51 resultados para AK44-5000
Mountain vegetation is strongly affected by temperature and is expected to shift upwards with climate change. Dynamic vegetation models are often used to assess the impact of climate on vegetation and model output can be compared with paleobotanical data as a reality check. Recent paleoecological studies have revealed regional variation in the upward shift of timberlines in the Northern and Central European Alps in response to rapid warming at the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition ca. 11700years ago, probably caused by a climatic gradient across the Alps. This contrasts with previous studies that successfully simulated the early Holocene afforestation in the (warmer) Central Alps with a chironomid-inferred temperature reconstruction from the (colder) Northern Alps. We use LandClim, a dynamic landscape vegetation model to simulate mountain forests under different temperature, soil and precipitation scenarios around Iffigsee (2065m a.s.l.) a lake in the Northwestern Swiss Alps, and compare the model output with the paleobotanical records. The model clearly overestimates the upward shift of timberline in a climate scenario that applies chironomid-inferred July-temperature anomalies to all months. However, forest establishment at 9800 cal. BP at Iffigsee is successfully simulated with lower moisture availability and monthly temperatures corrected for stronger seasonality during the early Holocene. The model-data comparison reveals a contraction in the realized niche of Abies alba due to the prominent role of anthropogenic disturbance after ca. 5000 cal. BP, which has important implications for species distribution models (SDMs) that rely on equilibrium with climate and niche stability. Under future climate projections, LandClim indicates a rapid upward shift of mountain vegetation belts by ca. 500m and treeline positions of ca. 2500m a.s.l. by the end of this century. Resulting biodiversity losses in the alpine vegetation belt might be mitigated with low-impact pastoralism to preserve species-rich alpine meadows.
Background: Patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) currently face inacceptable delays in initial treatment, and long, costly hospital stays due to suboptimal initial triage and site-of-care decisions. Accurate ED triage should focus not only on initial treatment priority, but also on prediction of medical risk and nursing needs to improve site-of-care decisions and to simplify early discharge management. Different triage scores have been proposed, such as the Manchester triage system (MTS). Yet, these scores focus only on treatment priority, have suboptimal performance and lack validation in the Swiss health care system. Because the MTS will be introduced into clinical routine at the Kantonsspital Aarau, we propose a large prospective cohort study to optimize initial patient triage. Specifically, the aim of this trial is to derive a three-part triage algorithm to better predict (a) treatment priority; (b) medical risk and thus need for in-hospital treatment; (c) post-acute care needs of patients at the most proximal time point of ED admission. Methods/design: Prospective, observational, multicenter, multi-national cohort study. We will include all consecutive medical patients seeking ED care into this observational registry. There will be no exclusions except for non-adult and non-medical patients. Vital signs will be recorded and left over blood samples will be stored for later batch analysis of blood markers. Upon ED admission, the post-acute care discharge score (PACD) will be recorded. Attending ED physicians will adjudicate triage priority based on all available results at the time of ED discharge to the medical ward. Patients will be reassessed daily during the hospital course for medical stability and readiness for discharge from the nurses and if involved social workers perspective. To assess outcomes, data from electronic medical records will be used and all patients will be contacted 30 days after hospital admission to assess vital and functional status, re-hospitalization, satisfaction with care and quality of life measures. We aim to include between 5000 and 7000 patients over one year of recruitment to derive the three-part triage algorithm. The respective main endpoints were defined as (a) initial triage priority (high vs. low priority) adjudicated by the attending ED physician at ED discharge, (b) adverse 30 day outcome (death or intensive care unit admission) within 30 days following ED admission to assess patients risk and thus need for in-hospital treatment and (c) post acute care needs after hospital discharge, defined as transfer of patients to a post-acute care institution, for early recognition and planning of post-acute care needs. Other outcomes are time to first physician contact, time to initiation of adequate medical therapy, time to social worker involvement, length of hospital stay, reasons fordischarge delays, patient’s satisfaction with care, overall hospital costs and patients care needs after returning home. Discussion: Using a reliable initial triage system for estimating initial treatment priority, need for in-hospital treatment and post-acute care needs is an innovative and persuasive approach for a more targeted and efficient management of medical patients in the ED. The proposed interdisciplinary , multi-national project has unprecedented potential to improve initial triage decisions and optimize resource allocation to the sickest patients from admission to discharge. The algorithms derived in this study will be compared in a later randomized controlled trial against a usual care control group in terms of resource use, length of hospital stay, overall costs and patient’s outcomes in terms of mortality, re-hospitalization, quality of life and satisfaction with care.
Vor gut zehn Jahren fand eine Wanderin auf dem Schnidejoch etwas, was die Herzen von Archäologen höher schlagen liess. Das Bernische Historische Museum stellt die Funde nun aus. Albert Hafner, Direktor des Instituts für Archäologische Wissenschaften an der Uni Bern, ist Gast von Susanne Brunner. Beim Bergen dieser Funde, die nun in der Ausstellung «Die Pfahlbauer Am Wasser und über die Alpen» zu sehen sind, war auch Albert Hafner mit dabei, auf 2756 Metern über Meer. Der wissenschaftliche Berater der Ausstellung geht davon aus, dass unsere Vorfahren dort oben Alpwirtschaft betrieben haben. Beim Birkenstück handelt es sich um das Futeral eines Pfeilköchers. Auch Hafner rätselt heute noch, wem die fast 5000 Jahre alten Gegenstände gehörten, etwa einem Hirten? Gab es Schnidi wirklich, den «Schweizer Ötzi» - und 1000 Jahre älter als dieser? Susanne Brunner hat mit Albert Hafner die Ausstellung besucht.
This study provides a continuous lateglacial and Holocene record of diatom silica oxygen isotope changes (delta O-18(DIAT)) in a subalpine lake sediment sequence obtained from the Retezat Mts (Taul dintre Brazi, 1740 m a.s.l.). This through-flow, shallow, high-altitude lake with a surface area of only 0.4 ha has short water residence time and is predominantly fed by snowmelt and rainwater. Its delta O-18(DIAT) record principally reflects the oxygen isotope composition of the winter and spring precipitation, as diatom blooms occur mainly in the spring and early summer. Hence, changes in delta O-18(DIAT) are interpreted as seasonal scale changes: in the amount of winter precipitation. Low oxygen isotope values (27-28.5 parts per thousand) occurred during the lateglacial until 12,300 cal BP, followed by a sharp increase thereafter. In the Holocene delta O-18(DIAT) values ranged from 29 to 31 parts per thousand until 3200 cal BP, followed by generally lower values during the late Holocene (27-30 parts per thousand). Short-term decreases in the isotopic values were found between 10,140-9570, 9000-8500, 7800-7300, 6300-5800, 5500-5000 and at 8015, 4400, 4000 cal BP. After 3200 cal BP a decreasing trend was visible with the lowest values between 3100-2500 and after 2100 cal BP The general trend in the record suggests that contribution of winter precipitation was generally lower between 11,680 and 3200 cal BP, followed by increased contribution during the last millennia. The late Holocene decrease in delta O-18(DIAT) shows good agreement with the speleothem delta O-18, lake level and testate amoebae records from the Carpathian Mountains that also display gradual delta O-18 decrease and lake level/mire water table level rise after 3200 cal BR Strong positive correlation with North Atlantic circulation and solar activity proxies, such as the Austrian and Hungarian speleothem records, furthermore suggested that short-term increases in the isotopic ratios in the early and mid Holocene are likely connectable to high solar activity phases and high frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation indexes that may have resulted in decreased winter precipitation in this region.
This paper is the maritime and sub–Antarctic contribution to the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics (PAIS) community Antarctic Ice Sheet reconstruction. The overarching aim for all sectors of Antarctica was to reconstruct the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice sheet extent and thickness, and map the subsequent deglaciation in a series of 5000 year time slices. However, our review of the literature found surprisingly few high quality chronological constraints on changing glacier extents on these timescales in the maritime and sub–Antarctic sector. Therefore, in this paper we focus on an assessment of the terrestrial and offshore evidence for the LGM ice extent, establishing minimum ages for the onset of deglaciation, and separating evidence of deglaciation from LGM limits from those associated with later Holocene glacier fluctuations. Evidence included geomorphological descriptions of glacial landscapes, radiocarbon dated basal peat and lake sediment deposits, cosmogenic isotope ages of glacial features and molecular biological data. We propose a classification of the glacial history of the maritime and sub–Antarctic islands based on this assembled evidence. These include: (Type I) islands which accumulated little or no LGM ice; (Type II) islands with a limited LGM ice extent but evidence of extensive earlier continental shelf glaciations; (Type III) seamounts and volcanoes unlikely to have accumulated significant LGM ice cover; (Type IV) islands on shallow shelves with both terrestrial and submarine evidence of LGM (and/or earlier) ice expansion; (Type V) Islands north of the Antarctic Polar Front with terrestrial evidence of LGM ice expansion; and (Type VI) islands with no data. Finally, we review the climatological and geomorphological settings that separate the glaciological history of the islands within this classification scheme.
The magnitudes of the largest known floods of the River Rhine in Basel since 1268 were assessed using a hydraulic model drawing on a set of pre-instrumental evidence and daily hydrological measurements from 1808. The pre-instrumental evidence, consisting of flood marks and documentary data describing extreme events with the customary reference to specific landmarks, was “calibrated” by comparing it with the instrumental series for the overlapping period between the two categories of evidence (1808–1900). Summer (JJA) floods were particularly frequent in the century between 1651–1750, when precipitation was also high. Severe winter (DJF) floods have not occurred since the late 19th century despite a significant increase in winter precipitation. Six catastrophic events involving a runoff greater than 6000 m 3 s-1 are documented prior to 1700. They were initiated by spells of torrential rainfall of up to 72 h (1480 event) and preceded by long periods of substantial precipitation that saturated the soils, and/or by abundant snowmelt. All except two (1999 and 2007) of the 43 identified severe events (SEs: defined as having runoff > 5000 and < 6000 m 3 s -1) occurred prior to 1877. Not a single SE is documented from 1877 to 1998. The intermediate 121-year-long “flood disaster gap” is unique over the period since 1268. The effect of river regulations (1714 for the River Kander; 1877 for the River Aare) and the building of reservoirs in the 20th century upon peak runoff were investigated using a one-dimensional hydraulic flood-routing model. Results show that anthropogenic effects only partially account for the “flood disaster gap” suggesting that variations in climate should also be taken into account in explaining these features.
Theoretischer Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Schulische Tests dienen der Feststellung von Wissen und Können. Wie jede Messung kann auch diese durch Störvariablen verzerrt werden. Während Tests erlebte Angst ist ein solcher potentieller Störeinfluss: Angst kann Testleistungen beinträchtigen, da sie sich hinderlich auf die Informationsverarbeitung auswirken kann (Störung des Wissensabrufs und des Denkens; Zeidner, 1998). Dieser kognitiven Angstmanifestation (Rost & Schermer, 1997) liegt die angstbedingte automatische Aufmerksamkeitsorientierung auf aufgaben-irrelevante Gedanken während der Testbearbeitung zugrunde (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos & Calvo, 2007). Es hat sich allerdings gezeigt, dass Angst nicht grundsätzlich mit Testleistungseinbußen einhergeht (Eysenck et al., 2007). Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Kapazität zur Selbstkontrolle bzw. Aufmerksamkeitsregulation (Baumeister, Muraven & Tice, 2000; Schmeichel & Baumeister, 2010) ein Faktor ist, der bedingt, wie stark kognitive Angstmanifestation während Tests und damit zusammenhängende Leistungseinbußen auftreten. Ängstliche Lernende mit höherer Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität sollten ihrer automatischen Aufmerksamkeitsorientierung auf aufgaben-irrelevante Gedanken erfolgreicher entgegensteuern und ihre Aufmerksamkeit weiterhin auf die Aufgabenbearbeitung richten können. Dem entsprechend sollten sie trotz Angst weniger kognitive Angstmanifestation während Tests erleben als ängstliche Lernende mit geringerer Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität. Auch die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und das Selbstwertgefühl sind Variablen, die in der Vergangenheit mit der Bewältigung von Angst und Stress in Verbindung gebracht wurden (Bandura, 1977; Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger & Vohs, 2003). Daher wurden diese Variablen als weitere Prädiktoren berücksichtigt. Es wurde die Hypothese getestet, dass die dispositionelle Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität über die dispositionelle Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und das dispositionelle Selbstwertgefühl hinaus Veränderungen in der kognitiven Angstmanifestation während Mathematiktests in einer Wirtschaftsschülerstichprobe vorhersagt. Es wurde des Weiteren davon ausgegangen, dass eine indirekte Verbindung zwischen der Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität und der Veränderung in den Mathematiknoten, vermittelt über die Veränderung in der kognitiven Angstmanifestation, besteht. Methode: Einhundertachtundfünfzig Wirtschaftsschüler bearbeiteten im September 2011 (T1) einen Fragebogen, der die folgenden Messungen enthielt:-Subskala Kognitive Angstmanifestation aus dem Differentiellen Leistungsangstinventar (Rost & Schermer, 1997) bezogen auf Mathematiktests (Sparfeldt, Schilling, Rost, Stelzl & Peipert, 2005); Alpha = .90; -Skala zur dispositionellen Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität (Bertrams & Englert, 2013); Alpha = .88; -Skala zur Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995); Alpha = .83; -Skala zum Selbstwertgefühl (von Collani & Herzberg, 2003); Alpha = .83; -Angabe der letzten Mathematikzeugnisnote. Im Februar 2012 (T2), also nach 5 Monaten und kurz nach dem Erhalt des Halbjahreszeugnisses, gaben die Schüler erneut ihre kognitive Angstmanifestation während Mathematiktests (Alpha = .93) und ihre letzte Mathematikzeugnisnote an. Ergebnisse: Die Daten wurden mittels Korrelationsanalyse, multipler Regressionsanalyse und Bootstrapping ausgewertet. Die Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität, die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und das Selbstwertgefühl (alle zu T1) waren positiv interkorreliert, r= .50/.59/.59. Diese Variablen wurden gemeinsam als Prädiktoren in ein Regressionsmodell zur Vorhersage der kognitiven Angstmanifestation zu T2 eingefügt. Gleichzeitig wurde die kognitive Angstmanifestation zu T1 konstant gehalten. Es zeigte sich, dass die Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität erwartungskonform die Veränderungen in der kognitiven Angstmanifestation vorhersagte, Beta = -.21, p= .02. Das heißt, dass höhere Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität zu T1 mit verringerter kognitiver Angstmanifestation zu T2 einherging. Die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, Beta = .12, p= .14, und das Selbstwertgefühl, Beta = .05, p= .54, hatten hingegen keinen eigenen Vorhersagewert für die Veränderungen in der kognitiven Angstmanifestation. Des Weiteren ergab eine Mediationsanalyse mittels Bootstrapping (bias-corrected bootstrap 95% confidence interval, 5000 resamples; siehe Hayes & Scharkow, in press), dass die Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität (T1), vermittelt über die Veränderung in der kognitiven Angstmanifestation, indirekt mit der Veränderung in der Mathematikleistung verbunden war (d.h. das Bootstrap-Konfidenzintervall schloss nicht die Null ein; CI [0.01, 0.24]). Für die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und das Selbstwertgefühl fand sich keine analoge indirekte Verbindung zur Mathematikleistung. Fazit: Die Befunde verweisen auf die Bedeutsamkeit der Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität für die Bewältigung kognitiver Angstreaktionen während schulischer Tests. Losgelöst von der Aufmerksamkeitsregulationskapazität scheinen positive Erwartungen und ein positives Selbstbild keine protektive Wirkung hinsichtlich der leistungsbeeinträchtigenden kognitiven Angstmanifestation während Mathematiktests zu besitzen.
In the Sesia Zone (Italian Western Alps), slivers of continental crust characterised by an Alpine high-pressure imprint are intermingled with abundant mafic rocks and Mesozoic metasediments. An extensive study of the central Sesia Zone was undertaken to identify and reconstruct the lithological setting of the mono-cyclic sediments of the Scalaro Unit. A new geological map (1:5000) and schematic cross sections across the Scalaro Unit and the adjoining Eclogitic Micaschist Complex are presented here. In order to delimit the size and shape of the mono-metamorphic unit and understand its internal geometry with respect to the poly-metamorphic basement, an integrated approach was used. Linking observations and data across a range of scales, from kilometres in the field down to petrological and chronological data obtained at micrometre scale, we define for the first time the real size and internal geometry of the Scalaro Unit, as well as its large-scale structural context.
Introduction Language is the most important mean of communication and plays a central role in our everyday life. Brain damage (e.g. stroke) can lead to acquired disorders of lan- guage affecting the four linguistic modalities (i.e. reading, writing, speech production and comprehension) in different combinations and levels of severity. Every year, more than 5000 people (Aphasie Suisse) are affected by aphasia in Switzerland alone. Since aphasia is highly individual, the level of difficulty and the content of tasks have to be adapted continuously by the speech therapists. Computer-based assignments allow patients to train independently at home and thus increasing the frequency of ther- apy. Recent developments in tablet computers have opened new opportunities to use these devices for rehabilitation purposes. Especially older people, who have no prior experience with computers, can benefit from the new technologies. Methods The aim of this project was to develop an application that enables patients to train language related tasks autonomously and, on the other hand, allows speech therapists to assign exercises to the patients and to track their results online. Seven categories with various types of assignments were implemented. The application has two parts which are separated by a user management system into a patient interface and a therapist interface. Both interfaces were evaluated using the SUS (Subject Usability Scale). The patient interface was tested by 15 healthy controls and 5 patients. For the patients, we also collected tracking data for further analysis. The therapist interface was evaluated by 5 speech therapists. Results The SUS score are xpatients = 98 and xhealthy = 92.7 (median = 95, SD = 7, 95% CI [88.8, 96.6]) in case of the patient interface and xtherapists = 68 in case of the therapist interface. Conclusion Both, the patients and the healthy subjects, attested high SUS scores to the patient interface. These scores are considered as "best imaginable". The therapist interface got a lower SUS score compared to the patient interface, but is still considered as "good" and "usable". The user tracking system and the interviews revealed that there is room for improvements and inspired new ideas for future versions.
Fire regimes have changed during the Holocene due to changes in climate, vegetation, and in human practices. Here, we hypothesise that changes in fire regime may have affected the global CO2 concentration in the atmosphere through the Holocene. Our data are based on quantitative reconstructions of biomass burning deduced from stratified charcoal records from Europe, and South-, Central- and North America, and Oceania to test the fire-carbon release hypothesis. In Europe the significant increase of fire activity is dated ≈6000 cal. yr ago. In north-eastern North America burning activity was greatest before 7500 years ago, very low between 7500–3000 years, and has been increasing since 3000 years ago. In tropical America, the pattern is more complex and apparently latitudinally zonal. Maximum burning occurred in the southern Amazon basin and in Central America during the middle Holocene, and during the last 2000 years in the northern Amazon basin. In Oceania, biomass burning has decreased since a maximum 5000 years ago. Biomass burning has broadly increased in the Northern and Southern hemispheres throughout the second half of the Holocene associated with changes in climate and human practices. Global fire indices parallel the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded in Antarctic ice cores. Future issues on carbon dynamics relatively to biomass burning are discussed to improve the quantitative reconstructions.
Antike Theater und Masken online enthält etwa 800 Farbfotografien von antiken Theatern und 600 von Masken aus den Ländern rund um das Mittelmeer, aus Westeuropa und aus zahlreichen Museen. Die Sammlung des Basler Theaterhistorikers Karl Gotthilf Kachler (1906-2000) entstand zwischen dem Ende der 1950er-Jahre und dem Beginn der 1980er-Jahre auf zahlreichen Forschungsreisen. Er übergab 1999 die ursprünglich über 5’000 Diapositive dem Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Universität Bern zur Bearbeitung. Im Jahr 2003 erschien im Chronos Verlag Zürich der Katalog Antike Theater und Masken mit einer beiliegenden DVD, die eine repräsentative Auswahl von 1’400 am ITW durch Sara Aebi und Regula Brunner thematisch kontextualisierten und kommentierten Fotografien zeigte. Die Herausgabe von Antike Theater und Masken online erfolgt durch Andreas Kotte, Direktor des ITW Bern und Projektleiter.
• Das M arfan-Syndrom ist die häufigste h ereditäre Bindegewebskrankheit mit einer Häufigkeit (Prävalenz) von etwa 1:5000. • Die Ursache ist eine Mutation im FBN1-Gen. Die Vererbung erfolgt autosomal- dominant, bei etwa 30% der Fälle handelt es sich um de novo FBN1-Mutationen. • Die Hauptmanifestationen des Marfan-Syndroms sind: Aortendilatation, Mitralklappenprolaps, Augenveränderungen (Linsensubluxation) und Skelettveränderungen ( Skoliose, Thoraxasymmetrie, Platt- u nd/oder Senkfüsse, Arachnodaktylie). • Ziel einer frühzeitigen Diagnose ist die Verminderung des Risikos katastrophaler Aortendissektionen. Dies wird erreicht durch eine frühzeitige korrekte Diagnose sowie darauf basierend durch einen entsprechenden Lebensstil zur Vermeidung von hohen Blutdruckbelastungen, eine prophylaktische Behandlung mit Betablockern/Angiotensin-II-Antagonisten und den frühzeitigen prothetischen Ersatz dilatierter Aortenabschnitte.
Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100–200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
Downregulation of the unfolded protein response mediates proteasome inhibitor resistance in Multiple Myeloma.The Human Immunodeficieny Virus protease inhibitor nelfinavir activates the unfolded protein response in vitro. We determined dose limiting toxicity and recommended dose for phase II of nelfinavir in combination with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. 12 patients with advanced hematological malignancies were treated with nelfinavir (2500 - 5000 mg/d p.o., d 1-14, 3+3 dose escalation) and bortezomib (1.3 mg/m2, d 1, 4, 8, 11; 21 day cycles). A run in phase with nelfinavir monotherapy allowed pharmakokinetic/pharmakodynamic assessment of nelfinavir in the presence or absence of concomittant bortezomib. Endpoints included dose limiting toxicity, activation of the unfolded protein response, proteasome activity, toxicity and response to trial treatment. Nelfinavir 2 x 2500 mg was the recommended phase II dose identified. Nelfinavir alone significantly upregulated expression of proteins related to the unfolded protein response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and inhibited proteasome activity. Of 10 evaluable patients in the dose escalation cohort, 3 achieved a partial response, 4 stable disease for ≥ 2 cycles, while 3 had progressive disease as best response. In an exploratory extension cohort with 6 relapsed, bortezomib-refractory, lenalidomide-resistant myeloma patients treated at the recommended phase II dose, 3 reached a partial response, 2 a minor response and one progressive disease. The combination of nelfinavir with bortezomib is safe and shows promising signals for activity in advanced, bortezomib-refractory MM. Induction of the unfolded protein response by nelfinavir may overcome the biological features of proteasome inhibitor resistance. (Trial registration NCT01164709).
Pollen and plant-macrofossil data are presented for two lakes near the timberline in the Italian (Lago Basso, 2250 m) and Swiss Central Alps (Gouille Rion, 2343 m). The reforestation at both sites started at 9700-9500 BP with Pinus cembra, Larbc decidua, and Betula. The timberline reached its highest elevation between 8700 and 5000 BP and retreated after 5000 BP, due to a mid-Holocene climatic change and increasing human impact since about 3500 BP (Bronze Age). The expansion of Picea abies at Lago Basso between ca. 7500 and 6200 BP was probably favored by cold phases accompanied by increased oceanicity, whereas in the area of Gouille Rion, where spruce expanded rather late (between 4500 and 3500 BP), human influence equally might have been important. The mass expansion of Alnus viridis between ca. 5000 and 3500 BP probably can be related to both climatic change and human activity at timberline. During the early and middle Holocene a series of timberline fluctuations is recorded as declines in pollen and macrofossil concentrations of the major tree species, and as increases in nonarboreal pollen in the pollen percentage diagram of Gouille Rion. Most of ·the periods of low timberline can be correlated by radiocarbon dating with climatic changes in the Alps as indicated by glacier ad vances in combination with palynological records, solifluction, and dendrocli matical data. Lago Basso and Gouille Rion are the only sites in the Alps showing complete palaeobotanical records of cold phases between 10,000 and 2000 BP with very good time control. The altitudinal range of the Holocene treeline fluc tuations caused by climate most likely was not more than 100 to 150 m. A possible correlation of a cold period at ca. 7500-6500 BP (Misox oscil lation) in the Alps is made with paleoecological data from North America and Scandinavia and a climatic signal in the GRIP ice core from central Greenland 8200 yr ago (ca. 7400 yr uncal. BP).