45 resultados para mouth mucosa


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Stomatologic lesions at risk to develop an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) such as oral leukoplakia, erythroplakia/erythroleukoplakia, or oral lichen planus, need an early detection, diagnosis and a long-term/lifelong follow-up to prevent malignant transformation. In the following report, two patients are presented with oral mucosal lesions, who were referred, diagnosed, treated, and underwent follow-up examinations at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Bern. These two cases emphasize the importance of early detection and managment of precancerous lesions or initial stages of OSCC. Additionally, risk factors, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption and their influence on stomatologic lesions and their prognosis, will be discussed.


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Epithelial cells in the human small intestine express meprin, an astacin-like metalloprotease, which accumulates normally at the brush border membrane and in the gut lumen. Therefore, meprin is targeted towards luminal components. In coeliac disease patients, peptides from ingested cereals trigger mucosal inflammation in the small intestine, disrupting epithelial cell differentiation and function. Using in situ hybridisation on duodenal tissue sections, we observed a marked shift of meprin mRNA expression from epithelial cells, the predominant expression site in normal mucosa, to lamina propria leukocytes in coeliac disease. Meprin thereby gains access to the substrate repertoire present beneath the epithelium.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of an experimental mouth rinse containing 0.07% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) (Crest Pro-Health) with those provided by a commercially available mouth rinse containing essential oils (EOs) (Listerine) on dental plaque accumulation and prevention of gingivitis in an unsupervised 6-month randomized clinical trial. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This double-blind, 6-month, parallel group, positively controlled study involved 151 subjects balanced and randomly assigned to either positive control (EO) or experimental (CPC) mouth rinse treatment groups. At baseline, subjects received a dental prophylaxis procedure and began unsupervised rinsing twice a day with 20 ml of their assigned mouthwash for 30 s after brushing their teeth for 1 min. Subjects were assessed for gingivitis and gingival bleeding by the Gingival index (GI) of Löe ; Silness (1963) and plaque by the Silness ; Löe (1964) Plaque index at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of rinsing. At 3 and 6 months, oral soft tissue health was assessed. Microbiological samples were also taken for community profiling by the DNA checkerboard method. RESULTS: Results show that after 3 and 6 months of rinsing, there were no significant differences (p=0.05) between the experimental (CPC) and the positive control mouth rinse treatment groups for overall gingivitis status, gingival bleeding, and plaque accumulation. At 6 months, the covariant (baseline) adjusted mean GI and bleeding sites percentages for the CPC and the EO rinses were 0.52 and 0.53 and 8.7 and 9.3, respectively. Both mouth rinses were well tolerated by the subjects. Microbiological community profiles were similar for the two treatment groups. Statistically, a significant greater reduction in bleeding sites was observed for the CPC rinse versus the EO rinse. CONCLUSION: The essential findings of this study indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in the anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis benefits between the experimental CPC mouth rinse and the positive control EO mouth rinse over a 6-month period.


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PURPOSE: The objective of the present experiment was to study the morphogenesis of the mucosal attachment to implants made of c.p. titanium. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All mandibular premolars were extracted in 20 Labrador dogs. After a healing period of 3 months, four implants (ITI Dental Implant System) were placed in the right and left sides of the mandible. A non-submerged implant installation technique was used and the mucosal tissues were secured to the conical marginal portion of the implants with interrupted sutures. The sutures were removed after 2 weeks and a plaque control program including daily cleaning of the remaining teeth and the implants was initiated. The animals were sacrificed and biopsies were obtained at various intervals to provide healing periods extending from Day 0 (2 h) to 12 weeks. The mandibles were removed and placed in the fixative. The implant sites were dissected using a diamond saw and processed for histological analysis. RESULTS: Large numbers of neutrophils infiltrated and degraded the coagulum that occupied the compartment between the mucosa and the implant during the initial phase of healing. At 2 weeks after surgery, fibroblasts were the dominating cell population in the connective tissue interface but at 4 weeks the density of fibroblasts had decreased. Furthermore, the first signs of epithelial proliferation were observed in specimens representing 1-2 weeks of healing and a mature barrier epithelium occurred after 6-8 weeks of healing. The collagen fibers of the mucosa were organized after 4-6 weeks of healing. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the soft-tissue attachment to implants placed using a non-submerged installation procedure is properly established after several weeks following surgery.


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Background: The bacterial colonization of the oral mucosa was evaluated in patients with asymptomatic oral lichen planus (OLP) and compared to the microbiologic status in mucosally healthy subjects. Methods: Bacteria from patients with clinically and histopathologically diagnosed OLP from the Stomatology Service, Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, were collected with a non-invasive swab system. Samples were taken from OLP lesions on the gingiva and from non-affected sites on the contralateral side of the mouth. The control population did not have OLP and was recruited from the student clinic. All samples were processed with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method using well-defined bacterial species for the analysis. Results: Significantly higher bacterial counts of Bacteroides ureolyticus (P = 0.001), Dialister species (sp.) (P = 0.006), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (P = 0.007), and Streptococcus agalactiae (P = 0.006) were found in samples taken from OLP lesions compared to sites with no clinical evidence of OLP. Significantly higher bacterial counts were found for Capnocytophaga sputigena, Eikenella corrodens, Lactobacillus crispatus, Mobiluncus curtisii, Neisseria mucosa, Prevotella bivia, Prevotella intermedia, and S. agalactiae at sites with lesions in subjects with OLP compared to sites in control subjects (P <0.001). Conclusions: Microbiologic differences were found between sites with OLP and sites in subjects without a diagnosis of OLP. Specifically, higher counts of staphylococci and S. agalactiae were found in OLP lesions.


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The second part of the present review article presents and discusses the current literature regarding cytodiagnostic aspects, pathogenesis, therapy, incidence of recurrence, and malignant transformation rate of oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral erythroleukoplakia (OEL). Oral cytopathology, eventually in combination with DNA cytometry, can add valuable information to conventional histopathology, but is not able yet to replace the aforementioned. Numerous molecular genetic variants have been studied in precancerous lesions to gain knowledge about the prognosis of these lesions. Still, there are no evidence-based parameters available to safely detect precursor lesions that will undergo malignant transformation in the future. Excision of OE and OEL should be performed with a margin of safety using the CO2 laser or a scalpel. Data about incidence of recurrence and malignant tranformation rates of OE are mostly based upon case reports or case series. The OEL has a significantly higher risk of malignant transformation than oral leukoplakias.


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Oral erythroplakia (OE) and oral erythroleukoplakia (OEL; synonym: speckled leukoplakia) are working diagnoses for red and red-white lesions of the oral mucosa after exclusion of all other possible diagnoses for lesions with a similar clinical appearance. A good knowledge of oral medicine and possible differential diagnoses of oral mucosal pathologies is mandatory to correctly detect OE and OEL on this exclusion basis. In the present review article in a series of two, epidemiologic data, etiologic factors, possible differential diagnoses, and the histopathologic characteristics of OE and OEL will be presented and discussed regarding the current literature. A thorough histopathologic examination of these epithelial precursor lesions is mandatory to recognise the presence and the severity of epithelial dysplasia, which is a decisive factor for the subsequent treatment planning.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical and microbiological effects of full-mouth debridement with (FMD) and without the use of antiseptics [full-mouth scaling and root planing (FMSRP)] in comparison with conventional staged debridement (CSD) in patients with chronic periodontitis after at least 6 months. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The search in MEDLINE (PubMed), covering a period of 1975 to October 2007, and hand searching yielded 207 titles. Forty-two abstracts and 17 full-text articles were screened for inclusion. RESULTS: Twelve articles allowed a direct comparison of FMD with CSD, FMSRP with CSD and FMD with FMSRP. Probing pocket depth reductions were significantly greater (0.2 mm) with FMD and FMSRP compared with CSD. Moreover, a modest reduction in BOP (9%) favoured FMD. Likewise, clinical attachment levels were improved by 0.2-0.4 mm in favour of FMD and FMSRP, respectively. In all comparisons, single-rooted teeth and deep pockets benefitted slightly from FMD and FMSRP. Limited differences in the changes of the subgingival microbiota were noted between the treatment modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the significant differences of modest magnitude, FMD or FMSRP do not provide clinically relevant advantages over CSD. Hence, all three treatment modalities may be recommended for debridement in the initial treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present split-mouth study is to assess the peri-implant conditions around early-loaded sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) implants, 5 years after abutment connection and to compare, in the same patients, the results obtained with a standard protocol using identical implants with a TPS surface. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Surgical procedure was performed by the same operator and was identical at test (SLA) and control (TPS) sites, in 32 healthy patients. Abutment connection was carried out at 35 N cm 6 weeks postsurgery for test sites and 12 weeks for the controls. Patients were seen regularly, for control and professional cleaning. At 60 months, clinical measures and radiographic bone changes were recorded by the same operator, blind to the type of surface of the implant, on 27 patients, as five patients were lost to follow-up. RESULTS: A total number of 106 implants were examined. No implant was lost. No significant differences were found with respect to the presence of plaque [modified plaque index (mPI) 0.27+/-0.56 vs. 0.32+/-0.54], bleeding on probing (29% vs. 32%), mean pocket depth (3.2+/-1 vs. 3.2+/-1 mm) or mean marginal bone loss (0.32+/-1.04 vs. 0.44+/-1.12 mm) between test and control. Four implants that presented 'spinning' at the time of abutment connection presented no significant differences from the rest of the test sites. CONCLUSION: The results of this prospective study confirm that SLA implants, under defined conditions, are suitable for early loading at 6 weeks in both the mandible and the maxilla. Limited implant spinning, occasionally found at abutment connection, produces no detrimental effect on the clinical outcome when properly handled.


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A rare form of alternative reproductive behaviour without simultaneous parasitic spawning was observed in Ophthalmotilapia ventralis, a lekking mouth-brooding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Floater males attempted to sneak opportunistically into the territory to actively court the female, while the owner (bourgeois male) defended the territory against other potential intruders. Floater males had more body fat than territory owners and generally higher condition factors. In field experiments, the response of bourgeois males and courted females was tested towards floaters and egg predators (a catfish Synodontis multipunctatus) present in the territories. Territory owners responded aggressively particularly to floaters, and female responsiveness to bourgeois male courtship tended to decline when floaters were present. The potential influence of reproductive parasitism on sexual selection in mouth-brooding cichlids is discussed.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effect of a tin-containing fluoride (Sn/F) mouth rinse on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) between resin composite and erosively demineralised dentin. MATERIALS AND METHODS Dentin of 120 human molars was erosively demineralised using a 10-day cyclic de- and remineralisation model. For 40 molars, the model comprised erosive demineralisation only; for another 40, the model included treatment with a NaF solution; and for yet another 40, the model included treatment with a Sn/F mouth rinse. In half of these molars (n = 20), the demineralised organic matrix was continuously removed by collagenase. Silicon carbide paper-ground, non-erosively demineralised molars served as control (n = 20). Subsequently, μTBS of Clearfil SE/Filtek Z250 to the dentin was measured, and failure mode was determined. Additionally, surfaces were evaluated using SEM and EDX. RESULTS Compared to the non-erosively demineralised control, erosive demineralisation resulted in significantly lower μTBS regardless of the removal of demineralised organic matrix. Treatment with NaF increased μTBS, but the level of μTBS obtained by the non-erosively demineralised control was only reached when the demineralised organic matrix had been removed. The Sn/F mouth rinse together with removal of demineralised organic matrix led to significantly higher µTBS than did the non-erosively demineralised control. The Sn/F mouth rinse yielded higher μTBS than did the NaF solution. CONCLUSIONS Treatment of erosively demineralised dentin with a NaF solution or a Sn/F mouth rinse increased the bond strength of resin composite. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Bond strength of resin composite to eroded dentin was not negatively influenced by treatment with a tin-containing fluoride mouth rinse.


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SUMMARY Split-mouth designs first appeared in dental clinical trials in the late sixties. The main advantage of this study design is its efficiency in terms of sample size as the patients act as their own controls. Cited disadvantages relate to carry-across effects, contamination or spilling of the effects of one intervention to another, period effects if the interventions are delivered at different time periods, difficulty in finding similar comparison sites within patients and the requirement for more complex data analysis. Although some additional thought is required when utilizing a split-mouth design, the efficiency of this design is attractive, particularly in orthodontic clinical studies where carry-across, period effects and dissimilarity between intervention sites does not pose a problem. Selection of the appropriate research design, intervention protocol and statistical method accounting for both the reduced variability and potential clustering effects within patients should be considered for the trial results to be valid.