11 resultados para Self-adapting applications
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Electronic devices based on organic semiconductors have gained increased attention in nanotechnology, especially applicable to the field of field-effect transistors and photovoltaic. A promising class of materials in this reseach field are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Alkyl substitution of these graphenes results in the selforganization into one-dimensional columnar superstructures and provides solubility and processibility. The nano-phase separation between the π-stacking aromatic cores and the disordered peripheral alkyl chains leads to the formation of thermotropic mesophases. Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes (HBC), as an example for a PAH, exhibits some of the highest values for the charge carrier mobility for mesogens, which makes them promising candidates for electronic devices. Prerequisites for efficient charge carrier transport between electrodes are a high purity of the material to reduce possible trapping sites for charge carriers and a pronounced and defect-free, long-range order. Appropriate processing techniques are required to induce a high degree of aligned structures in the discotic material over macroscopic dimensions. Highly-ordered supramolecular structures of different discotics, in particular, of HBC derivatives have been obtained by solution processing using the zone-casting technique, zone-melting or simple extrusion. Simplicity and fabrication of highly oriented columnar structures over long-range are the most essential advantages of these zone-processing methods. A close relation between the molecular design, self-aggregation and the processing conditions has been revealed. The long-range order achieved by the zone-casting proved to be suitable for field effect transistors (FET).
A nanostructured thin film is a thin material layer, usually supported by a (solid) substrate, which possesses subdomains with characteristic nanoscale dimensions (10 ~ 100 nm) that are differentiated by their material properties. Such films have captured vast research interest because the dimensions and the morphology of the nanostructure introduce new possibilities to manipulating chemical and physical properties not found in bulk materials. Block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly, and anodization to form nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide (AAO), are two different methods for generating nanostructures by self-organization. Using poly(styrene-block-methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) nanopatterned thin films, it is demonstrated that these polymer nanopatterns can be used to study the influence of nanoscale features on protein-surface interactions. Moreover, a method for the directed assembly of adsorbed protein nanoarrays, based on the nanoscale juxtaposition of the BCP surface domains, is also demonstrated. Studies on protein-nanopattern interactions may inform the design of biomaterials, biosensors, and relevant cell-surface experiments that make use of nanoscale structures. In addition, PS-b-PMMA and AAO thin films are also demonstrated for use as optical waveguides at visible wavelengths. Due to the sub-wavelength nature of the nanostructures, scattering losses are minimized, and the optical response is amenable to analysis with effective medium theory (EMT). Optical waveguide measurements and EMT analysis of the films’ optical anisotropy enabled the in situ characterization of the PS-b-PMMA nanostructure, and a variety of surface processes within the nanoporous AAO involving (bio)macromolecules at high sensitivity.
Deutsch:In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten neue Methoden zur Synthese anorganischer Materialien mit neuartiger Architektur im Mikrometer und Nanometer Maßstab beschrieben werden. Die zentrale Rolle der Formgebung basiert dabei auf der templatinduzierten Abscheidung der anorganischen Materialien auf selbstorganisierten Monoschichten. Als Substrate eignen sich goldbedampfte Glasträger und Goldkolloide, die eine Mittelstellung in der Welt der Atome bzw. Moleküle und der makroskopischen Welt der ausgedehnten Festkörper einnehmen. Auf diesen Substraten lassen sich Thiole zu einer monomolekularen Schicht adsorbieren und damit die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Substrates ändern. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dieser Arbeit stellt die Synthese speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Anwendung ausgerichteten Thiole dar.Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden goldbedampfte Glasoberflächen als Template verwendet. Die Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat wurde in Abhängigkeit der Schichtdicke der adsorbierten Monolage untersucht. Aragonit, eine der drei Hauptphasen des Calciumcarbonat Systems, wurde auf polyaromatischen Amid - Oberflächen mit Schichtdicken von 5 - 400 nm Dicke unter milden Bedingung abgeschieden. Die einstellbaren Parameter waren dabei die Kettenlänge des Polymers, der w-Substituent, die Bindung an die Goldoberfläche über Verwendung verschiedener Aminothiole und die Kristallisationstemperatur. Die Schichtdickeneinstellung der Polymerfilme erfolgte hierbei über einen automatisierten Synthesezyklus.Titanoxid Filme konnten auf Oberflächen strukturiert werden. Dabei kam ein speziell synthetisiertes Thiol zum Einsatz, das die Funktionalität einer Styroleinheit an der Oberflächen Grenze als auch eine Möglichkeit zur späteren Entfernung von der Oberfläche in sich vereinte. Die PDMS Stempeltechnik erzeugte dabei Mikrostrukturen auf der Goldoberfläche im Bereich von 5 bis 10 µm, die ihrerseits über die Polymerisation und Abscheidung des Polymers in den Titanoxid Film überführt werden konnten. Drei dimensionale Strukturen wurden über Goldkolloid Template erhalten. Tetraethylenglykol konnte mit einer Thiolgruppe im Austausch zu einer Hydroxylgruppe monofunktionalisiert werden. Das erhaltene Molekül wurde auf kolloidalem Gold selbstorganisiert; es entstand dabei ein wasserlösliches Goldkolloid. Die Darstellung erfolgte dabei in einer Einphasenreaktion. Die so erhaltenen Goldkolloide wurden als Krstallisationstemplate für die drei dimensionale Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat verwendet. Es zeigte sich, dass Glykol die Kristallisation bzw. den Habitus des krsitalls bei niedrigem pH Wert modifiziert. Bei erhöhtem pH Wert (pH = 12) jedoch agieren die Glykol belegten Goldkolloide als Template und führen zu sphärisch Aggregaten. Werden Goldkolloide langkettigen Dithiolen ausgesetzt, so führt dies zu einer Aggregation und Ausfällung der Kolloide aufgrund der Vernetzung mehrer Goldkolloide mit den Thiolgruppen der Alkyldithiole. Zur Vermeidung konnte in dieser Arbeit ein halbseitig geschütztes Dithiol synthetisiert werden, mit dessen Hilfe die Aggregation unterbunden werden konnte. Das nachfolgende Entschützten der Thiolfunktion führte zu Goldkolloiden, deren Oberfläche Thiol funktionalisiert werden konnte. Die thiolaktiven Goldkolloide fungierten als template für die Abscheidung von Bleisulfid aus organisch/wässriger Lösung. Die Funktionsweise der Schutzgruppe und die Entschützung konnte mittels Plasmonenresonanz Spektroskopie verdeutlicht werden. Titanoxid / Gold / Polystyrol Komposite in Röhrenform konnten synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurde ein menschliches Haar als biologisches Templat für die Formgebung gewählt.. Durch Bedampfung des Haares mit Gold, Assemblierung eines Stryrolmonomers, welches zusätzlich eine Thiolfunktionalität trug, Polymerisation auf der Oberfläche, Abscheidung des Titanoxid Films und anschließendem Auflösen des biologischen Templates konnte eine Röhrenstruktur im Mikrometer Bereich dargestellt werden. Goldkolloide fungierten in dieser Arbeit nicht nur als Kristallisationstemplate und Formgeber, auch sie selbst wurden dahingehend modifiziert, dass sie drahtförmige Agglormerate im Nanometerbereich ausbilden. Dazu wurden Template aus Siliziumdioxid benutzt. Zum einen konnten Nanoröhren aus amorphen SiO2 in einer Sol Gel Methode dargestellt werden, zum anderen bediente sich diese Arbeit biologischer Siliziumoxid Hohlnadeln aus marinen Schwämmen isoliert. Goldkolloide wurden in die Hohlstrukturen eingebettet und die Struktur durch Ausbildung von Kolloid - Thiol Netzwerken mittels Dithiol Zugabe gefestigt. Die Gold-Nanodrähte im Bereich von 100 bis 500 nm wurden durch Auflösen des SiO2 - Templates freigelegt.
Since conjugated polymers, i.e. polymers with spatially extended pi-bonding system have offered unique physical properties, unobtainable for conventional polymers, significant research efforts directed to better understanding of their chemistry, physics and engineering have been undertaken in the past two and half decades. In this thesis we discuss the synthesis, characterisation and investigation of conjugated semiconducting organic materials for electronic applications. Owing to the versatile properties of metal-organic hybrid materials, there is significant promise that these materials can find use in optical or electronic devices in the future. In addressing this issue, the synthesis of bisthiazol-2-yl-amine (BTA) based polymers is attempted and their metallation is investigated. The focus of this work has been to examine whether the introduction of coordinating metal ions onto the polymer backbone can enhance the conductivity of the material. These studies can provide a basis for understanding the photophysical properties of metal-organic polymers based on BTA. In their neutral (undoped) form conjugated polymers are semiconductors and can be used as active components of plastics electronics such as polymer light-emitting diodes, polymer lasers, photovoltaic cells, field-effect transistors, etc. Toward this goal, it is an objective of the study to synthesize and characterize new classes of luminescent polymeric materials based on anthracene and phenanthrene moieties. A series of materials based on polyphenylenes and poly(phenyleneethynylene)s with 9,10-anthrylene subunits are not only presented but the synthesis and characterization of step-ladder and ladder poly(p-phenylene-alt-anthrylene)s containing 9,10-anthrylene building groups within the main chain are also explored. In a separate work, a series of soluble poly-2,7- and 3,6-phenanthrylenes are synthesized. This can enable us to do a systematic investigation into the optical and electronic properties of PPP-like versus PPV-like. Besides, the self-organization of 3,6-linked macrocyclic triphenanthrylene has been investigated by 2D wide-angle X-ray scattering experiments performed on extruded filaments in solution and in the bulk. Additionally, from the concept that donor-acceptor materials can induce efficient electron transfer, the covalent incorporation of perylene tetracarboxydiimide (PDI) into one block of a poly(2,7-carbazole) (PCz)-based diblock copolymer and 2,5-pyrrole based on push-pull type material are achieved respectively.
The last decades have witnessed significant and rapid progress in polymer chemistry and molecular biology. The invention of PCR and advances in automated solid phase synthesis of DNA have made this biological entity broadly available to all researchers across biological and chemical sciences. Thanks to the development of a variety of polymerization techniques, macromolecules can be synthesized with predetermined molecular weights and excellent structural control. In recent years these two exciting areas of research converged to generate a new type of nucleic acid hybrid material, consisting of oligodeoxynucleotides and organic polymers. By conjugating these two classes of materials, DNA block copolymers are generated exhibiting engineered material properties that cannot be realized with polymers or nucleic acids alone. Different synthetic strategies based on grafting onto routes in solution or on solid support were developed which afforded DNA block copolymers with hydrophilic, hydrophobic and thermoresponsive organic polymers in good yields. Beside the preparation of DNA block copolymers with a relative short DNA-segment, it was also demonstrated how these bioorganic polymers can be synthesized exhibiting large DNA blocks (>1000 bases) applying the polymerase chain reaction. Amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, which were synthesized fully automated in a DNA synthesizer, self-assemble into well-defined nanoparticles. Hybridization of spherical micelles with long DNA templates that encode several times the sequence of the micelle corona induced a transformation into rod-like micelles. The Watson-Crick motif aligned the hydrophobic polymer segments along the DNA double helix, which resulted in selective dimer formation. Even the length of the resulting nanostructures could be precisely adjusted by the number of nucleotides of the templates. In addition to changing the structural properties of DNA-b-PPO micelles, these materials were applied as 3D nanoscopic scaffolds for organic reactions. The DNA strands of the corona were organized by hydrophobic interactions of the organic polymer segments in such a fashion that several DNA-templated organic reactions proceeded in a sequence specific manner; either at the surface of the micelles or at the interface between the biological and the organic polymer blocks. The yields of reactions employing the micellar template were equivalent or better than existing template architectures. Aside from its physical properties and the morphologies achieved, an important requirement for a new biomaterial is its biocompatibility and interaction with living systems, i.e. human cells. The toxicity of the nanoparticles was analyzed by a cell proliferation assay. Motivated by the non-toxic nature of the amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, these nanoobjects were employed as drug delivery vehicles to target the anticancer drug to a tumor tissue. The micelles obtained from DNA block copolymers were easily functionalized with targeting units by hybridization. This facile route allowed studying the effect of the amount of targeting units on the targeting efficacy. By varying the site of functionalization, i.e. 5’ or 3’, the outcome of having the targeting unit at the periphery of the micelle or in the core of the micelle was studied. Additionally, these micelles were loaded with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, and then applied to tumor cells. The viability of the cells was calculated in the presence and absence of targeting unit. It was demonstrated that the tumor cells bearing folate receptors showed a high mortality when the targeting unit was attached to the nanocarrier.
This thesis presents the versatile synthesis and self-organization of C3-symmetric discotic nanographene molecules as well as their potential applications as materials in molecular electronics. The details can be described as follows: 1) A novel synthetic strategy towards properly designed C3 symmetric 1,3,5-tris-2’arylbenzene precursors has been developed. After the final planarization by treatment with FeCl3 under mild conditions, for the first time, it became possible to access a variety of new C3-symmetric hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes (HBCs) and a series of triangle-shaped nanographenes. D3 symmetric HBC with three alkyl substituents and C2 symmetric HBC with two alkyl substituents were synthesized and found to show the surprising decrease of isotropic points., the self-assembly at the liquid-solid interface displayed a unique zigzag and flower patterns. 2) Triangle-shaped discotics revealed a unique self-assembly behavior in solution, solid state as well as at the solution-substrate interface. A mesophase stability over the broad temperature range with helical supramoelcular arrangement were observed in the bulk state. The honeycomb pattern as the result of novel self-assembly was presented. Triangle-shaped discotics with swallow alkyl tails were fabricated into photovoltaic devices, the supramolecular arrangement upon thermal treatment was found to play a key role in the improvement of solar efficiency. 3) A novel class of C3 symmetric HBCs with alternating polar/apolar substituents was synthesized. Their peculiar self-assembly in solution, in the bulk and on the surface were investigated by NMR techniques, X-ray diffraction as well as different electron microscope techniques. 4) A novel concept for manipulating the intracolumnar stacking of discotics and thus for controlling the helical pitch was presented. A unique staggered stacking in the column was achieved for the first time. Theoretical simulations confirmed this self-organization and predicted that this packing should show the highest charge carrier mobility for all discotics.
In this work, two different systems were investigated to develop fundamental understanding of the self-assembly behavior of polyelectrolytes and small organic counterions with a certain geometry. Complexes formed were characterized by light scattering in solution, as well as UV-Vis spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, gel electrophoresis, zeta potential and IR spectroscopy. The morphologies of the aggregates were observed by AFM in dried state on surface. The charge ratio, the valence and the structure of the counterion were shown to represent key parameters in the complexation. The influence of polyelectrolyte type and molecular weights was also determined for the structure formed.rnrnOne system was mainly focused on the association of double-strand DNA with non-intercalating divalent and tetravalent organic counterions. The other model system involved linear NaPSS and oligolysines. In addition, various influences on the morphology of the charged self-assembly complexes in AFM studies were discussed. It was shown that electrostatic self-assembly of DNA and non-intercalating counterions as well as of a linear synthetic polyelectrolyte with oligolysine counterions that can build mutual hydrogen bonds can yield supramolecular aggregates of a defined size. Various morphologies (flower-like, rod-like, toroidal and spherical) of the assemblies were obtained for different combinations of polyelectrolyte and counterions. Results presented in this work are of importance for the fundamental understanding of the association behavior of various polyelectrolytes and organic counterions. The selection of biopolymers for the study may give an opportunity to transfer the basic research results into biological applications, such as gene therapy or drug delivery.rn
Diese Studie verfolgt das Konzept der "Oligomer-Ansatz", die von Müllen angesprochen wurde et.al. vor etwa 10 Jahren. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Synthese, Charakterisierung und Anwendung von halbleitenden konjugierten heteroacenes für organische Elektronik.rnZur weiteren Entwicklung der Familie von schwefelhaltigen Pentacene, zwei Moleküle (Benzo [1,2 - b :4,5-b '] bis [b] benzodithiophene und dithieno-[2,3-d: 2', 3'-d ']-benzo-[1,2-b :4,5-b'] dithiophene)rnfacilely wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert durch eine Kombination verschiedener Methoden. Die beiden neue Moleküle weisen hervorragende ökologische Stabilität und angewendet OFETs Geräte als p-Kanal-Material. Die Vorversuche gaben Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten von 0,1 cm2 V-1 s-1 undrn1,6 cm2 V-1 s-1 bzw. aus den beiden Molekülen.rnAusgelöst durch die Frage "je länger desto besser?", Eine Reihe von neuen heteroheptacenes wurden synthetisiert und intensiv im Hinblick auf ihre feste Struktur, Selbst-assenbly auf der studierte Oberfläche, opto-elektro-Eigenschaften und Eigenschaften des Orbits Grenze. Einer derrnheteroheptacene Moleküle wurden als die aktiven Kanäle in OFET Geräten angewendet. Jedoch in Trotz der mehr verlängert Konjugationslänge die Geräte auf der Basis zeigten heptacenes viel schlimmer Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten als die heteropentacenes. Viele Faktoren können Festlegung der endgültigen Leistung der Produkte und der chemischen Struktur ist nur einer von ihnen.rnIn dieser Hinsicht scheint es, dass es auch sinnvoll, den Einfluss der Heteroatome Studie und Alkylsubstitution auf der soliden und elektronischen Strukturen. Daher mehr heteroheptacenes wurden synthetisiert. Abwechslungsreiches in der Anzahl und Art der heteroatomare Brücke,rndiese Oligoazene ausgestellt dramatisch anders feste Struktur und opto-elektronischernEigenschaften. Darüber hinaus wurde eine kombinierte DFT Berechnung der Molekülorbitale dieser heptacenes darauf hingewiesen, dass die Einführung von Stickstoff Brücken wird die π-Orbitale zu destabilisieren, während stabilisieren den Schwefel Brücken sowohl HOMO und LUMO Energien. Dies ist wichtig, wenn man will hoch π verlängert Oligoazene synthetisieren und dabei eine angemessene Stabilität.
Rapid and sensitive detection of chemical and biological analytes becomes increasingly important in areas such as medical diagnostics, food control and environmental monitoring. Optical biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and optical waveguide spectroscopy have been extensively pushed forward in these fields. In this study, we combine SPR, surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) and optical waveguide spectroscopy with hydrogel thin film for highly sensitive detection of molecular analytes.rnrnA novel biosensor based on SPFS which was advanced through the excitation of long range surface plasmons (LRSPs) is reported in this study. LRSPs are special surface plasmon waves propagating along thin metal films with orders of magnitude higher electromagnetic field intensity and lower damping than conventional SPs. Therefore, their excitation on the sensor surface provides further increased fluorescence signal. An inhibition immunoassay based on LRSP-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (LRSP-FS) was developed for the detection of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk. The biosensor allowed for the detection of AFM1 in milk at concentrations as low as 0.6 pg mL-1, which is about two orders of magnitude lower than the maximum AFM1 residue level in milk stipulated by the European Commission legislation.rnrnIn addition, LRSPs probe the medium adjacent to the metallic surface with more extended evanescent field than regular SPs. Therefore, three-dimensional binding matrices with up to micrometer thickness have been proposed for the immobilization of biomolecular recognition elements with large surface density that allows to exploit the whole evanescent field of LRSP. A photocrosslinkable carboxymethyl dextran (PCDM) hydrogel thin film is used as a binding matrix, and it is applied for the detection of free prostate specific antigen (f-PSA) based on the LRSP-FS and sandwich immunoassay. We show that this approach allows for the detection of f-PSA at low femto-molar range, which is approximately four orders of magnitude lower than that for direct detection of f-PSA based on the monitoring of binding-induced refractive index changes.rnrnHowever, a three dimensional hydrogel binding matrix with micrometer thickness can also serve as an optical waveguide. Based on the measurement of binding-induced refractive index changes, a hydrogel optical waveguide spectroscopy (HOWS) is reported for a label-free biosensor. This biosensor is implemented by using a SPR optical setup in which a carboxylated poly(N-isoproprylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogel film is attached on a metallic surface and modified by protein catcher molecules. Compared to regular SPR biosensor with thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM), HOWS provides an order of magnitude improved resolution in the refractive index measurements and enlarged binding capacity owing to its low damping and large swelling ratio, respectively. A model immunoassay experiment revealed that HOWS allowed detection of IgG molecules with a 10 pM limit of detection (LOD) that was five-fold lower than that achieved for SPR with thiol SAM. For the high capacity hydrogel matrix, the affinity binding was mass transport limited.rnrnThe mass transport of target molecules to the sensor surface can play as critical a role as the chemical reaction itself. In order to overcome the diffusion-limited mass transfer, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were employed. The magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can serve both as labels providing enhancement of the refractive index changes, and “vehicles” for rapidly delivering the analytes from sample solution to an SPR sensor surface with a gradient magnetic field. A model sandwich assay for the detection of β human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) has been utilized on a gold sensor surface with metallic diffraction grating structure supporting the excitation of SPs. Various detection formats including a) direct detection, b) sandwich assay, c) MNPs immunoassay without and d) with applied magnetic field were compared. The results show that the highly-sensitive MNPs immunoassay improves the LOD on the detection of βhCG by a factor of 5 orders of magnitude with respect to the direct detection.rn
Small, smaller, nano - it is a milestone in the development of new materials and technologies. Nanoscience is now present in our daily lives: in the car industry with self-cleaning surfaces, in medicine with cancer therapies, even our clothes and cosmetics utilize nanoparticles. The number and variety of applications has been growing fast in recent years, and the possibilities seem almost infinite. Nanoparticles made of inorganic materials have found applications in new electronic technologies, and organic nanomaterials have been added to resins to produce very strong but light weight materials.rnThis work deals with the combination of organic and inorganic materials for the fabrication of new, functional hybrid systems. For that purpose, block copolymers were made with a long, solubility-enhancing and semiconducting block, and a short anchor block. They were synthesized by either RAFT polymerization or Siegrist polycondensation. For the second block, an active ester was grafted on and subsequently reacted with the anchor molecules in a polymer analogue reaction. The resulting block copolymers had different properties; poly(para-phenylene vinylene) showed self-assembly in organic solvents, which resulted in gelling of the solution. The fibers from a diluted solution were visible through microscopy. When polymer chains were attached to TiO2 nanorods, the hybrids could be integrated into polymer fibers. A light-induced charge separation was demonstrated through KPFM. The polymer charged positively and the charge could travel along the fibers for several hundred nanometers. Polymers made via RAFT polymerization were based on poly(vinyltriphenylamine). Ruthenium chromophores which carried anchor groups were attached to the second block. These novel block copolymers were then attached to ZnO nanorods. A light-induced charge separation was also demonstrated in this system. The ability to disperse inorganic nanoparticles within the film is another advantage of these block copolymers. This was shown with the example of CdSe tetrapods. Poly(vinyltriphenylamine dimer) with disulfide anchor groups was attached to CdSe tetrapods. These four-armed nanoparticles are supposed to show very high charge transport. A polymer without anchor groups was also mixed with the tetrapods in order to investigate the influence of the anchor groups. It was shown that without them no good films were formed and the tetrapods aggregated heavily in the samples. Additionally, a large difference in the film qualities and the aggregation of the tetrapods was found in the sample of the polymer with anchor groups, dependent on the tetrapod arm length and the polymer loading. These systems are very interesting for hybrid solar cells. This work also illustrates similar systems with quantum dots. The influence of the energy level of the polymer on the hole transport from the polymer to the quantum dots, as well as on the efficiency of QLEDs was studied. For this purpose two different polymers were synthesized with different HOMO levels. It was clearly shown that the polymer with the adjusted lower HOMO level had a better hole injection to the quantum dots, which resulted in more efficient light emitting diodes.rnThese systems all have in common the fact that novel, and specially designed polymers, were attached to inorganic nanocrystals. All of these hybrid materials show fascinating properties, and are helpful in the research of new materials for optoelectronic applications.
Diese Arbeit widmet sich den Darstellungssätzen für symmetrische indefinite (das heißt nicht-halbbeschränkte) Sesquilinearformen und deren Anwendungen. Insbesondere betrachten wir den Fall, dass der zur Form assoziierte Operator keine Spektrallücke um Null besitzt. Desweiteren untersuchen wir die Beziehung zwischen reduzierenden Graphräumen, Lösungen von Operator-Riccati-Gleichungen und der Block-Diagonalisierung für diagonaldominante Block-Operator-Matrizen. Mit Hilfe der Darstellungssätze wird eine entsprechende Beziehung zwischen Operatoren, die zu indefiniten Formen assoziiert sind, und Form-Riccati-Gleichungen erreicht. In diesem Rahmen wird eine explizite Block-Diagonalisierung und eine Spektralzerlegung für den Stokes Operator sowie eine Darstellung für dessen Kern erreicht. Wir wenden die Darstellungssätze auf durch (grad u, h() grad v) gegebene Formen an, wobei Vorzeichen-indefinite Koeffzienten-Matrizen h() zugelassen sind. Als ein Resultat werden selbstadjungierte indefinite Differentialoperatoren div h() grad mit homogenen Dirichlet oder Neumann Randbedingungen konstruiert. Beispiele solcher Art sind Operatoren die in der Modellierung von optischen Metamaterialien auftauchen und links-indefinite Sturm-Liouville Operatoren.