25 resultados para cip-fil


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OBJECTIVES To investigate the influence of increment thickness on Vickers microhardness (HV) and shear bond strength (SBS) to dentin of a conventional and four bulk fill resin composites. METHODS HV and SBS were determined on specimens of the conventional resin composite Filtek Supreme XTE (XTE) and the bulk fill resin composites SDR (SDR), Filtek Bulk Fill (FBF), x-tra fil (XFIL), and Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill (TEBF) after 24h storage. HV was measured either as profiles at depths up to 6mm or at the bottom of 2mm/4mm/6mm thick resin composite specimens. SBS of 2mm/4mm/6mm thick resin composite increments was measured to dentin surfaces of extracted human molars treated with the adhesive system OptiBond FL, and the failure mode was stereomicroscopically determined at 40× magnification. HV profiles and failure modes were descriptively analysed whereas HV at the bottom of resin composite specimens and SBS were statistically analysed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α=0.05). RESULTS HV profiles (medians at 2mm/4mm/6mm): XTE 105.6/88.8/38.3, SDR 34.0/35.5/36.9, FBF 36.4/38.7/37.1, XFIL 103.4/103.9/101.9, TEBF 63.5/59.7/51.9. HV at the bottom of resin composite specimens (medians at 2mm/4mm/6mm): XTE (p<0.0001) 105.5>85.5>31.1, SDR (p=0.10) 25.8=21.9=26.0, FBF (p=0.16) 26.6=25.3=28.9, XFIL (p=0.18) 110.5=107.2=101.9, TEBF (p<0.0001) 63.0>54.9>48.2. SBS (MPa, medians at 2mm/4mm/6mm): XTE (p<0.0001) 23.9>18.9=16.7, SDR (p=0.26) 24.6=22.7=23.4, FBF (p=0.11) 21.4=20.3=22.0, x-tra fil (p=0.55) 27.0=24.0=23.6, TEBF (p=0.11) 21.0=20.7=19.0. The predominant SBS failure mode was cohesive failure in dentin. SIGNIFICANCE At increasing increment thickness, HV and SBS decreased for the conventional resin composite but generally remained constant for the bulk fill resin composites.


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Le collage d’un fil torsadé souple sur les faces linguales des six dents antérieures mandibulaires est une modalité de contention couramment utilisée. Les complications sont rares mais peuvent être assez sérieuses pour provoquer des dégâts biologiques. Cet article présente une complication sérieuse d’un fil de contention torsadé souple, collé en lingual. Quatre ans après son traitement orthodontique, un homme de 20 ans a consulté pour la rupture d’un fil de contention torsadé souple. L’examen clinique a montré un torque radiculo-vestibulaire d’environ 35° d’une dent. Une image en tomographie volumique à faisceau conique (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography ou CBCT) a montré que la racine et l’apex de la dent étaient presque totalement hors de l’os du côté vestibulaire. Étonnamment, la vitalité de la dent était préservée. La dent a été ramenée presque jusqu’à sa position initiale; cliniquement, seule une récession gingivale a persisté. Les orthodontistes et les dentistes devraient être conscients des complications possibles des contentions collées. Les patients devraient être clairement informés de la manière dont les problèmes peuvent être détectés à un stade précoce.


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Möglichkeiten einer Integration von Tanz- und Bewegungstherapie in die Psychotherapie werden untersucht. Während der besondere Bezug von Tanz zum psychologischen Selbst und die Funktion von Achtsamkeit bei psychotherapeutischen Interventionen für diese Verbindung sprechen, zeigt ein Überblick zu Tanz- und Bewegungstherapie als psychotherapeutische Verfahren bislang allerdings einen ungenügenden Nachweis der Wirksamkeit. Dennoch wird vermutet, dass Tanztherapie in zweierlei Hinsicht zum Fortschritt der Psychotherapie beitragen könnte. Einerseits bei spezifischen Patientengruppen, wofür ein Praxisbericht zur psychomotorischen Tanztherapie bei autistischen Kindern als Beispiel angeführt wird. Weiterhin eröffnet sich ein innovatives Feld für psychotherapeutische Techniken, die durch Praktiken in der Tanzwelt angeregt werden können.


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BACKGROUND A novel Gram-negative, non-haemolytic, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium was discovered in the lungs of a dead parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) that was kept in captivity in a petshop in Basel, Switzerland. The organism is described with a chemotaxonomic profile and the nearly complete genome sequence obtained through the assembly of short sequence reads. RESULTS Genome sequence analysis and characterization of respiratory quinones, fatty acids, polar lipids, and biochemical phenotype is presented here. Comparison of gene sequences revealed that the most similar species is Pelistega europaea, with BLAST identities of only 93% to the 16S rDNA gene, 76% identity to the rpoB gene, and a similar GC content (~43%) as the organism isolated from the parakeet, DSM 24701 (40%). The closest full genome sequences are those of Bordetella spp. and Taylorella spp. High-throughput sequencing reads from the Illumina-Solexa platform were assembled with the Edena de novo assembler to form 195 contigs comprising the ~2 Mb genome. Genome annotation with RAST, construction of phylogenetic trees with the 16S rDNA (rrs) gene sequence and the rpoB gene, and phylogenetic placement using other highly conserved marker genes with ML Tree all suggest that the bacterial species belongs to the Alcaligenaceae family. Analysis of samples from cages with healthy parakeets suggested that the newly discovered bacterial species is not widespread in parakeet living quarters. CONCLUSIONS Classification of this organism in the current taxonomy system requires the formation of a new genus and species. We designate the new genus Basilea and the new species psittacipulmonis. The type strain of Basilea psittacipulmonis is DSM 24701 (= CIP 110308 T, 16S rDNA gene sequence Genbank accession number JX412111 and GI 406042063).


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Purpose. For accurate resection of nonpalpable malignant breast lesions with a tumor-free resection rim, an exact and stable wire localization is essential. We tested the resistance towards traction force of different localization devices used in our clinic for breast lesions in two types of tissue. Materials and Methods. Eight different commercially available hook-wire devices were examined for resistance towards traction force using an analogue spring scale. Results. Most systems showed a high level of movement already under small traction force. Retractable systems with round hooks such as the Bard DuaLok , the Fil d'Ariane, and the RPLN Breast Localization Device withstood less traction force than the other systems. However, the Bard DuaLok system was very resistant towards a small traction force of 50 g when compared to the other systems. The Ultrawire Breast Localization Device withstood the most traction force in softer tissue and Kopans Breast Lesion Localization Needle withstood the most force in harder tissue. Conclusion. The Ultrawire Breast Localization Device and Kopans Breast Lesion Localization Needle withstood the most traction force. In general retractable systems withstand less traction force than nonretractable systems.


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Les relations sociales font partie des déterminants clés du bien-être et de la santé de chacune et de chacun, indépendamment de l’âge, du genre ou de la culture. Il est démontré que les personnes qui disposent d’un réseau social solide et vivent dans le cadre d’une relation stable sont en meilleure santé physique et mentale. Elles sont mieux intégrées que les personnes qui vivent seules et qui n’ont pas de proches de confiance autour d’elles. Or, au fil des dernières décennies, vivre seul est devenu l’un des modes d’existence les plus répandus dans notre société. Les dernières tendances mises en lumière par l’Office fédéral de la statistique démontrent que plus de la moitié de la population suisse est célibataire, divorcée, en situation de veuvage ou sans relation fixe. Les ménages composés d’une seule personne sont ainsi les plus nombreux en Suisse.


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The main method of proving the Craig Interpolation Property (CIP) constructively uses cut-free sequent proof systems. Until now, however, no such method has been known for proving the CIP using more general sequent-like proof formalisms, such as hypersequents, nested sequents, and labelled sequents. In this paper, we start closing this gap by presenting an algorithm for proving the CIP for modal logics by induction on a nested-sequent derivation. This algorithm is applied to all the logics of the so-called modal cube.