4 resultados para NO CO REACTION SYSTEM

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Stable isotope composition of atmospheric carbon monoxide: A modelling study.rnrnThis study aims at an improved understanding of the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbon monoxide (CO) in the global atmosphere by means of numerical simulations. At first, a new kinetic chemistry tagging technique for the most complete parameterisation of isotope effects has been introduced into the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) framework. Incorporated into the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) general circulation model, an explicit treatment of the isotope effects on the global scale is now possible. The expanded model system has been applied to simulate the chemical system containing up to five isotopologues of all carbon- and oxygen-bearing species, which ultimately determine the δ13C, δ18O and Δ17O isotopic signatures of atmospheric CO. As model input, a new stable isotope-inclusive emission inventory for the relevant trace gases has been compiled. The uncertainties of the emission estimates and of the resulting simulated mixing and isotope ratios have been analysed. The simulated CO mixing and stable isotope ratios have been compared to in-situ measurements from ground-based observatories and from the civil-aircraft-mounted CARIBIC−1 measurement platform.rnrnThe systematically underestimated 13CO/12CO ratios of earlier, simplified modelling studies can now be partly explained. The EMAC simulations do not support the inferences of those studies, which suggest for CO a reduced input of the highly depleted in 13C methane oxidation source. In particular, a high average yield of 0.94 CO per reacted methane (CH4) molecule is simulated in the troposphere, to a large extent due to the competition between the deposition and convective transport processes affecting the CH4 to CO reaction chain intermediates. None of the other factors, assumed or disregarded in previous studies, however hypothesised to have the potential in enriching tropospheric CO in 13C, were found significant when explicitly simulated. The inaccurate surface emissions, likely underestimated over East Asia, are responsible for roughly half of the discrepancies between the simulated and observed 13CO in the northern hemisphere (NH), whereas the remote southern hemisphere (SH) compositions suggest an underestimated fractionation during the oxidation of CO by the hydroxyl radical (OH). A reanalysis of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in this reaction contrasts the conventional assumption of a mere pressure dependence, and instead suggests an additional temperature dependence of the 13C KIE, which is driven by changes in the partitioning of the reaction exit channels. This result is yet to be confirmed in the laboratory.rnrnApart from 13CO, for the first time the atmospheric distribution of the oxygen mass-independent fractionation (MIF) in CO, Δ17O, has been consistently simulated on the global scale with EMAC. The applicability of Δ17O(CO) observations to unravelling changes in the tropospheric CH4-CO-OH system has been scrutinised, as well as the implications of the ozone (O3) input to the CO isotope oxygen budget. The Δ17O(CO) is confirmed to be the principal signal for the CO photochemical age, thus providing a measure for the OH chiefly involved in the sink of CO. The highly mass-independently fractionated O3 oxygen is estimated to comprise around 2% of the overall tropospheric CO source, which has implications for the δ18O, but less likely for the Δ17O CO budgets. Finally, additional sensitivity simulations with EMAC corroborate the nearly equal net effects of the present-day CH4 and CO burdens in removing tropospheric OH, as well as the large turnover and stability of the abundance of the latter. The simulated CO isotopologues nonetheless hint at a likely insufficient OH regeneration in the NH high latitudes and the upper troposphere / lower stratosphere (UTLS).rn


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We report on a strategy to prepare metal oxides including binary oxide and mixed metal oxide (MMO) in form of nanometer-sized particles using polymer as precursor. Zinc oxide nanoparticles are prepared as an example. The obtained zinc polyacrylate precursor is amorphous as confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The conversion from polymer precursor to ZnO nanocrystals by thermal pyrolysis was investigated by means of XRD, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and electron microscopy. The as-synthesized ZnO consists of many individual particles with a diameter around 40 nm as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photoluminescence (PL) and electron paramagnetic (EPR) properties of the material are investigated, too. Employing this method, ZnO nanocrystalline films are fabricated via pyrolysis of a zinc polyacrylate precursor film on solid substrate like silicon and quartz glass. The results of XRD, absorption spectra as well as TEM prove that both the ZnO nanopowder and film undergo same evolution process. Comparing the PL properties of films fabricated in different gas atmosphere, it is assigned that the blue emission of the ZnO films is due to crystal defect of zinc vacancy and green emission from oxygen vacancy. Two kinds of ZnO-based mixed metal oxide (Zn1-xMgxO and Zn1-xCoxO) particles with very precise stoichiometry are prepared by controlled pyrolysis of the corresponding polymer precursor at 550 oC. The MMO crystal particles are typically 20-50 nm in diameter. Doping of Mg in ZnO lattice causes shrinkage of lattice parameter c, while it remains unchanged with Co incorporation. Effects of bandgap engineering are seen in the Mg:ZnO system. The photoluminescence in the visible is enhanced by incorporation of magnesium on zinc lattice sites, while the emission is suppressed in the Co:ZnO system. Magnetic property of cobalt doped-ZnO is checked too and ferromagnetic ordering was not found in our samples. An alternative way to prepare zinc oxide nanoparticles is presented upon calcination of zinc-loaded polymer precursors, which is synthesized via inverse miniemulsion polymerization of the mixture of the acrylic acid and zinc nitrate. The as-prepared ZnO product is compared with that obtained from polymer-salt complex method. The obtained ZnO nanoparticles undergo surface modification via a phosphate modifier applying ultrasonication. The morphology of the modified particles is checked by SEM. And stability of the ZnO nanoparticles in aqueous dispersion is enhanced as indicated by the zeta-potential results.


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Co-culture systems, consisting of outgrowth endothelial cells (OEC) and primary osteoblasts (pOB), represent a prom¬ising instrument to mimick the natural conditions in bone repair processes and provide a new concept to develop constructs for bone replacement. Furthermore, co-culture of OEC and pOB could provide new insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control essential processes during bone repair. The present study described several advantages of the co-culture of pOB and OEC for bone tissue engineering applications, including beneficial effects on the angiogenic activation of OEC, as well as on the assembly of basement membrane matrix molecules and factors involved in vessel maturation and stabilization. The ongoing angiogenic process in the co-culture system proceeded during the course of co-cultivation and correlated with the upregulation of essential angiogenic factors, such as VEGF, angiopoietins, basement membrane molecules and mural cell-specific markers. Furthermore the co-culture system appeared to maintain osteogenic differentiation capacity.rnrnAdditional treatment of co-cultures with growth factors or morphogens might accelerate and improve bone formation and furthermore could be useful for potential clinical applications. In this context, the present study highlights the central role of the morphogen, sonic hedgehog, which has been shown to affect angiogenic activation as well as osteogenic differentiation in the co-culture model of OEC and pOB. Treatment of co-cultures with sonic hedgehog resulted in an increased formation of microvessel-like structures as early as after 24 hours. This proangiogenic effect was induced by the upregulation of the proangiogenic factors, VEGF, angiopoietin1 and angiopoietin 2. In contrast to treatment with a commonly used proangiogenic agent, VEGF, Shh stimulation induced an increased expression of factors associated with vessel maturation and stabilization, mediated through the upregulation of growth factors that are strongly involved in pericyte differentiation and recruitment, including PDGF-BB and TGFbeta. In addition, Shh treatment of co-cultures also resulted in an upregulation of osteogenic differentiation markers like alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, osteonectin and osteopontin, as well as an increased matrix calcification. This was a result of upregulation of the osteogenic differentiation regulating factors, BMP2 and RUNX2 which could be assessed in response to Shh treatment. rn


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Patienten, die an Osteosarkom leiden werden derzeit mit intravenös applizierten krebstherapeutischen Mitteln nach Tumorresektion behandelt, was oftmals mit schweren Nebenwirkungen und einem verzögerten Knochenheilungsprozess einhergeht. Darüber hinaus treten vermehrt Rezidive aufgrund von verbleibenden neoplastischen Zellen an der Tumorresektionsstelle auf. Erfolgreiche Knochenregeneration und die Kontrolle von den im Gewebe verbleibenden Krebszellen stellt eine Herausforderung für das Tissue Engineering nach Knochenverlust durch Tumorentfernung dar. In dieser Hinsicht scheint der Einsatz von Hydroxyapatit als Knochenersatzmaterial in Kombination mit Cyclodextrin als Medikamententräger, vielversprechend. Chemotherapeutika können an Biomaterial gebunden und direkt am Tumorbett über einen längeren Zeitraum freigesetzt werden, um verbliebene neoplastische Zellen zu eliminieren. Lokal applizierte Chemotherapie hat diverse Vorteile, einschließlich der direkten zytotoxischen Auswirkung auf lokale Zellen, sowie die Reduzierung schwerer Nebenwirkungen. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Funktionsfähigkeit eines solchen Arzneimittelabgabesystems zu bewerten und um Strategien im Bereich des Tissue Engineerings zu entwickeln, die den Knochenheilungsprozess und im speziellen die Vaskularisierung fördern sollen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur Krebszellen von der chemotherapeutischen Behandlung betroffen sind. Primäre Endothelzellen wie zum Beispiel HUVEC zeigten eine hohe Sensibilität Cisplatin und Doxorubicin gegenüber. Beide Medikamente lösten in HUVEC ein tumor-unterdrückendes Signal durch die Hochregulation von p53 und p21 aus. Zudem scheint Hypoxie einen krebstherapeutischen Einfluss zu haben, da die Behandlung sensitiver HUVEC mit Hypoxie die Zellen vor Zytotoxizität schützte. Der chemo-protektive Effekt schien deutlich weniger auf Krebszelllinien zu wirken. Diese Resultate könnten eine mögliche chemotherapeutische Strategie darstellen, um den Effekt eines zielgerichteten Medikamenteneinsatzes auf Krebszellen zu verbessern unter gleichzeitiger Schonung gesunder Zellen. Eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Systems, das Arzneimittel abgibt, kombiniert mit einem Biomaterial zur Stabilisierung und Regeneration, könnte gesunden Endothelzellen die Möglichkeit bieten zu proliferieren und Blutgefäße zu bilden, während verbleibende Krebszellen eliminiert werden. Da der Prozess der Knochengeweberemodellierung mit einer starken Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität des Patienten einhergeht, ist die Beschleunigung des postoperativen Heilungsprozesses eines der Ziele des Tissue Engineerings. Die Bildung von Blutgefäßen ist unabdingbar für eine erfolgreiche Integration eines Knochentransplantats in das Gewebe. Daher ist ein umfangreich ausgebildetes Blutgefäßsystem für einen verbesserten Heilungsprozess während der klinischen Anwendung wünschenswert. Frühere Experimente zeigen, dass sich die Anwendung von Ko-Kulturen aus humanen primären Osteoblasten (pOB) und humanen outgrowth endothelial cells (OEC) im Hinblick auf die Bildung stabiler gefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro, die auch effizient in das mikrovaskuläre System in vivo integriert werden konnten, als erfolgreich erweisen. Dieser Ansatz könnte genutzt werden, um prä-vaskularisierte Konstrukte herzustellen, die den Knochenheilungsprozess nach der Implantation fördern. Zusätzlich repräsentiert das Ko-Kultursystem ein exzellentes in vitro Model, um Faktoren, welche stark in den Prozess der Knochenheilung und Angiogenese eingebunden sind, zu identifizieren und zu analysieren. Es ist bekannt, dass Makrophagen eine maßgebliche Rolle in der inflammatorisch-induzierten Angiogenese spielen. In diesem Zusammenhang hebt diese Studie den positiven Einfluss THP-1 abgeleiteter Makrophagen in Ko-Kultur mit pOB und OEC hervor. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Anwendung von Makrophagen als inflammatorischer Stimulus im bereits etablierten Ko-Kultursystem zu einer pro-angiogenen Aktivierung der OEC führte, was in einer signifikant erhöhten Bildung blutgefäßähnlicher Strukturen in vitro resultierte. Außerdem zeigte die Analyse von Faktoren, die in der durch Entzündung hervorgerufenen Angiogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen, eine deutliche Hochregulation von VEGF, inflammatorischer Zytokine und Adhäsionsmoleküle, die letztlich zu einer verstärkten Vaskularisierung beitragen. Diese Resultate werden dem Einfluss von Makrophagen zugeschrieben und könnten zukünftig im Tissue Engineering eingesetzt werden, um den Heilungsprozess zu beschleunigen und damit die klinische Situation von Patienten zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus könnte die Kombination der auf Ko-Kulturen basierenden Ansätze für das Knochen Tissue Engineering mit einem biomaterial-basierenden Arzneimittelabgabesystem zum klinischen Einsatz kommen, der die Eliminierung verbliebener Krebszellen mit der Förderung der Knochenregeneration verbindet.