41 resultados para buffer layers
Phyllotaxis and vein formation are among the most conspicuous patterning processes in plants. The expression and polarization of the auxin efflux carrier PIN1 is the earliest marker for both processes, with mathematical models indicating that PIN1 can respond to auxin gradients and/or auxin flux. Here, we use cell-layer-specific PIN1 knockouts and partial complementation of auxin transport mutants to examine the interaction between phyllotactic patterning, which occurs primarily in the L1 surface layer of the meristem, and midvein specification in the inner tissues. We show that PIN1 expression in the L1 is sufficient for correct organ positioning, as long as the L1-specific influx carriers are present. Thus, differentiation of inner tissues can proceed without PIN1 or any of the known polar transporters. On theoretical grounds, we suggest that canalization of auxin flux between an auxin source and an auxin sink may involve facilitated diffusion rather than polar transport.
Building resilience to climate change in agricultural production can ensure the functioning of agricultural-based livelihoods and reduce their vulnerability to climate change impacts. This paper thus explores how buffer capacity, a characteristic feature of resilience, can be conceptualised and used for assessing the resilience of smallholder agriculture to climate change. It uses the case of conservation agriculture farmers in a Kenyan region and examines how their practices contribute to buffer capacity. Surveys were used to collect data from 41 purposely selected conservation agriculture farmers in the Laikipia region of Kenya. Besides descriptive statistics, factor analysis was used to identify the key dimensions that characterise buffer capacity in the study context. The cluster of practices characterising buffer capacity in conservation agriculture include soil protection, adapted crops, intensification/irrigation, mechanisation and livelihood diversification. Various conservation practices increase buffer capacity, evaluated by farmers in economic, social, ecological and other dimensions. Through conservation agriculture, most farmers improved their productivity and incomes despite drought, improved their environment and social relations. Better-off farmers also reduced their need for labour, but this resulted in lesser income-earning opportunities for the poorer farmers, thus reducing the buffer capacity and resilience of the latter.
This longitudinal study investigated whether cybervictimisation is an additional risk factor for depressive symptoms over and beyond traditional victimisation in adolescents. Furthermore, it explored whether certain coping strategies moderate the impact of cybervictimisation on depressive symptoms. A total of 765 Swiss seventh graders (mean age at time-point 1 (t1) = 13.18 years) reported on the frequency of traditional and cybervictimisation, and of depressive symptoms twice in six months. At time-point 2 (t2) students also completed a questionnaire on coping strategies in response to a hypothetical cyberbullying scenario. Analyses showed that both traditional and cybervictimisation were associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms. Cybervictimisation also predicted increases in depressive symptoms over time. Regarding coping strategies, it was found that helpless reactions were positively associated with depressive symptoms. Moreover, support seeking from peers and family showed a significant buffering effect: cybervictims who recommended seeking close support showed lower levels of depressive symptoms at t2. In contrast, cybervictims recommending assertive coping strategies showed higher levels of depressive symptoms at t2.
Plants exhibit life-long organogenic and histogenic activity in a specialised organ, the shoot apical meristem. Leaves and flowers are formed within the ring-shaped peripheral zone, which surrounds the central zone, the site of the stem cells. We have undertaken a series of high-precision laser ablation and microsurgical tissue removal experiments to test the functions of different parts of the tomato meristem, and to reveal their interactions. Ablation of the central zone led to ectopic expression of the WUSCHEL gene at the periphery, followed by the establishment of a new meristem centre. After the ablation of the central zone, organ formation continued without a lag. Thus, the central zone does not participate in organogenesis, except as the ultimate source of founder cells. Microsurgical removal of the external L-1 layer induced periclinal cell divisions and terminal differentiation in the subtending layers. In addition, no organs were initiated in areas devoid of L-1, demonstrating an important role of the L-1 in organogenesis. L-1 ablation had only local effects, an observation that is difficult to reconcile with phyllotaxis theories that invoke physical tension operating within the meristem as a whole. Finally, regeneration of L-1 cells was never observed after ablation. This shows that while the zones of the meristem show a remarkable capacity to regenerate after interference, elimination of the L-1 layer is irreparable and causes terminal differentiation.
The aim of this work was to clarify the mechanism taking place in field-enhanced sample injection coupled to sweeping and micellar EKC (FESI-Sweep-MEKC), with the utilization of two acidic high-conductivity buffers (HCBs), phosphoric acid or sodium phosphate buffer, in view of maximizing sensitivity enhancements. Using cationic model compounds in acidic media, a chemometric approach and simulations with SIMUL5 were implemented. Experimental design first enabled to identify the significant factors and their potential interactions. Simulation demonstrates the formation of moving boundaries during sample injection, which originate at the initial sample/HCB and HCB/buffer discontinuities and gradually change the compositions of HCB and BGE. With sodium phosphate buffer, the HCB conductivity increased during the injection, leading to a more efficient preconcentration by staking (about 1.6 times) than with phosphoric acid alone, for which conductivity decreased during injection. For the same injection time at constant voltage, however, a lower amount of analytes was injected with sodium phosphate buffer than with phosphoric acid. Consequently sensitivity enhancements were lower for the whole FESI-Sweep-MEKC process. This is why, in order to maximize sensitivity enhancements, it is proposed to work with sodium phosphate buffer as HCB and to use constant current during sample injection.