12 resultados para small software project
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Il presente lavoro di tesi punta a cercare di capire quali funzionalità, le startup del settore IT ritengono più utili all’interno dei software di project management. L’approccio per rispondere alla domanda sarà quello di intervistare startup presenti in diversi incubatori italiani ed elaborare i dati raccolti. Le aziende dovranno essere operanti nel settore informatico ed avere massimo 7 anni. Nel primo periodo di ricerca ho analizzato le funzionalità descritte nella letteratura scientifica e ho trovato che quanto presente non fosse compatibile con le attuali necessità e caratteristiche delle startup. Per avvalorare quanto affermo, sottoporrò un questionario alle startup compatibili con i requisiti, in cui valuterò se concordano o smentiscono ciò che dichiaro. L’intervista sarà rivolta ai project manager delle aziende, verrà loro sottoposto un questionario online in cui dovranno esprimere una preferenza tra 2 elenchi di funzionalità e indicare qual è maggiormente compatibile con le loro esigenze. In base alla scelta che effettueranno gli verrà domandato quali funzionalità tra quelle elencate ritengono più utili per i loro bisogni aziendali. Al termine della ricerca verranno elaborate le informazioni osservando se hanno trovato più utile il nuovo elenco di funzionalità e quali funzionalità sono considerate maggiormente necessarie a soddisfare le esigenze aziendali.
The present thesis work proposes a new physical equivalent circuit model for a recently proposed semiconductor transistor, a 2-drain MSET (Multiple State Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistor). It presents a new software-based experimental setup that has been developed for carrying out numerical simulations on the device and on equivalent circuits. As of 2015, we have already approached the scaling limits of the ubiquitous CMOS technology that has been in the forefront of mainstream technological advancement, so many researchers are exploring different ideas in the realm of electrical devices for logical applications, among them MSET transistors. The idea that underlies MSETs is that a single multiple-terminal device could replace many traditional transistors. In particular a 2-drain MSET is akin to a silicon multiplexer, consisting in a Junction FET with independent gates, but with a split drain, so that a voltage-controlled conductive path can connect either of the drains to the source. The first chapter of this work presents the theory of classical JFETs and its common equivalent circuit models. The physical model and its derivation are presented, the current state of equivalent circuits for the JFET is discussed. A physical model of a JFET with two independent gates has been developed, deriving it from previous results, and is presented at the end of the chapter. A review of the characteristics of MSET device is shown in chapter 2. In this chapter, the proposed physical model and its formulation are presented. A listing for the SPICE model was attached as an appendix at the end of this document. Chapter 3 concerns the results of the numerical simulations on the device. At first the research for a suitable geometry is discussed and then comparisons between results from finite-elements simulations and equivalent circuit runs are made. Where points of challenging divergence were found between the two numerical results, the relevant physical processes are discussed. In the fourth chapter the experimental setup is discussed. The GUI-based environments that allow to explore the four-dimensional solution space and to analyze the physical variables inside the device are described. It is shown how this software project has been structured to overcome technical challenges in structuring multiple simulations in sequence, and to provide for a flexible platform for future research in the field.
In the last years, the importance of locating people and objects and communicating with them in real time has become a common occurrence in every day life. Nowadays, the state of the art of location systems for indoor environments has not a dominant technology as instead occurs in location systems for outdoor environments, where GPS is the dominant technology. In fact, each location technology for indoor environments presents a set of features that do not allow their use in the overall application scenarios, but due its characteristics, it can well coexist with other similar technologies, without being dominant and more adopted than the others indoor location systems. In this context, the European project SELECT studies the opportunity of collecting all these different features in an innovative system which can be used in a large number of application scenarios. The goal of this project is to realize a wireless system, where a network of fixed readers able to query one or more tags attached to objects to be located. The SELECT consortium is composed of European institutions and companies, including Datalogic S.p.A. and CNIT, which deal with software and firmware development of the baseband receiving section of the readers, whose function is to acquire and process the information received from generic tagged objects. Since the SELECT project has an highly innovative content, one of the key stages of the system design is represented by the debug phase. This work aims to study and develop tools and techniques that allow to perform the debug phase of the firmware of the baseband receiving section of the readers.
One of the most serious problems of the modern medicine is the growing emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria. In this circumstance, different and innovative approaches for treating infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria are imperatively required. Bacteriophage Therapy is one among the fascinating approaches to be taken into account. This consists of the use of bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, in order to defeat specific bacterial pathogens. Phage therapy is not an innovative idea, indeed, it was widely used around the world in the 1930s and 1940s, in order to treat various infection diseases, and it is still used in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Western scientists mostly lost interest in further use and study of phage therapy and abandoned it after the discovery and the spread of antibiotics. The advancement of scientific knowledge of the last years, together with the encouraging results from recent animal studies using phages to treat bacterial infections, and above all the urgent need for novel and effective antimicrobials, have given a prompt for additional rigorous researches in this field. In particular, in the laboratory of synthetic biology of the department of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick, a novel approach was adopted, starting from the original concept of phage therapy, in order to study a concrete alternative to antibiotics. The innovative idea of the project consists in the development of experimental methodologies, which allow to engineer a programmable synthetic phage system using a combination of directed evolution, automation and microfluidics. The main aim is to make “the therapeutics of tomorrow individualized, specific, and self-regulated” (Jaramillo, 2015). In this context, one of the most important key points is the Bacteriophage Quantification. Therefore, in this research work, a mathematical model describing complex dynamics occurring in biological systems involving continuous growth of bacteriophages, modulated by the performance of the host organisms, was implemented as algorithms into a working software using MATLAB. The developed program is able to predict different unknown concentrations of phages much faster than the classical overnight Plaque Assay. What is more, it gives a meaning and an explanation to the obtained data, making inference about the parameter set of the model, that are representative of the bacteriophage-host interaction.
Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce dall’esperienza di tirocinio maturata presso l’azienda Caterpillar Prodotti Stradali Servizi Italia S.r.l. dello stabilimento di Minerbio (Bo). L’obiettivo del progetto riguarda il trasferimento di una linea produttiva dallo stabilimento di Minerbio, a quello di Cattolica. In particolare, verrà effettuato un primo spostamento della linea all’interno dello stabilimento, per poi trasferirla definitivamente a partire dalla fine del 2015. Per gestire tale progetto verranno utilizzati i principi del Project Management con l’ausilio del software Microsoft Project Management.
In the present thesis we address the problem of detecting and localizing a small spherical target with characteristic electrical properties inside a volume of cylindrical shape, representing female breast, with MWI. One of the main works of this project is to properly extend the existing linear inversion algorithm from planar slice to volume reconstruction; results obtained, under the same conditions and experimental setup are reported for the two different approaches. Preliminar comparison and performance analysis of the reconstruction algorithms is performed via numerical simulations in a software-created environment: a single dipole antenna is used for illuminating the virtual breast phantom from different positions and, for each position, the corresponding scattered field value is registered. Collected data are then exploited in order to reconstruct the investigation domain, along with the scatterer position, in the form of image called pseudospectrum. During this process the tumor is modeled as a dielectric sphere of small radius and, for electromagnetic scattering purposes, it's treated as a point-like source. To improve the performance of reconstruction technique, we repeat the acquisition for a number of frequencies in a given range: the different pseudospectra, reconstructed from single frequency data, are incoherently combined with MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method which returns an overall enhanced image. We exploit multi-frequency approach to test the performance of 3D linear inversion reconstruction algorithm while varying the source position inside the phantom and the height of antenna plane. Analysis results and reconstructed images are then reported. Finally, we perform 3D reconstruction from experimental data gathered with the acquisition system in the microwave laboratory at DIFA, University of Bologna for a recently developed breast-phantom prototype; obtained pseudospectrum and performance analysis for the real model are reported.
Questo progetto è stato sviluppato durante un periodo di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile del Trinity College e continuato presso l’Università di Bologna. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di analizzare le soluzioni per l’ampliamento, la sostituzione degli impianti e l’ottimizzazione energetica di un tipico edificio residenziale Irlandese, una end of terrace in mattoni costruita negli anni ’20, collocata a Blackrock (Dublino). Diversi studi sostengono che lo stock abitativo irlandese è il peggiore del nord Europa per quanto riguarda la performance energetica. Questa tesi consta di una prima parte di studio del contesto e delle tecniche costruttive tradizionali irlandesi; è presente un capitolo di approfondimento sulle leggi riguardanti le costruzioni e gli incentivi forniti dal governo irlandese per interventi di retrofit energetico. Il terzo capitolo è un’analisi dell'esistente, con disegni del rilievo geometrico, immagini dell’edificio originale, termogrammi e dati riguardanti l’attuale performance energetica. Vengono poi mostrate diverse ipotesi di progetto e, una volta determinata la disposizione degli spazi interni, vengono considerate due soluzioni simili, ma costruite con pacchetti costruttivi diversi. Nel Progetto A l’involucro dell’addizione ha una struttura in muratura, nel Progetto B la struttura è in X-lam. Le performance energetiche delle due proposte vengono confrontate tramite una simulazione attuata grazie all'utilizzo del software dinamico IES-VE. Viene valutata l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili, quali l’energia solare e eolica e l’apporto che queste possono dare al bilancio energetico. Infine viene fatta un’analisi dei costi, valutando possibili suddivisioni dei lavori e ipotizzando un piano di ritorno dell’investimento, anche in combinazione con l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili. Alla fine del progetto si trova una valutazione quantitativa dei miglioramenti dell’edificio e un’analisi critica dei limiti del progetto.
The recent trend on embedded system development opens a new prospect for applications that in the past were not possible. The eye tracking for sleep and fatigue detection has become an important and useful application in industrial and automotive scenarios since fatigue is one of the most prevalent causes of earth-moving equipment accidents. Typical applications such as cameras, accelerometers and dermal analyzers are present on the market but have some inconvenient. This thesis project has used EEG signal, particularly, alpha waves, to overcome them by using an embedded software-hardware implementation to detect these signals in real time
The work presented in this thesis has been part of a Cranfield University research project. This thesis aims to design a flight control law for large cargo aircraft by using predictive control, which can assure flight motion along the flight path exactly and on time. In particular this work involves the modelling of a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 6DOF model (used as study case), by using DATCOM and Matlab Simulink software. Then a predictive control algorithm has been developed. The majority of the work is done in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Finally the predictive control algorithm has been applied on the aircraft model and its performances, in tracking given trajectory optimized through a 4DT Research Software, have been evaluated.
In recent years, we have witnessed great changes in the industrial environment as a result of the innovations introduced by Industry 4.0, especially in the integration of Internet of Things, Automation and Robotics in the manufacturing field. The project presented in this thesis lies within this innovation context and describes the implementation of an Image Recognition application focused on the automotive field. The project aims at helping the supply chain operator to perform an effective and efficient check of the homologation tags present on vehicles. The user contribution consists in taking a picture of the tag and the application will automatically, exploiting Amazon Web Services, return the result of the control about the correctness of the tag, the correct positioning within the vehicle and the presence of faults or defects on the tag. To implement this application we ombined two IoT platforms widely used in industrial field: Amazon Web Services(AWS) and ThingWorx. AWS exploits Convolutional Neural Networks to perform Text Detection and Image Recognition, while PTC ThingWorx manages the user interface and the data manipulation.
The paper deals with the integration of ROS, in the proprietary environment of the Marchesini Group company, for the control of industrial robotic systems. The basic tools of this open-source software are deeply studied to model a full proprietary Pick and Place manipulator inside it, and to develop custom ROS nodes to calculate trajectories; speaking of which, the URDF format is the standard to represent robots in ROS and the motion planning framework MoveIt offers user-friendly high-level methods. The communication between ROS and the Marchesini control architecture is established using the OPC UA standard; the tasks computed are transmitted offline to the PLC, supervisor controller of the physical robot, because the performances of the protocol don’t allow any kind of active control by ROS. Once the data are completely stored at the Marchesini side, the industrial PC makes the real robot execute a trajectory computed by MoveIt, so that it replicates the behaviour of the simulated manipulator in Rviz. Multiple experiments are performed to evaluate in detail the potential of ROS in the planning of movements for the company proprietary robots. The project ends with a small study regarding the use of ROS as a simulation platform. First, it is necessary to understand how a robotic application of the company can be reproduced in the Gazebo real world simulator. Then, a ROS node extracts information and examines the simulated robot behaviour, through the subscription to specific topics.
The BP (Bundle Protocol) version 7 has been recently standardized by IETF in RFC 9171, but it is the whole DTN (Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking) architecture, of which BP is the core, that is gaining a renewed interest, thanks to its planned adoption in future space missions. This is obviously positive, but at the same time it seems to make space agencies more interested in deployment than in research, with new BP implementations that may challenge the central role played until now by the historical BP reference implementations, such as ION and DTNME. To make Unibo research on DTN independent of space agency decisions, the development of an internal BP implementation was in order. This is the goal of this thesis, which deals with the design and implementation of Unibo-BP: a novel, research-driven BP implementation, to be released as Free Software. Unibo-BP is fully compliant with RFC 9171, as demonstrated by a series of interoperability tests with ION and DTNME, and presents a few innovations, such as the ability to manage remote DTN nodes by means of the BP itself. Unibo-BP is compatible with pre-existing Unibo implementations of CGR (Contact Graph Routing) and LTP (Licklider Transmission Protocol) thanks to interfaces designed during the thesis. The thesis project also includes an implementation of TCPCLv3 (TCP Convergence Layer version 3, RFC 7242), which can be used as an alternative to LTPCL to connect with proximate nodes, especially in terrestrial networks. Summarizing, Unibo-BP is at the heart of a larger project, Unibo-DTN, which aims to implement the main components of a complete DTN stack (BP, TCPCL, LTP, CGR). Moreover, Unibo-BP is compatible with all DTNsuite applications, thanks to an extension of the Unified API library on which DTNsuite applications are based. The hope is that Unibo-BP and all the ancillary programs developed during this thesis will contribute to the growth of DTN popularity in academia and among space agencies.