381 resultados para Pawlowski, Hans-Martin
Dieses Lehrbuch erklärt eingehend und leicht fassbar alle gängigen Methoden der Gehörsabklärung bei Erwachsenen und Kindern. Reintonaudiometrie, Vertäubung, Sprachaudiometrie in Ruhe und im Störschall, Tympanometrie, die Messung otoakustischer Emissionen und die Ableitung und Auswertung auditorisch evozierter Potenziale werden anhand von zahlreichen Schemazeichnungen und typischen Befunden anschaulich dargestellt. Informative Kapitel über Hörgeräte, Cochlea-Implantate und Tinnitus geben eine Übersicht über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen moderner therapeutischer Ansätze.
PURPOSE We explored whether altered expression of factors tuning mitochondrial metabolism contributes to muscular adaptations with endurance training in the condition of lowered ambient oxygen concentration (hypoxia) and whether these adaptations relate to oxygen transfer as reflected by subsarcolemmal mitochondria and oxygen metabolism in muscle. METHODS Male volunteers completed 30 bicycle exercise sessions in normoxia or normobaric hypoxia (4,000 m above sea level) at 65% of the respective peak aerobic power output. Myoglobin content, basal oxygen consumption, and re-oxygenation rates upon reperfusion after 8 min of arterial occlusion were measured in vastus muscles by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Biopsies from vastus lateralis muscle, collected pre and post a single exercise bout, and training, were assessed for levels of transcripts and proteins being associated with mitochondrial metabolism. RESULTS Hypoxia specifically lowered the training-induced expression of markers of respiratory complex II and IV (i.e. SDHA and isoform 1 of COX-4; COX4I1) and preserved fibre cross-sectional area. Concomitantly, trends (p < 0.10) were found for a hypoxia-specific reduction in the basal oxygen consumption rate, and improvements in oxygen repletion, and aerobic performance in hypoxia. Repeated exercise in hypoxia promoted the biogenesis of subsarcolemmal mitochondria and this was co-related to expression of isoform 2 of COX-4 with higher oxygen affinity after single exercise, de-oxygenation time and myoglobin content (r ≥ 0.75). Conversely, expression in COX4I1 with training correlated negatively with changes of subsarcolemmal mitochondria (r < -0.82). CONCLUSION Hypoxia-modulated adjustments of aerobic performance with repeated muscle work are reflected by expressional adaptations within the respiratory chain and modified muscle oxygen metabolism.
The likelihood that comets may have delivered part of the water to Earth has been reinforced by the recent observation of the earth-like D/H ratio in Jupiter-family comet 103P/Hartley 2 by Hartogh et al. (2011). Prior to this observation, results from several Oort cloud comets indicated a factor of 2 enrichment of deuterium relative to the abundance at Earth. The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft will encounter comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, another Jupiter-family comet of likely Kuiper belt origin, in 2014 and accompany it from almost aphelion to and past perihelion. Onboard Rosetta is the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) which consists of two mass spectrometers and a pressure sensor [Balsiger et al. 2007]. With its unprecedented mass resolution, for a space-borne instrument, the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS), one of the major subsystems of ROSINA, will be able to obtain unambiguously the ratios of the isotopes in water from in situ measurements in the coma around the comet. We will discuss the performance of this sensor on the basis of measurements of the terrestrial hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios performed with the flight spare instrument in the lab. We also show that the instrument on Rosetta is capable of measuring the D/H even in the very low density water background released by the spacecraft. This capability demonstrates that ROSINA should obtain very sensitive measurements of these ratios in the cometary environment. These measurements will allow detection of fractionation as function of the distance from the nucleus as well as fractionation due to mechanisms that are correlated with heliocentric distance.
Ein hochaktueller Band ist zum 80. Geburtstag des international anerkannten Gelehrten Hans Giger aus der Taufe gehoben worden. Wissenschafter in- und ausländischer Universitäten, des Max-Planck-Institutes in Hamburg, a. Bundespräsident der Schweiz, Bundesrichter, Kassationsgerichtspräsident sowie Vertreter von Wirtschaft, Politik, Verwaltung und Medien veranschaulichen ihre Gedanken zur Gerechtigkeit. Beleuchtet werden etwa Themen wie Lohngerechtigkeit und Wirtschaftsethik, Zuteilung von Spenderorganen, Gerechtigkeit in der Strafjustiz, Chancengleichheit in der Bildung, Sport als Weg zu mehr Gerechtigkeit, Biowissenschaften als ethische Provokation, der Preis der sozialen Gerechtigkeit, Sachgerechtigkeit und Regelungsflut, Ungerechtigkeit durch Mainstream-Denken, Quellen des Rechtsbewusstseins u.a.m. Mit 23 fesselnden Beiträgen und einem Geleitwort von Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard liegt ein Werk vor, das in eindrücklicher Weise das zeitgenössische Gerechtigkeitsempfinden reflektiert.
Der vorliegende Sammelband wurde dem bekannten Versicherungsrechtler Prof. Dr. iur. Moritz W. Kuhn zu seinem 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Sein Wirken hat über zwanzig Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Rechtsprechung wie Versicherungsbranche motiviert, mit einem Beitrag eine Plattform für die Erweiterung des bisherigen Wissensstands zu schaffen. Die Rechtsanwendung im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsetzung und AGB-Praxis, Innovation und Wandel, Europa als Chance für Schweizer Versicherer, Nachhaltigkeit, Gesetzgebung auf Abwegen, Richter und Gesetz, Lebensversicherung als Instrument der Nachlassplanung, Anwalt und Versicherung, zum Begriff der Summenversicherung, Versicherungskollisionsrecht, Schadensregulierung im Zeichen der Globalisierung sowie Gefängnismedizin sind Themen, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden. Es richtet sich an Vertreter der Versicherungsbranche, Richter, Anwälte, Versicherungsjuristen und ganz generell jedermann, der sich gegen die finanziellen Folgen schädigender Ereignisse versichert hat.
The objective of this study was to describe the udder health management in Swiss dairy herds with udder health problems. One hundred dairy herds with a yield-corrected somatic cell count of 200'000 to 300'000 cells/ml during 2010 were selected. Data concerning farm structure, housing system, milking technique, milking procedures, dry-cow and mastitis management were collected during farm visits between September and December 2011. In addition, quarter milk samples were collected for bacteriological culturing from cows with a composite somatic cell count ≥ 150'000 cells/ml. The highest quarter level prevalence was 12.3 % for C. bovis. Eighty-two percent of the pipeline milking machines in tie-stalls and 88 % of the milking parlours fulfilled the criteria for the vacuum drop, and only 74 % of the pipeline milking machines met the criteria of the 10-l-water test. Eighty-five percent of the farms changed their milk liners too late. The correct order of teat preparation before cluster attachment was carried out by 37 % of the farmers only. With these results, Swiss dairy farmers and herd health veterinarians can be directed to common mistakes in mastitis management. The data will be used for future information campaigns to improve udder health in Swiss dairy farms.
One of the current advances in functional biodiversity research is the move away from short-lived test systems towards the exploration of diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in structurally more complex ecosystems. In forests, assumptions about the functional significance of tree species diversity have only recently produced a new generation of research on ecosystem processes and services. Novel experimental designs have now replaced traditional forestry trials, but these comparatively young experimental plots suffer from specific difficulties that are mainly related to the tree size and longevity. Tree species diversity experiments therefore need to be complemented with comparative observational studies in existing forests. Here we present the design and implementation of a new network of forest plots along tree species diversity gradients in six major European forest types: the FunDivEUROPE Exploratory Platform. Based on a review of the deficiencies of existing observational approaches and of unresolved research questions and hypotheses, we discuss the fundamental criteria that shaped the design of our platform. Key features include the extent of the species diversity gradient with mixtures up to five species, strict avoidance of a dilution gradient, special attention to community evenness and minimal covariation with other environmental factors. The new European research platform permits the most comprehensive assessment of tree species diversity effects on forest ecosystem functioning to date since it offers a common set of research plots to groups of researchers from very different disciplines and uses the same methodological approach in contrasting forest types along an extensive environmental gradient. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.