9 resultados para mediator release

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Die Prävalenz allergischer Erkrankungen ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten, insbesondere in den Industriestaaten, stetig angestiegen und schreitet weiterhin fort. Die einzige kausale Therapie, die eine Langzeitwirkung verspricht und der Entwicklung neuer Allergien bzw. dem Fortschreiten der Allergie vorbeugen kann, ist die spezifische Immuntherapie (SIT). Da bei der SIT mit natürlichen Allergenextrakten Nebenwirkungen auftreten können, ist es wichtig Alternativen für diese zu finden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden native Allergene mit modifizierten Allergenen hinsichtlich ihrer Allergenität und Immunogenität verglichen. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass Glutaraldehyd-modifizierte Allergoide im Vergleich zu nativen Allergenextrakten und Formaldehyd-Allergoiden eine verminderte Allergenität besitzen, was sich z.B. durch den verminderten Release der Allergiemediatoren, den Leukotrienen, durch Basophile allergischer Spender zeigte. Gleichzeitig war allerdings die Fähigkeit Glutaraldehyd-Allergoid-behandelter dendritischer Zellen (DC) autologe CD4+ T-Zellen zu stimulieren stark reduziert. Verglichen mit den nativen Allergenextrakten und den Formaldehyd-Allergoiden waren die Zytokinproduktion und die T-Zellproliferation, für letztere signifikant, vermindert. Damit übereinstimmend war die Aufnahme von Fluoreszenz-markierten Glutaraldehyd-Allergoiden in unreife DC reduziert. Daraus lässt sich schießen, dass die Modifizierung mit Glutaraldehyd, jedoch nicht mit Formaldehyd, zumindest bei den hier verwendeten Allergenpräparaten, B-Zell-Epitope zerstört und somit die Allergenität herabgesetzt wurde. Allerdings war dabei gleichzeitig die Immunogenität vermindert. Das verminderte Vorkommen der B-Zell-Epitope wäre beim Einsatz der Allergoide von Vorteil, da damit eine verminderte IgE-Bindekapazität einhergeht und unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen reduziert werden können. Jedoch sollte im günstigsten Fall bei der Allergoidisierung die T-Zell-Stimulationsfähigkeit intakt bleiben, was bei den hier verwendeten Glutaraldehyd-modifizierten Allergoiden nicht der Fall war. rnMit Einzelallergenen aus Birken- und Gräserpollen konnten keine vergleichbaren T-Zellantworten erzielt werden wie mit den Gesamtallergenextrakten. Auch hier waren Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion durch CD4+ T-Zellen nach Stimulation mit Einzelallergen-gepulsten DC bei Verwendung von Glutaraldehyd-modifizierten Allergoiden vermindert. rnEine adjuvante Wirkung von Aluminiumhydroxid (Alum) in vitro konnte in dieser Arbeit nicht eindeutig gezeigt werden. Zunächst konnte beobachtet werden, dass die eingesetzten Alum-adsorbierten Allergene und Allergoide eine toxische Wirkung auf DC hatten. Die Proliferation CD4+ T-Zellen konnte durch DC, die mit Alum-adsorbierten Allergenen behandelt wurden, nicht verstärkt werden, verglichen mit DC, die mit unadsorbiertem Allergen gepulst wurden. Es konnte lediglich eine erhöhte Produktion des Th2 Zytokins IL-4 durch Alum induziert werden. Einen Adjuvanteffekt, der in Zusammenhang mit der Induktion des pro-inflammatorischen Zytokins IL-1β stehen soll, konnte mittels ELISA in den Überständen unreifer DC nicht nachgewiesen werden. Lediglich in Monozyten, die zusätzlich mit dem TLR-Ligand LPS stimuliert wurden, war IL-1β in den Überständen detektierbar. Auf mRNA-Ebene konnte man einen leichten Effekt durch Alum hinsichtlich der IL-1β Expression erkennen. Nach zusätzlicher Gabe verschiedener Alum-Präparationen zu unreifen DC, die mit Allergen oder LPS stimuliert wurden, exprimierten diese leicht verstärkt IL-1β verglichen mit DC, die kein Alum erhielten.


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ZusammenfassungDie Sekretion von Arzneistoffen aus Darmzellen zurück ins Darmlumen, die durch intestinale Transporter wie P-Glykoprotein (P-GP) vermittelt wird, stellt eine bekannte Quelle für unvollständige und variable Bioverfügbarkeiten und für Interaktionen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Nahrungsbestandteilen dar. Dennoch liegen bisher keine Veröffentlichungen vor, die sich mit daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für die Entwicklung neuer peroraler Darreichungsformen befassen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, deutlich zu machen, dass dem Auftreten von intestinalen Sekretionsphänomenen bei der Entwicklung von Retardarzneimitteln Rechnung getragen werden muss.Dazu wurden effektive Permeabilitäten für den Modellarzneistoff Talinolol in unterschiedlichen Darmabschnitten anhand eines Rattendarmperfusionsmodells bestimmt.Des weiteren wurde eine Retardformulierung für den Modellarzneistoff Talinolol entwickelt. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Puffer als Wirkstofffreisetzungmedien zur Ausbildung unterschiedlicher Talinolol-Kristallstrukturen führt.Die neu entwickelten Retardmatrixtabletten wurden mit Hilfe des Pharmakokinetik-Computersoftwareprogrammes Gastro Plus® evaluiert. Das Zusammenspiel von verlangsamter Wirkstofffreigabe aus der Arzneiform und intestinaler Sekretion führte zu einer deutlich verringerten Bioverfügbarkeit der Modellsubstanz Talinolol aus der Retardformulierung im Vergleich zu schnellfreisetzenden Arzneiformen.Daher sollte der Einfluß intestinaler sekretorischer Transporter wie P-GP bei der Entwicklung von Retardarzneiformen unbedingt berücksichtigt werden.


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Mining and processing of metal ores are important causes of soil and groundwater contamination in many regions worldwide. Metal contaminations are a serious risk for the environment and human health. The assessment of metal contaminations in the soil is therefore an important task. A common approach to assess the environmental risk emanating from inorganic contaminations to soil and groundwater is the use of batch or column leaching tests. In this regard, the suitability of leaching tests is a controversial issue. In the first part of this work the applicability and comparability of common leaching tests in the scope of groundwater risk assessment of inorganic contamination is reviewed and critically discussed. Soil water sampling methods (the suction cup method and centrifugation) are addressed as an alternative to leaching tests. Reasons for limitations of the comparability of leaching test results are exposed and recommendations are given for the expedient application of leaching tests for groundwater risk assessment. Leaching tests are usually carried out in open contact with the atmosphere disregarding possible changes of redox conditions. This can affect the original metal speciation and distribution, particularly when anoxic samples are investigated. The influence of sample storage on leaching test results of sulfide bearing anoxic material from a former flotation dump is investigated in a long-term study. Since the oxidation of the sulfide-bearing samples leads to a significant overestimation of metal release, a feasible modification for the conduction of common leaching tests for anoxic material is proposed, where oxidation is prevented efficiently. A comparison of leaching test results to soil water analyzes have shown that the modified saturation soil extraction (SSE) is found to be the only of the tested leaching procedures, which can be recommended for the assessment of current soil water concentrations at anoxic sites if direct investigation of the soil water is impossible due to technical reasons. The vertical distribution and speciation of Zn and Pb in the flotation residues as well as metal concentrations in soil water and plants were investigated to evaluate the environmental risk arising from this site due to the release of metals. The variations in pH and inorganic C content show an acidification of the topsoil with pH values down to 5.5 in the soil and a soil water pH of 6 in 1 m depth. This is due to the oxidation of sulfides and depletion in carbonates. In the anoxic subsoil pH conditions are still neutral and soil water collected with suction cups is in equilibrium with carbonate minerals. Results from extended x-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy confirm that Zn is mainly bound in sphalerite in the subsoil and weathering reactions lead to a redistribution of Zn in the topsoil. A loss of 35% Zn and S from the topsoil compared to the parent material with 10 g/kg Zn has been observed. 13% of total Zn in the topsoil can be regarded as mobile or easily mobilizable according to sequential chemical extractions (SCE). Zn concentrations of 10 mg/L were found in the soil water, where pH is acidic. Electron supply and the buffer capacity of the soil were identified as main factors controlling Zn mobility and release to the groundwater. Variable Pb concentrations up to 30 µg/L were observed in the soil water. In contrast to Zn, Pb is enriched in the mobile fraction of the oxidized topsoil by a factor of 2 compared to the subsoil with 2 g/kg Pb. 80% of the cation exchange capacity in the topsoil is occupied by Pb. Therefore, plant uptake and bioavailability are of major concern. If the site is not prevented from proceeding acidification in the future, a significant release of Zn, S, and Pb to the groundwater has to be expected. Results from this study show that the assessment of metal release especially from sulfide bearing anoxic material requires an extensive comprehension of leaching mechanisms on the one hand and on weathering processes, which influence the speciation and the mobility of metals, on the other hand. Processes, which may change redox and pH conditions in the future, have to be addressed to enable sound decisions for soil and groundwater protection and remediation.


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Nozizeptive Spinalganglienneurone detektieren mit einer Vielzahl liganden- und spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle noxische Reize, d.h. Reize, die eine Gewebeschädigung bewirken können, wandeln sie in Aktionspotenzialentladungen um und leiten sie über das Rückenmark zum Gehirn weiter, wo eine Schmerzempfindung ausgelöst wird. Die pronozizeptiven transienten Rezeptor-Potenzial-Kanäle der Vanilloidrezeptorfamilie, TRPV1 und TRPV2, sind die klassischen Transduktionsmoleküle für noxische Hitzereize in den Spinalganglien und werden von Reiztemperaturen über 43°C bzw. 52°C aktiviert. Daneben finden sich auch antinozizeptive Membranproteine, wie z.B. der metabotrope Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Er koppelt an spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanäle, die neben Natrium- und Kalziumkanälen ebenfalls an der neuronalen Erregbarkeit beteiligt sind. Von den spannungsgesteuerten Kaliumkanälen könnte der Kv1.4, der einen schnell inaktivierenden A-Strom vermittelt, an antinozizeptiven Signalwegen beteiligt sein. Um die molekulare Physiologie der Regulation von Nozizeption und Antinozizeption zu charakterisieren, wurde die Expression bzw. Ko-Expression dieser Membranproteine auf der einen als auch die funktionelle Charakterisierung von TRPV1 auf der anderen Seite im Soma der Spinalganglienneurone und im heterologen Expressionssystem untersucht. TRPV1 wurde in je einem Drittel und TRPV2 in je einem Zehntel aller Spinalganglienneurone nachgewiesen. Das Expressionsmuster veränderte sich nicht zwischen verschiedenen Präparationsmethoden, die zur Aufarbeitung der Zellen für unterschiedliche experimentelle Ansätze notwendig sind. Somit können die aus Expressionsanalysen und funktionellen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen werden. Obwohl TRPV1 und TRPV2 in unterschiedlich großen Zellen exprimiert werden, überlappen dennoch ihre Größenverteilungen. Durch Ko-Expressionsanalysen konnten hier erstmalig TRPV1-TRPV2-ko-exprimierende Neurone detektiert werden. Mit dem neu entwickelten N-terminalen Antikörper gegen TRPV1 (3C11) konnte gezeigt werden, dass für TRPV1 verschiedene Splice-Varianten existieren. Neben den bereits bekannten Splice-Varianten wurde hier die neue Variante Vr.3’sv isoliert. Diese besitzt zwischen Exon 15 und 16 eine Insertion aus 104 Basen und exprimiert daher einen veränderten C-Terminus. Trotz dieser Veränderung bildeten sich im heterologen Expressionssystem funktionelle Kanäle aus, die im Gegensatz zu den anderen Varianten immer noch durch Capsaicin aktivierbar waren. Vr.3’sv könnte als Homo- oder Heterotetramer die Eigenschaften TRPV1-positiver Neurone beeinflussen. Bei der Bestimmung der Häufigkeit von TRPV1 in einem Gewebe ist somit die Wahl des Antikörpers von entscheidender Bedeutung. Für TRPV2 dagegen gibt es hier keine Hinweise auf Splice-Varianten. TRPV1 wird durch das Vanilloid Capsaicin aktiviert, wobei diese Substanz neurotoxisch ist und eine Degeneration von Neuronen und epidermalen Nervenfasern bewirkt. Hier wurde nun gezeigt, dass unabhängig von den Splice-Varianten nicht alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone bei langer Inkubationszeit absterben. Funktionelle Untersuchungen belegten, dass auch Capsaicin-sensitive Zellen unter dem Einfluss des Agonisten überleben können. Dieser Schutzmechanismus wird möglicherweise von den verschiedenen Splice-Varianten vermittelt. Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass der spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanal Kv1.4 in nahezu allen TRPV1- aber nicht TRPV2-positiven Neuronen exprimiert wird. Desweiteren ko-exprimierten nahezu alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone auch den Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Diese fast vollständige Ko-Lokalisation von CB1 und Kv1.4 in nozizeptiven Spinalganglienneuronen spricht für eine funktionell synergistische Aktivität. Der Kaliumkanal kann unter der regulativen Kontrolle von CB1 als Vermittler von A-Typ-Kaliumströmen an der Kontrolle der repetitiven Entladungen in der Peripherie und der Transmitterausschüttung zentral beteiligt sein. Es ergeben sich daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Mit Kv1.4-Aktivatoren und/oder peripher wirkenden Cannabinoiden könnten die Nebenwirkungen der Cannabinoide im zentralen Nervensystem umgangen werden.


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Liposomes were discovered about 40 years ago by A. Bangham and since then they became very versatile tools in biology, biochemistry and medicine. Liposomes are the smallest artificial vesicles of spherical shape that can be produced from natural untoxic phospholipids and cholesterol. Liposome vesicles can be used as drug carriers and become loaded with a great variety of molecules, such as small drug molecules, proteins, nucleotides and even plasmids. Due to the variability of liposomal compositions they can be used for a large number of applications. In this thesis the β-adrenoceptor antagonists propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol and pindolol, glucose, 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and Er-DTPA were used for encapsulation in liposomes, characterization and in vitro release studies. Multilamellar vesicles (MLV), large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and smaller unilamellar vesicles (SUV) were prepared using one of the following lipids: 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The freeze thawing method was used for preparation of liposomes because it has three advantages (1) avoiding the use of chloroform, which is used in other methods and causes toxicity (2) it is a simple method and (3) it gives high entrapping efficiency. The percentage of entrapping efficiencies (EE) was different depending on the type and phase transition temperature (Tc) of the lipid used. The average particle size and particle size distribution of the prepared liposomes were determined using both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser diffraction analyzer (LDA). The average particle size of the prepared liposomes differs according to both liposomal type and lipid type. Dispersion and dialysis techniques were used for the study of the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. The in vitro release rate of β-adrenoceptor antagonists was increased from MLV to LUV to SUV. Regarding the lipid type, β-adrenoceptor antagonists exhibited different in vitro release pattern from one lipid to another. Two different concentrations (50 and 100mg/ml) of Ph90H were used for studying the effect of lipid concentration on the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. It was found that liposomes made from 50 mg/ml Ph90H exhibited higher release rates than liposomes made at 100 mg/ml Ph90H. Also glucose was encapsulated in MLV, LUV and SUV using 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The average particle size and size distribution were determined using laser diffraction analysis. It was found that both EE and average particle size differ depending on both lipid and liposomal types. The in vitro release of glucose from different types of liposomes was performed using a dispersion method. It was found that the in vitro release of glucose from different liposomes is dependent on the lipid type. 18F-FDG was encapsulated in MLV 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). FDG-containing LUV and SUV were prepared using Ph90H lipid. The in vitro release of FDG from the different types of lipids was accomplished using a dispersion method. Results similar to that of glucose release were obtained. In vivo imaging of FDG in both uncapsulated FDG and FDG-containing MLV was performed in the brain and the whole body of rats using PET scanner. It was found that the release of FDG from FDG-containing MLV was sustained. In vitro-In vivo correlation was studied using the in vitro release data of FDG from liposomes and in vivo absorption data of FDG from injected liposomes using microPET. Erbium, which is a lanthanide metal, was used as a chelate with DTPA for encapsulation in SUV liposomes for the indirect radiation therapy of cancer. The liposomes were prepared using three different concentrations of soybean lipid (30, 50 and 70 mg/ml). The stability of Er-DTPA SUV liposomes was carried out by storage of the prepared liposomes at three different temperatures (4, 25 and 37 °C). It was found that the release of Er-DTPA complex is temperature dependent, the higher the temperature, the higher the release. There was an inverse relationship between the release of the Er-DTPA complex and the concentration of lipid.


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Within this thesis, new approaches for the concepts of peptide-polymer conjugates and peptide-based hybrid nanomaterials are investigated. In the first part, the synthesis of a triblock polymer-peptide-polymer is carried out following a typical peptide coupling reaction, both in solution and on solid-phase. The peptide sequence is chosen, so that it is cleaved by an enzyme preparation of trypsin. End-functionalized polystyrene is used as a model hydrophobic polymer and coupled to the peptide sequence. The results show successful coupling reactions in both methods, while the solid phase method produced a more defined product. Suspensions, consisting of peptide-polymer conjugates particles, are prepared in water by ultrasonication. In contact with the enzyme, the peptide constituting the conjugated particles is cleaved. This demonstrates the enzymatic cleavage in heterophase of enzymatic sequence bond to hydrophobic polymers, and is of great interest for the encapsulation and delivery of hydrophobic molecules.rnA second approach is the preparation of peptide-based hybrid nanocapsules. This is achieved by interfacial polyaddition in inverse miniemulsion with the peptide sequence functionalized with additional amino acids. A method suitable to the use of a peptide sequence for interfacial polyaddition was developed. It is shown that, the polarity of the dispersed phase influences the structures prepared, from particle-like to polymeric shell with a liquid core.rnThe peptide sequence is equipped with a FRET pair (more exactly, an internally-quenched fluorescent system) which allows the real-time monitoring of the enzymatic cleavage of the recognition site. This system shows the successful cleavage of the peptide-based nanocapsules when trypsin preparation is added to the suspensions. A water-soluble fluorescent polymer is efficiently entrapped and its possible use as marker for the capsules is highlighted. Furthermore, a small water-soluble fluorescent dye (SR-101) is successfully encapsulated and the encapsulation efficiency as a function of the functionality of the peptide and the amount of comonomer equivalent (toluene diisocyanate) is studied. The dye is encapsulated at such a high concentration, that self-quenching occurs. Thus, the release of the encapsulated dye triggered by the enzymatic cleavage of the peptide results in a fluorescence recovery of the dye. The fluorescence recovery of the FRET pair in the peptide and of the encapsulated dye correlate well.rnFinally, nanocapsules based on a hepsin-cleavable peptide sequence are prepared. Hepsin is an enzyme, which is highly upregulated in prostate cancer cells. The cleavage of the nanocapsules is investigated with healthy and “cancerous” (hepsin-expressing) cell cultures. The degradation, followed via fluorescence recovery of the FRET system, is faster for the suspensions introduced in the hepsin expressing cell cultures.rnIn summary, this work tackles the domain of responsive nanomaterials for drug delivery from a new perspective. It presents the adaptation of the miniemulsion process for hybrid peptide-based materials, and their successful use in preparing specific enzyme-responsive nanoparticles, with hydrophilic payload release properties.rn


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Shellac is the purified product of the natural polymer Lac. Shellac types, from different origins and with different ages, all purified by the solvent extraction process were compared in this study. Their physicochemical properties acid value, glass transition temperatures, color numbers and molecular sizes were determined. Metoprolol tartrate pellets were coated by air suspension coating with these different grades of shellac. Two coating levels 20% w/w and 25% w/w were applied and then subjected to in vitro dissolution testing. Enteric resistance was achieved for all tested brands for the two coating levels. At pH 6.8, 7.2 and 7.4, significant variations were obvious between the brands. rnMoreover the molecular size of shellac has a pronounced effect in that shellac types with larger molecular size show a higher and faster release than others, while the one with the smaller molecular size show the opposite effect on the release of metoprolol.rnIn this study commercially available ready for use aqueous shellac solutions (SSB AQUAGOLD), which are based on shellac SSB 57 (Dewaxed Orange Shellac, Bysakhi-Ber type refined in a solvent extraction process), with different manufacturing dates were used. rnTo improve the enteric coating properties of films from aqueous shellac solutions, different aqueous polymeric solutions of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), carboyxmethyl cellulose (CMC), gum arabic and polysaccharides (Pullulan®) were used. These water soluble polymers will act as pore formers to enhance drug release from pellets coated with the combination of shellac and these polymers. The influence of these polymers on the gloss of the shellac films, mechanical properties of the films and drug release from metoprolol tartrate pellets were studied.rnThe potential of ethanol to alter the rate of drug release from shellac coated pellets was assessed by using a modified in vitro dose dumping in alcohol (DDA) method and the test concluded that shellac coated dosage forms can be co-administered with alcohol beverages containing ≤ 5% with no effect of alcohol on the shellac coat.rnPellets coated with shellac sodium salts, showed higher release rates than pellets coated with shellac as ammonium salt forms. rn


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The synthesis, characterization and application of aqueous dispersions of superparamagnetic/polymer hybrid nanoparticles and capsules is described. Implementation of the superparamagnetic moiety into the polymer matrix enables a response of the nanomaterials towards an external magnetic field. Application of the external field is used for two main purposes: i) As heat generator, when an alternating magnetic field is applied. ii) As structuring agent to self-assemble superparamagnetic nanoparticles in the external field.rnIn the first part, superparamagnetic nanoparticles were used as heat generators in order to achieve a magnetic field induced release of an active compound from nanocontainers. To achieve such a release in remote-controlled fashion, the encapsulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles into polymer nanocapsules was combined with the integration of a thermolabile compound into the shell of the nanocontainers. The magnetic nanoparticles acted as generators for heat, which decomposed the thermolabile compound. Pores were created in the degrading shell and an active substance was released.rn Additionally, the self-assembly of polymer nanoparticles, which were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety as structuring agent, could be demonstrated. A combination of a magnetic field induced self-assembly and a sintering of neighboring particles upon an increase in temperature above the glass transition temperature of the polymer was used to form stable architectures. Various structures with tunable periodicity could be obtained ranging from smooth linear nanofibers to zigzag fibers. Besides solely creating linear architectures, the frugal process additionally allowed the creation of arrangements in analogy to more complex polymer architectures: By the introduction of defined junction points, the generation of branched structures and networks was demonstrated. Additionally, by tailoring the interaction of differently sized particles, the preparation of nanoparticle arrangements in statistical or block copolymer fashion was shown. Moreover, a reversible linear assembly and linkage of the nanoparticles was demonstrated following a lock/unlock mechanism. Therefore, the particles were locked in their linear assembly by a stable iron(III) hydroxamato-complex and unlocked by addition of a reducing agent and formation of a less stable iron(II)-complex.Further, in various projects with collaboration partners, nanoparticles and nanocapsules were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety for their use as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging or as magnetically separable dispersions.


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Solid oral dosage form disintegration in the human stomach is a highly complex process dependent on physicochemical properties of the stomach contents as well as on physical variables such as hydrodynamics and mechanical stress. Understanding the role of hydrodynamics and forces in disintegration of oral solid dosage forms can help to improve in vitro disintegration testing and the predictive power of the in vitro test. The aim of this work was to obtain a deep understanding of the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form performance. Therefore, the hydrodynamic conditions and forces present in the compendial PhEur/USP disintegration test device were characterized using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Furthermore, a modified device was developed and the hydrodynamic conditions present were simulated using CFD. This modified device was applied in two case studies comprising immediate release (IR) tablets and gastroretentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS). Due to the description of movement provided in the PhEur, the movement velocity of the basket-rack assembly follows a sinusoidal profile. Therefore, hydrodynamic conditions are changing continually throughout the movement cycle. CFD simulations revealed that the dosage form is exposed to a wide range of fluid velocities and shear forces during the test. The hydrodynamic conditions in the compendial device are highly variable and cannot be controlled. A new, modified disintegration test device based on computerized numerical control (CNC) technique was developed. The modified device can be moved in all three dimensions and radial movement is also possible. Simple and complex moving profiles can be developed and the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on oral solid dosage form performance can be evaluated. Furthermore, a modified basket was designed that allows two-sided fluid flow. CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics and forces in the modified device revealed significant differences in the fluid flow field and forces when compared to the compendial device. Due to the CNC technique moving velocity and direction are arbitrary and hydrodynamics become controllable. The modified disintegration test device was utilized to examine the influence of moving velocity on disintegration times of IR tablets. Insights into the influence of moving speed, medium viscosity and basket design on disintegration times were obtained. An exponential relationship between moving velocity of the modified basket and disintegration times was established in simulated gastric fluid. The same relationship was found between the disintegration times and the CFD predicted average shear stress on the tablet surface. Furthermore, a GRDDS was developed based on the approach of an in situ polyelectrolyte complex (PEC). Different complexes composed of different grades of chitosan and carrageenan and different ratios of those were investigated for their swelling behavior, mechanical stability, and in vitro drug release. With an optimized formulation the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the swelling behavior and the drug release profile was demonstrated using the modified disintegration test device. Both, swelling behavior and drug release, were largely dependent on the hydrodynamic conditions. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of the modified disintegration test device allows for detailed insights into the influence of hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form disintegration and dissolution. By the application of appropriate test conditions, the predictive power of in vitro disintegration testing can be improved using the modified disintegration test device. Furthermore, CFD has proven a powerful tool to examine the hydrodynamics and forces in the compendial as well as in the modified disintegration test device. rn