36 resultados para 500 MHZ


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY / PRINCIPLES: The surgical therapy of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is especially demanding in the facial area. This retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the outcome of staged surgical therapy (SST) of BCC of the head and neck region performed on an interdisciplinary basis at our institution. METHODS: Patients treated for BCC in the head and neck area between 1/1/1997 and 31/12/2001 were included in the study. The lesions were histologically evaluated. Diameter of lesion, number of stages, defect coverage, operation time, and recurrence and infection rates were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical procedures. RESULTS: 281 patients were included in the study. SST was performed in two stages in 43.7%, in three stages in 12.9% and in four or more stages in 2.7%, depending on the type of tumour and the patient's pretreatment status. The total operating time per lesion averaged one hour. Defect coverage was achieved by direct closure (37.7%), by full thickness skin graft (39.5%), by split skin graft (1.1%), by local flaps (20.3%) or by composite grafts (1.1%). Median follow-up time was 58.5 months. Low rates of recurrence (3.6%) and infection (2%) were observed with this technique. CONCLUSIONS: The staged surgical therapy of basal cell carcinoma evaluated here offers a series of advantages in respect of patient comfort and safety and economy, while allowing precise histological safety with low infection rates and reliable long-term results.


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Welche bleibenden Impulse haben Johannes Calvin und der Calvinismus Kirche und Gesellschaft bis heute gegeben? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigen sich anlässlich des 500. Geburtstags des Genfer Reformators die Autorinnen und die Autoren der vorliegenden Beiträge anhand ausgewählter theologischer und wirkungsgeschichtlicher Themen. Gleichzeitig bieten sie eine grundlegende und allgemein verständliche Einführung in Calvins Leben und Theologie, in seine kontinuierliche Relevanz für kirchliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Fragen sowie in die Geschichte der Reformation in der Schweiz und weltweit. Sie blenden dabei auch die kritischen Anfragen an Calvin nicht aus. Der im Auftrag des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbunds herausgegebene Sammelband ist eine wissenschaftlich fundierte, leserfreundliche Einführung, die Fragestellungen anregt, Perspektiven eröffnet und Austausch ermöglicht. Mit Beiträgen von Philip Benedict, James D. Bratt, Emidio Campi, Eva-Maria Faber, Eric Fuchs, Wulfert de Greef, Christopher L. Elwood, Ulrich H. J. Körtner, Christian Link, Christian Moser, Andrew Pettegree, Christoph Strohm, Mario Turchetti


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We analyse winter (DJF) precipitation over the last 500 years on trends using a spatially and temporally highly resolved gridded multi-proxy reconstruction over European land areas. The trends are detected applying trend matrices, and the significance is assessed with the Mann–Kendall-trend test. Results are presented for southwestern Norway and southern Spain/northern Morocco, two regions that show high reconstruction skill over the entire period. The absolute trend values found in the second part of the 20th century are unprecedented over the last 500 years in both regions. During the period 1715–1765, the precipitation trends were most pronounced in southwestern Norway as well as southern Spain/northern Morocco, with first a distinct negative trend followed by a positive countertrend of similar strength. Relating the precipitation time series to variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI) and the solar irradiance using running correlations revealed a couple of instationarities. Nevertheless, it appears that the NAO is responsible in both regions for most of the significant winter precipitation trends during the earlier centuries as well as during recent decades. Some of the significant winter precipitation trends over southwestern Norway and southern Spain/northern Morocco might be related to changes in the solar irradiance.


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Die CD bietet als erste Publikation überhaupt die Möglichkeit, anhand wichtiger Quellen den Weg des Landes Appenzell in die Eidgenossenschaft nachzuvollziehen. Die Dokumente zeigen die Vorgeschichte des Bündnisses vom 17. Dezember 1513, mit welchem Appenzell als 13. Ort in die Eidgenossenschaft aufgenommen wurde. Zudem kann mit der CD ROM das Lesen alter Handschriften erlernt werden. Das bietet die CD ROM nicht nur das Bild und den gesamten Wortlaut der Urkunde von 1513, sondern auch eine Audio-Datei des Dokuments und erstmals auch eine Übertragung des Urkundentexts in modernes Deutsch.


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In der Kartographie begann die Renaissance mit dem Bekanntwerden der „Geographie“ des Ptolemäus. Im Zeitalter der Entdeckungen wurde der ptolemäische Grundstock an Karten erweitert und in der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts durch neue ersetzt. Durch das Aufkommen des Buchdrucks erlebte die Kartographie einen gewaltigen Aufschwung. Die Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Bern verfügt heute über bedeutende kartographische Kostbarkeiten. Im Zuge des gegenwärtig stattfindenden Wandels gibt es mit dem Internet neue Mittel, um wertvolles Kulturgut und Forschungsquellen zugänglich zu machen.


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The gas-phase rotational motion of hexafluorobenzene has been measured in real time using femtosecond (fs) time-resolved rotational Raman coherence spectroscopy (RR-RCS) at T = 100 and 295 K. This four-wave mixing method allows to probe the rotation of non-polar gas-phase molecules with fs time resolution over times up to ∼5 ns. The ground state rotational constant of hexafluorobenzene is determined as B 0 = 1029.740(28) MHz (2σ uncertainty) from RR-RCS transients measured in a pulsed seeded supersonic jet, where essentially only the v = 0 state is populated. Using this B 0 value, RR-RCS measurements in a room temperature gas cell give the rotational constants B v of the five lowest-lying thermally populated vibrationally excited states ν7/8, ν9, ν11/12, ν13, and ν14/15. Their B v constants differ from B 0 by between −1.02 MHz and +2.23 MHz. Combining the B 0 with the results of all-electron coupled-cluster CCSD(T) calculations of Demaison et al. [Mol. Phys.111, 1539 (2013)] and of our own allow to determine the C-C and C-F semi-experimental equilibrium bond lengths r e(C-C) = 1.3866(3) Å and r e(C-F) = 1.3244(4) Å. These agree with the CCSD(T)/wCVQZ r e bond lengths calculated by Demaison et al. within ±0.0005 Å. We also calculate the semi-experimental thermally averaged bond lengths r g(C-C)=1.3907(3) Å and r g(C-F)=1.3250(4) Å. These are at least ten times more accurate than two sets of experimental gas-phase electron diffraction r g bond lengths measured in the 1960s.


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Volcanic eruptions contribute to climate variability, but quantifying these contributions has been limited by inconsistencies in the timing of atmospheric volcanic aerosol loading determined from ice cores and subsequent cooling from climate proxies such as tree rings. Here we resolve these inconsistencies and show that large eruptions in the tropics and high latitudes were primary drivers of interannual-to-decadal temperature variability in the Northern Hemisphere during the past 2,500 years. Our results are based on new records of atmospheric aerosol loading developed from high-resolution, multi-parameter measurements from an array of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores as well as distinctive age markers to constrain chronologies. Overall, cooling was proportional to the magnitude of volcanic forcing and persisted for up to ten years after some of the largest eruptive episodes. Our revised timescale more firmly implicates volcanic eruptions as catalysts in the major sixth-century pandemics, famines, and socioeconomic disruptions in Eurasia and Mesoamerica while allowing multi-millennium quantification of climate response to volcanic forcing.


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The deeply eroded West Gondwana Orogen is a major continental collision zone that exposes numerous occurrences of deeply subducted rocks, such as eclogites. The position of these eclogites marks the suture zone between colliding cratons, and the age of metamorphism constrains the transition from subduction-dominated tectonics to continental collision and mountain building. Here we investigate the metamorphic conditions and age of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from Mali, Togo and NE-Brazil and demonstrate that continental subduction occurred within 20 million years over at least a 2,500-km-long section of the orogen during the Ediacaran. We consider this to be the earliest evidence of large-scale deep-continental subduction and consequent appearance of Himalayan-scale mountains in the geological record. The rise and subsequent erosion of such mountains in the Late Ediacaran is perfectly timed to deliver sediments and nutrients that are thought to have been necessary for the subsequent evolution of sustainable life on Earth.


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Femtosecond time-resolved Raman rotational coherence spectroscopy (RCS) is employed to determine accurate rotational, vibration–rotation coupling constants, and centrifugal distortion constants of cyclopentane (C⁵H¹⁰). Its lowest-frequency vibration is a pseudorotating ring deformation that interconverts 10 permutationally distinct but energetically degenerate “twist” minima interspersed by 10 “bent” conformers. While the individual twist and bent structures are polar asymmetric tops, the pseudorotation is fast on the time scale of external rotation, rendering cyclopentane a fluxionally nonpolar symmetric top molecule. The pseudorotational level pattern corresponds to a one-dimensional internal rotor with a pseudorotation constant Bps ≈ 2.8 cm⁻¹. The pseudorotational levels are significantly populated up to l = ± 13 at 298 K; <10% of the molecules are in the l = 0 level. The next-higher vibration is the “radial” ν²³ ring deformation mode at 273 cm⁻¹, which is far above the pseudorotational fundamental. Femtosecond Raman RCS measurements were performed in a gas cell at T = 293 K and in a pulsed supersonic jet at T ≈ 90 K. The jet cooling reduces the pseudorotational distribution to l < ±8 and eliminates the population of ν²³, allowing one to determine the rotational constant as A0 = B0 = 6484.930(11) MHz. This value is ∼300 times more precise than the previous value. The fit of the RCS transients reveals that the rotation–pseudorotation coupling constant αe,psB = −0.00070(1) MHz is diminutive, implying that excitation of the pseudorotation has virtually no effect on the B0 rotational constant of cyclopentane. The smallness of αe,psB can be realized when comparing to the vibration–rotation coupling constant of the ν²³ vibration, αe,23B = −9.547(1) MHz, which is about 10⁴ times larger.


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Femtosecond Raman rotational coherence spectroscopy (RCS) detected by degenerate four-wave mixing is a background-free method that allows to determine accurate gas-phase rotational constants of non-polar molecules. Raman RCS has so far mostly been applied to the regular coherence patterns of symmetric-top molecules, while its application to nonpolar asymmetric tops has been hampered by the large number of RCS transient types, the resulting variability of the RCS patterns, and the 10³–10⁴ times larger computational effort to simulate and fit rotational Raman RCS transients. We present the rotational Raman RCS spectra of the nonpolar asymmetric top 1,4-difluorobenzene (para-difluorobenzene, p-DFB) measured in a pulsed Ar supersonic jet and in a gas cell over delay times up to ~2.5 ns. p-DFB exhibits rotational Raman transitions with ΔJ = 0, 1, 2 and ΔK = 0, 2, leading to the observation of J −, K −, A −, and C–type transients, as well as a novel transient (S–type) that has not been characterized so far. The jet and gas cell RCS measurements were fully analyzed and yield the ground-state (v = 0) rotational constants Aₒ = 5637.68(20) MHz, Bₒ = 1428.23(37) MHz, and Cₒ = 1138.90(48) MHz (1σ uncertainties). Combining the Aₒ, Bₒ, and Cₒ constants with coupled-cluster with single-, double- and perturbatively corrected triple-excitation calculations using large basis sets allows to determine the semi-experimental equilibrium bond lengths rₑ(C₁–C₂) = 1.3849(4) Å, rₑ(C₂–C³) = 1.3917(4) Å, rₑ(C–F) = 1.3422(3) Å, and rₑ(C₂–H₂) = 1.0791(5) Å.