24 resultados para medium of instruction
The cellular and humoral mechanisms accounting for osteolysis in skeletal metastases of malignant melanoma are uncertain. Osteoclasts, the specialised multinucleated cells that carry out bone resorption, are derived from monocyte/macrophage precursors. We isolated tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) from metastatic (lymph node/skin) melanomas and cultured them in the presence and absence of osteoclastogenic cytokines and growth factors. The effect of tumour-derived fibroblasts and melanoma cells on osteoclast formation and resorption was also analysed. Melanoma TAMs (CD14+/CD51-) differentiated into osteoclasts (CD14-/CD51+) in the presence of receptor activator for nuclear factor kappaB ligand (RANKL) and macrophage-colony stimulating factor. Tumour-associated macrophage-osteoclast differentiation also occurred via a RANKL-independent pathway when TAMs were cultured with tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1alpha. RT-PCR showed that fibroblasts isolated from metastatic melanomas expressed RANKL messenger RNA and the conditioned medium of cultured melanoma fibroblasts was found to be capable of inducing osteoclast formation in the absence of RANKL; this effect was inhibited by the addition of osteoprotegerin (OPG). We also found that cultured human SK-Mel-29 melanoma cells produce a soluble factor that induces osteoclast differentiation; this effect was not inhibited by OPG. Our findings indicate that TAMs in metastatic melanomas can differentiate into osteoclasts and that melanoma fibroblasts and melanoma tumour cells can induce osteoclast formation by RANKL-dependent and RANKL-independent mechanisms, respectively.
Few studies have addressed the interaction between instruction content and saccadic eye movement control. To assess the impact of instructions on top-down control, we instructed 20 healthy volunteers to deliberately delay saccade triggering, to make inaccurate saccades or to redirect saccades--i.e. to glimpse towards and then immediately opposite to the target. Regular pro- and antisaccade tasks were used for comparison. Bottom-up visual input remained unchanged and was a gap paradigm for all instructions. In the inaccuracy and delay tasks, both latencies and accuracies were detrimentally impaired by either type of instruction and the variability of latency and accuracy was increased. The intersaccadic interval (ISI) required to correct erroneous antisaccades was shorter than the ISI for instructed direction changes in the redirection task. The word-by-word instruction content interferes with top-down saccade control. Top-down control is a time consuming process, which may override bottom-up processing only during a limited time period. It is questionable whether parallel processing is possible in top-down control, since the long ISI for instructed direction changes suggests sequential planning.
Im vorgestellten Projekt ging es darum, Lernprozesse und -inhalte im Praktikum anhand von Tagebüchern sichtbar zu machen. Im Rahmen einer größeren Befragung zum Thema "Lernen im Praktikum" führten 46 Studierende ein Lerntagebuch und berichteten insgesamt 620 Lernsituationen, welche mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet wurden. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Schwerpunktsetzung hinsichtlich des Erwerbs didaktischer Kompetenzen hin. Sowohl Praxislehrpersonen als auch Schüler gaben wesentliche Impulse für die Lernprozesse der Studierenden. Zentrale Einzelthemen bezogen sich auf die Einschätzung des Schwierigkeitsgrads, des Anspruchsniveaus von Anforderungen und Aufgaben und auf den Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen.
The present study seeks to obtain deeper insight into the learning processes in practical training in primary teacher education in Upper Austria. Based on the offer-and-use model of instruction, 230 diary entries of 46 student teachers (28 students in their third semester, 18 students in their fifth semester) were analysed with legard to the learning topics, learning sourcesJ and Ìealning processes involved in practical training. The results show a variety of learning forms, ranging from the unreflective imitation of school mentors' practices to active knowledge construction. In addition, they illustrate that the available learning offers were suboptimally utilized by stuclent teachers who failed to work systernatically and continuously on their professional development.
In diesem Beitrag wird das Problem behandelt, wie methodisch kontrollierter Erkenntnisfortschritt in der Erziehungswissenschaft theoretisch bestimmt werden kann. Hierzu wird der Lösungsansatz der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Komplexitätsforschung vorgestellt. Diese beschreibt Forschung als ein irreduzibles Wechselspiel von Perspektiven und sieht in der gegenseitigen Problematisierung theoretischer Standpunkte das Medium des methodisch kontrollierten Erkenntnisfortschritts. Anhand des Diskurses um die Begriffe ‚Bildung´ und ‚Subjektivation´ werden die Überlegungen konkretisiert. Es wird darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass eine wechselseitige Problematisierung theoretischer Standpunkte in diesem Kontext nicht auszumachen ist. Aus diesem Grund werden mögliche bildungstheoretische Einsätze markiert, die es erlauben, subjektivationstheoretische Problematisierungen ihrerseits zu problematisieren. Statt Resignifizierung vorschnell als eine Form von Bildung zu bestimmen, wird die Auffassung vertreten, dass ein Bildungsbegriff entwickelt werden müsse, der subjektivationstheoretischen Problematisierungen ebenso Rechnung trägt wie einem bereits erreichten bildungstheoretischen Problembewusstsein.
This paper takes the recent abdication of multiculturalism by the leaders of Europe’s most powerful nations (Germany, France, and Britain) as hub for a reflection on common themes in Europe’s crisis of multiculturalism. The most obvious common theme in this crisis is Islam and problems of Muslim integration. Accordingly, this paper addresses the role of religion and Islam in Europe’s multiculturalism crisis, and elaborates on the “muscular liberalism” or “civic integration” policies that have appeared in lieu of a discarded multiculturalism. In a final step, I tackle, in a forward-looking mode, some “critical issues” that will shape European immigrant integration after multiculturalism: the need to fight discrimination despite multiculturalism’s ebb, a greater concern for majority culture, the importance of robust debate and democracy as medium of integration, the often-neglected factor of immigrant selection, and a recognition that institutions matter more than policy in the process of integration.
This document describes the guideline for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) published by the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) and accepted by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) to be included in the official AWMF Guideline Registry. These recommendations are a prerequisite for the quality management in the treatment of patients with somatostatin receptor expressing tumours using PRRT. They are aimed at guiding nuclear medicine specialists in selecting likely candidates to receive PRRT and to deliver the treatment in a safe and effective manner. The recommendations are based on an interdisciplinary consensus. The document contains background information and definitions and covers the rationale, indications and contraindications for PRRT. Essential topics are the requirements for institutions performing the therapy, e. g. presence of an expert for medical physics, intense cooperation with all colleagues involved in the treatment of a patient, and a certificate of instruction in radiochemical labelling and quality control are required. Furthermore, it is specified which patient data have to be available prior to performance of therapy and how treatment has to be carried out technically. Here, quality control and documentation of labelling are of great importance. After treatment, clinical quality control is mandatory (work-up of therapy data and follow-up of patients). Essential elements of follow-up are specified in detail. The complete treatment inclusive after-care has to be realised in close cooperation with the involved medical disciplines. Generally, the decision for PRRT should be undertaken within the framework of a multi-disciplinary tumour board.
Mittels eines quasiexperimentellen Prä-Posttest-Designs wurde die Wirksamkeit des Unterrichtsprogramms Schulfach Glück untersucht. Die Erhebung fand an zwei Berufsschulen statt, die das Unterrichtsprogramm für Teile der Schülerschaft im Schuljahr 2010/11 einführten. Berichtet werden die Effekte eines Schuljahres im Schulfach Glück auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden, das Selbstwertgefühl und die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Ergänzend wurde überprüft, ob die Persönlichkeitsdimensionen emotionale Stabilität und Extraversion die Effekte moderieren. 106 Berufsschülerinnen und -schüler waren entweder der Treatment- oder einer Vergleichsgruppe (Unterricht in einem anderen Wahlfach) zugeordnet. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler wurden zu Beginn und am Ende des Schuljahres 2010/11 befragt. In der Treatmentgruppe zeigten sich positive Effekte bei der affektiven Komponente des Wohlbefindens sowie beim Selbstwertgefühl. Darüber hinaus moderierte die emotionale Stabilität der Schülerinnen und Schüler die Effekte auf das Selbstwertgefühl und die kognitiven Komponenten des Wohlbefindens. Emotional stabilere Schülerinnen und Schüler profitierten eher vom Unterrichtsprogramm. Hinsichtlich der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung fand sich kein Effekt. Die Ergebnisse werden als Teilwirksamkeit des Programms interpretiert.
Facebook is a medium of social interaction producing its own style. The present study analyses how users from Malaga create this style through phonetic features of the local Spanish variety and how they reflect on the use of these features. Moreover, the use of non-standard variants by users from Malaga is examined and compared to an oral corpus. Results demonstrate that social factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Thus, the electronic medium constrains the phonetics of the local variety employed on Facebook. Facebook communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity.