9 resultados para concept design
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Con il seguente elaborato ci si è posti come oggetto di ricerca il valutare e mostrare come l’implementazione delle nuove tecnologie di realtà virtuale e aumentata possano portare un miglioramento al metodo di studio e lavoro dello Stylistic Design Engineering nello sviluppo di un concept design di un nuovo veicolo. Si illustreranno i cambiamenti apportati dall’utilizzo di un software di modellazione in realtà virtuale lungo tutto il processo di sviluppo, mettendo in evidenza la grande potenzialità di poter essere un forte strumento di condivisione e integrazione in ogni fase del progetto di tutte le figure professionali coinvolte nello sviluppo del prodotto.
The aim of this study, conducted in collaboration with Lawrence Technological University in Detroit, is to create, through the method of the Industrial Design Structure (IDeS), a new concept for a sport-coupe car, based on a restyling of a retro model (Ford Mustang 1967). To date, vintage models of cars always arouse great interest both for the history behind them and for the classic and elegant style. Designing a model of a vehicle that can combine the charm of retro style with the innovation and comfort of modern cars would allow to meet the needs and desires of a large segment of the market that today is forced to choose between past and future. Thanks to a well-conceived concept car an automaker company is able to express its future policy, to make a statement of intent as, such a prototype, ticks all the boxes, from glamour and visual wow-factor to technical intrigue and design fascination. IDeS is an approach that makes use of many engineering tools to realize a study developed on several steps that must be meticulously organized and timed. With a deep analysis of the trends dominating the automotive industry it is possible to identify a series of product requirements using quality function deployment (QFD). The considerations from this first evaluation led to the definition of the technical specifications via benchmarking (BM) and top-flop analysis (TFA). Then, the structured methodology of stylistic design engineering (SDE) is applied through six phases: (1) stylistic trends analysis; (2) sketches; (3) 2D CAD drawings; (4) 3D CAD models; (5) virtual prototyping; (6) solid stylistic model. Finally, Developing the IDeS method up to the final stages of Prototypes and Testing you get a product as close as possible to the ideal vehicle conceptualized in the initial analysis.
Through the use of Cloud Foundry "stack" concept, a new isolation is provided to the application running on the PaaS. A new deployment feature that can easily scale on distributed system, both public and private clouds.
Cloud services are becoming ever more important for everyone's life. Cloud storage? Web mails? Yes, we don't need to be working in big IT companies to be surrounded by cloud services. Another thing that's growing in importance, or at least that should be considered ever more important, is the concept of privacy. The more we rely on services of which we know close to nothing about, the more we should be worried about our privacy. In this work, I will analyze a prototype software based on a peer to peer architecture for the offering of cloud services, to see if it's possible to make it completely anonymous, meaning that not only the users using it will be anonymous, but also the Peers composing it will not know the real identity of each others. To make it possible, I will make use of anonymizing networks like Tor. I will start by studying the state of art of Cloud Computing, by looking at some real example, followed by analyzing the architecture of the prototype, trying to expose the differences between its distributed nature and the somehow centralized solutions offered by the famous vendors. After that, I will get as deep as possible into the working principle of the anonymizing networks, because they are not something that can just be 'applied' mindlessly. Some de-anonymizing techniques are very subtle so things must be studied carefully. I will then implement the required changes, and test the new anonymized prototype to see how its performances differ from those of the standard one. The prototype will be run on many machines, orchestrated by a tester script that will automatically start, stop and do all the required API calls. As to where to find all these machines, I will make use of Amazon EC2 cloud services and their on-demand instances.
Mi sono occupato di confezionamento di bevande, un settore che utilizza largamente il PET. Il progetto di tesi consiste in un processo che serve a ideare nuove forme di contenitore in PET attraverso strumenti di ricerca e innovazione.
In the last twenty years aerospace and automotive industries started working widely with composite materials, which are not easy to test using classic Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) techniques. Pairwise, the development of safety regulations sets higher and higher standards for the qualification and certification of those materials. In this thesis a new concept of a Non-Destructive defect detection technique is proposed, based on Ultrawide-Band (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging. Similar SAR methods are yet applied either in minefield [22] and head stroke [14] detection. Moreover feasibility studies have already demonstrated the validity of defect detection by means of UWB radars [12, 13]. The system was designed using a cheap commercial off-the-shelf radar device by Novelda and several tests of the developed system have been performed both on metallic specimen (aluminum plate) and on composite coupon (carbon fiber). The obtained results confirm the feasibility of the method and highlight the good performance of the developed system considered the radar resolution. In particular, the system is capable of discerning healthy coupons from damaged ones, and correctly reconstruct the reflectivity image of the tested defects, namely a 8 x 8 mm square bulge and a 5 mm drilled holes on metal specimen and a 5 mm drilled hole on composite coupon.
In designing the trajectory for a multiple flyby mission to asteroids the choice of the targets is the most challenging problem. This dissertation faces this problem in the framework of the recently issued medium-size mission call (M5) from ESA: CASTAway. Starting from the preliminary work done in [6], this thesis develops a methodology for sequencing the potential targets in a multiple flyby mission. In order to reduce the computational time, the complete database of known small bodies is firstly pruned on the base of heuristic considerations. Using the assumption of small manoeuvres, a chief orbit concept could be used. Thus, two heuristic thresholds are defined in order to exclude non-promising targets given a chief orbit. The sequencing process takes chief orbit and promising targets as inputs and gives a set of candidate sequences. The results of such a process are analysed in the CASTAway framework and the best feasible sequence studied in details.
The aim of this work is to present a general overview of state-of-the-art related to design for uncertainty with a focus on aerospace structures. In particular, a simulation on a FCCZ lattice cell and on the profile shape of a nozzle will be performed. Optimization under uncertainty is characterized by the need to make decisions without complete knowledge of the problem data. When dealing with a complex problem, non-linearity, or optimization, two main issues are raised: the uncertainty of the feasibility of the solution and the uncertainty of the objective value of the function. In the first part, the Design Of Experiments (DOE) methodologies, Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), and then Uncertainty optimization will be deepened. The second part will show an application of the previous theories on through a commercial software. Nowadays multiobjective optimization on high non-linear problem can be a powerful tool to approach new concept solutions or to develop cutting-edge design. In this thesis an effective improvement have been reached on a rocket nozzle. Future work could include the introduction of multi scale modelling, multiphysics approach and every strategy useful to simulate as much possible real operative condition of the studied design.
“Viviamo in un periodo storico molto speciale, un periodo raro, un periodo in cui la confluenza di quattro campi sta fornendo ai designer strumenti che mai prima d’ora avevamo a disposizione.” Questo è ciò che Neri Oxman, designer e professoressa al MIT Media Lab, ha detto durante un Ted Talk tenutosi ormai sette anni fa. Il suo messaggio rimane così attuale e interessante, che continua ad ispirare ancora oggi tantissimi designer, scienziati e ingegneri, compreso me e questa tesi. Uno dei campi citati è il design computazionale. A seguito di una prima fase di ricerca è emerso che è già stato fatto molto in questo campo, ma c’è ancora tanto da esplorare. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è indagare l’uso di questa disciplina come booster creativo di cui il designer può avvalersi nelle diverse fasi del percorso progettuale. Per farlo, ho deciso di sperimentare tramite un esempio pratico: la progettazione di un gilet di idratazione per corridori. Inizialmente, sono stati studiati quali sono i requisiti che deve avere un progetto perché il designer possa sfruttare efficacemente il design computazionale durante tutta la progettazione. Nella fase di concept, è stato analizzato come l’approccio di questa disciplina aiuta il progettista nell’identificazione dei problemi e delle priorità progettuali. Sono poi stati usati e testati diversi strumenti del design computazionale, quali algoritmi e design generativo, per determinare alcune caratteristiche del prodotto definitivo. Il risultato di questo percorso di tesi è Aliqua, un gilet di idratazione per corridori più efficace e performante rispetto a quelli ora esistenti, progettato integrando il design intuitivo con quello computazionale. Sicuramente ci sono ancora molte cose che possono essere migliorate per rendere l’uso degli strumenti di questo campo più intuitivi e performanti, ma questa tesi dimostra che il design computazionale è fin da ora un valido alleato del designer durante tutte le fasi di progettazione.