5 resultados para Doppler frequency shift

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In der vorgelegten Doktorarbeit werden Experimente vorgestellt, die an einem einzelnen Proton in einer Penningfalle durchgeführt worden sind. Die Eigenbewegung eines isoliert gespeicherten, freien Protons konnte elektronisch durch Kopplung an einen Resonanzschwingkreis nachgewiesen werden. Dies stellt eine nicht-destruktive Messung dar, d. h. das Teilchen geht während der Messung nicht verloren. Die freie Zyklotronfrequenz, die aus den drei gemessenen Eigenfrequenzen hervorgeht, ist eine von zwei zur Bestimmung des magnetischen Moments notwendigen Frequenzen. So wird im Gegensatz zu den existierenden Arbeiten eine direkte Bestimmung des g-Faktors ermöglicht. Planung, Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme des experimentellen Aufbaus wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführt, womit eine Messgenauigkeit von 10-7 erreicht wurde. Die dabei zu bewältigenden technischen Herausforderungen zur Bestimmung der zweiten Frequenz (der Larmorfrequenz) ergeben sich aus der Kleinheit des magnetischen Moments. Bei dem für diese Messung benötigten Spinzustand des Teilchens handelt es sich um einen internen Freiheitsgrad, der nur über eine Kopplung des magnetischen Moments an die Eigenbewegung bestimmt werden kann. Eine neuartige, hybride Penningfalle wird in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt, die als Quantensprung-Spektrometer die Spininformation auf die Eigenbewegung abbildet. Damit liegt der aus der magnetischen Kopplung resultierende Frequenzunterschied in den beiden Spinzuständen erstmalig in einem elektronisch detektierbaren Bereich.


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Within this work, a particle-polymer surface system is studied with respect to the particle-surface interactions. The latter are governed by micromechanics and are an important aspect for a wide range of industrial applications. Here, a new methodology is developed for understanding the adhesion process and measure the relevant forces, based on the quartz crystal microbalance, QCM. rnThe potential of the QCM technique for studying particle-surface interactions and reflect the adhesion process is evaluated by carrying out experiments with a custom-made setup, consisting of the QCM with a 160 nm thick film of polystyrene (PS) spin-coated onto the quartz and of glass particles, of different diameters (5-20µm), deposited onto the polymer surface. Shifts in the QCM resonance frequency are monitored as a function of the oscillation amplitude. The induced frequency shifts of the 3rd overtone are found to decrease or increase, depending on the particle-surface coupling type and the applied oscillation (frequency and amplitude). For strong coupling the 3rd harmonic decreased, corresponding to an “added mass” on the quartz surface. However, positive frequency shifts are observed in some cases and are attributed to weak-coupling between particle and surface. Higher overtones, i.e. the 5th and 7th, were utilized in order to derive additional information about the interactions taking place. For small particles, the shift for specific overtones can increase after annealing, while for large particle diameters annealing causes a negative frequency shift. The lower overtones correspond to a generally strong-coupling regime with mainly negative frequency shifts observed, while the 7th appears to be sensitive to the contact break-down and the recorded shifts are positive.rnDuring oscillation, the motion of the particles and the induced frequency shift of the QCM are governed by a balance between inertial forces and contact forces. The adherence of the particles can be increased by annealing the PS film at 150°C, which led to the formation of a PS meniscus. For the interpretation, the Hertz, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts, Derjaguin-Müller-Toporov and the Mindlin theory of partial slip are considered. The Mindlin approach is utilized to describe partial slip. When partial slip takes place induced by an oscillating load, a part of the contact ruptures. This results in a decrease of the effective contact stiffness. Additionally, there are long-term memory effects due to the consolidation which along with the QCM vibrations induce a coupling increase. However, the latter can also break the contact, lead to detachment and even surface damage and deformation due to inertia. For strong coupling the particles appear to move with the vibrations and simply act as added effective mass leading to a decrease of the resonance frequency, in agreement with the Sauerbrey equation that is commonly used to calculate the added mass on a QCM). When the system enters the weak-coupling regime the particles are not able to follow the fast movement of the QCM surface. Hence, they effectively act as adding a “spring” with an additional coupling constant and increase the resonance frequency. The frequency shift, however, is not a unique function of the coupling constant. Furthermore, the critical oscillation amplitude is determined, above which particle detach. No movement is detected at much lower amplitudes, while for intermediate values, lateral particle displacement is observed. rnIn order to validate the QCM results and study the particle effects on the surface, atomic force microscopy, AFM, is additionally utilized, to image surfaces and measure surface forces. By studying the surface of the polymer film after excitation and particle removal, AFM imaging helped in detecting three different meniscus types for the contact area: the “full contact”, the “asymmetrical” and a third one including a “homocentric smaller meniscus”. The different meniscus forms result in varying bond intensity between particles and polymer film, which could explain the deviation between number of particles per surface area measured by imaging and the values provided by the QCM - frequency shift analysis. The asymmetric and the homocentric contact types are suggested to be responsible for the positive frequency shifts observed for all three measured overtones, i.e. for the weak-coupling regime, while the “full contact” type resulted in a negative frequency shift, by effectively contributing to the mass increase of the quartz..rnThe interplay between inertia and contact forces for the particle-surface system leads to strong- or weak-coupling, with the particle affecting in three mentioned ways the polymer surface. This is manifested in the frequency shifts of the QCM system harmonics which are used to differentiate between the two interaction types and reflect the overall state of adhesion for particles of different size.rn


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A unique characteristic of soft matter is its ability to self-assemble into larger structures. Characterizing these structures is crucial for their applications. In the first part of this work, I investigated DNA-organic hybrid material by means of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS). DNA-organic hybrid materials, a novel class of hybrid materials composed of synthetic macromolecules and oligodeoxynucleotide segmenta, are mostly amphiphilic and can self-assemble into supramolecular structures in aqueous solution. A hybrid material of a fluorophore, perylenediimide (PDI), and a DNA segment (DNA-PDI) has been developed in Prof. A. Hermann’s group (University of Groningen). This novel material has the ability to form aggregates through pi-pi stacking between planar PDIs and can be traced in solution due to the fluorescence of PDI. I have determined the diffusion coefficient of DNA-PDI conjugates in aqueous solution by means of FCS. In addition, I investigated whether such DNA-PDIs form aggregates with certain structure, for instance dimers. rnOnce the DNA hybrid material self-assemble into supermolecular structures for instance into micelles, the single molecules do not necessarily stay in one specific micelle. Actually, a single molecule may enter and leave micelles constantly. The average residence time of a single molecule in a certain micelle depends on the nature of the molecule. I have chosen DNA-b-polypropylene oxide (PPO) as model molecules and investigated the residence time of DNA-b-PPO molecules in their according micelles by means of FCCS.rnBesides the DNA hybrid materials, polymeric colloids can also form ordered structures once they are brought to an air/water interface. Here, hexagonally densely packed monolayers can be generated. These monolayers can be deposited onto different surfaces as coating layers. In the second part of this work, I investigated the mechanical properties of such colloidal monolayers using micromechanical cantilevers. When a coating layer is deposited on a cantilever, it can modify the elasticity of the cantilever. This variation can be reflected either by a deflection or by a resonance frequency shift of the cantilever. In turn, detecting these changes provides information about the mechanical properties of the coating layer. rnIn the second part of this work, polymeric colloidal monolayers were coated on a cantilever and homogenous polymer films of a few hundred nanometers in thickness were generated from these colloidal monolayers by thermal annealing or organic vapor annealing. Both the film formation process and the mechanical properties of these resulting homogenous films were investigated by means of cantilever. rnElastic property changes of the coating film, for example upon absorption of organic vapors, induce a deflection of the cantilever. This effect enables a cantilever to detect target molecules, when the cantilever is coated with an active layer with specific affinity to target molecules. In the last part of this thesis, I investigated the applicability of suitably functionalized micromechanical cantilevers as sensors. In particular, glucose sensitive polymer brushes were grafted on a cantilever and the deflection of this cantilever was measured during exposure to glucose solution. rn


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Optical frequency comb technology has been used in this work for the first time to investigate the nuclear structure of light radioactive isotopes. Therefore, three laser systems were stabilized with different techniques to accurately known optical frequencies and used in two specialized experiments. Absolute transition frequency measurements of lithium and beryllium isotopes were performed with accuracy on the order of 10^(−10). Such a high accuracy is required for the light elements since the nuclear volume effect has only a 10^(−9) contribution to the total transition frequency. For beryllium, the isotope shift was determined with an accuracy that is sufficient to extract information about the proton distribution inside the nucleus. A Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy on the stable lithium isotopes (6,7)^Li was performed in order to determine the absolute frequency of the 2S → 3S transition. The achieved relative accuracy of 2×10^(−10) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to previous measurements. The results provide an opportunity to determine the nuclear charge radius of the stable and short-lived isotopes in a pure optical way but this requires an improvement of the theoretical calculations by two orders of magnitude. The second experiment presented here was performed at ISOLDE/CERN, where the absolute transition frequencies of the D1 and D2 lines in beryllium ions for the isotopes (7,9,10,11)^Be were measured with an accuracy of about 1 MHz. Therefore, an advanced collinear laser spectroscopy technique involving two counter-propagating frequency-stabilized laser beams with a known absolute frequency was developed. The extracted isotope shifts were combined with recent accurate mass shift calculations and the root-mean square nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one-neutron halo nucleus 11^Be were determined. Obtained charge radii are decreasing from 7^Be to 10^Be and increasing again for 11^Be. While the monotone decrease can be explained by a nucleon clustering inside the nucleus, the pronounced increase between 10^Be and 11^Be can be interpreted as a combination of two contributions: the center-of-mass motion of the 10^Be core and a change of intrinsic structure of the core. To disentangle these two contributions, the results from nuclear reaction measurements were used and indicate that the center-of-mass motion is the dominant effect. Additionally, the splitting isotope shift, i.e. the difference in the isotope shifts between the D1 and D2 fine structure transitions, was determined. This shows a good consistency with the theoretical calculations and provides a valuable check of the beryllium experiment.


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The only nuclear model independent method for the determination of nuclear charge radii of short-lived radioactive isotopes is the measurement of the isotope shift. For light elements (Z < 10) extremely high accuracy in experiment and theory is required and was only reached for He and Li so far. The nuclear charge radii of the lightest elements are of great interest because they have isotopes which exhibit so-called halo nuclei. Those nuclei are characterized by a a very exotic nuclear structure: They have a compact core and an area of less dense nuclear matter that extends far from this core. Examples for halo nuclei are 6^He, 8^He, 11^Li and 11^Be that is investigated in this thesis. Furthermore these isotopes are of interest because up to now only for such systems with a few nucleons the nuclear structure can be calculated ab-initio. In the Institut für Kernchemie at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz two approaches with different accuracy were developed. The goal of these approaches was the measurement of the isotope shifts between (7,10,11)^Be^+ and 9^Be^+ in the D1 line. The …first approach is laser spectroscopy on laser cooled Be^+ ions that are trapped in a linear Paul trap. The accessible accuracy should be in the order of some 100 kHz. In this thesis two types of linear Paul traps were developed for this purpose. Moreover, the peripheral experimental setup was simulated and constructed. It allows the efficient deceleration of fast ions with an initial energy of 60 keV down to some eV and an effcient transport into the ion trap. For one of the Paul traps the ion trapping could already be demonstrated, while the optical detection of captured 9^Be^+ ions could not be completed, because the development work was delayed by the second approach. The second approach uses the technique of collinear laser spectroscopy that was already applied in the last 30 years for measuring isotope shifts of plenty of heavier isotopes. For light elements (Z < 10), it was so far not possible to reach the accuracy that is required to extract information about nuclear charge radii. The combination of collinear laser spectroscopy with the most modern methods of frequency metrology …finally permitted the …first-time determination of the nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one neutron halo nucleus 11^Be at the COLLAPS experiment at ISOLDE/ CERN. In the course of the work reported in this thesis it was possible to measure the absolute transition frequencies and the isotope shifts in the D1 line for the Be isotopes mentioned above with an accuracy of better than 2 MHz. Combination with the most recent calculations of the mass effect allowed the extraction of the nuclear charge radii of (7,10,11)^Be with an relative accuracy better than 1%. The nuclear charge radius decreases from 7^Be continuously to 10^Be and increases again for 11^Be. This result is compared with predictions of ab-initio nuclear models which reproduce the observed trend. Particularly the "Greens Function Monte Carlo" and the "Fermionic Molecular Dynamic" model show very good agreement.