36 resultados para Organic solar cell
This dissertation focuses on characterizing the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from grasses and young trees, and the burning of biomass mainly from Africa and Indonesia. The measurements were performed with a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). The biogenic emissions of tropical savanna vegetation were studied in Calabozo (Venezuela). Two field campaigns were carried out, the first during the wet season (1999) and the second during the dry season (2000). Three grass species were studied: T. plumosus, H. rufa and A. canescens, and the tree species B. crassifolia, C. americana and C. vitifolium. The emission rates were determined with a dynamic plant enclosure system. In general, the emissions increased exponentially with increasing temperature and solar radiation. Therefore, the emission rates showed high variability. Consequently, the data were normalized to a standard temperature of 30°C, and standard emission rates thus determined allowed for interspecific and seasonal comparisons. The range of average daytime (10:00-16:00) emission rates of total VOCs measured from green (mature and young) grasses was between 510-960 ngC/g/h. Methanol was the primary emission (140-360 ngC/g/h), followed by acetaldehyde, butene and butanol and acetone with emission rates between 70-200 ngC/g/h. The emissions of propene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) were <80 ngC/g/h, and those of isoprene and C5-alcohols were between 10-130 ngC/g/h. The oxygenated species represented 70-75% of the total. The emission of VOCs was found to vary by up to a factor of three between plants of the same species, and by up to a factor of two between the different species. The annual source of methanol from savanna grasses worldwide estimated in this work was 3 to 4.4 TgC, which could represent up to 12% of the current estimated global emission from terrestrial vegetation. Two of the studied tree species, were isoprene emitters, and isoprene was also their primary emission (which accounted for 70-94% of the total carbon emitted) followed by methanol and butene + butanol. The daytime average emission rate of isoprene measured in the wet season was 27 mgC/g/h for B. crassifolia, and 123 mgC/g/h for C. vitifolium. The daytime emissions of methanol and butene + butanol were between 0.3 and 2 mgC/g/h. The total sum of VOCs emission measured during the day in the wet season was between 30 and 130 mgC/g/h. In the dry season, in contrast, the methanol emissions from C. vitifolium saplings –whose leaves were still developing– were an order of magnitude higher than in the wet season (15 mgC/g/h). The isoprene emission from B. crassifolia in the dry season was comparable to the emission in the wet season, whereas isoprene emission from C. vitifolium was about a factor of three lower (~43 mgC/g/h). Biogenic emission inventories show that isoprenoids are the most prominent and best-studied compounds. The standard emission rates of isoprene and monoterpenes of the measured savanna trees were in the lower end of the range found in the literature. The emission of other biogenic VOCs has been sparsely investigated, but in general, the standard emissions from trees studied here were within the range observed in previous investigations. The biomass burning study comprised the measurement of VOCs and other trace-gas emissions of 44 fires from 15 different fuel types, primarily from Africa and Indonesia, in a combustion laboratory. The average sum of emissions (excluding CO2, CO and NO) from African fuels was ~18 g(VOC)/kg. Six of the ten most important emissions were oxygenated VOCs. Acetic acid was the major emission, followed by methanol and formaldehyde. The emission of methane was of the same order as the methanol emission (~5 g/kg), and that of nitrogen-containing compounds was ~1 g/kg. An estimate of the VOC source from biomass burning of savannas and grasslands worldwide suggests that the sum of emissions is about 56 Tg/yr, of which 34 Tg correspond to oxygenated VOCs, 14 Tg to unsaturated and aromatic compounds, 5 Tg to methane and 3 Tg to N-compounds. The estimated emissions of CO, CO2 and NO are 216, 5117 and 9.4 Tg/yr, respectively. The emission factors reported here for Indonesian fuels are the first results of laboratory fires using Indonesian fuels. Acetic acid was the highest organic emission, followed by acetol, a compound not previously reported in smoke, methane, mass 97 (tentatively identified as furfural, dimethylfuran and ethylfuran), and methanol. The sum of total emissions of Indonesian fuels was 91 g/kg, which is 5 times higher than the emissions from African fuels. The results of this study reinforces the importance of oxygenated compounds. Due to the vast area covered by tropical savannas worldwide, the biogenic and biomass burning emission of methanol and other oxygenated compounds may be important for the regional and even global tropospheric chemistry.
Die Untersuchung von halbleitenden Materialien auf der Basis von organischen Molekülen stellt ein Gebiet der angewandten Forschung an der Schwelle zur industriellen Nutzung dar. Geringes Gewicht und hohe mechanische Flexibilität ermöglichen völlig neue Produkte, die mit anorganischen Halbleitern nicht zu realisieren sind. Die Herstellung von Bauteilen wie Transistoren, Solarzellen oder Leuchtdioden aus organischen Materialien ist ein komplexes Gebiet, das einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Optimierungen bedarf, um eine konkurrenzfähige Leistung zu erreichen. Die synthetische organische Chemie bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten, mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen zum Optimierungsprozess beizutragen. Zum einen können neue aktive Materialien hergestellt werden mit besserer Leistung und leichterer Verarbeitbarkeit. Zum anderen sind Substanzen zugänglich, die z.B. bei der Ladungsträgerinjektion hilfreich sein können.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde an beiden dieser Fronten gearbeitet. Dabei lag die Entwicklungsstrategie darin, ausgedehnte π-konjugierte Moleküle herzustellen, die entweder besonders elektronenarme Akzeptoren oder elektronenreiche Donoren darstellen. Die genaue Kontrolle der elektronischen Niveaus stellt einen wichtigen Bestandteil dar, um niedrige elektrische Kontaktbarrieren zu Metallen zu erreichen und ausreichend stabile Materialien zu erreichen.rnDer erste Fokus der Arbeiten lag in der Funktionalisierung von Coronen. Dieser PAH stellt einen guten Kompromiss bezüglich seiner Größe dar: Er ist groß genug, um Diffusion in andere Schichten von Bauteilen zu vermeiden, aber nicht zu groß, um Verarbeitung durch Vakuumsublimation zu ermöglichen. Bislang sind praktisch keine Coronen-Derivate in der Literatur beschrieben, weshalb eine neue Synthese entwickelt werden musste, die die Einführung starker Donor- und Akzeptorfunktionalitäten erlaubt. Die photochemische Cyclodehydrierung von substituierten [2.2.2]paracyclophan-trienen stellte sich als hervorragende Möglichkeit heraus, dies zu bewerkstelligen. Es wurde eine Reihe von methoxy-substitutierten Coronenen mit unterschiedlicher Symmetrie hergestellt. Mittels optischer Spektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass Methoxygruppen wenig Einfluss auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Coronen haben. Unter Spaltung der Methylether und anschließender Oxidation allerdings sind Coronenketone zugänglich, welche bis zu drei α-Diketongruppen besitzen. Diese Moleküle sind enorm starke Akzeptoren, was durch Cyclovoltammetrie und Vergleich zu anderen Akzeptoren eindrucksvoll gezeigt werden konnte. Die Sublimation dieses Akzeptors auf die Oberfläche von Metallen zeigt einen dramatischen Einfluss auf die Austrittsarbeit dieses Metalls, was zur Herstellung eines ohmschen Kontakts zu organischen Halbleitern von außerordentlichem Nutzen ist. rnDen zweiten Teil der Arbeit bilden Benzodithiophen enthaltende Polymere, die für den Einsatz als aktive Komponente in elektronischen Bauteilen entwickelt wurden. Nach systematischer Strukturoptimierung wurde ein Polymer enthalten, welches in einem Feldeffekt-Transistor auf Standard-Silizium-Substraten Ladungsträger-Mobilitäten über 0,1 cm2/Vs erreicht mit großer Reproduzierbarkeit und ausgezeichneter Transistor-Charakteristik. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch die Monomergeometrie erzeugte Kurvung des Polymers zu einem optimalen Kompromiss aus Löslichkeit und effektiver Packung darstellt. Auf für industrielle Anwendungen besonders interessanten polymer-basierten Substraten wurde eine noch erheblich bessere Leistung gezeigt. Auf einem PET-Substrat wurden Feldeffekt-Mobilitäten von 0,5 cm2/Vs gemessen mit überzeugenden Reproduzierbarkeit und Stabilität.rnDamit konnte in der Arbeit ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung von Materialien für den Einsatz in elektronischen Bauteilen geleistet werden. Die Substanzen versprechen noch erhebliches Potenzial nach intensiver Optimierung und wurden deshalb zum Patent angemeldet.rn
Organic semiconductors with the unique combination of electronic and mechanical properties may offer cost-effective ways of realizing many electronic applications, e.g. large-area flexible displays, printed integrated circuits and plastic solar cells. In order to facilitate the rational compound design of organic semiconductors, it is essential to understand relevant physical properties e.g. charge transport. This, however, is not straightforward, since physical models operating on different time and length scales need to be combined. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic scale. For this atomistic molecular dynamics simulations can be employed, provided that an atomistic force field is available. Otherwise it has to be developed based on the existing force fields and first principle calculations. However, atomistic simulations are typically limited to the nanometer length- and nanosecond time-scales. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining techniques can be used. In the first part of this thesis, it is demonstrated how a force field can be parameterized for a typical organic molecule. Then different coarse-graining approaches are introduced together with the analysis of their advantages and problems. When atomistic morphology is available, charge transport can be studied by combining the high-temperature Marcus theory with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is applied to the hole transport in amorphous films of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminium (Alq3). First the influence of the force field parameters and the corresponding morphological changes on charge transport is studied. It is shown that the energetic disorder plays an important role for amorphous Alq3, defining charge carrier dynamics. Its spatial correlations govern the Poole-Frenkel behavior of the charge carrier mobility. It is found that hole transport is dispersive for system sizes accessible to simulations, meaning that calculated mobilities depend strongly on the system size. A method for extrapolating calculated mobilities to the infinite system size is proposed, allowing direct comparison of simulation results and time-of-flight experiments. The extracted value of the nondispersive hole mobility and its electric field dependence for amorphous Alq3 agree well with the experimental results.
Aerosol particles are strongly related to climate, air quality, visibility and human health issues. They contribute the largest uncertainty in the assessment of the Earth´s radiative budget, directly by scattering or absorbing solar radiation or indirectly by nucleating cloud droplets. The influence of aerosol particles on cloud related climatic effects essentially depends upon their number concentration, size and chemical composition. A major part of submicron aerosol consists of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) that is formed in the atmosphere by the oxidation of volatile organic compounds. SOA can comprise a highly diverse spectrum of compounds that undergo continuous chemical transformations in the atmosphere.rnThe aim of this work was to obtain insights into the complexity of ambient SOA by the application of advanced mass spectrometric techniques. Therefore, an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometer (APCI-IT-MS) was applied in the field, facilitating the measurement of ions of the intact molecular organic species. Furthermore, the high measurement frequency provided insights into SOA composition and chemical transformation processes on a high temporal resolution. Within different comprehensive field campaigns, online measurements of particular biogenic organic acids were achieved by combining an online aerosol concentrator with the APCI-IT-MS. A holistic picture of the ambient organic aerosol was obtained through the co-located application of other complementary MS techniques, such as aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) or filter sampling for the analysis by liquid chromatography / ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (LC/UHRMS).rnIn particular, during a summertime field study at the pristine boreal forest station in Hyytiälä, Finland, the partitioning of organic acids between gas and particle phase was quantified, based on the online APCI-IT-MS and AMS measurements. It was found that low volatile compounds reside to a large extent in the gas phase. This observation can be interpreted as a consequence of large aerosol equilibration timescales, which build up due to the continuous production of low volatile compounds in the gas phase and/or a semi-solid phase state of the ambient aerosol. Furthermore, in-situ structural informations of particular compounds were achieved by using the MS/MS mode of the ion trap. The comparison to MS/MS spectra from laboratory generated SOA of specific monoterpene precursors indicated that laboratory SOA barely depicts the complexity of ambient SOA. Moreover, it was shown that the mass spectra of the laboratory SOA more closely resemble the ambient gas phase composition, indicating that the oxidation state of the ambient organic compounds in the particle phase is underestimated by the comparison to laboratory ozonolysis. These observations suggest that the micro-scale processes, such as the chemistry of aerosol aging or the gas-to-particle partitioning, need to be better understood in order to predict SOA concentrations more reliably.rnDuring a field study at the Mt. Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, a slightly different aerosol concentrator / APCI-IT-MS setup made the online analysis of new particle formation possible. During a particular nucleation event, the online mass spectra indicated that organic compounds of approximately 300 Da are main constituents of the bulk aerosol during ambient new particle formation. Co-located filter analysis by LC/UHRMS analysis supported these findings and furthermore allowed to determine the molecular formulas of the involved organic compounds. The unambiguous identification of several oxidized C 15 compounds indicated that oxidation products of sesquiterpenes can be important compounds for the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric nanoparticles.rnThe LC/UHRMS analysis furthermore revealed that considerable amounts of organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates were detected on the filter samples. Indeed, it was found that several nitrooxy organosulfate related APCI-IT-MS mass traces were simultaneously enhanced. Concurrent particle phase ion chromatography and AMS measurements indicated a strong bias between inorganic sulfate and total sulfate concentrations, supporting the assumption that substantial amounts of sulfate was bonded to organic molecules.rnFinally, the comprehensive chemical analysis of the aerosol composition was compared to the hygroscopicity parameter kappa, which was derived from cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements. Simultaneously, organic aerosol aging was observed by the evolution of a ratio between a second and a first generation biogenic oxidation product. It was found that this aging proxy positively correlates with increasing hygroscopicity. Moreover, it was observed that the bonding of sulfate to organic molecules leads to a significant reduction of kappa, compared to an internal mixture of the same mass fractions of purely inorganic sulfate and organic molecules. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of modern mass spectrometric techniques allows for detailed insights into chemical and physico-chemical processes of atmospheric aerosols.rn
The main goals of this thesis were the design, synthesis, and characterization of novel organic semiconductors, together with their applications in electronics, such as OFETs, OPVs, and OLEDs. The results can be summarized as follows:rn1. In chapter II, two novel angular n-type molecules were presented. Their different alkyl chains play a pivotal role in the molecular orientation relative to surface. One molecule with longer branched chains is tilted with respect to the substrate, thereby resulting in poor device performance, while the other adopt an edge-on orientation with an OFET electron mobility of 0.01 cm2 V-1 s-1.rn2. In chapter III, fused bis-benzothiadiazoles with different molecular geometries, namely linear benzoquinone-fused bis(benzothiadiazole) and V-shaped sulfone-fused bis(benzothiadiazole), were shown. This work not only contributes to the diversity of electron acceptors based on bis-benzothiadiazole moieties, but also highlights the important role of molecular shape for the solid-state packing of organic conjugated materials. In chapter IV, we demonstrated the synthesis of layered acceptors via dimerization of thiadiazole end-capped acenes. Interestingly, they feature huge differences in their photophysical properties. One compound showed a new strong emission in the near-infrared region introduced by the aggregation effect. The planosymmetric compound featured intramolecular excimer (IEE) fluorescence in solution. rn3. In chapter V and VI, we have demonstrated the synthesis of novel spiro-bifluorene based asymmetric and symmetric cruciform electron acceptors with dicyanovinylene substitutions. The solar cells based on PTB7:asymmetric acceptor yields the highest PCE of 0.80%. Such results demonstrate for the first time that dicyanovinylene substituted acceptor could be an alternative to fullerene-based acceptors. rn4. In chapter VII, two novel blue-emitting compounds were shown, which consist of dihydroindenofluorenyl units and ladder-type poly-p-phenylene groups, respectively. The two novel cruciform rigid compounds present not only excellent thermal and electrochemical stability but also high PLQYs. Through analysis of their triplet energy levels, both molecules can be served as hosts for other normal fluorescent or phosphorescent materials.rn