19 resultados para Síndrome de Marfan


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OBJECTIVES Valve-sparing root replacement (VSRR) is thought to reduce the rate of thromboembolic and bleeding events compared with aortic root replacement using a mechanical aortic root replacement (MRR) with a composite graft by avoiding oral anticoagulation. But as VSRR carries a certain risk for subsequent reinterventions, decision-making in the individual patient can be challenging. METHODS Of 100 Marfan syndrome (MFS) patients who underwent 169 aortic surgeries and were followed at our institution since 1995, 59 consecutive patients without a history of dissection or prior aortic surgery underwent elective VSRR or MRR and were retrospectively analysed. RESULTS VSRR was performed in 29 (David n = 24, Yacoub n = 5) and MRR in 30 patients. The mean age was 33 ± 15 years. The mean follow-up after VSRR was 6.5 ± 4 years (180 patient-years) compared with 8.8 ± 9 years (274 patient-years) after MRR. Reoperation rates after root remodelling (Yacoub) were significantly higher than after the reimplantation (David) procedure (60 vs 4.2%, P = 0.01). The need for reinterventions after the reimplantation procedure (0.8% per patient-year) was not significantly higher than after MRR (P = 0.44) but follow-up after VSRR was significantly shorter (P = 0.03). There was neither significant morbidity nor mortality associated with root reoperations. There were no neurological events after VSRR compared with four stroke/intracranial bleeding events in the MRR group (log-rank, P = 0.11), translating into an event rate of 1.46% per patient-year following MRR. CONCLUSION The calculated annual failure rate after VSRR using the reimplantation technique was lower than the annual risk for thromboembolic or bleeding events. Since the perioperative risk of reinterventions following VSRR is low, patients might benefit from VSRR even if redo surgery may become necessary during follow-up.


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Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are prescribed to patients with Marfan syndrome for prophylaxis against aortic aneurysm progression, despite limited evidence for their efficacy and safety in the disorder. Unexpectedly, Marfan mice treated with CCBs show accelerated aneurysm expansion, rupture, and premature lethality. This effect is both extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) dependent and angiotensin-II type 1 receptor (AT1R) dependent. We have identified protein kinase C beta (PKCβ) as a critical mediator of this pathway and demonstrate that the PKCβ inhibitor enzastaurin, and the clinically available anti-hypertensive agent hydralazine, both normalize aortic growth in Marfan mice, in association with reduced PKCβ and ERK1/2 activation. Furthermore, patients with Marfan syndrome and other forms of inherited thoracic aortic aneurysm taking CCBs display increased risk of aortic dissection and need for aortic surgery, compared to patients on other antihypertensive agents.


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• Das M arfan-Syndrom ist die häufigste h ereditäre Bindegewebskrankheit mit einer Häufigkeit (Prävalenz) von etwa 1:5000. • Die Ursache ist eine Mutation im FBN1-Gen. Die Vererbung erfolgt autosomal- dominant, bei etwa 30% der Fälle handelt es sich um de novo FBN1-Mutationen. • Die Hauptmanifestationen des Marfan-Syndroms sind: Aortendilatation, Mitralklappenprolaps, Augenveränderungen (Linsensubluxation) und Skelettveränderungen ( Skoliose, Thoraxasymmetrie, Platt- u nd/oder Senkfüsse, Arachnodaktylie). • Ziel einer frühzeitigen Diagnose ist die Verminderung des Risikos katastrophaler Aortendissektionen. Dies wird erreicht durch eine frühzeitige korrekte Diagnose sowie darauf basierend durch einen entsprechenden Lebensstil zur Vermeidung von hohen Blutdruckbelastungen, eine prophylaktische Behandlung mit Betablockern/Angiotensin-II-Antagonisten und den frühzeitigen prothetischen Ersatz dilatierter Aortenabschnitte.


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We report 2 cases of Iso Kikuchi syndrome: A new born female patient with a 21 days history and a 62 year-old male. We present two cases of this unusual congenital abnormality of the nails at the extremes of life.