GOAL We present the development of a boneanchored port for the painless long-term hemodialytic treatment of patients with renal failure. This port is implanted behind the ear. METHODS The port was developed based on knowledge obtained from long-term experience with implantable hearing devices, which are firmly anchored to the bone behind the ear. This concept of bone anchoring was adapted to the requirements for a vascular access during hemodialysis. The investigational device is comprised of a base plate that is firmly fixed with bone screws to the bone behind the ear (temporal bone). A catheter leads from the base plate valve block through the internal jugular vein and into the right atrium. The valves are opened using a special disposable adapter, without any need to puncture the blood vessels. Between hemodialysis sessions the port is protected with a disposable cover. RESULTS Flow rate, leak tightness and purification were tested on mockups. Preoperative planning and the surgical procedure were verified in 15 anatomical human whole head specimens. CONCLUSION Preclinical evaluations demonstrated the technical feasibility and safety of the investigational device. SIGNIFICANCE Approximately 1.5 million people are treated with hemodialysis worldwide, and 25% of the overall cost of dialysis therapy results from vascular access problems. New approaches towards enhancing vascular access could potentially reduce the costs and complications of hemodialytic therapy.
Venous angioplasty with stenting of iliac veins is an important treatment option for patients suffering from post-thrombotic syndrome due to chronic venous obstruction. Interventional treatment of a chronically occluded vena cava, however, is challenging and often associated with failure. We describe a case of a chronic total occlusion of the entire inferior vena cava that was successfully recanalized using bidirectional wire access and a balloon puncture by a re-entry catheter to establish patency of the inferior vena cava.