20 resultados para TRANSIT-TIME
BACKGROUND: Constipation is a significant side effect of opioid therapy. We have previously demonstrated that naloxone-3-glucuronide (NX3G) antagonizes the motility-lowering-effect of morphine in the rat colon. AIM: To find out whether oral NX3G is able to reduce the morphine-induced delay in colonic transit time (CTT) without being absorbed and influencing the analgesic effect. METHODS: Fifteen male volunteers were included. Pharmacokinetics: after oral administration of 0.16 mg/kg NX3G, blood samples were collected over a 6-h period. Pharmacodynamics: NX3G or placebo was then given at the start time and every 4 h thereafter. Morphine (0.05 mg/kg) or placebo was injected s.c. 2 h after starting and thereafter every 6 h for 24 h. CTT was measured over a 48-h period by scintigraphy. Pressure pain threshold tests were performed. RESULTS: Neither NX3G nor naloxone was detected in the venous blood. The slowest transit time was observed during the morphine phase, which was significantly different from morphine with NX3G and placebo. The pain perception was not significantly influenced by NX3G. CONCLUSIONS: Orally administered NX3G is able to reverse the morphine-induced delay of CTT in humans without being detected in peripheral blood samples. Therefore, NX3G may improve symptoms of constipation in-patients using opioid medication without affecting opioid-analgesic effects.
Located in the northeastern region of Italy, the Venetian Plain (VP) is a sedimentary basin containing an extensively exploited groundwater system. The northern part is characterised by a large undifferentiated phreatic aquifer constituted by coarse grain alluvial deposits and recharged by local rainfalls and discharges from the rivers Brenta and Piave. The southern plain is characterised by a series of aquitards and sandy aquifers forming a well-defined artesian multi-aquifer system. In order to determine origins, transit times and mixing proportions of different components in groundwater (GW), a multi tracer study (H, He/He, C, CFC, SF, Kr, Ar, Sr/Sr, O, H, cations, and anions) has been carried out in VP between the rivers Brenta and Piave. The geochemical pattern of GW allows a distinction of the different water origins in the system, in particular based on View the MathML source HCO3-,SO42-,Ca/Mg,NO3-, O, H. A radiogenic Sr signature clearly marks GW originated from the Brenta and Tertiary catchments. End-member analysis and geochemical modelling highlight the existence of a mixing process involving waters recharged from the Brenta and Piave rivers, from the phreatic aquifer and from another GW reservoirs characterised by very low mineralization. Noble gas excesses in respect to atmospheric equilibrium occur in all samples, particularly in the deeper aquifers of the Piave river, but also in phreatic water of the undifferentiated aquifers. He–H ages in the phreatic aquifer and in the shallower level of the multi-aquifer system indicate recharge times in the years 1970–2008. The progression of H–He ages with the distance from the recharge areas together with initial tritium concentration (H + Hetrit) imply an infiltration rate of about 1 km/y and the absence of older components in these GW. SF and Kr data corroborate these conclusions. H − He ages in the deeper artesian aquifers suggest a dilution process with older, tritium free waters. C Fontes–Garnier model ages of the old GW components range from 1 to 12 ka, yielding an apparent GW velocity of about 1–10 m/y. Increase of radiogenic He follows the progression of C ages. Ar, radiogenic He and C tracers yield model-dependent age-ranges in overall good agreement once diffusion of C from aquitards, GW dispersion, lithogenic Ar production, and He production-rate heterogeneities are taken into account. The rate of radiogenic He increase with time, deduced by comparison with C model ages, is however very low compared to other studies. Comparison with C and C data obtained 40 years ago on the same aquifer system shows that exploitation of GW caused a significant loss of the old groundwater reservoir during this time.
The mean transit time (MTT) of water in a catchment gives information about storage, flow paths, sources of water and thus also about retention and release of solutes in a catchment. To our knowledge there are only a few catchment studies on the influence of vegetation cover changes on base flow MTTs. The main changes in vegetation cover in the Swiss Alps are massive shrub encroachment and forest expansion into formerly open habitats. Four small and relatively steep headwater catchments in the Swiss Alps (Ursern Valley) were investigated to relate different vegetation cover to water transit times. Time series of water stable isotopes were used to calculate MTTs. The high temporal variation of the stable isotope signals in precipitation was strongly dampened in stream base flow samples. MTTs of the four catchments were 70 to 102 weeks. The strong dampening of the stable isotope input signal as well as stream water geochemistry points to deeper flow paths and mixing of waters of different ages at the catchments' outlets. MTTs were neither related to topographic indices nor vegetation cover. The major part of the quickly infiltrating precipitation likely percolates through fractured and partially karstified deeper rock zones, which increases the control of bedrock flow paths on MTT. Snow accumulation and the timing of its melt play an important role for stable isotope dynamics during spring and early summer. We conclude that, in mountainous headwater catchments with relatively shallow soil layers, the hydrogeological and geochemical patterns (i.e. geochemistry, porosity and hydraulic conductivity of rocks) and snow dynamics influence storage, mixing and release of water in a stronger way than vegetation cover or topography do.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the transit time from various locations in the intestines of cows with cecal dilatation-dislocation (CDD), healthy control cows, and cows with left displacement of the abomasum (LDA). ANIMALS 15 cows with naturally occurring CDD (group 1), 14 healthy control cows (group 2), and 18 cows with LDA (group 3). PROCEDURES 5 electronic transmitters were encased in capsules and placed in the lumen of the ileum, cecum, proximal portion of the colon, and 2 locations in the spiral colon (colon 1 and colon 2) and used to measure the transit time (ie, time between placement in the lumen and excretion of the capsules from the rectum). Excretion time of the capsules from each intestinal segment was compared among groups. RESULTS Cows recovered well from surgery, except for 1 cow with relapse of CDD 4 days after surgery and 2 cows with incisional infection. High variability in capsule excretion times was observed for all examined intestinal segments in all groups. Significant differences were detected for the excretion time from the colon (greater in cows with CDD than in healthy control cows) and cecum (less in cows with LDA than in cows of the other 2 groups). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The technique developed to measure excretion time of capsules from bovine intestines was safe and reliable; however, the large variability observed for all intestinal segments and all groups would appear to be a limitation for its use in assessment of intestinal transit time of cattle in future studies.
Construction of a continent catheterizable urinary reservoir or an orthotopic bladder substitute requires substantial bowel resection, which can cause changes in bowel transit time. The reported incidence of chronic diarrhea after ileocecal resection is about 20%. Studies assessing bowel function after resection of 55-60 cm of ileum without compromising the ileocecal valve are scarce, and long-term results have not been reported.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Perfusion CT (P-CT) is used for acute stroke management, not, however, for evaluating epilepsy. To test the hypothesis that P-CT may identify patients with increased regional cerebral blood flow during subtle status epilepticus (SSE), we compared P-CT in SSE to different postictal conditions. METHODS: Fifteen patients (mean age 47 years, range 21-74) underwent P-CT immediately after evaluation in our emergency room. Asymmetry indices between affected and unaffected hemispheres were calculated for regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV), regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), and mean transit time (MTT). Regional perfusion changes were compared to EEG findings. RESULTS: Three patients in subtle status epilepticus (group 1) had increased regional perfusion with electro-clinical correlate. Six patients showed postictal slowing on EEG corresponding to an area of regional hypoperfusion (group 2). CT and EEG were normal in six patients with a first epileptic seizure (group 3). Cluster analysis of asymmetry indices separated SSE from the other two groups in all three parameters, while rCBF helped to distinguish between chronic focal epilepsies and single events. CONCLUSION: Preliminary results indicate that P-CT may help to identify patients with SSE during emergency workup. This technique provides important information to neurologists or emergency physicians in the difficult clinical differential diagnosis of altered mental status due to subtle status epilepticus.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the microcirculatory and metabolic consequences of reduced mesenteric blood flow. DESIGN: Prospective, controlled animal study. SETTING: The surgical research unit of a university hospital. SUBJECTS: A total of 13 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs. INTERVENTIONS: Pigs were subjected to stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction (15% in each step, n = 8) or served as controls (n = 5). Superior mesenteric arterial blood flow was measured with ultrasonic transit time flowmetry, and mucosal and muscularis microcirculatory perfusion in the small bowel were each measured with three laser Doppler flow probes. Small-bowel intramucosal Pco2 was measured by tonometry, and glucose, lactate (L), and pyruvate (P) were measured by microdialysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In control animals, superior mesenteric arterial blood flow, mucosal microcirculatory blood flow, intramucosal Pco2, and the lactate/pyruvate ratio remained unchanged. In both groups, mucosal blood flow was better preserved than muscularis blood flow. During stepwise mesenteric blood flow reduction, heterogeneous microcirculatory blood flow remained a prominent feature (coefficient of variation, approximately 45%). A 30% flow reduction from baseline was associated with a decrease in microdialysis glucose concentration from 2.37 (2.10-2.70) mmol/L to 0.57 (0.22-1.60) mmol/L (p < .05). After 75% flow reduction, the microdialysis lactate/pyruvate ratio increased from 8.6 (8.0-14.1) to 27.6 (15.5-37.4, p < .05), and arterial-intramucosal Pco2 gradients increased from 1.3 (0.4-3.5) kPa to 10.8 (8.0-16.0) kPa (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Blood flow redistribution and heterogeneous microcirculatory perfusion can explain apparently maintained regional oxidative metabolism during mesenteric hypoperfusion, despite local signs of anaerobic metabolism. Early decreasing glucose concentrations suggest that substrate supply may become crucial before oxygen consumption decreases.
OBJECTIVE: The use of vasopressors for treatment of hypotension in sepsis may have adverse effects on microcirculatory blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of three vasopressors, commonly used in clinical practice, on microcirculatory blood flow in multiple abdominal organs in sepsis. DESIGN: Random order, cross-over design. SETTING: University laboratory. SUBJECTS: Eight sedated and mechanically ventilated pigs. INTERVENTIONS: Pigs were exposed to fecal peritonitis-induced septic shock. Mesenteric artery flow was measured using ultrasound transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory flow was measured in gastric, jejunal, and colon mucosa; jejunal muscularis; and pancreas, liver, and kidney using multiple-channel laser Doppler flowmetry. Each animal received a continuous intravenous infusion of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and phenylephrine in a dose increasing mean arterial pressure by 20%. The animals were allowed to recover for 60 mins after each drug before the next was started. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: During infusion of epinephrine (0.8 +/- 0.2 mug/kg/hr), mean arterial pressure increased from 66 +/- 5 to 83 +/- 5 mm Hg and cardiac index increased by 43 +/- 9%. Norepinephrine (0.7 +/- 0.3 mug/kg/hr) increased mean arterial pressure from 70 +/- 4 to 87 +/- 5 mm Hg and cardiac index by 41 +/- 8%. Both agents caused a significant reduction in superior mesenteric artery flow (11 +/- 4%, p < .05, and 26 +/- 6%, p < .01, respectively) and in microcirculatory blood flow in the jejunal mucosa (21 +/- 5%, p < .01, and 23 +/- 3%, p < .01, respectively) and in the pancreas (16 +/- 3%, p < .05, and 8 +/- 3%, not significant, respectively). Infusion of phenylephrine (3.1 +/- 1.0 mug/kg/min) increased mean arterial pressure from 69 +/- 5 to 85 +/- 6 mm Hg but had no effects on systemic, regional, or microcirculatory flow except for a 30% increase in jejunal muscularis flow (p < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Administration of the vasopressors phenylephrine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine failed to increase microcirculatory blood flow in most abdominal organs despite increased perfusion pressure and-in the case of epinephrine and norepinephrine-increased systemic blood flow. In fact, norepinephrine and epinephrine appeared to divert blood flow away from the mesenteric circulation and decrease microcirculatory blood flow in the jejunal mucosa and pancreas. Phenylephrine, on the other hand, appeared to increase blood pressure without affecting quantitative blood flow or distribution of blood flow.
OBJECTIVE: Measuring peritoneal lactate concentrations could be useful for detecting splanchnic hypoperfusion. The aims of this study were to evaluate the properties of a new membrane-based microdialyzer in vitro and to assess the ability of the dialyzer to detect a clinically relevant decrease in splanchnic blood flow in vivo. DESIGN: A membrane-based microdialyzer was first validated in vitro. The same device was tested afterward in a randomized, controlled animal experiment. SETTING: University experimental research laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-four Landrace pigs of both genders. INTERVENTIONS: In vitro: Membrane microdialyzers were kept in warmed sodium lactate baths with lactate concentrations between 2 and 8 mmol/L for 10-120 mins, and microdialysis lactate concentrations were measured repeatedly (210 measurements). In vivo: An extracorporeal shunt with blood reservoir and roller pump was inserted between the proximal and distal abdominal aorta, and a microdialyzer was inserted intraperitoneally. In 12 animals, total splanchnic blood flow (measured by transit time ultrasound) was reduced by a median 43% (range, 13% to 72%) by activating the shunt; 12 animals served as controls. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In vitro: The fractional lactate recovery was 0.59 (0.32-0.83) after 60 mins and 0.82 (0.71-0.87) after 90 mins, with no further increase thereafter. At 60 and 90 mins, the fractional recovery was independent of the lactate concentration. In vivo: Abdominal blood flow reduction resulted in an increase in peritoneal microdialysis lactate concentration from 1.7 (0.3-3.8) mmol/L to 2.8 (1.3-6.2) mmol/L (p = .006). At the same time, mesenteric venous-arterial lactate gradient increased from 0.1 (-0.2-0.8) mmol/L to 0.3 (-0.3 -1.8) mmol/L (p = .032), and mesenteric venous-arterial Pco2 gradients increased from 12 (8-19) torr to 21 (11-54) torr (p = .005). CONCLUSIONS: Peritoneal membrane microdialysis provides a method for the assessment of splanchnic ischemia, with potential for clinical application.
INTRODUCTION: Vasopressin has been shown to increase blood pressure in catecholamine-resistant septic shock. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of low-dose vasopressin on regional (hepato-splanchnic and renal) and microcirculatory (liver, pancreas, and kidney) blood flow in septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 8 in each). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis/vasopressin) were exposed to fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were non-septic controls. After 240 minutes, both septic groups were resuscitated with intravenous fluids. After 300 minutes, groups V and SV received intravenous vasopressin 0.06 IU/kg per hour. Regional blood flow was measured in the hepatic and renal arteries, the portal vein, and the celiac trunk by means of ultrasonic transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory blood flow was measured in the liver, kidney, and pancreas by means of laser Doppler flowmetry. RESULTS: In septic shock, vasopressin markedly decreased blood flow in the portal vein, by 58% after 1 hour and by 45% after 3 hours (p < 0.01), whereas flow remained virtually unchanged in the hepatic artery and increased in the celiac trunk. Microcirculatory blood flow decreased in the pancreas by 45% (p < 0.01) and in the kidney by 16% (p < 0.01) but remained unchanged in the liver. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin caused marked redistribution of splanchnic regional and microcirculatory blood flow, including a significant decrease in portal, pancreatic, and renal blood flows, whereas hepatic artery flow remained virtually unchanged. This study also showed that increased urine output does not necessarily reflect increased renal blood flow.
OBJECTIVE: Flow mismatch between the supplying artery and the myocardial perfusion region has been observed in patients with internal thoracic artery grafts. Thus coronary flow changes of arterial (internal thoracic artery grafts) and saphenous (saphenous vein grafts) bypass grafts were studied early and late after coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: Thirty patients undergoing elective bypass surgery (internal thoracic artery and saphenous vein grafts) were studied intraoperatively and (17 patients) 3 to 10 months postoperatively. Coronary flow was measured intraoperatively with the transit-time Doppler scanning technique. Postoperatively, flow velocity and coronary flow reserve were determined with the Doppler flow wire technique. Quantitative angiographic analysis was used to determine vessel size for calculation of absolute flow. RESULTS: Intraoperatively, internal thoracic artery graft flow was significantly lower than saphenous vein graft flow (31 +/- 8 vs 58 +/- 29 mL/min, P < .01). Postoperatively, internal thoracic artery graft flow increased significantly to 42 +/- 24 mL/min at 3 months and to 56 +/- 30 mL/min (P < .02 vs intraoperative value) at 10 months, respectively. However, saphenous vein graft flow remained unchanged over time (58 +/- 29 to 50 +/- 27 mL/min at 3 months and 46 +/- 27 mL/min at 10 months). Coronary flow reserve was abnormally low intraoperatively in the internal thoracic artery (1.3 +/- 0.3) and saphenous vein (1.6 +/- 0.5) grafts but increased significantly to normal values in both types of graft at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Bypass flow of the internal thoracic artery graft is significantly reduced intraoperatively when compared with that of the saphenous vein graft. However, 3 and 10 months after the operation, flow of the internal thoracic artery graft increases significantly and is similar to saphenous vein graft flow. This finding can be explained by an early flow mismatch of the native internal thoracic artery in the presence of a large perfusion territory. During follow-up, there is vascular remodeling of the internal thoracic artery, probably because of endothelium-mediated mechanisms.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is associated with a mortality rate of up to 18%, therefore requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic value of perfusion CT (PCT) in the differential diagnosis of NCSE versus postictal states in patients presenting with persistent altered mental states after a preceding epileptic seizure. We hypothesized that regional cortical hyperperfusion can be measured by PCT in patients with NCSE, whereas it is not present in postictal states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with persistent altered mental status after a preceding epileptic seizure underwent PCT and electroencephalography (EEG). Patients were stratified as presenting with NCSE (n = 9) or a postictal state (n = 10) on the basis of clinical history and EEG data. Quantitative and visual analysis of the perfusion maps was performed. RESULTS: Patients during NCSE had significantly increased regional cerebral blood flow (P > .0001), increased regional cerebral blood volume (P > .001), and decreased (P > .001) mean transit time compared with the postictal state. Regional cortical hyperperfusion was depicted in 7/9 of patients with NCSE by ad hoc analysis of parametric perfusion maps during emergency conditions but was not a feature of postictal states. The areas of hyperperfusion were concordant with transient clinical symptoms and EEG topography in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Visual analysis of perfusion maps detected regional hyperperfusion in NCSE with a sensitivity of 78%. The broad availability and short processing time of PCT in an emergency situation is a benefit compared with EEG. Consequently, the use of PCT in epilepsy may accelerate the diagnosis of NCSE. PCT may qualify as a complementary diagnostic tool to EEG in patients with persistent altered mental state after a preceding seizure.
Aims: Angiographic ectasias and aneurysms in stented segments have been associated with late stent thrombosis. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT), some stented segments show coronary evaginations reminiscent of ectasias. The purpose of this study was to explore, using computational fluid-dynamic (CFD) simulations, whether OCT-detected coronary evaginations can induce local changes in blood flow. Methods and results: OCT-detected evaginations are defined as outward bulges in the luminal vessel contour between struts, with the depth of the bulge exceeding the actual strut thickness. Evaginations can be characterised cross ectionally by depth and along the stented segment by total length. Assuming an ellipsoid shape, we modelled 3-D evaginations with different sizes by varying the depth from 0.2-1.0 mm, and the length from 1-9 mm. For the flow simulation we used average flow velocity data from non-diseased coronary arteries. The change in flow with varying evagination sizes was assessed using a particle tracing test where the particle transit time within the segment with evagination was compared with that of a control vessel. The presence of the evagination caused a delayed particle transit time which increased with the evagination size. The change in flow consisted locally of recirculation within the evagination, as well as flow deceleration due to a larger lumen - seen as a deflection of flow towards the evagination. Conclusions: CFD simulation of 3-D evaginations and blood flow suggests that evaginations affect flow locally, with a flow disturbance that increases with increasing evagination size.
OBJECTIVE Standard stroke CT protocols start with non-enhanced CT followed by perfusion-CT (PCT) and end with CTA. We aimed to evaluate the influence of the sequence of PCT and CTA on quantitative perfusion parameters, venous contrast enhancement and examination time to save critical time in the therapeutic window in stroke patients. METHODS AND MATERIALS Stroke CT data sets of 85 patients, 47 patients with CTA before PCT (group A) and 38 with CTA after PCT (group B) were retrospectively analyzed by two experienced neuroradiologists. Parameter maps of cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, time to peak and mean transit time and contrast enhancements (arterial and venous) were compared. RESULTS Both readers rated contrast of brain-supplying arteries to be equal in both groups (p=0.55 (intracranial) and p=0.73 (extracranial)) although the extent of venous superimposition of the ICA was rated higher in group B (p=0.04). Quantitative perfusion parameters did not significantly differ between the groups (all p>0.18), while the extent of venous superimposition of the ICA was rated higher in group B (p=0.04). The time to complete the diagnostic CT examination was significantly shorter for group A (p<0.01). CONCLUSION Performing CTA directly after NECT has no significant effect on PCT parameters and avoids venous preloading in CTA, while examination times were significantly shorter.