21 resultados para 25 Degrees C


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BACKGROUND: Various osteotomy techniques have been developed to correct the deformity caused by slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and compared by their clinical outcomes. The aim of the presented study was to compare an intertrochanteric uniplanar flexion osteotomy with a multiplanar osteotomy by their ability to improve postoperative range of motion as measured by simulation of computed tomographic data in patients with SCFE. METHODS: We examined 19 patients with moderate or severe SCFE as classified based on slippage angle. A computer program for the simulation of movement and osteotomy developed in our laboratory was used for study execution. According to a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the computed tomographic data, the physiological range was determined by flexion, abduction, and internal rotation. The multiplanar osteotomy was compared with the uniplanar flexion osteotomy. Both intertrochanteric osteotomy techniques were simulated, and the improvements of the movement range were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The mean slipping and thus correction angles measured were 25 degrees (range, 8-46 degrees) inferior and 54 degrees (range, 32-78 degrees) posterior. After the simulation of multiplanar osteotomy, the virtually measured ranges of motion as determined by bone-to-bone contact were 61 degrees for flexion, 57 degrees for abduction, and 66 degrees for internal rotation. The simulation of the uniplanar flexion osteotomy achieved a flexion of 63 degrees, an abduction of 36 degrees, and an internal rotation of 54 degrees. CONCLUSIONS: Apart from abduction, the improvement in the range of motion by a uniplanar flexion osteotomy is comparable with that of the multiplanar osteotomy. However, the improvement in flexion for the simulation of both techniques is not satisfactory with regard to the requirements of normal everyday life, in contrast to abduction and internal rotation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, Retrospective comparative study.


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The protozoon parasite Cryptosporidium parvum is an important cause of diarrhea in farm animals, but it can also infect other animals and humans. In this case report, oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp. were microscopically detected by modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining in the feces of a 9 day old Arabian colt presented with yellowish, foul smelling, diarrhea and fever of 40 degrees C. PCR and sequencing of the isolate revealed C. parvum (bovine genotype). Hemato-chemical analysis of the foals blood revealed a marked hypogammaglobulinaemia (IgG 108mg/dl). The colt responded well to a supportive therapy and administration of plasma (until a gammaglobulin-concentration of 620 mg/dl was reached) and was released in good health from the clinic after 10 days. Follow-up testing for Cryptosporidium oocycsts remained negative. Cryptosporidiosis with life-threatening diarrhea is a rare diagnosis in foals in Switzerland. Immunodeficiency increases the risk for cryptosporidiosis. We hypothesize that the low concentration of gammaglobulins together with the weak INF-gamma response normally observed in young foals may have favored the clinical manifestation with diarrhea. Foals with diarrhea should be screened for cryptosporidia with specific tests.


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Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids, caused by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, can lead to high mortalities at elevated water temperature. We evaluated the hypothesis that this mortality is caused by increasing parasite intensity. T. bryosalmonae-infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were reared at different water temperatures and changes in parasite concentrations in the kidney were compared to cumulative mortalities. Results of parasite quantification by a newly developed real-time PCR agreed with the number of parasites detected by immunohistochemistry, except for very low or very high parasite loads because of heterogenous distribution of the parasites in the kidney. Two experiments were performed, where fish were exposed to temperatures of 12, 14, 16, 18 or 19 degrees C after an initial exposure to an infectious environment at 12-16 degrees C resulting in 100% prevalence of infected fish after 5 to 14 days of exposure. While mortalities differed significantly between all investigated water temperatures, significant differences in final parasite loads were only found between fish kept at 12 degrees C and all other groups. Differences in parasite load between fish kept at 14 degrees C to 19 degrees C were not significant. These findings provide evidence that there is no direct link between parasite intensity and fish mortality.


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Middle atmospheric water vapour can be used as a tracer for dynamical processes. It is mainly measured by satellite instruments and ground-based microwave radiometers. Ground-based instruments capable of measuring middle-atmospheric water vapour are sparse but valuable as they complement satellite measurements, are relatively easy to maintain and have a long lifetime. MIAWARA-C is a ground-based microwave radiometer for middle-atmospheric water vapour designed for use on measurement campaigns for both atmospheric case studies and instrument intercomparisons. MIAWARA-C's retrieval version 1.1 (v1.1) is set up in a such way as to provide a consistent data set even if the instrument is operated from different locations on a campaign basis. The sensitive altitude range for v1.1 extends from 4 hPa (37 km) to 0.017 hPa (75 km). For v1.1 the estimated systematic error is approximately 10% for all altitudes. At lower altitudes it is dominated by uncertainties in the calibration, with altitude the influence of spectroscopic and temperature uncertainties increases. The estimated random error increases with altitude from 5 to 25%. MIAWARA-C measures two polarisations of the incident radiation in separate receiver channels, and can therefore provide two measurements of the same air mass with independent instrumental noise. The standard deviation of the difference between the profiles obtained from the two polarisations is in excellent agreement with the estimated random measurement error of v1.1. In this paper, the quality of v1.1 data is assessed for measurements obtained at two different locations: (1) a total of 25 months of measurements in the Arctic (Sodankylä, 67.37° N, 26.63° E) and (2) nine months of measurements at mid-latitudes (Zimmerwald, 46.88° N, 7.46° E). For both locations MIAWARA-C's profiles are compared to measurements from the satellite experiments Aura MLS and MIPAS. In addition, comparisons to ACE-FTS and SOFIE are presented for the Arctic and to the ground-based radiometer MIAWARA for the mid-latitude campaigns. In general, all intercomparisons show high correlation coefficients, confirming the ability of MIAWARA-C to monitor temporal variations of the order of days. The biases are generally below 13% and within the estimated systematic uncertainty of MIAWARA-C. No consistent wet or dry bias is identified for MIAWARA-C. In addition, comparisons to the reference instruments indicate the estimated random error of v1.1 to be a realistic measure of the random variation on the retrieved profile between 45 and 70 km.


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We have incorporated pyrrolidino-C-nucleosides (pyrrolidino-pseudonucleosides) containing the base uracil and N-1-methyl uracil into oligodeoxynucleotides and compared their thermal duplex and triplex stabilities with unmodified or pseudouridine-containing oligodeoxynucleotides. We find relative destabilizations of triplex formation by ca. -13 to -1 degrees C per modification (relative to thymidine) in a strongly sequence dependent mode. Duplex formation is less destabilizing and more homogeneous with -4 to -2 degrees C per modification


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Rutile (TiO2) is an important host phase for high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb in metamorphic and subduction zone environments. The observed depletion of Nb in arc rocks is often explained by the hypothesis that rutile sequesters HFSE in the subducted slab and overlying sediment, and is chemically inert with respect to aqueous fluids evolved during prograde metamorphism in the forearc to subarc environment. However, field observations of exhumed terranes, and experimental studies, indicate that HFSE may be soluble in complex aqueous fluids at high pressure (i.e., >0.5 GPa) and moderate to high temperature (i.e., >300 degrees C). In this study, we investigated experimentally the mobility of Nb in NaCl- and NaF-bearing aqueous fluids in equilibrium with Nb-bearing rutile at pressure-temperature conditions applicable to fluid evolution in arc environments. Niobium concentrations in aqueous fluid at rutile saturation were measured directly by using a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell (HDAC) and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) at 2.1 to 6.5 GPa and 300-500 degrees C, and indirectly by performing mass loss experiments in a piston-cylinder (PC) apparatus at similar to 1 GPa and 700-800 degrees C. The concentration of Nb in a 10 wt% NaCl aqueous fluid increases from 6 to 11 mu g/g as temperature increases from 300 to 500 degrees C, over a pressure range from 2.1 to 2.8 GPa, consistent with a positive temperature dependence. The concentration of Nb in a 20 wt% NaCl aqueous fluid varies from 55 to 150 mu g/g at 300 to 500 degrees C, over a pressure range from 1.8 to 6.4 GPa; however, there is no discernible temperature or pressure dependence. The Nb concentration in a 4 wt% NaF-bearing aqueous fluid increases from 180 to 910 mu g/g as temperature increases from 300 to 500 degrees C over the pressure range 2.1 to 6.5 GPa. The data for the F-bearing fluid indicate that the Nb content of the fluid exhibits a dependence on temperature between 300 and 500 degrees C at >= 2 GPa, but there is no observed dependence on pressure. Together, the data demonstrate that the hydrothermal mobility of Nb is strongly controlled by the composition of the fluid, consistent with published data for Ti. At all experimental conditions, however, the concentration of Nb in the fluid is always lower than coexisting rutile, consistent with a role for rutile in moderating the Nb budget of arc rocks.