82 resultados para reproducibility of calculated surfaces
The reproducibility of metabolite content determined by MR spectroscopy (MRS) is usually at best a few percent for the prominent singlets. When studying low-concentration metabolites, like phenylalanine (Phe), where tissue content can be <100 micromol/kg, better reproducibility is paramount-particularly in view of using MRS results for potential individual treatment advice. An optimized, targeted spectroscopy method was established at 1.5T and reproducibility was established in 21 patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) where three spectra were recorded in each of three independent sessions, two of which were in immediate succession to minimize physiologic variation. Intersession variation was found to be only 7 micromol/kg Phe for back-to-back repetition of sessions, in close agreement with the variation of 16 micromol/kg observed for single spectra within a session. Analysis of variance proved the individuality of the blood/brain Phe ratio-though this ratio seems to be influenced by physiologic factors that are not stable in time. The excellent reproducibility was achieved through optimization of various factors, including signal-to-noise ratio, repositioning, and prescan calibrations, but also by enforcing as much prior information as possible (e.g., lineshape and phase from reference scans, constant prior-knowledge-locked baseline). While the application of maximum general prior knowledge is a general method to reduce fluctuations, one should remember that it may introduce systematic errors.
Aims: To evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of aortic annulus sizing using a multislice computed tomography (MSCT) based aortic root reconstruction tool compared with conventional imaging among patients evaluated for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods and results: Patients referred for TAVR underwent standard preprocedural assessment of aortic annulus parameters using MSCT, angiography and transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of MSCT images of the aortic root was performed using 3mensio (3mensio Medical Imaging BV, Bilthoven, The Netherlands), allowing for semi-automated delineation of the annular plane and assessment of annulus perimeter, area, maximum, minimum and virtual diameters derived from area and perimeter (aVD and pVD). A total of 177 patients were enrolled. We observed a good inter-observer variability of 3-D reconstruction assessments with concordance coefficients for agreement of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.87-0.93) and 0.91 (0.88-0.94) for annulus perimeter and area assessments, respectively. 3-D derived pVD and aVD correlated very closely with a concordance coefficient of 0.97 (0.96-0.98) with a mean difference of 0.5±0.3 mm (pVD-aVD). 3-D derived pVD showed the best, but moderate concordance with diameters obtained from coronal MSCT (0.67, 0.56-0.75; 0.3±1.8 mm), and the lowest concordance with diameters obtained from TEE (0.42, 0.31-0.52; 1.9±1.9 mm). Conclusions: MSCT-based 3-D reconstruction of the aortic annulus using the 3mensio software enables accurate and reproducible assessment of aortic annulus dimensions.
BACKGROUND: Reproducibility of basic research investigations in homeopathy is challenging. This study investigated if formerly observed effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) were reproducible. METHODS: Duckweed was grown in potencies (14x-30x) of GA3 and one time succussed and unsuccussed water controls. Outcome parameter area-related growth rate was determined by a computerised image analysis system. Three series including five independent blinded and randomised potency experiments (PE) each were carried out. System stability was controlled by three series of five systematic negative control (SNC) experiments. Gibbosity (a specific growth state of L. gibba) was investigated as possibly essential factor for reactivity of L. gibba towards potentised GA3 in one series of potency and SNC experiments, respectively. RESULTS: Only in the third series with gibbous L. gibba L. we observed a significant effect (p = 0.009, F-test) of the homeopathic treatment. However, growth rate increased in contrast to the former study, and most biologically active potency levels differed. Variability in PE was lower than in SNC experiments. The stability of the experimental system was verified by the SNC experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Gibbosity seems to be a necessary condition for reactivity of L. gibba to potentised GA3. Further still unknown conditions seem to govern effect direction and the pattern of active and inactive potency levels. When designing new reproducibility studies, the physiological state of the test organism must be considered. Variability might be an interesting parameter to investigate effects of homeopathic remedies in basic research.
BACKGROUND: Several parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) have been shown to predict the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in cardiac patients. There is consensus that risk prediction is increased when measuring HRV during specific provocations such as orthostatic challenge. For the first time, we provide data on reproducibility of such a test in patients with a history of acute coronary syndrome. METHODS: Sixty male patients (65+/-8years) with a history of acute coronary syndrome on stable medication were included. HRV was measured in supine (5min) and standing (5min) position on 2 occasions separated by two weeks. For risk assessment relevant time-domain [standard deviation of all R-R intervals (SDNN) and root mean squared standard differences between adjacent R-R intervals (RMSSD)], frequency domain [low-frequency power (LF), high-frequency power (HF) and LF/HF power ratio] and short-term fractal scaling component (DF1) were computed. Absolute reproducibility was assessed with the standard errors of the mean (SEM) and 95% limits of random variation, and relative reproducibility by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: We found comparable SEMs and ICCs in supine position and after an orthostatic challenge test. All ICCs were good to excellent (ICCs between 0.636 and 0.869). CONCLUSIONS: Reproducibility of HRV parameters during orthostatic challenge is good and comparable with supine position.
We apply Nevanlinna theory for algebraic varieties to Danielewski surfaces and investigate their group of holomorphic automorphisms. Our main result states that the overshear group, which is known to be dense in the identity component of the holomorphic automorphism group, is a free product.
The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the influence of varying examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination for occlusal caries detection. Standardized bitewing radiographs were obtained from 166 permanent molars. Radiographic examination was performed by final-year dental students from two universities (A, n = 5; B, n = 5) and by dentists with 5 to 7 years of experience who work in two different countries (C, n = 5; D, n = 5). All examinations were repeated after 1-week interval. The teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. For intraexaminer reproducibility, the unweighted kappa values were: A (0.11-0.40), B (0.12-0.33), C (0.47-0.58), and D (0.42-0.71). Interexaminer reproducibility statistics were computed based on means ± SD of unweighted kappa values: A (0.07 ± 0.05), B (0.12 ± 0.09), C (0.24 ± 0.08), and D (0.33 ± 0.10). Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated at D(1) and D(3) thresholds and compared by performing McNemar test (p = 0.05). D(1) sensitivity ranged between 0.29 and 0.75 and specificity between 0.24 and 0.85. D(3) specificity was moderate to high (between 0.62 and 0.95) for all groups, with statistically significant difference between the dentists groups (C and D). Sensitivity was low to moderate (between 0.21 and 0.57) with statistically significant difference for groups B and D. Accuracy was similar for all groups (0.55). Spearman's correlations were: A (0.12), B (0.24), C (0.30), and D (0.38). In conclusion, the reproducibility of radiographic examination was influenced by the examiner's clinical experience, training, and dental education as well as the accuracy in detecting occlusal caries.
PURPOSE: To determine the reproducibility and validity of video screen measurement (VSM) of sagittal plane joint angles during gait. METHODS: 17 children with spastic cerebral palsy walked on a 10m walkway. Videos were recorded and 3d-instrumented gait analysis was performed. Two investigators measured six sagittal joint/segment angles (shank, ankle, knee, hip, pelvis, and trunk) using a custom-made software package. The intra- and interrater reproducibility were expressed by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurements (SEM) and smallest detectable difference (SDD). The agreement between VSM and 3d joint angles was illustrated by Bland-Altman plots and limits of agreement (LoA). RESULTS: Regarding the intrarater reproducibility of VSM, the ICC ranged from 0.99 (shank) to 0.58 (trunk), the SEM from 0.81 degrees (shank) to 5.97 degrees (trunk) and the SDD from 1.80 degrees (shank) to 16.55 degrees (trunk). Regarding the interrater reproducibility, the ICC ranged from 0.99 (shank) to 0.48 (trunk), the SEM from 0.70 degrees (shank) to 6.78 degrees (trunk) and the SDD from 1.95 degrees (shank) to 18.8 degrees (trunk). The LoA between VSM and 3d data ranged from 0.4+/-13.4 degrees (knee extension stance) to 12.0+/-14.6 degrees (ankle dorsiflexion swing). CONCLUSION: When performed by the same observer, VSM mostly allows the detection of relevant changes after an intervention. However, VSM angles differ from 3d-IGA and do not reflect the real sagittal joint position, probably due to the additional movements in the other planes.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs are comparable with 3D measurements on 3D models of human skulls, derived from cone beam CT (CBCT) data. A CBCT scan and a conventional cephalometric radiograph were made of 40 dry skulls. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks on both the 2D images and the 3D models. The same operator identified 17 landmarks on the cephalometric radiographs and on the 3D models. All images and 3D models were traced five times with a time-interval of 1 week and the mean value of repeated measurements was used for further statistical analysis. Distances and angles were calculated. Intra-observer reliability was good for all measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements on the conventional cephalometric radiographs was higher compared with the reproducibility of measurements on the 3D models. For a few measurements a clinically relevant difference between measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs and 3D models was found. Measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs can differ significantly from measurements on 3D models of the same skull. The authors recommend that 3D tracings for longitudinal research are not used in cases were there are only 2D records from the past.
The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) is a validated clinical prognostic model for patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). Our goal was to assess the PESI's inter-rater reliability in patients diagnosed with PE. We prospectively identified consecutive patients diagnosed with PE in the emergency department of a Swiss teaching hospital. For all patients, resident and attending physician raters independently collected the 11 PESI variables. The raters then calculated the PESI total point score and classified patients into one of five PESI risk classes (I-V) and as low (risk classes I/II) versus higher-risk (risk classes III-V). We examined the inter-rater reliability for each of the 11 PESI variables, the PESI total point score, assignment to each of the five PESI risk classes, and classification of patients as low versus higher-risk using kappa ( ) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Among 48 consecutive patients with an objective diagnosis of PE, reliability coefficients between resident and attending physician raters were > 0.60 for 10 of the 11 variables comprising the PESI. The inter-rater reliability for the PESI total point score (ICC: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.81-0.94), PESI risk class assignment ( : 0.81, 95% CI: 0.66-0.94), and the classification of patients as low versus higher-risk ( : 0.92, 95% CI: 0.72-0.98) was near perfect. Our results demonstrate the high reproducibility of the PESI, supporting the use of the PESI for risk stratification of patients with PE.
Background Leg edema is a common manifestation of various underlying pathologies. Reliable measurement tools are required to quantify edema and monitor therapeutic interventions. Aim of the present work was to investigate the reproducibility of optoelectronic leg volumetry over 3 weeks' time period and to eliminate daytime related within-individual variability. Methods Optoelectronic leg volumetry was performed in 63 hairdressers (mean age 45 ± 16 years, 85.7% female) in standing position twice within a minute for each leg and repeated after 3 weeks. Both lower leg (legBD) and whole limb (limbBF) volumetry were analysed. Reproducibility was expressed as analytical and within-individual coefficients of variance (CVA, CVW), and as intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Results A total of 492 leg volume measurements were analysed. Both legBD and limbBF volumetry were highly reproducible with CVA of 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Within-individual reproducibility of legBD and limbBF volumetry over a three weeks' period was high (CVW 1.3% for both; ICC 0.99 for both). At both visits, the second measurement revealed a significantly higher volume compared to the first measurement with a mean increase of 7.3 ml ± 14.1 (0.33% ± 0.58%) for legBD and 30.1 ml ± 48.5 ml (0.52% ± 0.79%) for limbBF volume. A significant linear correlation between absolute and relative leg volume differences and the difference of exact day time of measurement between the two study visits was found (P < .001). A therefore determined time-correction formula permitted further improvement of CVW. Conclusions Leg volume changes can be reliably assessed by optoelectronic leg volumetry at a single time point and over a 3 weeks' time period. However, volumetry results are biased by orthostatic and daytime-related volume changes. The bias for day-time related volume changes can be minimized by a time-correction formula.
The aim of this study was to validate the accuracy and reproducibility of a statistical shape model-based 2D/3D reconstruction method for determining cup orientation after total hip arthroplasty. With a statistical shape model, this method allows reconstructing a patient-specific 3D-model of the pelvis from a standard AP X-ray radiograph. Cup orientation (inclination and anteversion) is then calculated with respect to the anterior pelvic plane that is derived from the reconstructed model.
PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted (DW) and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in patients with renal allografts, as compared with these features in healthy volunteers with native kidneys. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee approved the study protocol; patients provided written informed consent. Fifteen patients with a renal allograft and in stable condition (nine men, six women; age range, 20-67 years) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers underwent DW and BOLD MR imaging. Seven patients with renal allografts were examined twice to assess reproducibility of results. DW MR imaging yielded a total apparent diffusion coefficient including diffusion and microperfusion (ADC(tot)), as well as an ADC reflecting predominantly pure diffusion (ADC(D)) and the perfusion fraction. R2* of BOLD MR imaging enabled the estimation of renal oxygenation. Statistical analysis was performed, and analysis of variance was used for repeated measurements. Coefficients of variation between and within subjects were calculated to assess reproducibility. RESULTS: In patients, ADC(tot), ADC(D), and perfusion fraction were similar in the cortex and medulla. In volunteers, values in the medulla were similar to those in the cortex and medulla of patients; however, values in the cortex were higher than those in the medulla (P < .05). Medullary R2* was higher than cortical R2* in patients (12.9 sec(-1) +/- 2.1 [standard deviation] vs 11.0 sec(-1) +/- 0.6, P < .007) and volunteers (15.3 sec(-1) +/- 1.1 vs 11.5 sec(-1) +/- 0.5, P < .0001). However, medullary R2* was lower in patients than in volunteers (P < .004). Increased medullary R2* was paralleled by decreased diffusion in patients with allografts. A low coefficient of variation in the cortex and medulla within subjects was obtained for ADC(tot), ADC(D), and R2* (<5.2%), while coefficient of variation within subjects was higher for perfusion fraction (medulla, 15.1%; cortex, 8.6%). Diffusion and perfusion indexes correlated significantly with serum creatinine concentrations. CONCLUSION: DW and BOLD MR imaging are feasible and reproducible in patients with renal allografts.
1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) of deoxymyoglobin (DMb) provides a means to noninvasively monitor the oxygenation state of human skeletal muscle in work and disease. As shown in this work, it also offers the opportunity to measure the absolute tissue content of DMb, the basic oxygen consumption of resting muscle, and the reperfusion characteristics after release of a pressure cuff. The methodology to determine these tissue properties simultaneously at two positions along the calf is presented. The obtained values are in agreement with invasive determinations. The reproducibility of the (1)H-MRS measurements is established for healthy controls and patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). A location dependence in axial direction, as well as differences between controls and patients are demonstrated for all parameters. The reoxygenation time in particular is expected to provide a means to quantitatively monitor therapies aimed at improving muscular perfusion in these patients.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and quantitative T2 mapping of the talocrural cartilage within a clinically applicable scan time using a new dedicated ankle coil and high-field MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers (mean age 32.4 years) underwent MRI of the ankle. As morphological sequences, proton density fat-suppressed turbo spin echo (PD-FS-TSE), as a reference, was compared with 3D true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFISP). Furthermore, biochemical quantitative T2 imaging was prepared using a multi-echo spin-echo T2 approach. Data analysis was performed three times each by three different observers on sagittal slices, planned on the isotropic 3D-TrueFISP; as a morphological parameter, cartilage thickness was assessed and for T2 relaxation times, region-of-interest (ROI) evaluation was done. Reproducibility was determined as a coefficient of variation (CV) for each volunteer; averaged as root mean square (RMSA) given as a percentage; statistical evaluation was done using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Cartilage thickness of the talocrural joint showed significantly higher values for the 3D-TrueFISP (ranging from 1.07 to 1.14 mm) compared with the PD-FS-TSE (ranging from 0.74 to 0.99 mm); however, both morphological sequences showed comparable good results with RMSA of 7.1 to 8.5%. Regarding quantitative T2 mapping, measurements showed T2 relaxation times of about 54 ms with an excellent reproducibility (RMSA) ranging from 3.2 to 4.7%. CONCLUSION: In our study the assessment of cartilage thickness and T2 relaxation times could be performed with high reproducibility in a clinically realizable scan time, demonstrating new possibilities for further investigations into patient groups.
The aims of this study were to examine the clinical feasibility and reproducibility of kinematic MR imaging with respect to changes in T (2) in the femoral condyle articular cartilage. We used a flexible knee coil, which allows acquisition of data in different positions from 40 degrees flexion to full extension during MR examinations. The reproducibility of T (2) measurements was evaluated for inter-rater and inter-individual variability and determined as a coefficient of variation (CV) for each volunteer and rater. Three different volunteers were measured twice and regions of interest (ROIs) were selected by three raters at different time points. To prove the clinical feasibility of this method, 20 subjects (10 patients and 10 age- and sex-matched volunteers) were enrolled in the study. Inter-rater variability ranged from 2 to 9 and from 2 to 10% in the deep and superficial zones, respectively. Mean inter-individual variability was 7% for both zones. Different T (2) values were observed in the superficial cartilage zone of patients compared with volunteers. Since repair tissue showed a different behavior in the contact zone compared with healthy cartilage, a possible marker for improved evaluation of repair tissue quality after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) may be available and may allow biomechanical assessment of cartilage transplants.