217 resultados para FATAL CASES


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Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a condition defined by ST-segment alteration in right precordial leads and a risk of sudden death. Because BrS is often associated with right bundle branch block and the TRPM4 gene is involved in conduction blocks, we screened TRPM4 for anomalies in BrS cases. The DNA of 248 BrS cases with no SCN5A mutations were screened for TRPM4 mutations. Among this cohort, 20 patients had 11 TRPM4 mutations. Two mutations were previously associated with cardiac conduction blocks and 9 were new mutations (5 absent from ~14'000 control alleles and 4 statistically more prevalent in this BrS cohort than in control alleles). In addition to Brugada, three patients had a bifascicular block and 2 had a complete right bundle branch block. Functional and biochemical studies of 4 selected mutants revealed that these mutations resulted in either a decreased expression (p.Pro779Arg and p.Lys914X) or an increased expression (p.Thr873Ile and p.Leu1075Pro) of TRPM4 channel. TRPM4 mutations account for about 6% of BrS. Consequences of these mutations are diverse on channel electrophysiological and cellular expression. Because of its effect on the resting membrane potential, reduction or increase of TRPM4 channel function may both reduce the availability of sodium channel and thus lead to BrS.


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A fatal combined infection with canine distemper virus (CDV) and orthopoxvirus (OPXV) in Asian marmots (Marmota caudata) is reported in this article. A total of 7 Asian marmots from a small zoological garden in Switzerland were found dead in hibernation during a routine check in the winter of 2011. The marmots died in February 2011. No clinical signs of disease were observed at any time. The viruses were detected in all individuals for which the tissues were available (n = 3). Detection of the viruses was performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The most consistent gross lesion was a neck and thorax edema. A necrotizing pharyngitis and a multifocal necrotizing pneumonia were observed histologically. Numerous large intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions were seen in the epithelial cells of the pharynx, of the airways, and in the skin keratinocytes. Brain lesions were limited to mild multifocal gliosis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the marmot CDV strain was closely related to the clusters of CDVs detected in Switzerland in wild carnivores during a local outbreak in 2002 and the 2009-2010 nationwide epidemic, suggesting a spillover of this virus from wildlife. The OPXV was most closely related to a strain of cowpoxvirus, a poxvirus species considered endemic in Europe. This is the first reported instance of CDV infection in a rodent species and of a combined CDV and OPXV infection.


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Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious skin disease that can have a devastating impact on affected wild mammal populations. There are notable variations in the clinical and pathologic picture of sarcoptic mange among species and among conspecifics. However, the origin of these variations is unclear. We propose a classification scheme for skin lesions associated with Sarcoptes scabiei infestation to provide a basis for a subsequent risk factor analysis. We conducted a case-control study focused on macroscopic and histologic examination of the skin, using 279 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) found dead or shot in Switzerland between November 2004 and February 2006. All animals were submitted to gross necropsy following a detailed protocol. Selection criteria for cases (n=147) vs. controls (n=111) were the presence or absence of mange-like lesions, mite detection by isolation or histologic examination, and serologic testing for S. scabiei antibodies. Characteristic features of mange lesions were scored macroscopically in all foxes and histologically in 67 cases and 15 controls. We classified skin lesions and associated necropsy findings into three types of mange: A) early stage (n=45): focal-extensive skin lesions, thin crusts, mild to moderate alopecia, few mites, numerous eosinophils, and mild lymph node enlargement; B) hyperkeratotic, fatal form (n=86): generalized skin lesions, thick crusts with or without alopecia, foul odor, abundance of mites, numerous bacteria and yeasts, numerous lymphocytes and mast cells, severe lymph node enlargement, and emaciation; C) alopecic, healing form (n=16): focal lesions, no crusts, severe alopecia, hyperpigmentation and lichenification, absence of mites, mixed cell infiltration, and rare mild lymph node enlargement. We hypothesize that after stage A, the animal either enters stage B and dies, or stage C and survives, depending on largely unknown extrinsic or intrinsic factors affecting the host ability to control mite infestation.


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Entrapment of the temporal horn is a rare form of isolated hydrocephalus. Standard treatment has not yet been established for this condition, and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. The authors reviewed their prospectively maintained database to report their experience with endoscopic temporal ventriculocisternostomy. All endoscopic operations performed in the Department of Neurosurgery at Ernst Moritz Arndt University between March 1993 and August 2012 were reviewed, and a retrospective chart review of all patients with temporal ventriculocisternostomy was performed. Four patients were identified (3 children and 1 adult). In 3 patients, the condition developed after tumor resection, and in 1 patient it developed due to postmeningitic multiloculated hydrocephalus. In 2 patients, a recurrent trapped temporal horn developed. Refenestration was successful in one of these patients, and dilation in the trigone area with a subsequent stomy of the septum pellucidum was successful in the other. In 1 patient, postoperative meningitis developed, which was treated with antibiotics. Endoscopic temporal ventriculocisternostomy is an option in the treatment of trapped temporal horns. However, more experience is required to recommend it as the treatment of choice.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate unenhanced postmortem 3-T MR imaging (pmMRI) for the detection of pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) as cause of death. METHODS: In eight forensic cases dying from a possible cardiac cause but with homogeneous myocardium at cardiac pmMRI, additional T2w imaging of the pulmonary artery was performed before forensic autopsy. Imaging was carried out on a 3-T MR system in the axial and main pulmonary artery adapted oblique orientation in situ. In three cases axial T2w pmMRI of the lower legs was added. Validation of imaging findings was performed during forensic autopsy. RESULTS: All eight cases showed homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the main pulmonary artery and/or pulmonary artery branches. Autopsy confirmed the MR findings as pulmonary artery thrombembolism. At lower leg imaging unilateral dilated veins and subcutaneous oedema with or without homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the popliteal vein were found. CONCLUSIONS: Unenhanced pmMRI demonstrates pulmonary thrombembolism in situ. PmMR may serve as an alternative to clinical autopsy, especially when consent cannot be obtained. KEY POINTS: • Postmortem MRI (pmMRI) provides an alternative to clinical autopsy • Fatal pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) can now be diagnosed using postmortem MRI (pmMRI). • Special attention has to be drawn to the differentiation of postmortem clots.


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Bovine besnoitiosis caused by Besnoitia besnoiti is a chronic and debilitating disease. The most characteristic clinical signs of chronic besnoitiosis are visible tissue cysts in the scleral conjunctiva and the vagina, thickened skin and a generally poor body condition. However, many seropositive animals remain subclinically infected, and the role that these animals may play in spreading the disease is not known. The aim of the present study was to assess the intra-organ parasite distribution, the parasite load and the parasite-associated lesions in seropositive but subclinically infected animals. These animals were seropositive at the time of several consecutive samplings, had visible tissue cysts in the past and, at time of slaughter, had detectable specific anti-Besnoitia spp. antibody levels, but they did not show evident clinical signs at culling. Thus, histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses of several samples from the respiratory tract, reproductive tract, other internal organs and skin from six cows were performed. The tissue cysts were located primarily in the upper respiratory tract, i.e., in the rhinarium and larynx/pharynx (four cows), followed by the distal genital tract (vulva/vagina) and the skin of the neck (three and two cows, respectively, out of the four cows with cysts in the respiratory tract). We were unable to detect any parasites in the two remaining cows. Cysts were associated with a significant non-purulent inflammatory infiltrate consisting predominantly of T lymphocytes and activated monocytes/macrophages in two cows. The parasite burden, estimated by quantitative real-time PCR, was very low. It is noteworthy that the only animal that showed a recent increase in the antibody titre had the highest parasite burden and the most conspicuous inflammatory reaction against the cysts. In conclusion, although these cows no longer displayed any visible signs of besnoitiosis, they remained infected. Therefore, cows without visible signs of disease may still be able to transmit the parasite.


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For the last 10 years, the southern part of Belgium has been recognized as a low-risk area of endemicity for alveolar echinococcosis. This infection, caused by Echinococcus multilocularis, usually induces a severe liver condition and can sometimes spread to other organs. However, alveolar echinococcosis involving bones has been described only very rarely. Here, a fatal case of spondylodiscitis due to E. multilocularis contracted in southern Belgium is reported.


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Backspatter from wounds caused by contact shots against a biological target had before been shown to be propelled into firearms' barrels where they can persist and be retrieved from as relevant forensic evidence. Herein, that insight was applied to the investigation of a case of multiple familial homicide with a firearm. Samples of backspatter were collected from the firearm using DNA-free swabs. DNA was extracted from the swabs, and 16 STR systems were PCR-amplified to generate DNA profiles of all victims shot by the firearm. The quality of the resulting DNA profiles was sufficient to exclude the perpetrator as donor and to differentiate the three closely related victims thereby proving that all three victims had been shot by the same firearm from very close or contact distance. A key insight gained from this case was that not only a firearms' barrel inside but other inner surfaces may be charged with profilable DNA.


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Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an autoimmune disease that clinically manifests as pruritic vesicles and papules. The diagnosis of DH is often challenging because of its wide spectrum of clinical presentations. We here report 2 patients with DH in whom finger petechiae represented the initial and leading manifestation of the disease, and the confirmed diagnosis critically relied on immunopathological studies. Therefore, besides the classic causes, clinicians should also consider DH in the differential diagnosis of acral purpura, even in patients only presenting with discrete acral petechial lesions. We also review the recent literature regarding the rare cases of petechiae in adult DH patients.


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BACKGROUND Intraoperatively fabricated polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) implants based on computer-designed moulds were used to improve cosmetic results after hard tissue replacement. To assess the implant's cosmetic and functional results we performed both subjective and objective assessments. METHODS This retrospective analysis was performed using a cohort of 28 patients who received PMMA implants between February 2009 and March 2012. The cosmetic and functional results were assessed using a patient questionnaire. Furthermore an objective volumetric subtraction score (0-100) was applied and implant thickness, as well as gaps and tiers, were measured. RESULTS Patients mainly judged their cosmetic result as "good". Two of the 28 patients found their cosmetic result unfavourable. The functional result and stability was mainly judged to be good. Measurements of implant thickness showed a very high correlation with the thickness of the contralateral bone. Volumetric subtraction led to a median quality of 80 on a scale from 0 to 100. Median gaps around the margins of the implant were 1.5 mm parietally, 1.7 mm frontally and 3.5 mm fronto-orbitally, and median tiers were 1.2 mm, 0 mm and 0 mm respectively. The overall rate of surgical revisions was 10.7 % (three patients). Two patients suffered from wound healing disturbances (7.1 %). The overall complication rate was comparable to other reports in the literature. CONCLUSIONS Implantation of intraoperatively fabricated patient-specific moulded implants is a cost-effective and safe technique leading to good clinical results with a low complication rate.


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Cattle persistently infected with a noncytopathic Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) are at risk of developing fatal "mucosal disease" (MD). The authors investigated the role of various apoptosis pathways in the pathogenesis of lesions in animals suffering from MD. Therefore, they compared the expression of caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and Bcl-2L1 (Bcl-x) in tissues of 6 BVDV-free control animals, 7 persistently infected (PI) animals that showed no signs of MD (non-MD PI animals), and 11 animals with MD and correlated the staining with the localization of mucosal lesions. Caspase-3 and -9 staining were markedly stronger in MD cases and were associated with mucosal lesions, even though non-MD PI animals and negative controls also expressed caspase-9. Conversely, caspase-8 was not elevated in any of the animals analyzed. Interestingly, Bcl-x also colocalized with mucosal lesions in the MD cases. However, Bcl-x was similarly expressed in tissues from all 3 groups, and thus, its role in apoptosis needs to be clarified. This study clearly illustrates ex vivo that the activation of the intrinsic, but not the extrinsic, apoptosis pathway is a key element in the pathogenesis of MD lesions observed in cattle persistently infected with BVDV. However, whether direct induction of apoptosis in infected cells or indirect effects induced by the virus are responsible for the lesions observed remains to be established.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of and risk factors for complications associated with casts in horses. DESIGN Multicenter retrospective case series. ANIMALS 398 horses with a half-limb or full-limb cast treated at 1 of 4 hospitals. PROCEDURES Data collected from medical records included age, breed, sex, injury, limb affected, time from injury to hospital admission, surgical procedure performed, type of cast (bandage cast [BC; fiberglass tape applied over a bandage] or traditional cast [TC; fiberglass tape applied over polyurethane resin-impregnated foam]), limb position in cast (flexed, neutral, or extended), and complications. Risk factors for cast complications were identified via multiple logistic regression. RESULTS Cast complications were detected in 197 of 398 (49%) horses (18/53 [34%] horses with a BC and 179/345 [52%] horses with a TC). Of the 197 horses with complications, 152 (77%) had clinical signs of complications prior to cast removal; the most common clinical signs were increased lameness severity and visibly detectable soft tissue damage Cast sores were the most common complication (179/398 [45%] horses). Casts broke for 20 (5%) horses. Three (0.8%) horses developed a bone fracture attributable to casting Median time to detection of complications was 12 days and 8 days for horses with TCs and BCs, respectively. Complications developed in 71%, 48%, and 47% of horses with the casted limb in a flexed, neutral, and extended position, respectively. For horses with TCs, hospital, limb position in the cast, and sex were significant risk factors for development of cast complications. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that 49% of horses with a cast developed cast complications.


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AIMS Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) has been a diagnostic challenge for decades. The PAX8-PPARγ rearrangement has been detected in FTC and classic papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs). The aims of this study were to assess the presence of PAX8-PPARγ by using tissue microarrays in a large cohort of different thyroid neoplasms, and to assess its diagnostic and prognostic implications. METHODS AND RESULTS Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis for PAX8-PPARγ was performed on 226 thyroid tumours, comprising FTCs (n = 59), PTCs (n = 126), poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas (PDs; n = 34), follicular thyroid adenomas (FTAs; n = 5), and follicular tumours of unknown malignant potential (FTUMPs; n = 2). PAX8-PPARγ was detected in 12% of FTCs, 1% of PTCs, 7% of PDs, and in both cases of FTUMP. There was no correlation between the extent of capsular or vascular invasion and PAX8-PPARγ, or between lymph node or haematogenous metastasis and PAX8-PPARγ. Overall survival (OS), tumour-specific survival (TSS) and relapse-free-survival (RFS) were not influenced by PAX8-PPARγ. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we demonstrate for the first time the presence of PAX8-PPARγ in PDs and FTUMPs, whereas in FTCs and PTCs the prevalence of PAX8-PPARγ is lower than previously reported. PAX8-PPARγ did not correlate with invasiveness or affect prognosis in any tumour type.


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BACKGROUND: Several clinical studies on chronic stroke conducted with end-effector-based robots showed improvement of the motor function in the affected arm. Compared to end-effector-based robots, exoskeleton robots provide improved guidance of the human limb and are better suited to train task-oriented movements with a large range of motions. OBJECTIVE: To test whether intensive arm training with the arm exoskeleton ARMin I is feasible with chronic-stroke patients and whether it improves motor function in the paretic arm. METHODS: Three single cases with chronic hemiparesis resulting from unilateral stroke (at least 14 months after stroke). A-B design with 2 weeks of multiple baseline measurements (A), 8 weeks of training (B) with repetitive measurements and a follow-up measurement 8 weeks after training. The training included shoulder and elbow movements with the robotic rehabilitation device ARMin I. Two subjects had three 1-hour sessions per week and 1 subject received five 1-hour sessions per week. The main outcome measurement was the upper-limb part of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA). RESULTS: The ARMin training was well tolerated by the patients, and the FMA showed moderate, but significant improvements for all 3 subjects (p < 0.05). Most improvements were maintained 8 weeks after discharge. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that intensive training with an arm exoskeleton is feasible with chronic-stroke patients. Moderate improvements were found in all 3 subjects, thus further clinical investigations are justified.


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BACKGROUND: Robot-assisted therapy offers a promising approach to neurorehabilitation, particularly for severely to moderately impaired stroke patients. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of intensive arm training on motor performance in four chronic stroke patients using the robot ARMin II. METHODS: ARMin II is an exoskeleton robot with six degrees of freedom (DOF) moving shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Four volunteers with chronic (>or= 12 months post-stroke) left side hemi-paresis and different levels of motor severity were enrolled in the study. They received robot-assisted therapy over a period of eight weeks, three to four therapy sessions per week, each session of one hour.Patients 1 and 4 had four one-hour training sessions per week and patients 2 and 3 had three one-hour training sessions per week. Primary outcome variable was the Fugl-Meyer Score of the upper extremity Assessment (FMA), secondary outcomes were the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), the Catherine Bergego Scale (CBS), the Maximal Voluntary Torques (MVTs) and a questionnaire about ADL-tasks, progress, changes, motivation etc. RESULTS: Three out of four patients showed significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the main outcome. The improvements in the FMA scores were aligned with the objective results of MVTs. Most improvements were maintained or even increased from discharge to the six-month follow-up. CONCLUSION: Data clearly indicate that intensive arm therapy with the robot ARMin II can significantly improve motor function of the paretic arm in some stroke patients, even those in a chronic state. The findings of the study provide a basis for a subsequent controlled randomized clinical trial.