38 resultados para virulence factors


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Glycopeptide dendrimers as Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm inhibitors. Glycopeptide dendrimers are being developed for inhibition of pathogen adhesion to host cells, a process mediated by carbohydrate-lectins interactions. Such compounds could be used in the treatment of infections by pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa that can be resistant to known antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces two lectins, the fucose binding LecB and the galactose binding LecA. Both lectins have been shown to be virulence factors, involved in cell adhesion and biofilms formation. Screening combinatorial libraries of fucosylated peptide dendrimers led to the glycopeptide dendrimer (C-Fuc-LysProLeu)4(LysPheLysIle)2 LysHisIleNH2. This dendrimer binds the lectin LecB with submicromolar IC50 and shows potent inhibition of P. aeruginosa biofilms for both the laboratory strain PAO1 and for clinical isolates [1]. Appending the peptide dendrimer portion of FD2 with galactosy endgroups gave galactosylpeptide dendrimers as potent ligands for LecA which also act as biofilm inhibitors. Structure-activity relationship studies demonstrated that multivalency was essential for strong binding and biofilm inhibition. [2]The results open the way to develop therapeutic agents based on glycopeptide dendrimers. Peptide dendrimers with antimicrobial properties and good cell penetration are other applications of dendritic peptides we are now investigating.


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The epidemiology of an enrofloxacin-resistant Escherichia coli clone was investigated during two separate outbreaks of colibacillosis in the Danish broiler production. In total five flocks were reported affected by the outbreaks. Recorded first-week mortalities were in the range of 1.7-12.7%. The clone was first isolated from dead broilers and subsequently demonstrated in samples from associated hatchers and the parent flock with its embryonated eggs, suggesting a vertical transmission from the parents. The second outbreak involved two broiler flocks unrelated to the affected flocks from the first outbreak. However, the clone could not be demonstrated in the associated parent flock. Furthermore, samplings from grand-parent flocks were negative for the outbreak clone. The clonality was evaluated by plasmid profiling and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. None of the recognized virulence factors were demonstrated in the outbreak clone by microarray and PCR assay. The molecular background for the fluoroquinolone-resistance was investigated and point mutations in gyrA and parC leading to amino-acid substitutions in quinolone-resistance determining regions of GyrA and ParC were demonstrated. Vertical transmission of enrofloxacin-resistant E. coli from healthy parents resulting in high first-week mortality in the offspring illustrates the potential of the emergence and spreading of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria in animal husbandry, even though the use of fluoroquinolones is restricted.


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Because Staphylococcus aureus strains contain multiple virulence factors, studying their pathogenic role by single-gene inactivation generated equivocal results. To circumvent this problem, we have expressed specific S. aureus genes in the less virulent organism Streptococcus gordonii and tested the recombinants for a gain of function both in vitro and in vivo. Clumping factor A (ClfA) and coagulase were investigated. Both gene products were expressed functionally and with similar kinetics during growth by streptococci and staphylococci. ClfA-positive S. gordonii was more adherent to platelet-fibrin clots mimicking cardiac vegetations in vitro and more infective in rats with experimental endocarditis (P < 0.05). Moreover, deleting clfA from clfA-positive streptococcal transformants restored both the low in vitro adherence and the low in vivo infectivity of the parent. Coagulase-positive transformants, on the other hand, were neither more adherent nor more infective than the parent. Furthermore, coagulase did not increase the pathogenicity of clfA-positive streptococci when both clfA and coa genes were simultaneously expressed in an artificial minioperon in streptococci. These results definitively attribute a role for ClfA, but not coagulase, in S. aureus endovascular infections. This gain-of-function strategy might help solve the role of individual factors in the complex the S. aureus-host relationship.


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The dog is the natural host of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Many research efforts are currently being undertaken to expand our knowledge and understanding of this important canine commensal and opportunistic pathogen. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the species, including the latest research outcomes, with emphasis on taxonomy, diagnostics, ecology, epidemiology and pathogenicity. Despite the important taxonomic changes that have occurred over the past few years, the risk of misidentification in canine specimens is low and does not have serious consequences for clinical practice. Staphylococcus pseudintermedius carriage in the dog is more frequent and genetically heterogeneous compared with that of Staphylococcus aureus in man. It appears that these staphylococcal species have evolved separately through adaptation to their respective natural hosts and differ with regard to various aspects concerning ecology, population structure and evolution of antibiotic resistance. Further understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of S. pseudintermedius is hampered by the lack of a standard method for rapid and discriminatory typing and by the limited data available on longitudinal carriage and population structure of meticillin-susceptible strains. With regard to pathogenicity, it is only now that we are starting to explore the virulence potential of S. pseudintermedius based on genomic and proteomic approaches, and more research is needed to assess the importance of individual virulence factors and the possible existence of hypervirulent strains.


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Campylobacter rectus is an important periodontal pathogen in humans. A surface-layer (S-layer) protein and a cytotoxic activity have been characterized and are thought to be its major virulence factors. The cytotoxic activity was suggested to be due to a pore-forming protein toxin belonging to the RTX (repeats in the structural toxins) family. In the present work, two closely related genes, csxA and csxB (for C. rectus S-layer and RTX protein) were cloned from C. rectus and characterized. The Csx proteins appear to be bifunctional and possess two structurally different domains. The N-terminal part shows similarity with S-layer protein, especially SapA and SapB of C. fetus and Crs of C. rectus. The C-terminal part comprising most of CsxA and CsxB is a domain with 48 and 59 glycine-rich canonical nonapeptide repeats, respectively, arranged in three blocks. Purified recombinant Csx peptides bind Ca2+. These are characteristic traits of RTX toxin proteins. The S-layer and RTX domains of Csx are separated by a proline-rich stretch of 48 amino acids. All C. rectus isolates studied contained copies of either the csxA or csxB gene or both; csx genes were absent from all other Campylobacter and Helicobacter species examined. Serum of a patient with acute gingivitis showed a strong reaction to recombinant Csx protein on immunoblots.


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Gingipains are cysteine proteases that represent major virulence factors of the periodontopathogenic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Gingipains are reported to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) of periodontal tissues, leading to tissue destruction and apoptosis. The exact mechanism is not known, however. Fibronectin and tenascin-C are pericellular ECM glycoproteins present in periodontal tissues. Whereas fibronectin mediates fibroblast adhesion, tenascin-C binds to fibronectin and inhibits its cell-spreading activity. Using purified proteins in vitro, we asked whether fibronectin and tenascin-C are cleaved by gingipains at clinically relevant concentrations, and how fragmentation by the bacterial proteases affects their biological activity in cell adhesion. Fibronectin was cleaved into distinct fragments by all three gingipains; however, only arginine-specific HRgpA and RgpB but not lysine-specific Kgp destroyed its cell-spreading activity. This result was confirmed with recombinant cell-binding domain of fibronectin. Of the two major tenascin-C splice variants, the large but not the small was a substrate for gingipains, indicating that cleavage occurred primarily in the alternatively spliced domain. Surprisingly, cleavage of large tenascin-C variant by all three gingipains generated fragments with increased anti-adhesive activity towards intact fibronectin. Fibronectin and tenascin-C fragments were detected in gingival crevicular fluid of a subset of periodontitis patients. We conclude that cleavage by gingipains directly affects the biological activity of both fibronectin and tenascin-C in a manner that might lead to increased cell detachment and loss during periodontal disease.


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BACKGROUND Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis, is a major pathogen of fisheries worldwide. Despite the identification of several virulence factors the pathogenesis is still poorly understood. We have used high-throughput proteomics to display the differences between in vitro secretome of A. salmonicida wild-type (wt, hypervirulent, JF5054) and T3SS-deficient (isogenic ΔascV, extremely low-virulent, JF2747) strains in exponential (GP) and stationary (SP) phases of growth. RESULTS Among the different experimental conditions we obtained semi-quantitative values for a total of 2136 A. salmonicida proteins. Proteins of specific A. salmonicida species were proportionally less detected than proteins common to the Aeromonas genus or those shared with other Aeromonas species, suggesting that in vitro growth did not induce the expression of these genes. Four detected proteins which are unidentified in the genome of reference strains of A. salmonicida were homologous to components of the conjugative T4SS of A. hydrophila pRA1 plasmid. Polypeptides of three proteins which are specific to the 01-B526 strain were also discovered. In supernatants (SNs), the number of detected proteins was higher in SP (326 for wt vs 329 for mutant) than in GP (275 for wt vs 263 for mutant). In pellets, the number of identified proteins (a total of 1536) was approximately the same between GP and SP. Numerous highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins were present in A. salmonicida SNs (mainly EF-Tu, EF-G, EF-P, EF-Ts, TypA, AlaS, ribosomal proteins, HtpG, DnaK, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases, GAPDH, Enolase, FbaA, TpiA, Pgk, TktA, AckA, AcnB, Mdh, AhpC, Tpx, SodB and PNPase), and several evidences support the theory that their extracellular localization was not the result of cell lysis. According to the Cluster of Orthologous Groups classification, 29% of excreted proteins in A. salmonicida SNs were currently poorly characterized. CONCLUSIONS In this part of our work we elucidated the whole in vitro exoproteome of hypervirulent A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and showed the secretion of several highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins with putative moonlighting functions and roles in virulence. All together, our results offer new information about the pathogenesis of furunculosis and point out potential candidates for vaccine development.


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The polysaccharide capsule and pneumolysin toxin are major virulence factors of the human bacterial pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. Colonization of the nasopharynx is asymptomatic but invasion of the lungs can result in invasive pneumonia. Here we show that the capsule suppresses the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines CXCL8 (IL-8) and IL-6 from the human pharyngeal epithelial cell line Detroit 562. Release of both cytokines was much less from human bronchial epithelial cells (iHBEC) but levels were also affected by capsule. Pneumolysin stimulates CXCL8 release from both cell lines. Suppression of CXCL8 homologue (CXCL2/MIP-2) release by the capsule was also observed in vivo during intranasal colonization of mice but was only discernable in the absence of pneumolysin. When pneumococci were administered intranasally to mice in a model of long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage, encapsulated S. pneumoniae remained in the nasopharynx whereas the nonencapsulated pneumococci disseminated into the lungs. Pneumococcal capsule plays a role not only in protection from phagocytosis but also in modulation of the pro-inflammatory immune response in the respiratory tract.


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Chapter 1 gives an overview about Streptococcus pneumoniae, its role as a human pathogen and its virulence factors. Additionally, biofilm development and its relevance in clinics are introduced, and the innate immune response to pneumococcus as well as bacterial-viral interactions in the upper respiratory tract are also discussed. Chapter 2 emphasizes the three main topics of this thesis: the role of capsule and pneumolysin in the immune response in the respiratory tract, biofilm formation of S. pneumoniae serotypes and commensal streptococci in vitro, and host innate immune responses to RSV and S. pneumoniae during in vitro co-infections. Aims and hypotheses are provided here. Chapter 3 is divided into two parts: First, the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines CXCL8 and IL-6 from the human pharyngeal epithelial cell line Detroit 562 and from human bronchial epithelial cells (iHBEC) is described in response to S. pneumoniae. Capsule was shown to suppress the release of both cytokines in both cell lines tested, but release was much less from iHBEC cells. During intranasal colonization of mice, suppression of CXCL8 release by the capsule was also observed in vivo, but the effect was only measured in the absence of pneumolysin. Long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage in a mouse model resulted in the dissemination of nonencapsulated pneumococci into the lungs, whereas encapsulated strains remained in the nasopharynx. The S. pneumoniae capsule thus plays a role in modulation of the pro-inflammatory immune response in the respiratory tract. Second, results on immunological cells and immune regulation in a long term, stable nasopharyngeal carriage mouse model are presented. Mice were infected with encapsulated or nonencapsulated pneumococcal strains, and after 1, 3, 8 and 15 days, were sacrificed to evaluate the numbers of CD45+ cells, neutrophils, macrophages, FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and CD3+ T-cells in the nasal mucosa as well as the amount of secreted IL-10 in the nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonization which is effectively silent resulted in the stimulation of FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells and IL-10 release associated with immune homeostasis, whereas lung infiltration was required to increase the number of neutrophils and macrophages resulting in a stronger innate immune response in the nasal mucosa. Chapter 4 contains results of mono- and co-stimulation using RSV and pneumococci or pneumococcal virulence factors on the human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B. An increase in CXCL8 and IL-6 levels was measured for mixed stimulations of RSV and pneumococcus when encapsulated bacteria were used. Increasing pneumolysin concentrations resulted in enhanced CXCL8 levels. Priming of bronchial epithelial cells with RSV opens the door for more severe pneumococcal infections. Chapter 5 is composed of two parts: The first part describes initial biofilm formation of serotypes 6B and 7F in a static model in vitro. Biofilms of both serotypes contained SCVs, but only serotype 6B increased in SCV formation between 16 and 65h of incubation. SCV stability was tested by passaging clones in complex medium, where SCV production is not associated with advantages in growth. Serotype 6B lost the SCV phenotype indicating a fast adaptation to a changing nutritional environment. Limitations of our in vitro model are discussed. The second part is about initial biofilm formation of mixed culture growth of S. pneumoniae with commensal streptococci. Competition dominates this process. S. oralis and pneumococcus compete for nutrients, whereas mixed species growth of S. mitis or S. pseudopneumoniae with S. pneumoniae is mainly influenced by other factors. In Chapter 6 the findings of chapters 3, 4 and 5 are discussed and an outlook for further studies is provided. Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 contain the references, the acknowledgements, the curriculum vitae, the appendix and the declaration of originality.


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We screened a total of 340 veterinarians (including general practitioners, small animal practitioners, large animal practitioners, veterinarians working in different veterinary services or industry), and 29 veterinary assistants for nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) at the 2012 Swiss veterinary annual meeting. MRSA isolates (n = 14) were detected in 3.8 % (95 % CI 2.1 - 6.3 %) of the participants whereas MRSP was not detected. Large animal practitioners were carriers of livestock-associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) ST398-t011-V (n = 2), ST398-t011-IV (n = 4), and ST398-t034-V (n = 1). On the other hand, participants working with small animals harbored human healthcare-associated MRSA (HCA-MRSA) which belonged to epidemic lineages ST225-t003-II (n = 2), ST225-t014-II (n = 1), ST5-t002-II (n = 2), ST5-t283-IV (n = 1), and ST88-t186-IV (n = 1). HCA-MRSA harbored virulence factors such as enterotoxins, β-hemolysin converting phage and leukocidins. None of the MRSA isolates carried Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). In addition to the methicillin resistance gene mecA, LA-MRSA ST398 isolates generally contained additional antibiotic resistance genes conferring resistance to tetracycline [tet(M) and tet(K)], trimethoprim [dfrK, dfrG], and the aminoglycosides gentamicin and kanamycin [aac(6')-Ie - aph(2')-Ia]. On the other hand, HCA-MRSA ST5 and ST225 mainly contained genes conferring resistance to the macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B antibiotics [erm(A)], to spectinomycin [ant(9)-Ia], amikacin and tobramycin [ant(4')-Ia], and to fluoroquinolones [amino acid substitutions in GrlA (S84L) and GyrA (S80F and S81P)]. MRSA carriage may represent an occupational risk and veterinarians should be aware of possible MRSA colonization and potential for developing infection or for transmitting these strains. Professional exposure to animals should be reported upon hospitalization and before medical intervention to allow for preventive measures. Infection prevention measures are also indicated in veterinary medicine to avoid MRSA transmission between humans and animals, and to limit the spread of MRSA both in the community, and to animal and human hospitals.


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This chapter describes the systematics and evolution of Pasteurellaceae with emphasis on new information generated since the 3rd edition of The Prokaryotes which only included chapters dealing with Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, and Pasteurella. A major source of new information for the current chapter has been provided by whole genome sequences now available for many taxa of the family. Some 100 species and species-like taxa have been documented and 18 genera of Pasteurellaceae reported so far. Members of the family include specialized commensals, potential pathogens, or pathogens of vertebrates and mainly survive poorly in other habitats including the external environment. The pathogenic members are of major importance to animal production and human health. Members of Pasteurellaceae have relatively small genomes, probably as a result of adaption to a special habitat. The most important species in veterinary microbiology include Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, [Haemophilus] parasuis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Bibersteinia trehalosi, and Avibacterium paragallinarum, while Haemophilus influenzae and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans represent the most important species as to human disease. Traditional isolation techniques are still used in both human and veterinary clinical diagnostic laboratories although genetically based diagnostic methods have replaced traditional biochemical/physiological methods for characterization and identification. For all species, MALDI-TOF can now be used as a diagnostic tool. As control and if MALDI-TOF equipment is not at hand, PCR-based specific detection is possible for Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, [Haemophilus] parasuis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Avibacterium paragallinarum, Gallibacterium anatis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. A lot of work has been directed towards identification of virulence factors and understanding host microbe interactions involved in disease.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a major mastitis-causing pathogen in dairy cows. The latex agglutination-based Staphaurex test allows bovine S. aureus strains to be grouped into Staphaurex latex agglutination test (SLAT)-negative [SLAT(-)] and SLAT-positive [SLAT(+)] isolates. Virulence and resistance gene profiles within SLAT(-) isolates are highly similar, but differ largely from those of SLAT(+) isolates. Notably, specific genetic changes in important virulence factors were detected in SLAT(-) isolates. Based on the molecular data, it is assumed that SLAT(+) strains are more virulent than SLAT(-) strains. The objective of this study was to investigate if SLAT(-) and SLAT(+) strains can differentially induce an immune response with regard to their adhesive capacity to epithelial cells in the mammary gland and in turn, could play a role in the course of mastitis. Primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) were challenged with suspensions of heat inactivated SLAT(+) (n = 3) and SLAT(-) (n = 3) strains isolated from clinical bovine mastitis cases. After 1, 6, and 24 h, cells were harvested and mRNA expression of inflammatory mediators (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-8, RANTES, SAA, lactoferrin, GM-CSF, COX-2, and TLR-2) was evaluated by reverse transcription and quantitative PCR. Transcription (ΔΔCT) of most measured factors was induced in challenged bMEC for 6 and 24 h. Interestingly, relative mRNA levels were higher (P<0.05) in response to SLAT(+) compared to SLAT(-) strains. In addition, adhesion assays on bMEC also showed significant differences between SLAT(+) and SLAT(-) strains. The present study clearly shows that these two S. aureus strain types cause a differential immune response of bMEC and exhibit differences in their adhesion capacity in vitro. This could reflect differences in the severity of mastitis that the different strain types may induce.


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Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium is a common cause of gastrointestinal infections. The host's innate immune system and a complex set of Salmonella virulence factors are thought to contribute to enteric disease. The serovar Typhimurium virulence factors have been studied extensively by using tissue culture assays, and bovine infection models have been used to verify the role of these factors in enterocolitis. Streptomycin-pretreated mice provide an alternative animal model to study enteric salmonellosis. In this model, the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 type III secretion system has a key virulence function. Nothing is known about the role of other virulence factors. We investigated the role of flagella in murine serovar Typhimurium colitis. A nonflagellated serovar Typhimurium mutant (fliGHI) efficiently colonized the intestine but caused little colitis during the early phase of infection (10 and 24 h postinfection). In competition assays with differentially labeled strains, the fliGHI mutant had a reduced capacity to get near the intestinal epithelium, as determined by fluorescence microscopy. A flagellated but nonchemotactic cheY mutant had the same virulence defects as the fliGHI mutant for causing colitis. In competitive infections, both mutants colonized the intestine of streptomycin-pretreated mice by day 1 postinfection but were outcompeted by the wild-type strain by day 3 postinfection. Together, these data demonstrate that flagella are required for efficient colonization and induction of colitis in streptomycin-pretreated mice. This effect is mostly attributable to chemotaxis. Recognition of flagellar subunits (i.e., flagellin) by innate immune receptors (i.e., Toll-like receptor 5) may be less important.


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VirB6 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an essential component of the type IV secretion machinery for T pilus formation and genetic transformation of plants. Due to its predicted topology as a polytopic inner membrane protein, it was proposed to form the transport pore for cell-to-cell transfer of genetic material and proteinaceous virulence factors. Here, we show that the absence of VirB6 leads to reduced cellular levels of VirB5 and VirB3, which were proposed to assist T pilus formation as minor component(s) or assembly factor(s), respectively. Overexpression of virB6 in trans restored levels of cell-bound and T pilus-associated VirB5 to wild type but did not restore VirB3 levels. Thus, VirB6 has a stabilizing effect on VirB5 accumulation, thereby regulating T pilus assembly. In the absence of VirB6, cell-bound VirB7 monomers and VirB7-VirB9 heterodimers were reduced and VirB7 homodimer formation was abolished. This effect could not be restored by expression of VirB6 in trans. Expression of TraD, a component of the transfer machinery of the IncN plasmid pKM101, with significant sequence similarity to VirB6, restored neither protein levels nor bacterial virulence but partly permitted T pilus formation in a virB6 deletion strain. VirB6 may therefore regulate T pilus formation by direct interaction with VirB5, and wild-type levels of VirB3 and VirB7 homodimers are not required.


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Recent reports focusing on virulence factors of periodontal pathogens implicated proteinases as major determinants of remarkable pathogenicity of these species, with special emphasis on their capacity to modulate complement activity. In particular, bacteria-mediated cleavage of C5 and subsequent release of C5a seems to be an important phenomenon in the manipulation of the local inflammatory response in periodontitis. In this study, we present mirolysin, a novel metalloproteinase secreted by Tannerella forsythia, a well-recognized pathogen strongly associated with periodontitis. Mirolysin exhibited a strong effect on all complement pathways. It inhibited the classical and lectin complement pathways due to efficient degradation of mannose-binding lectin, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, and C4, whereas inhibition of the alternative pathway was caused by degradation of C5. This specificity toward complement largely resembled the activity of a previously characterized metalloproteinase of T. forsythia, karilysin. Interestingly, mirolysin released the biologically active C5a peptide in human plasma and induced migration of neutrophils. Importantly, we demonstrated that combination of mirolysin with karilysin, as well as a cysteine proteinase of another periodontal pathogen, Prevotella intermedia, resulted in a strong synergistic effect on complement. Furthermore, mutant strains of T. forsythia, devoid of either mirolysin or karilysin, showed diminished survival in human serum, providing further evidence for the synergistic inactivation of complement by these metalloproteinases. Taken together, our findings on interactions of mirolysin with complement significantly add to the understanding of immune evasion strategies of T. forsythia and expand the knowledge on molecular mechanisms driving pathogenic events in the infected periodontium.