2 resultados para Upper and Lower Bounds
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
1. Teil: Bekannte Konstruktionen. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt zunächst einen ausführlichen Überblick über die bisherigen Entwicklungen auf dem klassischen Gebiet der Hyperflächen mit vielen Singularitäten. Die maximale Anzahl mu^n(d) von Singularitäten auf einer Hyperfläche vom Grad d im P^n(C) ist nur in sehr wenigen Fällen bekannt, im P^3(C) beispielsweise nur für d<=6. Abgesehen von solchen Ausnahmen existieren nur obere und untere Schranken. 2. Teil: Neue Konstruktionen. Für kleine Grade d ist es oft möglich, bessere Resultate zu erhalten als jene, die durch allgemeine Schranken gegeben sind. In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir einige algorithmische Ansätze hierfür, von denen einer Computer Algebra in Charakteristik 0 benutzt. Unsere anderen algorithmischen Methoden basieren auf einer Suche über endlichen Körpern. Das Liften der so experimentell gefundenen Hyperflächen durch Ausnutzung ihrer Geometrie oder Arithmetik liefert beispielsweise eine Fläche vom Grad 7 mit $99$ reellen gewöhnlichen Doppelpunkten und eine Fläche vom Grad 9 mit 226 gewöhnlichen Doppelpunkten. Diese Konstruktionen liefern die ersten unteren Schranken für mu^3(d) für ungeraden Grad d>5, die die allgemeine Schranke übertreffen. Unser Algorithmus hat außerdem das Potential, auf viele weitere Probleme der algebraischen Geometrie angewendet zu werden. Neben diesen algorithmischen Methoden beschreiben wir eine Konstruktion von Hyperflächen vom Grad d im P^n mit vielen A_j-Singularitäten, j>=2. Diese Beispiele, deren Existenz wir mit Hilfe der Theorie der Dessins d'Enfants beweisen, übertreffen die bekannten unteren Schranken in den meisten Fällen und ergeben insbesondere neue asymptotische untere Schranken für j>=2, n>=3. 3. Teil: Visualisierung. Wir beschließen unsere Arbeit mit einer Anwendung unserer neuen Visualisierungs-Software surfex, die die Stärken mehrerer existierender Programme bündelt, auf die Konstruktion affiner Gleichungen aller 45 topologischen Typen reeller kubischer Flächen.
The composition of the atmosphere is frequently perturbed by the emission of gaseous and particulate matter from natural as well as anthropogenic sources. While the impact of trace gases on the radiative forcing of the climate is relatively well understood the role of aerosol is far more uncertain. Therefore, the study of the vertical distribution of particulate matter in the atmosphere and its chemical composition contribute valuable information to bridge this gap of knowledge. The chemical composition of aerosol reveals information on properties such as radiative behavior and hygroscopicity and therefore cloud condensation or ice nucleus potential. rnThis thesis focuses on aerosol pollution plumes observed in 2008 during the POLARCAT (Polar Study using Aircraft, Remote Sensing, Surface Measurements and Models, of Climate, Chemistry, Aerosols, and Transport) campaign over Greenland in June/July and CONCERT (Contrail and Cirrus Experiment) campaign over Central and Western Europe in October/November. Measurements were performed with an Aerodyne compact time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) capable of online size-resolved chemical characterization of non-refractory submicron particles. In addition, the origins of pollution plumes were determined by means of modeling tools. The characterized pollution episodes originated from a large variety of sources and were encountered at distinct altitudes. They included pure natural emissions from two volcanic eruptions in 2008. By the time of detection over Western Europe between 10 and 12 km altitude the plume was about 3 months old and composed to 71 % of particulate sulfate and 21 % of carbonaceous compounds. Also, biomass burning (BB) plumes were observed over Greenland between 4 and 7 km altitude (free troposphere) originating from Canada and East Siberia. The long-range transport took roughly one and two weeks, respectively. The aerosol was composed of 78 % organic matter and 22 % particulate sulfate. Some Canadian and all Siberian BB plumes were mixed with anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel combustion (FF) in North America and East Asia. It was found that the contribution of particulate sulfate increased with growing influences from anthropogenic activity and Asia reaching up to 37 % after more than two weeks of transport time. The most exclusively anthropogenic emission source probed in the upper troposphere was engine exhaust from commercial aircraft liners over Germany. However, in-situ characterization of this aerosol type during aircraft chasing was not possible. All long-range transport aerosol was found to have an O:C ratio close to or greater than 1 implying that low-volatility oxygenated organic aerosol was present in each case despite the variety of origins and the large range in age from 3 to 100 days. This leads to the conclusion that organic particulate matter reaches a final and uniform state of oxygenation after at least 3 days in the free troposphere. rnExcept for aircraft exhaust all emission sources mentioned above are surface-bound and thus rely on different types of vertical transport mechanisms, such as direct high altitude injection in the case of a volcanic eruption, or severe BB, or uplift by convection, to reach higher altitudes where particles can travel long distances before removal mainly caused by cloud scavenging. A lifetime for North American mixed BB and FF aerosol of 7 to 11 days was derived. This in consequence means that emission from surface point sources, e.g. volcanoes, or regions, e.g. East Asia, do not only have a relevant impact on the immediate surroundings but rather on a hemispheric scale including such climate sensitive zones as the tropopause or the Arctic.