4 resultados para iron compounds

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation dient ein einfaches Konzept zur Systematisierung der Suche nach neuen Materialien mit hoher Spinpolarisation. Dieses Konzept basiert auf zwei semi-empirischen Modellen. Zum einen kann die Slater-Pauling Regel zur Abschätzung magnetischer Momente verwendet werden. Dieses Modell wird dabei durch Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Das zweites Modell kann insbesondere für die Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen beim Vergleich ihrer magnetischen Eigenschaften gefunden werden. Für diese Verbindungen ergibt sich eine scheinbare lineare Abhängigkeit der Curie-Temperatur beim Auftragen als Funktion des magnetischen Momentes. Angeregt durch diese Modelle wurde die Heusler Verbindung Co2FeSi nochmals detailliert im Hinblick auf ihre geometrische und magnetische Struktur hin untersucht. Als Methoden dienten dabei die Pulver-Röntgenbeugung, die EXAFS Spektroskopie, Röntgen Absorptions- and Mößbauer Spektroskopie sowie Hoch- und Tieftemperatur Magnetometrie, XMCD and DSC. Die Messungen zeigten, dass es sich bei Co2FeSi um das Material mit dem höchsten magnetischen Moment (6 B) und der höchsten Curie Temperatur (1100 K) sowohl in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen als auch in der Klasse der halbmetallischen Ferromagnete handelt. Zusätzlich werden alle experimentellen Ergebnisse durch detaillierte Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur unterstützt. Die gleichen Konzepte wurden verwendet, um die Eigenschaften der Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl vorherzusagen. Die elektronische Struktur und die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften wurden mit der voll-relativistischen Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker Methode berechnet, unter Verwendung kohärenter Potentialnäherungen um der zufälligen Verteilung von Cr und Fe Atomen sowie zufälliger Unordnung Rechnung zu tragen. Magnetische Effekte wurden durch die Verwendung Spin-abhängiger Potentiale im Rahmen der lokalen Spin-Dichte-Näherung mit eingeschlossen. Die strukturellen und chemischen Eigenschaften der quaternären Heusler Verbindung Co2Cr1-xFexAl wurden an Pulver und Bulkproben gemessen. Die Fernordnung wurde mit der Pulver Röntgenbeugung und Neutronenbeugung untersucht, während die Nahordnung mit der EXAFS Spektroskopie aufgeklärt wurde. Die magnetische Struktur von Pulver und Bulkproben wurde mitttels 57Fe-Mößbauer Spektroskopie gemessen. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch XPS analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Methoden wurden verglichen, um eine Einsicht in die Unterschiede zwischen Oberflächen und Volumeneigenschaften zu erlangen sowie in das Auftreten von Fehlordnung in solchen Verbindungen. Zusätzlich wurde XMCD an den L3,2 Kanten von Co, Fe, and Cr gemessen, um die elementspezifischen magnetischen Momente zu bestimmen. Rechnungen und Messungen zeigen dabei eine Zunahme des magnetischen Momentes bei steigendem Fe-Anteil. Resonante Photoemission mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung sowie Hochenergie Photoemission mit harter Röntgenstrahlung wurden verwendet, um die Zustandsdichte der besetzten Zustände in Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit stellt außerdem eine weitere, neue Verbindung aus der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vor. Co2CrIn ist L21 geordnet, wie Messungen mittels Pulver Röntgenbeugung zeigen. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden mit magnetometrisch bestimmt. Co2CrIn ist weichmagnetisch mit einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung von 1.2B bei 5 K. Im Gegensatz zu den bereits oben erwähnten Co2YZ Heusler Verbindungen ist Co2CrIn kein halbmetallischer Ferromagnet. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird weiterhin eine Regel zur Vorhersage von halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagneten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept resultiert aus der Kombination der Slater-Pauling Regel mit der Kübler-Regel. Die Kübler Regel besagt, dass Mn auf der Y Position zu einem hoch lokalisierten magnetischen Moment tendiert. Unter Verwendung dieses neuen Konzeptes werden für einige Kandidaten in der Klasse der Heusler Verbindungen die Eigenschaft des halbmetallischen komplett kompensierten Ferrimagnetismus vorhergesagt. Die Anwendung dieses Konzeptes wird anhand von Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur bestätigt.


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This work emphasizes the potential of Heusler compounds in a wide range of spintronic applications. Using electronic structure calculations it is possible to design compounds for specific applications. Examples for GMR and TMR applications, for spin injection into semiconductors, and for spin torque transfer applications will be shown. After a detailed introduction about spintronics and related materials chapter 5 reports about the investigation of new half-metallic compounds where the Fermi energy is tuned in the middle of the gap to result in more stable compounds for GMR and TMR applications. The bulk properties of the quaternary Heusler alloy Co2Mn(1-x)Fe(x)Si with the Fe concentration ranging from x=0 to 1 will be reported and the results suggest that the best candidate for applications may be found at an iron concentration of about 50%. Due to the effect that in the Co2Mn(1-x)Fe(x)Si series the transition metal carrying the localized moment is exchanged and this might lead to unexpected effects on the magnetic properties if the samples are not completely homogeneous chapter 6 reports about the optimization of the Heusler compounds for GMR and TMR applications. The structural and magnetic properties of the quaternary Heusler alloy Co2FeAl(1-x)Si(x) with varying Si concentration will be reported. From the combination of experimental (better order for high Si content) and theoretical findings (robust gap at x = 0.5) it is concluded that a compound with an intermediate Si concentration close to x=0.5-0.7 would be best suited for spintronic applications, especially for GMR and TMR applications. In chapter 7 the detailed investigation of compounds for spin injection into semiconductors will be reported. It will be shown that the diluted magnetic semiconductors based on CoTiSb with a very low lattice mismatch among each other are interesting materials for spintronics applications like Spin-LEDs or other spin injection devices. Chapter 8 refers about the investigation of the theoretically predicted half-metallic completely compensated-ferrimagnet Mn$_3$Ga as a suitable material for spin torque transfer applications. The Curie temperature is above 730~K and the electronic structure calculations indicate a nearly half-metallic ferrimagnetic order with 88% spin polarization at the Fermi energy.}


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Covalent grafting mesogenic groups to the coordination cores of the parent mononuclear low-spin and spin-crossover compounds afforded metallomesogenic complexes of iron(II). In comparison with the parent complexes the spin-crossover properties of the alkylated derivatives are substantially modified. The type of the modification was found to be dependent on the properties of the parent system and the nature of the used anion, however, the general tendency is the destabilization of the low-spin state at the favor of spin-crossover or high-spin behavior below 400 K. The structural insight revealed the micro-segregated layered organization. The effect of the alkylation of the parent compounds consists first of all in the change of the lattice to a two-dimensional lamellar one retaining significant intermolecular contacts only within the ionic bilayers. The comprehensive analysis of the structural and thermodynamic data in the homologous series pointed at the mechanism of the interplay between the structural modification on melting and the induced anomalous change of the magnetic properties. A family of one-dimensional spin-crossover polymers was synthesized and characterized using a series of spectroscopic methods, X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. The copper analogue of was also synthesized and its crystal structure solved. In comparison with the mononuclear systems, the polymeric mesogens of iron(II) are less sensitive to the glass transition, which was attributed to the moderate concomitant variation of the structure. Nevertheless, the observed increase of the magnetic hysteresis with lengthening of the alkyl substituents was ascribed to the interplay of the structural reorganization of the coordination core due to spin-crossover with the structural delay in the spatial reorganization of the mesogenic substituents. The classification of mononuclear and polymeric metallomesogens according to the interactions between the structural- and the spin-transition and analysis of the data on the reported spin-crossover metallomesogens led to the separation of three types, namely: Type i: systems with coupling between the electronic structure of the iron(II) ions and the mesomorphic behavior of the substance; Type ii: systems where both transitions coexist in the same temperature region but are not coupled due to competition with the dehydration or due to negligible structural transformation; Type iii: systems where both transitions occur in different temperature regions and therefore are uncoupled. Fine-tuning, in particular regarding the temperature at which the spin-transition occurs with hysteresis properties responsible for the memory effect, are still a major challenge towards practical implementation of spin-crossover materials. A possible answer to the problem could be materials in which the spin-crossover transition is coupled with another transition easily controllable by external stimuli. In the present thesis we have shown the viability of the approach realized in the mesogenic systems with coupled phase- and spin-transitions.


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In this study more than 450 natural sapphire samples (most of basaltic type) collected from 19 different areas were examined. They are from Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Quy Chau, two unknown sources from the north (Vietnam); Bo Ploi, Khao Ploi Waen (Thailand); Ban Huay Sai (Laos); Australia; Shandong (China); Andapa, Antsirabe, Nosibe (Madagascar); Ballapana (Sri Lanka); Brazil; Russia; Colombia; Tansania and Malawi. rnThe samples were studied on internal characteristics, chemical compositions, Raman-, luminescence-, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-, and ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR)- spectroscopy. The internal features of these sapphire samples were observed and identified by gemological microscope, con focal micro Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The major and minor elements of the samples were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the trace elements by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). rnThe structural spectra of sapphire were investigated by con focal Raman spectroscopy. The FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the vibration modes of OH-groups and also to determine hydrous mineral inclusions in sapphire. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy was used to analyze the cause of sapphire color. rnNatural sapphires contain many types of mineral inclusions. Typically, they are iron-containing inclusions like goethite, ilmenite, hematite, magnetite or silicate minerals commonly feldspar, and often observed in sapphires from Asia countries, like Dak Nong, Dak Lak in the south of Vietnam, Ban Huay Sai (Laos), Khao Ploi Waen and Bo Ploi (Thailand) or Shandong (China). Meanwhile, CO2-diaspore inclusions are normally found in sapphires from Tansania, Colombia, or the north of Vietnam like Quy Chau. rnIron is the most dominant element in sapphire, up to 1.95 wt.% Fe2O3 measured by EPMA and it affects spectral characteristics of sapphire.rnThe Raman spectra of sapphire contain seven peaks (2A1g + 5Eg). Two peaks at about 418.3 cm-1 and 577.7 cm-1 are influenced by high iron content. These two peaks shift towards smaller wavenumbers corresponding to increasing iron content. This shift is showed by two equations y(418.3)=418.29-0.53x andy(577.7)=577.96-0.75x, in which y is peak position (cm-1) and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). By exploiting two these equations one can estimate the Fe2O3 contents of sapphire or corundum by identifying the respective Raman peak positions. Determining the Fe2O3 content in sapphire can help to distinguish sapphires from different origins, e.g. magmatic and metamorphic sapphire. rnThe luminescence of sapphire is characterized by two R-lines: R1 at about 694 nm and R2 at about 692 nm. This characteristic is also influenced by high iron content. The peak positions of two R-lines shift towards to smaller wavelengths corresponding to increasing of iron content. This correlation is showed by two equations y(R_2 )=692.86-0.049x and y(R_1 )=694.29-0.047x, in which y is peak position (nm) of respective R-lines and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Two these equations can be applied to estimate the Fe2O3 content of sapphire and help to separate sapphires from different origins. The luminescence is also applied for determination of the remnant pressure or stress around inclusions in Cr3+-containing corundum by calibrating a 0-pressure position in experimental techniques.rnThe infrared spectra show the presence of vibrations originating from OH-groups and hydrous mineral inclusions in the range of 2500-4000 cm-1. Iron has also an effect upon the main and strongest peak at about 3310 cm-1. The 3310 cm-1 peak is shifted to higher wavenumber when iron content increases. This relationship is expressed by the equation y(3310)=0.92x+3309.17, in which y is peak position of the 3310 cm-1 and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Similar to the obtained results in Raman and luminescence spectra, this expression can be used to estimate the Fe2O3 content and separate sapphires from different origins. rnThe UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra point out the strong and sharp peaks at about 377, 387, and 450 nm related to dispersed Fe3+, a broad band around 557 and 600 nm related to intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) Fe2+/Ti4+, and a broader band around 863 nm related to IVCT of Fe2+/Fe3+. rnGenerally, sapphires from different localities were completely investigated on internal features, chemical compounds, and solid spectral characteristics. The results in each part contribute for identifying the iron content and separate sapphires from different localities order origins. rn