10 resultados para Perturbation (Quantum dynamics)
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Computer simulations have become an important tool in physics. Especially systems in the solid state have been investigated extensively with the help of modern computational methods. This thesis focuses on the simulation of hydrogen-bonded systems, using quantum chemical methods combined with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. MD simulations are carried out for investigating the energetics and structure of a system under conditions that include physical parameters such as temperature and pressure. Ab initio quantum chemical methods have proven to be capable of predicting spectroscopic quantities. The combination of these two features still represents a methodological challenge. Furthermore, conventional MD simulations consider the nuclei as classical particles. Not only motional effects, but also the quantum nature of the nuclei are expected to influence the properties of a molecular system. This work aims at a more realistic description of properties that are accessible via NMR experiments. With the help of the path integral formalism the quantum nature of the nuclei has been incorporated and its influence on the NMR parameters explored. The effect on both the NMR chemical shift and the Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants (NQCC) is presented for intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The second part of this thesis presents the computation of electric field gradients within the Gaussian and Augmented Plane Waves (GAPW) framework, that allows for all-electron calculations in periodic systems. This recent development improves the accuracy of many calculations compared to the pseudopotential approximation, which treats the core electrons as part of an effective potential. In combination with MD simulations of water, the NMR longitudinal relaxation times for 17O and 2H have been obtained. The results show a considerable agreement with the experiment. Finally, an implementation of the calculation of the stress tensor into the quantum chemical program suite CP2K is presented. This enables MD simulations under constant pressure conditions, which is demonstrated with a series of liquid water simulations, that sheds light on the influence of the exchange-correlation functional used on the density of the simulated liquid.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit der Untersuchung vonPolymeren mit intrinsischer Steifigkeit. Es werden vor allem lokale statische unddynamische Eigenschaften anhand zweier verschiedener Simulationsmodellebetrachtet: Ein generisches Polymermodell, bei dem nur dieSteifigkeit als ein das spezifische Polymer charakterisierenden Parametereingeht und ein atomistisches Modell fuer trans-Polyisopren. Mit Hilfe des ersten Modells koennen Statik und Dynamik wurmartiger Kettenbeobachtet werden. Das Blob-Konzept ist eine angemessene statischeBeschreibung. Lokale Orientierungen haengen schwach von derSteifigkeit ab. Das Reptationsmodell kann die beobachtete Dynamik fuer lange Kettennicht mehr angemessen beschreiben. Lange Ketten bewegen sich, als obsie in Roehren gezwaengt waeren; jedoch ist die Bewegung starkabhaengig von der Steifigkeit. Fuer Ketten dieser Art konntequalitativ das Verhalten reproduziert werden, das in NMR-Experimentenbeobachtet wird. Eine Verhakungslaenge laesst sich fuer solche Kettenkaum mehr definieren. Dynamische Strukturfunktionen und insbesonderedie direkte Visualisierung der Ketten verdeutlichen die effektiv aufeine Roehre beschraenkte Bewegung. Das atomistische Polyisoprenmodell wurde mit verschiedenen Experimenten,verglichen. In den Simulationen bei konnten qualitativ undsemiquantitativ experimentelle Ergebnisse reproduziert werden. Zuletzt wurden die Laengen- und Zeitskalen der beiden Modelleerfolgreich aufeinander abgebildet.
A path integral simulation algorithm which includes a higher-order Trotter approximation (HOA)is analyzed and compared to an approach which includes the correct quantum mechanical pair interaction (effective Propagator (EPr)). It is found that the HOA algorithmconverges to the quantum limit with increasing Trotter number P as P^{-4}, while the EPr algorithm converges as P^{-2}.The convergence rate of the HOA algorithm is analyzed for various physical systemssuch as a harmonic chain,a particle in a double-well potential, gaseous argon, gaseous helium and crystalline argon. A new expression for the estimator for the pair correlation function in the HOA algorithm is derived. A new path integral algorithm, the hybrid algorithm, is developed.It combines an exact treatment of the quadratic part of the Hamiltonian and thehigher-order Trotter expansion techniques.For the discrete quantum sine-Gordon chain (DQSGC), it is shown that this algorithm works more efficiently than all other improved path integral algorithms discussed in this work. The new simulation techniques developed in this work allow the analysis of theDQSGC and disordered model systems in the highly quantum mechanical regime using path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD)and adiabatic centroid path integral molecular dynamics (ACPIMD).The ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated for the DQSGC by the ACPIMD method.It is found that the excitation gap at zero wave vector is reduced by quantum fluctuations. Two different phases exist: One phase with a finite excitation gap at zero wave vector, and a gapless phase where the excitation gap vanishes.The reaction of the DQSGC to an external driving force is analyzed at T=0.In the gapless phase the system creeps if a small force is applied, and in the phase with a gap the system is pinned. At a critical force, the systems undergo a depinning transition in both phases and flow is induced. The analysis of the DQSGC is extended to models with disordered substrate potentials. Three different cases are analyzed: Disordered substrate potentials with roughness exponent H=0, H=1/2,and a model with disordered bond length. For all models, the ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated.
The topic of this thesis is the investigation of structure,order and dynamics in discotic mesogens by advancedsolid-state NMR spectroscopy. Most of the discotic mesogensunder investigation are hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC)derivatives which are of particular interest for potentialdevice applications due to their high one-dimensional chargecarrier mobilities. The supramolecular stacking arrangement of the discoticcores was investigated by 2D 1H-1H double-quantum (DQ)methods, which were modified by incorporating the WATERGATEsuppression technique into the experiments in order toovercome severe phase problems arising from the strongsignal of the long alkyl sidechains. Molecular dynamics and sample orientation was probed throughthe generation of sideband patterns by reconversion rotorencoding in 2D recoupling experiments. These experimentswere extended by new recoupling schemes to enable thedistinction of motion and orientation effects. The solid-state NMR studies presented in this work aim tothe understanding of structure-property relationships in theinvestigated discotic materials, while the experimentsapplied to these materials include new recoupling schemeswhich make the desired information on molecular orientationand dynamics accessible without isotope labelling.
The central aim of this thesis work is the application and further development of a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) based approach to compute spectroscopic properties of molecules in complex chemical environments from electronic structure theory. In the framework of this thesis, an existing density functional theory implementation of the QM/MM approach is first used to calculate the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solvent shifts of an adenine molecule in aqueous solution. The findings show that the aqueous solvation with its strongly fluctuating hydrogen bond network leads to specific changes in the NMR resonance lines. Besides the absolute values, also the ordering of the NMR lines changes under the influence of the solvating water molecules. Without the QM/MM scheme, a quantum chemical calculation could have led to an incorrect assignment of these lines. The second part of this thesis describes a methodological improvement of the QM/MM method that is designed for cases in which a covalent chemical bond crosses the QM/MM boundary. The development consists in an automatized protocol to optimize a so-called capping potential that saturates the electronic subsystem in the QM region. The optimization scheme is capable of tuning the parameters in such a way that the deviations of the electronic orbitals between the regular and the truncated (and "capped") molecule are minimized. This in turn results in a considerable improvement of the structural and spectroscopic parameters when computed with the new optimized capping potential within the QM/MM technique. This optimization scheme is applied and benchmarked on the example of truncated carbon-carbon bonds in a set of small test molecules. It turns out that the optimized capping potentials yield an excellent agreement of NMR chemical shifts and protonation energies with respect to the corresponding full molecules. These results are very promising, so that the application to larger biological complexes will significantly improve the reliability of the prediction of the related spectroscopic properties.
In this thesis several models are treated, which are relevant for ultracold fermionic quantum gases loaded onto optical lattices. In particular, imbalanced superfluid Fermi mixtures, which are considered as the best way to realize Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states experimentally, and antiferromagnetic states, whose experimental realization is one of the next major goals, are examined analytically and numerically with the use of appropriate versions of the Hubbard model.rnrnThe usual Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductor is known to break down in a magnetic field with a strength exceeding the size of the superfluid gap. A spatially inhomogeneous spin-imbalanced superconductor with a complex order parameter known as FFLO-state is predicted to occur in translationally invariant systems. Since in ultracold quantum gases the experimental setups have a limited size and a trapping potential, we analyze the realistic situation of a non-translationally invariant finite sized Hubbard model for this purpose. We first argue analytically, why the order parameter should be real in a system with continuous coordinates, and map our statements onto the Hubbard model with discrete coordinates defined on a lattice. The relevant Hubbard model is then treated numerically within mean field theory. We show that the numerical results agree with our analytically derived statements and we simulate various experimentally relevant systems in this thesis.rnrnAnalogous calculations are presented for the situation at repulsive interaction strength where the N'eel state is expected to be realized experimentally in the near future. We map our analytical results obtained for the attractive model onto corresponding results for the repulsive model. We obtain a spatially invariant unit vector defining the direction of the order parameter as a consequence of the trapping potential, which is affirmed by our mean field numerical results for the repulsive case. Furthermore, we observe domain wall formation, antiferromagnetically induced density shifts, and we show the relevant role of spin-imbalance for antiferromagnetic states.rnrnSince the first step for understanding the physics of the examined models was the application of a mean field approximation, we analyze the effect of including the second order terms of the weak coupling perturbation expansion for the repulsive model. We show that our results survive the influence of quantum fluctuations and show that the renormalization factors for order parameters and critical temperatures lead to a weaker influence of the fluctuations on the results in finite sized systems than on the results in the thermodynamical limit. Furthermore, in the context of second order theory we address the question whether results obtained in the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), which is meanwhile a frequently used method for describing trapped systems, survive the effect of the non-local Feynman diagrams neglected in DMFT.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Skalen in Systemen weicher Materie, der für Multiskalen-Simulationen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die die Approximation der Separierbarkeit von Variablen für die Molekulardynamik und ähnliche Anwendungen bewertet. Der zweite und größere Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der konzeptionellen und technischen Erweiterung des Adaptive Resolution Scheme'' (AdResS), einer Methode zur gleichzeitigen Simulation von Systemen mit mehreren Auflösungsebenen. Diese Methode wurde auf Systeme erweitert, in denen klassische und quantenmechanische Effekte eine Rolle spielen.rnrnDie oben genannte erste Methode benötigt nur die analytische Form der Potentiale, wie sie die meisten Molekulardynamik-Programme zur Verfügung stellen. Die Anwendung der Methode auf ein spezielles Problem gibt bei erfolgreichem Ausgang einen numerischen Hinweis auf die Gültigkeit der Variablenseparation. Bei nicht erfolgreichem Ausgang garantiert sie, dass keine Separation der Variablen möglich ist. Die Methode wird exemplarisch auf ein zweiatomiges Molekül auf einer Oberfläche und für die zweidimensionale Version des Rotational Isomer State (RIS) Modells einer Polymerkette angewandt.rnrnDer zweite Teil der Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur adaptiven Simulation von Systemen, in denen Quanteneffekte berücksichtigt werden. Die Quantennatur von Atomen wird dabei in der Pfadintegral-Methode durch einen klassischen Polymerring repräsentiert. Die adaptive Pfadintegral-Methode wird zunächst für einatomige Flüssigkeiten und tetraedrische Moleküle unter normalen thermodynamischen Bedingungen getestet. Schließlich wird die Stabilität der Methode durch ihre Anwendung auf flüssigen para-Wasserstoff bei niedrigen Temperaturen geprüft.
This thesis reports on the creation and analysis of many-body states of interacting fermionic atoms in optical lattices. The realized system can be described by the Fermi-Hubbard hamiltonian, which is an important model for correlated electrons in modern condensed matter physics. In this way, ultra-cold atoms can be utilized as a quantum simulator to study solid state phenomena. The use of a Feshbach resonance in combination with a blue-detuned optical lattice and a red-detuned dipole trap enables an independent control over all relevant parameters in the many-body hamiltonian. By measuring the in-situ density distribution and doublon fraction it has been possible to identify both metallic and insulating phases in the repulsive Hubbard model, including the experimental observation of the fermionic Mott insulator. In the attractive case, the appearance of strong correlations has been detected via an anomalous expansion of the cloud that is caused by the formation of non-condensed pairs. By monitoring the in-situ density distribution of initially localized atoms during the free expansion in a homogeneous optical lattice, a strong influence of interactions on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics within the Hubbard model has been found. The reported experiments pave the way for future studies on magnetic order and fermionic superfluidity in a clean and well-controlled experimental system.
Die Quantenchromodynamik ist die zugrundeliegende Theorie der starken Wechselwirkung und kann in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden. Harte Streuprozesse, wie zum Beispiel die Zwei-Jet-Produktion bei hohen invarianten Massen, können störungstheoretisch behandelt und berechnet werden. Bei Streuprozessen mit niedrigen Impulsüberträgen hingegen ist die Störungstheorie nicht mehr anwendbar und phänemenologische Modelle werden für Vorhersagen benutzt. Das ATLAS Experiment am Large Hadron Collider am CERN ermöglicht es, QCD Prozesse bei hohen sowie niedrigen Impulsüberträgen zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Analysen vorgestellt, die jeweils ihren Schwerpunkt auf einen der beiden Regime der QCD legen:rnDie Messung von Ereignisformvariablen bei inelastischen Proton--Proton Ereignissen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $sqrt{s} = unit{7}{TeV}$ misst den transversalen Energiefluss in hadronischen Ereignissen. rnDie Messung des zweifachdifferentiellen Zwei-Jet-Wirkungsquerschnittes als Funktion der invarianten Masse sowie der Rapiditätsdifferenz der beiden Jets mit den höchsten Transversalimpulsen kann genutzt werden um Theorievorhersagen zu überprüfen. Proton--Proton Kollisionen bei $sqrt{s} = unit{8}{TeV}$, welche während der Datennahme im Jahr 2012 aufgezeichnet wurden, entsprechend einer integrierten Luminosität von $unit{20.3}{fb^{-1}}$, wurden analysiert.rn
Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100−200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called ”frozen phonon” method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=15±5% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient αL(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of αL(T) going along with a temperature range of negative αL(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.