Ectodermal dysplasias (EDs) are a large and heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders characterized by abnormalities in structures of ectodermal origin. Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is an ED characterized by skin lesions evolving over time, as well as dental, nail, and ocular abnormalities. Due to X-linked dominant inheritance IP symptoms can only be seen in female individuals while affected males die during development in utero. We observed a family of horses, in which several mares developed signs of a skin disorder reminiscent of human IP. Cutaneous manifestations in affected horses included the development of pruritic, exudative lesions soon after birth. These developed into wart-like lesions and areas of alopecia with occasional wooly hair re-growth. Affected horses also had streaks of darker and lighter coat coloration from birth. The observation that only females were affected together with a high number of spontaneous abortions suggested an X-linked dominant mechanism of transmission. Using next generation sequencing we sequenced the whole genome of one affected mare. We analyzed the sequence data for non-synonymous variants in candidate genes and found a heterozygous nonsense variant in the X-chromosomal IKBKG gene (c.184C>T; p.Arg62*). Mutations in IKBKG were previously reported to cause IP in humans and the homologous p.Arg62* variant has already been observed in a human IP patient. The comparative data thus strongly suggest that this is also the causative variant for the observed IP in horses. To our knowledge this is the first large animal model for IP.
Cloud computing provides a promising solution to the genomics data deluge problem resulting from the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Based on the concepts of “resources-on-demand” and “pay-as-you-go”, scientists with no or limited infrastructure can have access to scalable and cost-effective computational resources. However, the large size of NGS data causes a significant data transfer latency from the client’s site to the cloud, which presents a bottleneck for using cloud computing services. In this paper, we provide a streaming-based scheme to overcome this problem, where the NGS data is processed while being transferred to the cloud. Our scheme targets the wide class of NGS data analysis tasks, where the NGS sequences can be processed independently from one another. We also provide the elastream package that supports the use of this scheme with individual analysis programs or with workflow systems. Experiments presented in this paper show that our solution mitigates the effect of data transfer latency and saves both time and cost of computation.
In continuation of the long tradition of mass spectrometric research at the University of Bern, our group focuses on the characterization of nucleic acids as therapeutic agents and as drug targets. This article provides a short overview of our recent work on platinated single-stranded and higher-order nucleic acids. Nearly three decades ago the development of soft ionization techniques opened a whole new chapter in the mass spectrometric analysis of not only nucleic acids themselves, but also their interactions with potential drug candidates. In contrast to modern next generation sequencing approaches, though, the goal of the tandem mass spectrometric investigation of nucleic acids is by no means the complete sequencing of genetic DNA, but rather the characterization of short therapeutic and regulatory oligonucleotides and the elucidation of nucleic acid–drug interactions. The influence of cisplatin binding on the gas-phase dissociation of nucleic acids was studied by the means of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Experiments on native and modified DNA and RNA oligomers confirmed guanine base pairs as the preferred platination site and laid the basis for the formulation of a gas-phase fragmentation mechanism of platinated oligonucleotides. The study was extended to double stranded DNA and DNA quadruplexes. While duplexes are believed to be the main target of cisplatin in vivo, the recently discovered DNA quadruplexes constitute another promising target for anti-tumor drugs owing to their regulatory functions in the cell cycle.
Regulation of androgen production is poorly understood. Adrenarche is the physiologic event in mid-childhood when the adrenal zona reticularis starts to produce androgens through specific expression of genes for enzymes and cofactors necessary for androgen synthesis. Similarly, expression and activities of same genes and products are deregulated in hyperandrogenic disorders such as the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Numerous studies revealed involvement of several signaling pathways stimulated through G-protein coupled receptors or growth factors transmitting their effects through cAMP- or non-cAMP-dependent signaling. Overall a complex network regulates androgen synthesis targeting involved genes and proteins at the transcriptional and post-translational levels. Newest players in the field are the DENND1A gene identified in PCOS patients and the MAPK14 which is the kinase phosphorylating CYP17 for enhanced lyase activity. Next generation sequencing studies of PCOS patients and transcriptome analysis of androgen producing tissues or cell models provide newer tools to identify modulators of androgen synthesis.
Epileptic encephalopathies are a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of severe epilepsies accompanied by intellectual disability and other neurodevelopmental features. Using next-generation sequencing, we identified four different de novo mutations in KCNA2, encoding the potassium channel KV1.2, in six isolated patients with epileptic encephalopathy (one mutation recurred three times independently). Four individuals presented with febrile and multiple afebrile, often focal seizure types, multifocal epileptiform discharges strongly activated by sleep, mild to moderate intellectual disability, delayed speech development and sometimes ataxia. Functional studies of the two mutations associated with this phenotype showed almost complete loss of function with a dominant-negative effect. Two further individuals presented with a different and more severe epileptic encephalopathy phenotype. They carried mutations inducing a drastic gain-of-function effect leading to permanently open channels. These results establish KCNA2 as a new gene involved in human neurodevelopmental disorders through two different mechanisms, predicting either hyperexcitability or electrical silencing of KV1.2-expressing neurons.
Germline mutation testing in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) is offered only to a subset of patients with a clinical presentation or tumor histology suggestive of familial CRC syndromes, probably underestimating familial CRC predisposition. The aim of our study was to determine whether unbiased screening of newly diagnosed CRC cases with next generation sequencing (NGS) increases the overall detection rate of germline mutations. We analyzed 152 consecutive CRC patients for germline mutations in 18 CRC-associated genes using NGS. All patients were also evaluated for Bethesda criteria and all tumors were investigated for microsatellite instability, immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair proteins and the BRAF*V600E somatic mutation. NGS based sequencing identified 27 variants in 9 genes in 23 out of 152 patients studied (18%). Three of them were already reported as pathogenic and 12 were class 3 germline variants with an uncertain prediction of pathogenicity. Only 1 of these patients fulfilled Bethesda criteria and had a microsatellite instable tumor and an MLH1 germline mutation. The others would have been missed with current approaches: 2 with a MSH6 premature termination mutation and 12 uncertain, potentially pathogenic class 3 variants in APC, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MSH3 and MLH3. The higher NGS mutation detection rate compared with current testing strategies based on clinicopathological criteria is probably due to the large genetic heterogeneity and overlapping clinical presentation of the various CRC syndromes. It can also identify apparently nonpenetrant germline mutations complicating the clinical management of the patients and their families.
The diagnostics of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNEN) have changed in recent years especially concerning the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, TNM staging and grading. Furthermore, some new prognostic and predictive immunohistochemical markers have been introduced. Most progress, however, has been made in the molecular pathogenesis of these neoplasms. Using next generation sequencing techniques, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, hypoxia and epigenetic changes were identified as key players in tumorigenesis. In this article the most important developments of morphological as well as immunohistochemical diagnostics together with the molecular background of PanNEN are summarized.
Lung adenosquamous carcinoma is a particular subtype of non-small cell lung carcinoma that is defined by the coexistence of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma components. The aim of this study was to assess the mutational profile in each component of 16 adenosquamous carcinoma samples from a Caucasian population by a combination of next generation sequencing using the cancer hotspot panel as well as the colon and lung cancer panel and FISH. Identified mutations were confirmed by Sanger sequencing of DNA from cancer cells of each component collected by Laser Capture microdissection. Mutations typical for adenocarcinoma as well as squamous cell carcinoma were identified. Driver mutations were predominantly in the trunk suggesting a monoclonal origin of adenosquamous carcinoma. Most remarkably, EGFR mutations and mutations in the PI3K signaling pathway, which accounted for 30% and 25% of tumors respectively, were more prevalent while KRAS mutations were less prevalent than expected for a Caucasian population. Surprisingly, expression of classifier miR-205 was intermediate between that of classical adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma suggesting that adenosquamous carcinoma is a transitional stage between these tumor types. The high prevalence of therapy-relevant targets opens new options of therapeutic intervention for adenosquamous carcinoma patients.
Tritrichomonas spp. are parasitic protozoans that proliferate on mucus membranes of the urogenital, gastro-intestinal or nasal tract. For instance, Tritrichomonas foetus is an important cause of reproductive failure in cattle. Some years ago, T. foetus was also identified as a causative agent of diarrhoea in cats. Previous studies on the morphological, physiological and molecular levels have raised doubts as to the phylogenetic relationship among some Tritrichomonas species, particularly in relation to T. foetus, Tritrichomonas suis, and Tritrichomonas mobilensis. With the advent of molecular genetic tools, it has become clear that these three tritrichomonad species are closely related or may even represent the same species. Indeed, since recently, T. suis and T. foetus are generally considered as one species, with T. mobilensis being a closely related sister taxon. To date, molecular studies have not yet been able to resolve the taxonomic (specific) status of T. foetus from cattle and cats. In the future, novel genomic approaches, particularly those involving next generation sequencing are poised to resolve the taxonomy of Tritrichomonas spp. Here, we review the literature on the current state of knowledge of the taxonomy of T. foetus, T. suis, and T. mobilensis with special reference to the relationship between T. foetus from cattle and cats.
BACKGROUND Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC/D) is mainly an autosomal dominant disease characterized by fibrofatty infiltration of the right ventricle, leading to ventricular arrhythmias. Mutations in desmosomal proteins can be identified in about half of the patients. The pathogenic mechanisms leading to disease expression remain unclear. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to investigate myocardial expression profiles of candidate molecules involved in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D. METHODS Myocardial messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of 62 junctional molecules, 5 cardiac ion channel molecules, 8 structural molecules, 4 apoptotic molecules, and 6 adipogenic molecules was studied. The averaged expression of candidate mRNAs was compared between ARVC/D samples (n = 10), nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) samples (n = 10), and healthy control samples (n = 8). Immunohistochemistry and quantitative protein expression analysis were performed. Genetic analysis using next generation sequencing was performed in all patients with ARVC/D. RESULTS Following mRNA levels were significantly increased in patients with ARVC/D compared to those with DCM and healthy controls: phospholamban (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), healthy tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector (P = .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P = 0.008 vs controls). Plakophillin-2 (PKP-2) mRNA was downregulated in patients with ARVC/D with PKP-2 mutations compared with patients with ARVC/D without PKP-2 mutations (P = .04). Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly increased protein expression of phospholamban, tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β in patients with ARVC/D and decreased PKP-2 expression in patients with ARVC/D carrying a PKP-2 mutation. CONCLUSION Changes in the expression profiles of sarcolemmal calcium channel regulation, apoptosis, and adipogenesis suggest that these molecular pathways may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D, independent of the underlying genetic mutations.
Since the discovery of the JAK2 V617F mutation in the majority of the myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) of polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis ten years ago, further MPN-specific mutational events, notably in JAK2 exon 12, MPL exon 10 and CALR exon 9 have been identified. These discoveries have been rapidly incorporated into evolving molecular diagnostic algorithms. Whilst many of these mutations appear to have prognostic implications, establishing MPN diagnosis is of immediate clinical importance with selection, implementation and the continual evaluation of the appropriate laboratory methodology to achieve this diagnosis similarly vital. The advantages and limitations of these approaches in identifying and quantitating the common MPN-associated mutations are considered herein with particular regard to their clinical utility. The evolution of molecular diagnostic applications and platforms has occurred in parallel with the discovery of MPN-associated mutations, and it therefore appears likely that emerging technologies such as next-generation sequencing and digital PCR will in the future play an increasing role in the molecular diagnosis of MPN. Accepted for publication 30 April 2015 doi:10.1111/ejh.12578
The Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited arrhythmia characterized by ST-segment elevation in V1-V3 leads and negative T wave on standard ECG. BrS patients are at risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to ventricular tachyarrhythmia. At least 17 genes have been proposed to be linked to BrS, although recent findings suggested a polygenic background. Mutations in SCN5A, the gene coding for the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5, have been found in 15-30% of index cases. Here, we present the results of clinical, genetic, and expression studies of a large Iranian family with BrS carrying a novel genetic variant (p.P1506S) in SCN5A. By performing whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using HEK293 cells expressing wild-type (WT) or p.P1506S Nav1.5 channels, hyperpolarizing shift of the availability curve, depolarizing shift of the activation curve, and hastening of the fast inactivation process were observed. These mutant-induced alterations lead to a loss of function of Nav1.5 and thus suggest that the p.P1506S variant is pathogenic. In addition, cascade familial screening found a family member with BrS who did not carry the p.P1506S mutation. Additional next generation sequencing analyses revealed the p.R25W mutation in KCNH2 gene in SCN5A-negative BrS patients. These findings illustrate the complex genetic background of BrS found in this family and the possible pathogenic role of a new SCN5A genetic variant.
One to two percent of all children are born with a developmental disorder requiring pediatric hospital admissions. For many such syndromes, the molecular pathogenesis remains poorly characterized. Parallel developmental disorders in other species could provide complementary models for human rare diseases by uncovering new candidate genes, improving the understanding of the molecular mechanisms and opening possibilities for therapeutic trials. We performed various experiments, e.g. combined genome-wide association and next generation sequencing, to investigate the clinico-pathological features and genetic causes of three developmental syndromes in dogs, including craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO), a previously undescribed skeletal syndrome, and dental hypomineralization, for which we identified pathogenic variants in the canine SLC37A2 (truncating splicing enhancer variant), SCARF2 (truncating 2-bp deletion) and FAM20C (missense variant) genes, respectively. CMO is a clinical equivalent to an infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease), for which SLC37A2 is a new candidate gene. SLC37A2 is a poorly characterized member of a glucose-phosphate transporter family without previous disease associations. It is expressed in many tissues, including cells of the macrophage lineage, e.g. osteoclasts, and suggests a disease mechanism, in which an impaired glucose homeostasis in osteoclasts compromises their function in the developing bone, leading to hyperostosis. Mutations in SCARF2 and FAM20C have been associated with the human van den Ende-Gupta and Raine syndromes that include numerous features similar to the affected dogs. Given the growing interest in the molecular characterization and treatment of human rare diseases, our study presents three novel physiologically relevant models for further research and therapy approaches, while providing the molecular identity for the canine conditions.
BACKGROUND: The Fip1-like-1-platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (FIP1L1-PDGFRA) gene fusion is a common cause of chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL)/hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), and patients suffering from this particular subgroup of CEL/HES respond to low-dose imatinib therapy. However, some patients may develop imatinib resistance because of an acquired T674I mutation, which is believed to prevent drug binding through steric hindrance. METHODS: In an imatinib resistant FIP1L1-PDGFRA positive patient, we analyzed the molecular structure of the fusion gene and analyzed the effect of several kinase inhibitors on FIP1L1-PDGFRA-mediated proliferative responses in vitro. RESULTS: Sequencing of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene revealed the occurrence of a S601P mutation, which is located within the nucleotide binding loop. In agreement with the clinical observations, imatinib did not inhibit the proliferation of S601P mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA-transduced Ba/F3 cells. Moreover, sorafenib, which has been described to inhibit T674I mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA, failed to block S601P mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA. Structural modeling revealed that the newly identified S601P mutated form of PDGFRA destabilizes the inactive conformation of the kinase domain that is necessary to bind imatinib as well as sorafenib. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel mutation in FIP1L1-PDGFRA resulting in both imatinib and sorafenib resistance. The identification of novel drug-resistant FIP1L1-PDGFRA variants may help to develop the next generation of target-directed compounds for CEL/HES and other leukemias.
In the past 2 decades, we have observed a rapid increase of infections due to multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Regrettably, these isolates possess genes encoding for extended-spectrum β-lactamases (e.g., blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV) or plasmid-mediated AmpCs (e.g., blaCMY) that confer resistance to last-generation cephalosporins. Furthermore, other resistance traits against quinolones (e.g., mutations in gyrA and parC, qnr elements) and aminoglycosides (e.g., aminoglycosides modifying enzymes and 16S rRNA methylases) are also frequently co-associated. Even more concerning is the rapid increase of Enterobacteriaceae carrying genes conferring resistance to carbapenems (e.g., blaKPC, blaNDM). Therefore, the spread of these pathogens puts in peril our antibiotic options. Unfortunately, standard microbiological procedures require several days to isolate the responsible pathogen and to provide correct antimicrobial susceptibility test results. This delay impacts the rapid implementation of adequate antimicrobial treatment and infection control countermeasures. Thus, there is emerging interest in the early and more sensitive detection of resistance mechanisms. Modern non-phenotypic tests are promising in this respect, and hence, can influence both clinical outcome and healthcare costs. In this review, we present a summary of the most advanced methods (e.g., next-generation DNA sequencing, multiplex PCRs, real-time PCRs, microarrays, MALDI-TOF MS, and PCR/ESI MS) presently available for the rapid detection of antibiotic resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae. Taking into account speed, manageability, accuracy, versatility, and costs, the possible settings of application (research, clinic, and epidemiology) of these methods and their superiority against standard phenotypic methods are discussed.