92 resultados para Social research|Clinical psychology
AIMS Our aim was to evaluate the invasive haemodynamic indices of high-risk symptomatic patients presenting with 'paradoxical' low-flow, low-gradient, severe aortic stenosis (AS) (PLF-LG) and low-flow, low-gradient severe AS (LEF-LG) and to compare clinical outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) among these challenging AS subgroups. METHODS AND RESULTS Of 534 symptomatic patients undergoing TAVI, 385 had a full pre-procedural right and left heart catheterization. A total of 208 patients had high-gradient severe AS [HGAS; mean gradient (MG) ≥40 mmHg], 85 had PLF-LG [MG ≤ 40 mmHg, indexed aortic valve area [iAVA] ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), stroke volume index ≤35 mL/m(2), ejection fraction (EF) ≥50%], and 61 had LEF-LG (MG ≤ 40 mmHg, iAVA ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), EF ≤40%). Compared with HGAS, PLF-LG and LEF-LG had higher systemic vascular resistances (HGAS: 1912 ± 654 vs. PLF-LG 2006 ± 586 vs. LEF-LG 2216 ± 765 dyne s m(-5), P = 0.007) but lower valvulo-arterial impedances (HGAS: 7.8 ± 2.7 vs. PLF-LG 6.9 ± 1.9 vs. LEF-LG 7.7 ± 2.5 mmHg mL(-1) m(-2), P = 0.027). At 30 days, no differences in cardiac death (6.5 vs. 4.9 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.90) or death (8.4 vs. 6.1 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.88) were observed among HGAS, PLF-LG, and LEF-LG groups, respectively. At 1 year, New York Heart Association functional improvement occurred in most surviving patients (HGAS: 69.2% vs. PLF-LG 71.7% vs. LEF-LG 89.3%, P = 0.09) and no significant differences in overall mortality were observed (17.6 vs. 20.5 vs. 24.5%, P = 0.67). Compared with HGAS, LEF-LG had a higher 1 year cardiac mortality (adjusted hazard ratio 2.45, 95% confidence interval 1.04-5.75, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION TAVI in PLF-LG or LEF-LG patients is associated with overall mortality rates comparable with HGAS patients and all groups profit symptomatically to a similar extent.
CONTEXT The necessity of specific intervention components for the successful treatment of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder is the subject of controversy. OBJECTIVE To investigate the complexity of clinical problems as a moderator of relative effects between specific and nonspecific psychological interventions. METHODS We included 18 randomized controlled trials, directly comparing specific and nonspecific psychological interventions. We conducted moderator analyses, including the complexity of clinical problems as predictor. RESULTS Our results have confirmed the moderate superiority of specific over nonspecific psychological interventions; however, the superiority was small in studies with complex clinical problems and large in studies with noncomplex clinical problems. CONCLUSIONS For patients with complex clinical problems, our results suggest that particular nonspecific psychological interventions may be offered as an alternative to specific psychological interventions. In contrast, for patients with noncomplex clinical problems, specific psychological interventions are the best treatment option.
Worldwide, Gerhard Andersson is one of the most influential researchers working on internet-based psychological treatments. Moreover, he is also one of the leading researchers in the field of psychologically oriented tinnitus research. He is full professor of clinical psychology at Linköping University and affiliated professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Section Psychiatry. Professor Andersson has been highly productive, having produced more the 300 scientific papers. During his whole career he has worked part-time with patients. Apart from his own research and clinical work, Professor Andersson has editorial responsibilities for several journals including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Plos One, BMC Psychiatry, and Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. The interview was conducted by Professor Thomas Berger.
Wer die auf Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften basierende Literatur aus dem Kanon der Geschlechtertheorie betrachtet, erhält den Eindruck, dass die Psychologie innerhalb dieses Forschungsbereichs keine tragende Rolle spielt. Ein möglicher Grund für die fehlende Integration psychologischer Forschung scheint ihr Zugriff auf quantitative empirische Methoden zu sein, ein Ansatz, der für die naturwissenschaftlich orientierte psychologische Forschung zentral ist. In diesem Artikel wollen wir eine Lanze brechen für eine geschlechter theoretisch informierte quantitative Experimentalpsychologie. Anhand unseres Forschungsgebietes Psychologie der Sprache illustrieren wir, an welchen Punkten die neueren behavioralen und neurowissenschaftlichen Methoden einen Beitrag leisten können und wie sie Erkenntnisse aus der qualitativen Genderforschung komplementieren. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit aktuellen Studien, die unter anderem mit Reaktionszeitmessungen und evozierten Potenzialen zeigen, wie stark Genderstereotypien in der Semantik verankert sind. Der zweite Teil thematisiert neuere Befunde aus der Neurobildgebung, die Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Lateralisierung von Sprachverarbeitung infrage stellen. Abschließend skizzieren wir neuere Forschungsansätze und plädieren für eine transdiziplinäre Kombination von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden.
Aims: To compare clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) between patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and those with stable ischaemic heart disease (SIHD) stratified by anatomic disease complexity (SYNTAX score). Methods and results: Patient-level data from three all-comers PCI trials were pooled. Patients (n=4,204) were stratified by clinical presentation (i.e., ACS or SIHD) and by SYNTAX score (i.e., lowest vs. two highest tertiles). The major adverse cardiac event (MACE) rates of patients with low-risk SIHD (n=531) and high-risk SIHD (n=1,066) were compared with ACS patients (n=2,607), respectively. At two years, the risk of MACE was higher for high-risk SIHD patients (OR 1.34, 95% CI: 1.08-1.66) and lower for low-risk SIHD patients (OR 0.61, 95% CI: 0.43-0.87) compared with ACS patients, respectively. This difference between high-risk SIHD patients and ACS patients was primarily driven by a higher risk of myocardial infarction (OR 1.64, 95% CI: 1.21-2.21), while there was no difference for cardiac death (OR 0.77, 95% CI: 0.49-1.21) or target lesion revascularisation (OR 1.21, 95% CI: 0.91-1.62). Conclusions: In this pooled analysis, the majority of patients undergoing PCI for SIHD (i.e., with SYNTAX score >8) had a higher risk of MACE than patients with ACS. Trial registration: URL: http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov; unique identifier: NCT00297661 (Sirtax), NCT00389220 (Leaders), NCT00114972 (Resolute-AC).
BACKGROUND: How change comes about is hotly debated in psychotherapy research. One camp considers 'non-specific' or 'common factors', shared by different therapy approaches, as essential, whereas researchers of the other camp consider specific techniques as the essential ingredients of change. This controversy, however, suffers from unclear terminology and logical inconsistencies. The Taxonomy Project therefore aims at contributing to the definition and conceptualization of common factors of psychotherapy by analyzing their differential associations to standard techniques. METHODS: A review identified 22 common factors discussed in psychotherapy research literature. We conducted a survey, in which 68 psychotherapy experts assessed how common factors are implemented by specific techniques. Using hierarchical linear models, we predicted each common factor by techniques and by experts' age, gender and allegiance to a therapy orientation. RESULTS: Common factors differed largely in their relevance for technique implementation. Patient engagement, Affective experiencing and Therapeutic alliance were judged most relevant. Common factors also differed with respect to how well they could be explained by the set of techniques. We present detailed profiles of all common factors by the (positively or negatively) associated techniques. There were indications of a biased taxonomy not covering the embodiment of psychotherapy (expressed by body-centred techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback training and hypnosis). Likewise, common factors did not adequately represent effective psychodynamic and systemic techniques. CONCLUSION: This taxonomic endeavour is a step towards a clarification of important core constructs of psychotherapy. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: This article relates standard techniques of psychotherapy (well known to practising therapists) to the change factors/change mechanisms discussed in psychotherapy theory. It gives a short review of the current debate on the mechanisms by which psychotherapy works. We provide detailed profiles of change mechanisms and how they may be generated by practice techniques.
Objective: Processes occurring in the course of psychotherapy are characterized by the simple fact that they unfold in time and that the multiple factors engaged in change processes vary highly between individuals (idiographic phenomena). Previous research, however, has neglected the temporal perspective by its traditional focus on static phenomena, which were mainly assessed at the group level (nomothetic phenomena). To support a temporal approach, the authors introduce time-series panel analysis (TSPA), a statistical methodology explicitly focusing on the quantification of temporal, session-to-session aspects of change in psychotherapy. TSPA-models are initially built at the level of individuals and are subsequently aggregated at the group level, thus allowing the exploration of prototypical models. Method: TSPA is based on vector auto-regression (VAR), an extension of univariate auto-regression models to multivariate time-series data. The application of TSPA is demonstrated in a sample of 87 outpatient psychotherapy patients who were monitored by postsession questionnaires. Prototypical mechanisms of change were derived from the aggregation of individual multivariate models of psychotherapy process. In a 2nd step, the associations between mechanisms of change (TSPA) and pre- to postsymptom change were explored. Results: TSPA allowed a prototypical process pattern to be identified, where patient's alliance and self-efficacy were linked by a temporal feedback-loop. Furthermore, therapist's stability over time in both mastery and clarification interventions was positively associated with better outcomes. Conclusions: TSPA is a statistical tool that sheds new light on temporal mechanisms of change. Through this approach, clinicians may gain insight into prototypical patterns of change in psychotherapy.
Dynamik der Gewalteskalation bei kritischen Situationen am Beispiel des Fußballstadions Alain Brechbühl, Annemarie Schumacher-Dimech & Roland Seiler Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Bern Schlüsselwörter: Zuschauergewalt, Wahrnehmung, Fußball, Massenveranstaltungen, Fan Einleitung Zuschauergewalt bei Fußballspielen ist in der Schweiz ein aktuelles Thema, wie etwa politische Debatten um Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Eskalationen zeigen. Während in anderen Ländern bereits verschiedene Studien durchgeführt wurden (bspw. Hylander & Granström, 2010), existiert in der Schweiz kaum Forschung zur Dynamik und den möglichen Faktoren, die den Unterschied zwischen einer Eskalation oder Nichteskalation ausmachen könnten. Insbesondere die Sicht beteiligter Personen ist dazu von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das vorliegende Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Gewaltsituation und deren zentralen Faktoren und Ursachen im Kontext des Fußballs. Methode Aufgrund der spärlichen Forschungslage in der Schweiz wurde eine explorative qualitative Studie mit involvierten und nichtinvolvierten Personen (Fußballfans, Sicherheitspersonal und die Polizei) durchgeführt, um Daten über kritische Situationen bei Spielen der Raiffeisen Super League zu erheben. Die ausgewählten Personen wurden einzeln mit narrativen Interviews zu der erlebten Situation befragt um genauere Erkenntnisse zur Situation zu erhalten. Zu vier Situationen wurden 34 Interviews durchgeführt (12 mit Polizeiangehörigen, 11 mit Fans, 9 mit Fanarbeitern und 2 mit Sicherheitsarbeitern). Die Auswertung erfolgte mit der interpretativen phänomenologischen Analyse. Ergebnisse Es zeigten sich individuelle und gruppenspezifische Wahrnehmungen in kritischen Situationen. Bei den befragten Personen herrschte häufig eine Tendenz zur (negativen) Stereotypisierung der gegenüberstehenden Gruppenmitglieder. Schnelle und klare Kommunikation, genügend Distanz zwischen den Gruppen und das Entfernen von gruppenspezifisch bedrohlichen Hinweisreizen (bspw. Polizei-Rüstungen) konnten als relevante Faktoren für gewaltfreie Lösungen festgestellt werden. Diskussion Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse sprechen für die Aufrechterhaltung einer differenzierten Betrachtungsweise und das Beiziehen von Vermittlungspersonen (von Fan- wie auch Polizeiseite) in kritischen Situationen, um Eskalationen vermeiden zu können. Es zeigen sich Ähnlichkeiten zu den Ergebnissen von Hylander & Granström (2010). Es werden noch weitere kritische Situationen analysiert, um konkrete Praxisempfehlungen zu formulieren. Literatur Hylander, I., & Granström, K. (2010). Organizing for a peaceful crowd: an example of a football match. Fo-rum Qualitative Social Research, 11 (2), Zugriff am 22.01.2014 unter http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1462/2969.
BackgroundAcute cough is a common problem in general practice and is often caused by a self-limiting, viral infection. Nonetheless, antibiotics are often prescribed in this situation, which may lead to unnecessary side effects and, even worse, the development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms worldwide. This study assessed the role of point-of-care C-reactive protein (CRP) testing and other predictors of antibiotic prescription in patients who present with acute cough in general practice.MethodsPatient characteristics, symptoms, signs, and laboratory and X-ray findings from 348 patients presenting to 39 general practitioners with acute cough, as well as the GPs themselves, were recorded by fourth-year medical students during their three-week clerkships in general practice. Patient and clinician characteristics of those prescribed and not-prescribed antibiotics were compared using a mixed-effects model.ResultsOf 315 patients included in the study, 22% were prescribed antibiotics. The two groups of patients, those prescribed antibiotics and those treated symptomatically, differed significantly in age, demand for antibiotics, days of cough, rhinitis, lung auscultation, haemoglobin level, white blood cell count, CRP level and the GP¿s license to self-dispense antibiotics. After regression analysis, only the CRP level, the white blood cell count and the duration of the symptoms were statistically significant predictors of antibiotic prescription.ConclusionsThe antibiotic prescription rate of 22% in adult patients with acute cough in the Swiss primary care setting is low compared to other countries. GPs appear to use point-of-care CRP testing in addition to the duration of clinical symptoms to help them decide whether or not to prescribe antibiotics.
The role of therapeutic processes in predicting premature termination of psychotherapy has been a particular focus of recent research. The purpose of this study was to contrast outpatients who completed therapy and those who dropped out with respect to their self-reported in-session experiences of self-esteem, mastery, clarification and the therapeutic alliance. The 296 patients with mixed disorders were treated with an integrative form of cognitive–behavioural therapy without pre-determined time limit (M = 20.2 sessions). Multilevel analyses indicated that patients who did not completetreatment reported, on average, lower levels of self-esteem, mastery and clarification and lower ratings of their therapeutic alliance in treatment in contrast to patients who completed therapy. Patient-reported change in self-esteem experiences over the course of treatment turned out to be the strongest predictor of dropout from psychotherapy or successful completion. When dropout occurred before the average treatment length was reached, patients reported fewer clarifying experiences as early as the first session and their ratings of the therapeutic alliance were characterized by an absence of positive development. Both of these aspects seem to be involved in patients' decisions to leave treatment early. The findings underscore the importance of the therapeutic process in understanding the mechanisms behind treatment dropout. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
BACKGROUND Ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents (BP-SES) proved noninferior to durable polymer everolimus-eluting stents (DP-EES) for a composite clinical end point in a population with minimal exclusion criteria. We performed a prespecified subgroup analysis of the Ultrathin Strut Biodegradable Polymer Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Versus Durable Polymer Everolimus-Eluting Stent for Percutaneous Coronary Revascularisation (BIOSCIENCE) trial to compare the performance of BP-SES and DP-EES in patients with diabetes mellitus. METHODS AND RESULTS BIOSCIENCE trial was an investigator-initiated, single-blind, multicentre, randomized, noninferiority trial comparing BP-SES versus DP-EES. The primary end point, target lesion failure, was a composite of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction, and clinically indicated target lesion revascularization within 12 months. Among a total of 2119 patients enrolled between February 2012 and May 2013, 486 (22.9%) had diabetes mellitus. Overall diabetic patients experienced a significantly higher risk of target lesion failure compared with patients without diabetes mellitus (10.1% versus 5.7%; hazard ratio [HR], 1.80; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.27-2.56; P=0.001). At 1 year, there were no differences between BP-SES versus DP-EES in terms of the primary end point in both diabetic (10.9% versus 9.3%; HR, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.67-2.10; P=0.56) and nondiabetic patients (5.3% versus 6.0%; HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.58-1.33; P=0.55). Similarly, no significant differences in the risk of definite or probable stent thrombosis were recorded according to treatment arm in both study groups (4.0% versus 3.1%; HR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.49-3.41; P=0.60 for diabetic patients and 2.4% versus 3.4%; HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.39-1.25; P=0.23, in nondiabetics). CONCLUSIONS In the prespecified subgroup analysis of the BIOSCIENCE trial, clinical outcomes among diabetic patients treated with BP-SES or DP-EES were comparable at 1 year. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01443104.