be used as an alternative route to deliver therapeutic agents to the disc without disruption of the AF showing the potential use of this technique in preclinical research and highlighting its clinical relevance for IVD regeneration.


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Einleitung: Bandscheiben wirken als Schockabsorbierer in der Wirbelsäule und auf diese wirken meistens komplexe Kräfte, zusammengesetzt aus Kompression, Torsion und Flexion. Die biomechanishe Umgebung einer Bandscheibe ist denn auch geprägt von komplexen Belastungen. Die Forschung über die in vitro Bandscheibenbiologie hat sich bisher um die axiale Kompression konzentriert, wobei die Bedeutung von Torsion und insbesondere dem Zusammenspiel von Kompression und Torsion (="Twisting") praktisch noch nie untersucht wurde an lebenden Organkultur-Explantaten. Wir präsentieren neue mechanobiologische Daten über die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Bandscheibenzellen kultiviert in einem neuartigen, kompakten Design eines bi-axialen Bioreaktors, um die Bedeutung von Kompression und Torsion zu verstehen. Material/Methode: Bovine Schwanzbandscheiben mit den Endplatten wurden isoliert wie bereits beschrieben [2] und mechanische Belastung wurde angewendet mit einem 2 DoF Bioreaktor für 14 Tage [3]. Die Bandscheiben wurden in verschiedene Belastungsgruppen eingeteilt: 1) Keine Belastung (NL), 2) zyklische Kompression (CC) [8h: axiale Kompression mit 0.6 ± 0.2 MPa, 0.2 Hz], 3) zyklische Torsion (CT) [8h: ± 2° torsion, 0.2 Hz, 0.2 MPa compression], 4) zyklische Kompression und Torsion (CCT) [8h: 0.6 ± 0.2 MPa, 0.2 Hz & ± 2° torsion, 0.2 Hz]. Das Bandscheibengewebe wurde mit LIVE/DEAD gefärbt und miteinem konfokalen Mikroskop visualisiert um die Überlebensrate zu bestimmen. Zell Apoptosis wurde quantifiziert mit einem Caspase 3/7 Kit normalisiert zum totalen Proteingehalt (Bradford). Relative Gen-Expression von wichtigen Genen für die Bandscheibe wurde bestimmt von anabolischen, katabolischen und inflammatorischen Genen mittels real-time RT-PCR. Die Morphologie der Bandscheibenzellen wurde mittels Histologie bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Die Resultate zeigten einen starken Abfall der Zellüberlebenswahrscheinlichkeit im Zentrum der Bandscheiben, dem Nulceus Pulposus (NP), i.e. 10%, in der Gruppe mit CCT. Hingegen die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit im Annulus fibrosus (AF) war stabilisiert bei über 60% im NP und im AF in allen anderen Gruppen (Fig 1). Apoptotische Aktivität war statistisch signifikant erhöht in der CC-Gruppe, aber nicht in der CCT-Gruppe, was die Vermutung nahe legt, dass der erhöhte Zellverlust im NP nicht mit Apoptose sondern mit Nekrose erklärt werden kann. Die Gen Expression der anabolischen Gene COL1, COL2 und Biglycan war signifikant erhöht im AF in der CCT Gruppe, ebenfalls waren Remodeling-Gene angeschaltet wie ADAMTS4 und MMP-13 in der CCT Gruppe (Fig. 2). Der Glykosaminoglykan (GAG) Gehalt war generell im AF erhöht in den Gruppen unter mechanischer Belastung, jedoch nicht statistisch signifikant. Schlussfolgerung: Zyklische Torsion kombiniert mit zyklischer Kompression waren in dieser Studie erfolgreich und nach unserem besten Wissen zum ersten Mal an Bandscheibenexplantaten in einer 14- tägigen Organkultur angewendet worden in einem dafür speziell konzipierten Bioreaktor. Die Resultezeigten überraschend einen negativen Effekt bei physiologischen Parametern, was die Belastung (0.6MPa ± 0.2MPa) und die Torsion (± 2°) angeht. Dieser negative Effekt des "Twistings" auf die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit der Zellen war jedoch nur regional im NP von Bedeutung, wohingegen im AF keine Effekte zu detektieren waren.


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The spine is routinely subjected to repetitive complex loading consisting of axial compression, torsion, flexion and extension. Mechanical loading is one of the important causes of spinal diseases, including disc herniation and disc degeneration. It is known that static and dynamic compression can lead to progressive disc degeneration, but little is known about the mechanobiology of the disc subjected to combined dynamic compression and torsion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the mechanobiology of the intervertebral disc when subjected to combined dynamic compression and axial torsion or pure dynamic compression or axial torsion using organ culture. We applied four different loading modalities 1. control: no loading (NL), 2. cyclic compression (CC), 3. cyclic torsion (CT), and 4. combined cyclic compression and torsion (CCT) on bovine caudal disc explants using our custom made dynamic loading bioreactor for disc organ culture. Loads were applied for 8 h/day and continued for 14 days, all at a physiological magnitude and frequency. Our results provided strong evidence that complex loading induced a stronger degree of disc degeneration compared to one degree of freedom loading. In the CCT group, less than 10\% nucleus pulposus (NP) cells survived the 14 days of loading, while cell viabilities were maintained above 70\% in the NP of all the other three groups and in the annulus fibrosus (AF) of all the groups. Gene expression analysis revealed a strong up-regulation in matrix genes and matrix remodeling genes in the AF of the CCT group. Cell apoptotic activity and glycosaminoglycan content were also quantified but there were no statistically significant differences found. Cell morphology in the NP of the CCT was changed, as shown by histological evaluation. Our results stress the importance of complex loading on the initiation and progression of disc degeneration.


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Numerical models of the intervertebral disc, which address mechanical questions commonly make use of the difference in water content between annulus and nucleus, and thus fluid and solid parts are separated. Despite this simplification, models remain complex due to the anisotropy and nonlinearity of the annulus and regional variations of the collagen fibre density. Additionally, it has been shown that cross-links make a large contribution to the stiffness of the annulus. Because of this complex composite structure, it is difficult to reproduce several sets of experimental data with one single set of material parameters. This study addresses the question to which extent the ultrastructure of the intervertebral disc should be modelled so that its moment-angle behaviour can be adequately described. Therefore, a hyperelastic constitutive law, based on continuum mechanical principles was derived, which does not only consider the anisotropy from the collagen fibres, but also interactions among the fibres and between the fibres and the ground substance. Eight ovine lumbar intervertebral discs were tested on a custom made spinal loading simulator in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. Specimen-specific geometrical models were generated using CT images and T2 maps to distinguish between annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. For the identification of the material parameters the annulus fibrosus was described with two scenarios: with and without fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions. Both scenarios showed a similar behaviour on a load displacement level. Comparing model predictions to the experimental data, the mean RMS of all specimens and all load cases was 0.54±0.15° without the interaction and 0.54±0.19° when the fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions were included. However, due to the increased stiffness when cross-links effects were included, this scenario showed more physiological stress-strain relations in uniaxial and biaxial stress states. Thus, the present study suggests that fibre-matrix and fibre-fibre interactions should be considered in the constitutive law when the model addresses questions concerning the stress field of the annulus fibrosus.


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Life expectancy continuously increases but our society faces age-related conditions. Among musculoskeletal diseases, osteoporosis associated with risk of vertebral fracture and degenerative intervertebral disc (IVD) are painful pathologies responsible for tremendous healthcare costs. Hence, reliable diagnostic tools are necessary to plan a treatment or follow up its efficacy. Yet, radiographic and MRI techniques, respectively clinical standards for evaluation of bone strength and IVD degeneration, are unspecific and not objective. Increasingly used in biomedical engineering, CT-based finite element (FE) models constitute the state-of-art for vertebral strength prediction. However, as non-invasive biomechanical evaluation and personalised FE models of the IVD are not available, rigid boundary conditions (BCs) are applied on the FE models to avoid uncertainties of disc degeneration that might bias the predictions. Moreover, considering the impact of low back pain, the biomechanical status of the IVD is needed as a criterion for early disc degeneration. Thus, the first FE study focuses on two rigid BCs applied on the vertebral bodies during compression test of cadaver vertebral bodies, vertebral sections and PMMA embedding. The second FE study highlights the large influence of the intervertebral disc’s compliance on the vertebral strength, damage distribution and its initiation. The third study introduces a new protocol for normalisation of the IVD stiffness in compression, torsion and bending using MRI-based data to account for its morphology. In the last study, a new criterion (Otsu threshold) for disc degeneration based on quantitative MRI data (axial T2 map) is proposed. The results show that vertebral strength and damage distribution computed with rigid BCs are identical. Yet, large discrepancies in strength and damage localisation were observed when the vertebral bodies were loaded via IVDs. The normalisation protocol attenuated the effect of geometry on the IVD stiffnesses without complete suppression. Finally, the Otsu threshold computed in the posterior part of annulus fibrosus was related to the disc biomechanics and meet objectivity and simplicity required for a clinical application. In conclusion, the stiffness normalisation protocol necessary for consistent IVD comparisons and the relation found between degeneration, mechanical response of the IVD and Otsu threshold lead the way for non-invasive evaluation biomechanical status of the IVD. As the FE prediction of vertebral strength is largely influenced by the IVD conditions, this data could also improve the future FE models of osteoporotic vertebra.


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Transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TA-TAVI) is the recognized first choice surgical TAVI access. Expansion of this well-established treatment modality with subsequent broader patient inclusion has accelerated development of second-generation TA-TAVI devices. The Swiss ACURATE TA Symetis valve allows for excellent anatomical positioning, resulting in a very low incidence of paravalvular leaks. The self-expanding stent features an hourglass shape to wedge the native aortic valve annulus. A specially designed delivery system facilitates controlled release aided by tactile operator feedback. The ACURATE TA valve made of three native porcine non-coronary leaflets has received CE approval in September 2011. Since then, this valve is the third most frequently implanted TAVI device with over 1200 implants in Europe and South America. Results from the Symetis ACURATE TA™ Valve Implantation ('SAVI') Registry showed a procedural success rate of 98.0% and a survival rate of 93.2% at 30 days. This presentation provides technical considerations and detailed procedural aspects of device implantation.


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In recent decades the application of bioreactors has revolutionized the concept of culturing tissues and organs that require mechanical loading. In intervertebral disc (IVD) research, collaborative efforts of biomedical engineering, biology and mechatronics have led to the innovation of new loading devices that can maintain viable IVD organ explants from large animals and human cadavers in precisely defined nutritional and mechanical environments over extended culture periods. Particularly in spine and IVD research, these organ culture models offer appealing alternatives, as large bipedal animal models with naturally occurring IVD degeneration and a genetic background similar to the human condition do not exist. Latest research has demonstrated important concepts including the potential of homing of mesenchymal stem cells to nutritionally or mechanically stressed IVDs, and the regenerative potential of "smart" biomaterials for nucleus pulposus or annulus fibrosus repair. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about cell therapy, injection of cytokines and short peptides to rescue the degenerating IVD. We further stress that most bioreactor systems simplify the real in vivo conditions providing a useful proof of concept. Limitations are that certain aspects of the immune host response and pain assessments cannot be addressed with ex vivo systems. Coccygeal animal disc models are commonly used because of their availability and similarity to human IVDs. Although in vitro loading environments are not identical to the human in vivo situation, 3D ex vivo organ culture models of large animal coccygeal and human lumbar IVDs should be seen as valid alternatives for screening and feasibility testing to augment existing small animal, large animal, and human clinical trial experiments.


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Numerous designs of bioprosthetic valves exist. The sutureless surgical valve is a newer design concept which combines elements of the transcatheter valve technology with surgical valves. This design aims at shorter and easier implantation. It was the aim of this study to perform hemodynamic and kinematic measurements for this type of valves to serve as a baseline for following studies which investigate the effect of the aortic root on the valve performance. To this end, the Edwards Intuity aortic valve was investigated in a new in vitro flow loop mimicking the left heart. The valve was implanted in a transparent, compliant aortic root model, and the valve kinematics was investigated using a high speed camera together with synchronized hemodynamic measurements of pressures and flows. The valve closure was asynchronous (one by one leaflet), and the valve started to close before the deceleration of the fluid. The aortic root model showed a dilation of the sinuses which was different to the ascending aorta, and the annulus was found to move towards the left ventricle during diastole and towards the aorta during systole.


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An axisymmetric, elastic pipe is filled with an incompressible fluid and is immersed in a second, coaxial rigid pipe which contains the same fluid. A pressure pulse in the outer fluid annulus deforms the elastic pipe which invokes a fluid motion in the fluid core. It is the aim of this study to investigate streaming phenomena in the core which may originate from such a fluid-structure interaction. This work presents a numerical solver for such a configuration. It was developed in the OpenFOAM software environment and is based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) approach for moving meshes. The solver features a monolithic integration of the one-dimensional, coupled system between the elastic structure and the outer fluid annulus into a dynamic boundary condition for the moving surface of the fluid core. Results indicate that our configuration may serve as a mechanical model of the Tullio Phenomenon (sound-induced vertigo).


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OBJECTIVES To validate a self-expanding transcatheter valve for off-pump transatrial mitral valve-in-ring (VIR) implantation via a left thoracotomy. METHODS Mitral valve annuloplasty was performed via sternotomy during cardiopulmonary bypass on 9 pigs. After successful weaning from extracorporal circulation, the custom-made, self-expanding transcatheter VIR device was deployed under fluoroscopic guidance within the annuloplasty ring via a left thoracotomy. Hemodynamic data before and after the implantation were recorded. Mitral annulus diameter and valve area were measured by echocardiography. Transvalvular and left-ventricular outflow-tract pressure gradient were measured invasively. RESULTS Eight successful implantations were performed. Implantation failed in 1 pig because of difficulty with technical delivery of the sheath. Mean transatrial procedure time was 12.6 ± 1.7 min. Hemodynamic status during transatrial implantation was stable, and differences were not statistically significant. Mean mitral annulus diameter and mean mitral orifice area were 2.32 ± 0.2 and 3.84 ± 0.55 cm2, respectively. Mild regurgitation was detected in 7 animals and moderate regurgitation in 1. Mean gradients were 6.1 ± 5.0 mm Hg across the device. Postmortem examination confirmed adequate positioning of devices within the annuloplasty ring. CONCLUSIONS This custom-made transcatheter device allows for safe and reproducible off-pump transatrial mitral VIR implantations. Transatrial access is a promising route to facilitate VIR implantations. Our custom-made stent-valve may be suitable for VIR procedures.


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The significance of specific lipids for proton pumping by the bacterial rhodopsin proteorhodopsin (pR) was studied. To this end, it was examined whether pR preferentially binds certain lipids and whether molecular properties of the lipid environment affect the photocycle. pR's photocycle was followed by microsecond flash-photolysis in the visible spectral range. It was fastest in phosphatidylcholine liposomes (soy bean lipid), intermediate in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio] propanesulfonate (CHAPS): 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) bicelles and in Triton X-100, and slowest when pR was solubilized in CHAPS. In bicelles with different lipid compositions, the nature of the head groups, the unsaturation level and the fatty acid chain length had small effects on the photocycle. The specific affinity of pR for lipids of the expression host Escherichia coli was investigated by an optimized method of lipid isolation from purified membrane protein using two different concentrations of the detergent N-dodecyl-β-d-maltoside (DDM). We found that 11 lipids were copurified per pR molecule at 0.1% DDM, whereas essentially all lipids were stripped off from pR by 1% DDM. The relative amounts of copurified phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, and cardiolipin did not correlate with the molar percentages normally present in E. coli cells. The results indicate a predominance of phosphatidylethanolamine species in the lipid annulus around recombinant pR that are less polar than the dominant species in the cell membrane of the expression host E. coli.


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Discectomy and spinal fusion is the gold standard for spinal surgery to relieve pain. However, fusion can be hindered for yet unknown reasons that lead to non-fusions with pseudo-arthrosis. Clinical observations indicate that presence of residual intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue might hinder the ossification. We hypothesize that BMP-antagonists are constantly secreted by IVD cells and potentially prevent the ossification process. Furthermore, L51P, the engineered BMP2 variant, stimulates osseo-induction of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) by antagonizing BMP-inhibitors. Human MSCs, primary nucleus pulposus (NPC) and annulus pulposus cells (AFC) were isolated and expanded in monolayer cultures up to passage 3. IVD cells were seeded in 1.2% alginate beads (4Mio/mL) and separated by culture inserts from MSCs. MSCs were kept in 1:control medium, 2:osteogenic medium±alginate beads, 3:osteogenic medium+NPC (±L51P) and 4:osteogenic medium+AFC (±L51P) for 21 days. Relative gene expression of bone-related genes, alkaline phosphatase assay and histological staining were performed. Osteogenesis of MSCs was hindered as shown by reduced alizarin red staining in the presence of NPC. No such inhibition was observed if co-cultured with alginate only or in the presence of AFC. The results were confirmed on the RNA and protein level. Addition of L51Pto the co- cultures, however, induced mineralization of MSCs in presence of NPC. We demonstrated that NPC secrete BMP-antagonists that prevent osteogenesis of MSCs and L51P can antagonize BMP-antagonists and induce bone formation.