7 resultados para Distributed Lag Non-linear Models
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Aim of this thesis was to further extend the applicability of the Fourier-transform (FT) rheology technique especially for non-linear mechanical characterisation of polymeric materials on the one hand and to investigated the influence of the degree of branching on the linear and non-linear relaxation behaviour of polymeric materials on the other hand. The latter was achieved by employing in particular FT-rheology and other rheological techniques to variously branched polymer melts and solutions. For these purposes, narrowly distributed linear and star-shaped polystyrene and polybutadiene homo-polymers with varying molecular weights were anionically synthesised using both high-vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Furthermore, differently entangled solutions of linear and star-shaped polystyrenes in di-sec-octyl phthalate (DOP) were prepared. The several linear polystyrene solutions were measured under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) conditions and the non-linear torque response was analysed in the Fourier space. Experimental results were compared with numerical predictions performed by Dr. B. Debbaut using a multi-mode differential viscoelastic fluid model obeying the Giesekus constitutive equation. Apart from the analysis of the relative intensities of the harmonics, a detailed examination of the phase information content was developed. Further on, FT-rheology allowed to distinguish polystyrene melts and solutions due to their different topologies where other rheological measurements failed. Significant differences occurred under LAOS conditions as particularly reflected in the phase difference of the third harmonic, ¶3, which could be related to shear thinning and shear thickening behaviour.
A one-dimensional multi-component reactive fluid transport algorithm, 1DREACT (Steefel, 1993) was used to investigate different fluid-rock interaction systems. A major short coming of mass transport calculations which include mineral reactions is that solid solutions occurring in many minerals are not treated adequately. Since many thermodynamic models of solid solutions are highly non-linear, this can seriously impact on the stability and efficiency of the solution algorithms used. Phase petrology community saw itself faced with a similar predicament 10 years ago. To improve performance and reliability, phase equilibrium calculations have been using pseudo compounds. The same approach is used here in the first, using the complex plagioclase solid solution as an example. Thermodynamic properties of a varying number of intermediate plagioclase phases were calculated using ideal molecular, Al-avoidance, and non-ideal mixing models. These different mixing models can easily be incorporated into the simulations without modification of the transport code. Simulation results show that as few as nine intermediate compositions are sufficient to characterize the diffusional profile between albite and anorthite. Hence this approach is very efficient, and can be used with little effort. A subsequent chapter reports the results of reactive fluid transport modeling designed to constrain the hydrothermal alteration of Paleoproterozoic sediments of the Southern Lake Superior region. Field observations reveal that quartz-pyrophyllite (or kaolinite) bearing assemblages have been transformed into muscovite-pyrophyllite-diaspore bearing assemblages due to action of fluids migrating along permeable flow channels. Fluid-rock interaction modeling with an initial qtz-prl assemblage and a K-rich fluid simulates the formation of observed mineralogical transformation. The bulk composition of the system evolves from an SiO2-rich one to an Al2O3+K2O-rich one. Simulations show that the fluid flow was up-temperature (e.g. recharge) and that fluid was K-rich. Pseudo compound approach to include solid solutions in reactive transport models was tested in modeling hydrothermal alteration of Icelandic basalts. Solid solutions of chlorites, amphiboles and plagioclase were included as the secondary mineral phases. Saline and fresh water compositions of geothermal fluids were used to investigate the effect of salinity on alteration. Fluid-rock interaction simulations produce the observed mineral transformations. They show that roughly the same alteration minerals are formed due to reactions with both types of fluid which is in agreement with the field observations. A final application is directed towards the remediation of nitrate rich groundwaters. Removal of excess nitrate from groundwater by pyrite oxidation was modeled using the reactive fluid transport algorithm. Model results show that, when a pyrite-bearing, permeable zone is placed in the flow path, nitrate concentration in infiltrating water can be significantly lowered, in agreement with proposals from the literature. This is due to nitrogen reduction. Several simulations investigate the efficiency of systems with different mineral reactive surface areas, reactive barrier zone widths, and flow rates to identify the optimum setup.
Five different methods were critically examined to characterize the pore structure of the silica monoliths. The mesopore characterization was performed using: a) the classical BJH method of nitrogen sorption data, which showed overestimated values in the mesopore distribution and was improved by using the NLDFT method, b) the ISEC method implementing the PPM and PNM models, which were especially developed for monolithic silicas, that contrary to the particulate supports, demonstrate the two inflection points in the ISEC curve, enabling the calculation of pore connectivity, a measure for the mass transfer kinetics in the mesopore network, c) the mercury porosimetry using a new recommended mercury contact angle values. rnThe results of the characterization of mesopores of monolithic silica columns by the three methods indicated that all methods were useful with respect to the pore size distribution by volume, but only the ISEC method with implemented PPM and PNM models gave the average pore size and distribution based on the number average and the pore connectivity values.rnThe characterization of the flow-through pore was performed by two different methods: a) the mercury porosimetry, which was used not only for average flow-through pore value estimation, but also the assessment of entrapment. It was found that the mass transfer from the flow-through pores to mesopores was not hindered in case of small sized flow-through pores with a narrow distribution, b) the liquid penetration where the average flow-through pore values were obtained via existing equations and improved by the additional methods developed according to Hagen-Poiseuille rules. The result was that not the flow-through pore size influences the column bock pressure, but the surface area to volume ratio of silica skeleton is most decisive. Thus the monolith with lowest ratio values will be the most permeable. rnThe flow-through pore characterization results obtained by mercury porosimetry and liquid permeability were compared with the ones from imaging and image analysis. All named methods enable a reliable characterization of the flow-through pore diameters for the monolithic silica columns, but special care should be taken about the chosen theoretical model.rnThe measured pore characterization parameters were then linked with the mass transfer properties of monolithic silica columns. As indicated by the ISEC results, no restrictions in mass transfer resistance were noticed in mesopores due to their high connectivity. The mercury porosimetry results also gave evidence that no restrictions occur for mass transfer from flow-through pores to mesopores in the small scaled silica monoliths with narrow distribution. rnThe prediction of the optimum regimes of the pore structural parameters for the given target parameters in HPLC separations was performed. It was found that a low mass transfer resistance in the mesopore volume is achieved when the nominal diameter of the number average size distribution of the mesopores is appr. an order of magnitude larger that the molecular radius of the analyte. The effective diffusion coefficient of an analyte molecule in the mesopore volume is strongly dependent on the value of the nominal pore diameter of the number averaged pore size distribution. The mesopore size has to be adapted to the molecular size of the analyte, in particular for peptides and proteins. rnThe study on flow-through pores of silica monoliths demonstrated that the surface to volume of the skeletons ratio and external porosity are decisive for the column efficiency. The latter is independent from the flow-through pore diameter. The flow-through pore characteristics by direct and indirect approaches were assessed and theoretical column efficiency curves were derived. The study showed that next to the surface to volume ratio, the total porosity and its distribution of the flow-through pores and mesopores have a substantial effect on the column plate number, especially as the extent of adsorption increases. The column efficiency is increasing with decreasing flow through pore diameter, decreasing with external porosity, and increasing with total porosity. Though this tendency has a limit due to heterogeneity of the studied monolithic samples. We found that the maximum efficiency of the studied monolithic research columns could be reached at a skeleton diameter of ~ 0.5 µm. Furthermore when the intention is to maximize the column efficiency, more homogeneous monoliths should be prepared.rn
In this thesis we develop further the functional renormalization group (RG) approach to quantum field theory (QFT) based on the effective average action (EAA) and on the exact flow equation that it satisfies. The EAA is a generalization of the standard effective action that interpolates smoothly between the bare action for krightarrowinfty and the standard effective action rnfor krightarrow0. In this way, the problem of performing the functional integral is converted into the problem of integrating the exact flow of the EAA from the UV to the IR. The EAA formalism deals naturally with several different aspects of a QFT. One aspect is related to the discovery of non-Gaussian fixed points of the RG flow that can be used to construct continuum limits. In particular, the EAA framework is a useful setting to search for Asymptotically Safe theories, i.e. theories valid up to arbitrarily high energies. A second aspect in which the EAA reveals its usefulness are non-perturbative calculations. In fact, the exact flow that it satisfies is a valuable starting point for devising new approximation schemes. In the first part of this thesis we review and extend the formalism, in particular we derive the exact RG flow equation for the EAA and the related hierarchy of coupled flow equations for the proper-vertices. We show how standard perturbation theory emerges as a particular way to iteratively solve the flow equation, if the starting point is the bare action. Next, we explore both technical and conceptual issues by means of three different applications of the formalism, to QED, to general non-linear sigma models (NLsigmaM) and to matter fields on curved spacetimes. In the main part of this thesis we construct the EAA for non-abelian gauge theories and for quantum Einstein gravity (QEG), using the background field method to implement the coarse-graining procedure in a gauge invariant way. We propose a new truncation scheme where the EAA is expanded in powers of the curvature or field strength. Crucial to the practical use of this expansion is the development of new techniques to manage functional traces such as the algorithm proposed in this thesis. This allows to project the flow of all terms in the EAA which are analytic in the fields. As an application we show how the low energy effective action for quantum gravity emerges as the result of integrating the RG flow. In any treatment of theories with local symmetries that introduces a reference scale, the question of preserving gauge invariance along the flow emerges as predominant. In the EAA framework this problem is dealt with the use of the background field formalism. This comes at the cost of enlarging the theory space where the EAA lives to the space of functionals of both fluctuation and background fields. In this thesis, we study how the identities dictated by the symmetries are modified by the introduction of the cutoff and we study so called bimetric truncations of the EAA that contain both fluctuation and background couplings. In particular, we confirm the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point for QEG, that is at the heart of the Asymptotic Safety scenario in quantum gravity; in the enlarged bimetric theory space where the running of the cosmological constant and of Newton's constant is influenced by fluctuation couplings.
Aerosolpartikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung sowie als Nukleations-Kerne für Wolkentröpfchen und Eiskristalle. Darüber hinaus haben Aerosole einen starken Einfluss auf die Luftverschmutzung und die öffentliche Gesundheit. Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkunge sind wichtige Prozesse, weil sie die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen wie Toxizität, Reaktivität, Hygroskopizität und optische Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Durch einen Mangel an experimentellen Daten und universellen Modellformalismen sind jedoch die Mechanismen und die Kinetik der Gasaufnahme und der chemischen Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel unzureichend erfasst. Sowohl die chemische Transformation als auch die negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von toxischen und allergenen Aerosolpartikeln, wie Ruß, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Proteine, sind bislang nicht gut verstanden.rn Kinetische Fluss-Modelle für Aerosoloberflächen- und Partikelbulk-Chemie wurden auf Basis des Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann-Formalismus für Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Zunächst wurde das kinetische Doppelschicht-Oberflächenmodell K2-SURF entwickelt, welches den Abbau von PAK auf Aerosolpartikeln in Gegenwart von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf, Hydroxyl- und Nitrat-Radikalen beschreibt. Kompetitive Adsorption und chemische Transformation der Oberfläche führen zu einer stark nicht-linearen Abhängigkeit der Ozon-Aufnahme bezüglich Gaszusammensetzung. Unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen reicht die chemische Lebensdauer von PAK von wenigen Minuten auf Ruß, über mehrere Stunden auf organischen und anorganischen Feststoffen bis hin zu Tagen auf flüssigen Partikeln. rn Anschließend wurde das kinetische Mehrschichtenmodell KM-SUB entwickelt um die chemische Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel zu beschreiben. KM-SUB ist in der Lage, Transportprozesse und chemische Reaktionen an der Oberfläche und im Bulk von Aerosol-partikeln explizit aufzulösen. Es erforder im Gegensatz zu früheren Modellen keine vereinfachenden Annahmen über stationäre Zustände und radiale Durchmischung. In Kombination mit Literaturdaten und neuen experimentellen Ergebnissen wurde KM-SUB eingesetzt, um die Effekte von Grenzflächen- und Bulk-Transportprozessen auf die Ozonolyse und Nitrierung von Protein-Makromolekülen, Ölsäure, und verwandten organischen Ver¬bin-dungen aufzuklären. Die in dieser Studie entwickelten kinetischen Modelle sollen als Basis für die Entwicklung eines detaillierten Mechanismus für Aerosolchemie dienen sowie für das Herleiten von vereinfachten, jedoch realistischen Parametrisierungen für großskalige globale Atmosphären- und Klima-Modelle. rn Die in dieser Studie durchgeführten Experimente und Modellrechnungen liefern Beweise für die Bildung langlebiger reaktiver Sauerstoff-Intermediate (ROI) in der heterogenen Reaktion von Ozon mit Aerosolpartikeln. Die chemische Lebensdauer dieser Zwischenformen beträgt mehr als 100 s, deutlich länger als die Oberflächen-Verweilzeit von molekularem O3 (~10-9 s). Die ROIs erklären scheinbare Diskrepanzen zwischen früheren quantenmechanischen Berechnungen und kinetischen Experimenten. Sie spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der chemischen Transformation sowie in den negativen Gesundheitseffekten von toxischen und allergenen Feinstaubkomponenten, wie Ruß, PAK und Proteine. ROIs sind vermutlich auch an der Zersetzung von Ozon auf mineralischem Staub und an der Bildung sowie am Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen beteiligt. Darüber hinaus bilden ROIs eine Verbindung zwischen atmosphärischen und biosphärischen Mehrphasenprozessen (chemische und biologische Alterung).rn Organische Verbindungen können als amorpher Feststoff oder in einem halbfesten Zustand vorliegen, der die Geschwindigkeit von heterogenen Reaktionenen und Mehrphasenprozessen in Aerosolen beeinflusst. Strömungsrohr-Experimente zeigen, dass die Ozonaufnahme und die oxidative Alterung von amorphen Proteinen durch Bulk-Diffusion kinetisch limitiert sind. Die reaktive Gasaufnahme zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme mit zunehmender Luftfeuchte, was durch eine Verringerung der Viskosität zu erklären ist, bedingt durch einen Phasenübergang der amorphen organischen Matrix von einem glasartigen zu einem halbfesten Zustand (feuchtigkeitsinduzierter Phasenübergang). Die chemische Lebensdauer reaktiver Verbindungen in organischen Partikeln kann von Sekunden bis zu Tagen ansteigen, da die Diffusionsrate in der halbfesten Phase bei niedriger Temperatur oder geringer Luftfeuchte um Größenordnungen absinken kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen wie halbfeste Phasen die Auswirkung organischeer Aerosole auf Luftqualität, Gesundheit und Klima beeinflussen können. rn
The thesis deals with numerical algorithms for fluid-structure interaction problems with application in blood flow modelling. It starts with a short introduction on the mathematical description of incompressible viscous flow with non-Newtonian viscosity and a moving linear viscoelastic structure. The mathematical model consists of the generalized Navier-Stokes equation used for the description of fluid flow and the generalized string model for structure movement. The arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach is used in order to take into account moving computational domain. A part of the thesis is devoted to the discussion on the non-Newtonian behaviour of shear-thinning fluids, which is in our case blood, and derivation of two non-Newtonian models frequently used in the blood flow modelling. Further we give a brief overview on recent fluid-structure interaction schemes with discussion about the difficulties arising in numerical modelling of blood flow. Our main contribution lies in numerical and experimental study of a new loosely-coupled partitioned scheme called the kinematic splitting fluid-structure interaction algorithm. We present stability analysis for a coupled problem of non-Newtonian shear-dependent fluids in moving domains with viscoelastic boundaries. Here, we assume both, the nonlinearity in convective as well is diffusive term. We analyse the convergence of proposed numerical scheme for a simplified fluid model of the Oseen type. Moreover, we present series of experiments including numerical error analysis, comparison of hemodynamic parameters for the Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and comparison of several physiologically relevant computational geometries in terms of wall displacement and wall shear stress. Numerical analysis and extensive experimental study for several standard geometries confirm reliability and accuracy of the proposed kinematic splitting scheme in order to approximate fluid-structure interaction problems.
Numerical modelling was performed to study the dynamics of multilayer detachment folding and salt tectonics. In the case of multilayer detachment folding, analytically derived diagrams show several folding modes, half of which are applicable to crustal scale folding. 3D numerical simulations are in agreement with 2D predictions, yet fold interactions result in complex fold patterns. Pre-existing salt diapirs change folding patterns as they localize the initial deformation. If diapir spacing is much smaller than the dominant folding wavelength, diapirs appear in fold synclines or limbs.rnNumerical models of 3D down-building diapirism show that sedimentation rate controls whether diapirs will form and influences the overall patterns of diapirism. Numerical codes were used to retrodeform modelled salt diapirs. Reverse modelling can retrieve the initial geometries of a 2D Rayleigh-Taylor instability with non-linear rheologies. Although intermediate geometries of down-built diapirs are retrieved, forward and reverse modelling solutions deviate. rnFinally, the dynamics of fold-and-thrusts belts formed over a tilted viscous detachment is studied and it is demonstrated that mechanical stratigraphy has an impact on the deformation style, switching from thrust- to folding-dominated. The basal angle of the detachment controls the deformation sequence of the fold-and-thrust belt and results are consistent with critical wedge theory.rn