24 resultados para sub- and super-solution


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The advent of single molecule fluorescence microscopy has allowed experimental molecular biophysics and biochemistry to transcend traditional ensemble measurements, where the behavior of individual proteins could not be precisely sampled. The recent explosion in popularity of new super-resolution and super-localization techniques coupled with technical advances in optical designs and fast highly sensitive cameras with single photon sensitivity and millisecond time resolution have made it possible to track key motions, reactions, and interactions of individual proteins with high temporal resolution and spatial resolution well beyond the diffraction limit. Within the purview of membrane proteins and ligand gated ion channels (LGICs), these outstanding advances in single molecule microscopy allow for the direct observation of discrete biochemical states and their fluctuation dynamics. Such observations are fundamentally important for understanding molecular-level mechanisms governing these systems. Examples reviewed here include the effects of allostery on the stoichiometry of ligand binding in the presence of fluorescent ligands; the observation of subdomain partitioning of membrane proteins due to microenvironment effects; and the use of single particle tracking experiments to elucidate characteristics of membrane protein diffusion and the direct measurement of thermodynamic properties, which govern the free energy landscape of protein dimerization. The review of such characteristic topics represents a snapshot of efforts to push the boundaries of fluorescence microscopy of membrane proteins to the absolute limit.


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Objective: Since 2011, the new national final examination in human medicine has been implemented in Switzerland, with a structured clinical-practical part in the OSCE format. From the perspective of the national Working Group, the current article describes the essential steps in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Federal Licensing Examination Clinical Skills (FLE CS) as well as the applied quality assurance measures. Finally, central insights gained from the last years are presented. Methods: Based on the principles of action research, the FLE CS is in a constant state of further development. On the foundation of systematically documented experiences from previous years, in the Working Group, unresolved questions are discussed and resulting solution approaches are substantiated (planning), implemented in the examination (implementation) and subsequently evaluated (reflection). The presented results are the product of this iterative procedure. Results: The FLE CS is created by experts from all faculties and subject areas in a multistage process. The examination is administered in German and French on a decentralised basis and consists of twelve interdisciplinary stations per candidate. As important quality assurance measures, the national Review Board (content validation) and the meetings of the standardised patient trainers (standardisation) have proven worthwhile. The statistical analyses show good measurement reliability and support the construct validity of the examination. Among the central insights of the past years, it has been established that the consistent implementation of the principles of action research contributes to the successful further development of the examination. Conclusion: The centrally coordinated, collaborative-iterative process, incorporating experts from all faculties, makes a fundamental contribution to the quality of the FLE CS. The processes and insights presented here can be useful for others planning a similar undertaking. Keywords: national final examination, licensing examination, summative assessment, OSCE, action research


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Advances in food transformation have dramatically increased the diversity of products on the market and, consequently, exposed consumers to a complex spectrum of bioactive nutrients whose potential risks and benefits have mostly not been confidently demonstrated. Therefore, tools are needed to efficiently screen products for selected physiological properties before they enter the market. NutriChip is an interdisciplinary modular project funded by the Swiss programme Nano-Tera, which groups scientists from several areas of research with the aim of developing analytical strategies that will enable functional screening of foods. The project focuses on postprandial inflammatory stress, which potentially contributes to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases. The first module of the NutriChip project is composed of three in vitro biochemical steps that mimic the digestion process, intestinal absorption, and subsequent modulation of immune cells by the bioavailable nutrients. The second module is a miniaturised form of the first module (gut-on-a-chip) that integrates a microfluidic-based cell co-culture system and super-resolution imaging technologies to provide a physiologically relevant fluid flow environment and allows sensitive real-time analysis of the products screened in vitro. The third module aims at validating the in vitro screening model by assessing the nutritional properties of selected food products in humans. Because of the immunomodulatory properties of milk as well as its amenability to technological transformation, dairy products have been selected as model foods. The NutriChip project reflects the opening of food and nutrition sciences to state-of-the-art technologies, a key step in the translation of transdisciplinary knowledge into nutritional advice.


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There is a paucity of therapies for most neurological disorders--from rare lysosomal storage diseases to major public health concerns such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Advances in the targeting of drugs to the CNS are essential for the future success of neurotherapeutics; however, the delivery of many potentially therapeutic and diagnostic compounds to specific areas of the brain is restricted by the blood-brain barrier, the blood-CSF barrier, or other specialised CNS barriers. These brain barriers are now recognised as a major obstacle to the treatment of most brain disorders. The challenge to deliver therapies to the CNS is formidable, and the solution will require concerted international efforts among academia, government, and industry. At a recent meeting of expert panels, essential and high-priority recommendations to propel brain barrier research forward in six topical areas were developed and these recommendations are presented here.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyze computer-assisted diagnostics and virtual implant planning and to evaluate the indication for template-guided flapless surgery and immediate loading in the rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with an edentulous maxilla were selected for this study. The three-dimensional analysis and virtual implant planning was performed with the NobelGuide software program (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden). Prior to the computer tomography aesthetics and functional aspects were checked clinically. Either a well-fitting denture or an optimized prosthetic setup was used and then converted to a radiographic template. This allowed for a computer-guided analysis of the jaw together with the prosthesis. Accordingly, the best implant position was determined in relation to the bone structure and prospective tooth position. For all jaws, the hypothetical indication for (1) four implants with a bar overdenture and (2) six implants with a simple fixed prosthesis were planned. The planning of the optimized implant position was then analyzed as follows: the number of implants was calculated that could be placed in sufficient quantity of bone. Additional surgical procedures (guided bone regeneration, sinus floor elevation) that would be necessary due the reduced bone quality and quantity were identified. The indication of template-guided, flapless surgery or an immediate loaded protocol was evaluated. RESULTS: Model (a) - bar overdentures: for 28 patients (70%), all four implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 112 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For six patients (15%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining six patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. Model (b) - simple fixed prosthesis: for 12 patients (30%), all six implants could be placed in sufficient bone (total 72 implants). Thus, a full, flapless procedure could be suggested. For seven patients (17%), sufficient bone was not available for any of their planned implants. The remaining 21 patients had exhibited a combination of sufficient or insufficient bone. DISCUSSION: In the maxilla, advanced atrophy is often observed, and implant placement becomes difficult or impossible. Thus, flapless surgery or an immediate loading protocol can be performed just in a selected number of patients. Nevertheless, the use of a computer program for prosthetically driven implant planning is highly efficient and safe. The three-dimensional view of the maxilla allows the determination of the best implant position, the optimization of the implant axis, and the definition of the best surgical and prosthetic solution for the patient. Thus, a protocol that combines a computer-guided technique with conventional surgical procedures becomes a promising option, which needs to be further evaluated and improved.


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The vast diversity of planetary systems detected to date is defying our capability of understanding their formation and evolution. Well-defined volume-limited surveys are the best tool at our disposal to tackle the problem, via the acquisition of robust statistics of the orbital elements. We are using the HARPS spectrograph to conduct our survey of ≈850 nearby solar-type stars, and in the course of the past nine years we have monitored the radial velocity of HD 103774, HD 109271, and BD-061339. In this work we present the detection of five planets orbiting these stars, with msin   (i) between 0.6 and 7 Neptune masses, four of which are in two multiple systems, comprising one super-Earth and one planet within the habitable zone of a late-type dwarf. Although for strategic reasons we chose efficiency over precision in this survey, we have the capability to detect planets down to the Neptune and super-Earth mass range as well as multiple systems, provided that enough data points are made available.


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Ecological networks are typically complex constructions of species and their interactions. During the last decade, the study of networks has moved from static to dynamic analyses, and has attained a deeper insight into their internal structure, heterogeneity, and temporal and spatial resolution. Here, we review, discuss and suggest research lines in the study of the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of networks and their hierarchical nature. We use case study data from two well-characterized model systems (the food web in Broadstone Stream in England and the pollination network at Zackenberg in Greenland), which are complemented with additional information from other studies. We focus upon eight topics: temporal dynamic space-for-time substitutions linkage constraints habitat borders network modularity individual-based networks invasions of networks and super networks that integrate different network types. Few studies have explicitly examined temporal change in networks, and we present examples that span from daily to decadal change: a common pattern that we see is a stable core surrounded by a group of dynamic, peripheral species, which, in pollinator networks enter the web via preferential linkage to the most generalist species. To some extent, temporal and spatial scales are interchangeable (i.e. networks exhibit ‘ergodicity’) and we explore how space-for-time substitutions can be used in the study of networks. Network structure is commonly constrained by phenological uncoupling (a temporal phenomenon), abundance, body size and population structure. Some potential links are never observed, that is they are ‘forbidden’ (fully constrained) or ‘missing’ (a sampling effect), and their absence can be just as ecologically significant as their presence. Spatial habitat borders can add heterogeneity to network structure, but their importance has rarely been studied: we explore how habitat generalization can be related to other resource dimensions. Many networks are hierarchically structured, with modules forming the basic building blocks, which can result in self-similarity. Scaling down from networks of species reveals another, finer-grained level of individual-based organization, the ecological consequences of which have yet to be fully explored. The few studies of individual-based ecological networks that are available suggest the potential for large intraspecific variance and, in the case of food webs, strong size-structuring. However, such data are still scarce and more studies are required to link individual-level and species-level networks. Invasions by alien species can be tracked by following the topological ‘career’ of the invader as it establishes itself within a network, with potentially important implications for conservation biology. Finally, by scaling up to a higher level of organization, it is possible to combine different network types (e.g. food webs and mutualistic networks) to form super networks, and this new approach has yet to be integrated into mainstream ecological research. We conclude by listing a set of research topics that we see as emerging candidates for ecological network studies in the near future.


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Aluminum phytotoxicity frequently occurs in acid soils (pH < 5.5) and was therefore discussed to affect ecosystem functioning of tropical montane forests. The susceptibility to Al toxicity depends on the sensitivity of the plant species and the Al speciation in soil solution, which can vary highly depending e.g., on pH, ionic strength, and dissolved organic matter. An acidification of the ecosystem and periodic base metal deposition from Saharan dust may control plant available Al concentrations in the soil solutions of tropical montane rainforests in south Ecuador. The overall objective of my study was to assess a potential Al phytotoxicity in the tropical montane forests in south Ecuador. For this purpose, I exposed three native Al non-accumulating tree species (Cedrela odorata L., Heliocarpus americanus L., and Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson) to increased Al concentrations (0 – 2400 μM Al) in a hydroponic experiment, I established dose-response curves to estimate the sensitivity of the tree species to increased Al concentrations, and I investigated the mechanisms behind the observed effects induced by elevated Al concentrations. Furthermore, the response of Al concentrations and the speciation in soil solution to Ca amendment in the study area were determined. In a final step, I assessed all major Al fluxes, drivers of Al concentrations in ecosystem solutions, and indicators of Al toxicity in the tropical montane rainforest in Ecuador in order to test for indications of Al toxicity. In the hydroponic experiment, a 10 % reduction in aboveground biomass production occurred at 126 to 376 μM Al (EC10 values), probably attributable to decreased Mg concentrations in leaves and reduced potosynthesis. At 300 μM Al, increased root biomass production of T. chrysantha was observed. Phosphorus concentrations in roots of C. odorata and T. chrysantha were significantly highest in the treatment with 300 μM Al and correlated significantly with root biomass, being a likely reason for stimulated root biomass production. The degree of organic complexation of Al in the organic layer leachate, which is central to plant nutrition because of the high root density, and soil solution from the study area was very high (mean > 99 %). The resulting low free Al concentrations are not likely to affect plant growth, although the concentrations of potentially toxic Al3+ increased with soil depth due to higher total Al and lower dissolved organic matter concentrations in soil solutions. The Ca additions caused an increase of Al in the organic layer leachate, probably because Al3+ was exchanged against the added Ca2+ ions while pH remained constant. The free ion molar ratios of Ca2+:Al3+ (mean ratio ca. 400) were far above the threshold (≤ 1) for Al toxicity, because of a much higher degree of organo-complexation of Al than Ca. High Al fluxes in litterfall (8.8 – 14.2 kg ha−1 yr−1) indicate a high Al circulation through the ecosystem. The Al concentrations in the organic layer leachate were driven by the acidification of the ecosystem and increased significantly between 1999 and 2008. However, the Ca:Al molar ratios in organic layer leachate and all aboveground ecosystem solutions were above the threshold for Al toxicity. Except for two Al accumulating and one non-accumulating tree species, the Ca:Al molar ratios in tree leaves from the study area were above the Al toxicity threshold of 12.5. I conclude that toxic effects in the hydroponic experiment occurred at Al concentrations far above those in native organic layer leachate, shoot biomass production was likely inhibited by reduced Mg uptake, impairing photosynthesis, and the stimulation of root growth at low Al concentrations can be possibly attributed to improved P uptake. Dissolved organic matter in soil solutions detoxifies Al in acidic tropical forest soils and a wide distribution of Al accumulating tree species and high Al fluxes in the ecosystem do not necessarily imply a general Al phytotoxicity.


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PURPOSE To evaluate macular retinal ganglion cell thickness in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy. DESIGN Retrospective case series with fellow-eye comparison METHODS: Patients with continuous unilateral anti-VEGF treatment for sub- and juxtafoveal neovascular AMD and a minimum follow-up of 24 months were included. The retinal nerve fiber (RNFL) and retinal ganglion cell layer (RGCL) in the macula were segmented using an ETDRS grid. RNFL and RGCL thickness of the outer ring of the ETDRS grid were quantified at baseline and after repeated anti-VEGF injections, and compared to the patients' untreated fellow eye. Furthermore, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), age, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy were recorded and correlated with RNFL and RGCL. RESULTS Sixty eight eyes of 34 patients (23 female and 11 male; mean age 76.7 (SD±8.2) with a mean number of 31.5 (SD ±9.8) anti-VEGF injections and a mean follow-up period of 45.3 months (SD±10.5) were included. Whereas the RGCL thickness decreased significantly compared to the non-injected fellow eye (p=0.01) the decrease of the RNFL was not significant. Visual acuity gain was significantly correlated with RGCL thickness (r=0.52, p<0.05) at follow-up and negatively correlated (r=-0.41, p<0.05) with age. Presence of RPE atrophy correlated negatively with the RGCL thickness at follow-up (r= -0.37, p=0.03). CONCLUSION During the course of long term anti-VEGF therapy there is a significant decrease of the RGCL in patients with neovascular AMD to the fellow (untreated) eye.