12 resultados para Turbulent flows
em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
A way to investigate turbulence is through experiments where hot wire measurements are performed. Analysis of the in turbulence of a temperature gradient on hot wire measurements is the aim of this thesis work. Actually - to author's knowledge - this investigation is the first attempt to document, understand and ultimately correct the effect of temperature gradients on turbulence statistics. However a numerical approach is used since instantaneous temperature and streamwise velocity fields are required to evaluate this effect. A channel flow simulation at Re_tau = 180 is analyzed to make a first evaluation of the amount of error introduced by temperature gradient inside the domain. Hot wire data field is obtained processing the numerical flow field through the application of a proper version of the King's law, which connect voltage, velocity and temperature. A drift in mean streamwise velocity profile and rms is observed when temperature correction is performed by means of centerline temperature. A correct mean velocity pro�le is achieved correcting temperature through its mean value at each wall normal position, but a not negligible error is still present into rms. The key point to correct properly the sensed velocity from the hot wire is the knowledge of the instantaneous temperature field. For this purpose three correction methods are proposed. At the end a numerical simulation at Re_tau =590 is also evaluated in order to confirm the results discussed earlier.
The subject of this work is the diffusion of turbulence in a non-turbulent flow. Such phenomenon can be found in almost every practical case of turbulent flow: all types of shear flows (wakes, jet, boundary layers) present some boundary between turbulence and the non-turbulent surround; all transients from a laminar flow to turbulence must account for turbulent diffusion; mixing of flows often involve the injection of a turbulent solution in a non-turbulent fluid. The mechanism of what Phillips defined as “the erosion by turbulence of the underlying non-turbulent flow”, is called entrainment. It is usually considered to operate on two scales with different mechanics. The small scale nibbling, which is the entrainment of fluid by viscous diffusion of turbulence, and the large scale engulfment, which entraps large volume of flow to be “digested” subsequently by viscous diffusion. The exact role of each of them in the overall entrainment rate is still not well understood, as it is the interplay between these two mechanics of diffusion. It is anyway accepted that the entrainment rate scales with large properties of the flow, while is not understood how the large scale inertial behavior can affect an intrinsically viscous phenomenon as diffusion of vorticity. In the present work we will address then the problem of turbulent diffusion through pseudo-spectral DNS simulations of the interface between a volume of decaying turbulence and quiescent flow. Such simulations will give us first hand measures of velocity, vorticity and strains fields at the interface; moreover the framework of unforced decaying turbulence will permit to study both spatial and temporal evolution of such fields. The analysis will evidence that for this kind of flows the overall production of enstrophy , i.e. the square of vorticity omega^2 , is dominated near the interface by the local inertial transport of “fresh vorticity” coming from the turbulent flow. Viscous diffusion instead plays a major role in enstrophy production in the outbound of the interface, where the nibbling process is dominant. The data from our simulation seems to confirm the theory of an inertially stirred viscous phenomenon proposed by others authors before and provides new data about the inertial diffusion of turbulence across the interface.
Turbulent energy dissipation is presented in the theoretical context of the famous Kolmogorov theory, formulated in 1941. Some remarks and comments about this theory help the reader understand the approach to turbulence study, as well as give some basic insights to the problem. A clear distinction is made amongst dissipation, pseudo-dissipation and dissipation surrogates. Dissipation regulates how turbulent kinetic energy in a flow gets transformed into internal energy, which makes this quantity a fundamental characteristic to investigate in order to enhance our understanding of turbulence. The dissertation focuses on experimental investigation of the pseudo-dissipation. Indeed this quantity is difficult to measure as it requires the knowledge of all the possible derivatives of the three dimensional velocity field. Once considering an hot-wire technique to measure dissipation we need to deal with surrogates of dissipation, since not all the terms can be measured. The analysis of surrogates is the main topic of this work. In particular two flows, the turbulent channel and the turbulent jet, are considered. These canonic flows, introduced in a brief fashion, are often used as a benchmark for CFD solvers and experimental equipment due to their simple structure. Observations made in the canonic flows are often transferable to more complicated and interesting cases, with many industrial applications. The main tools of investigation are DNS simulations and experimental measures. DNS data are used as a benchmark for the experimental results since all the components of dissipation are known within the numerical simulation. The results of some DNS were already available at the start of this thesis, so the main work consisted in reading and processing the data. Experiments were carried out by means of hot-wire anemometry, described in detail on a theoretical and practical level. The study of DNS data of a turbulent channel at Re=298 reveals that the traditional surrogate can be improved Consequently two new surrogates are proposed and analysed, based on terms of the velocity gradient that are easy to measure experimentally. We manage to find a formulation that improves the accuracy of surrogates by an order of magnitude. For the jet flow results from a DNS at Re=1600 of a temporal jet, and results from our experimental facility CAT at Re=70000, are compared to validate the experiment. It is found that the ratio between components of the dissipation differs between DNS and experimental data. Possible errors in both sets of data are discussed, and some ways to improve the data are proposed.
Passive scalars measurements in turbulent pipe flows are difficult to perform and only few experimental data are available in literature. The present thesis deals with the experimental acquisition and study of the first turbulent temperature profile inside the CICLoPE wind tunnel through cold wire anemometry technique at Reτ = 6000 and Reτ = 9500. This type of measurements provides not only useful data on temperature (and passive scalars) behaviour and statistics in turbulent pipe flows, but could be used also for temperature correction of turbulent velocity profiles. In the present work, subsequent acquisitions of temperature and velocity profiles has been performed at the same Reynolds number and in the same points, through cold wire and hot wire techniques respectively. Taking as reference data from both DNS and experimental campaigns, the activity has been carried out obtaining satisfactory results. We have verified the presence of turbulent temperature profile inside the CICLoPE wind tunnel and then studied its statistical and spectral behaviours obtaining results in agreement with existing data from Hishida, Nagano, and Ferro. Cold wire temperature data were then used to correct hot wire velocity data, obtaining a slightly improvement in the near wall region.
Lo studio della turbolenza è di fondamentale importanza non solo per la fluidodinamica teorica ma anche perchè viene riscontrata in una moltitudine di problemi di interesse ingegneristico. All'aumentare del numero di Reynolds, le scale caratteristiche tendono a ridurre le loro dimensioni assolute. Nella fluidodinamica sperimentale già da lungo tempo si è affermata l'anemometria a filo caldo, grazie ad ottime caratteristiche di risoluzione spaziale e temporale. Questa tecnica, caratterizzata da un basso costo e da una relativa semplicità, rende possibile la realizzazione di sensori di tipo artigianale, che hanno il vantaggio di poter essere relizzati in dimensioni inferiori. Nonostante l'ottima risoluzione spaziale degli hot-wire, infatti, si può verificare, ad alto numero di Reynolds, che le dimensioni dell'elemento sensibile siano superiori a quelle delle piccole scale. Questo impedisce al sensore di risolvere correttamente le strutture più piccole. Per questa tesi di laurea è stato allestito un laboratorio per la costruzione di sensori a filo caldo con filo di platino. Sono in questo modo stati realizzati diversi sensori dalle dimensioni caratteristiche inferiori a quelle dei sensori disponibili commercialmente. I sensori ottenuti sono quindi stati testati in un getto turbolento, dapprima confrontandone la risposta con un sensore di tipo commerciale, per verificarne il corretto funzionamento. In seguito si sono eseguite misure più specifiche e limitate ad alcune particolari zone all'interno del campo di moto, dove è probabile riscontrare effetti di risoluzione spaziale. Sono stati analizzati gli effetti della dimensione fisica del sensore sui momenti statistici centrali, sugli spettri di velocità e sulle funzioni di densità di probabilità.
Il flusso di Rayleigh-Bénard, costituito da un fluido racchiuso fra due pareti a diversa temperatura, rappresenta il paradigma della convezione termica. In natura e nelle applicazioni industriali, il moto convettivo avviene principalmente in regime turbolento, rivelando un fenomeno estremamente complesso. L'obiettivo principale di questo elaborato di tesi consiste nell'isolare e descrivere gli aspetti salienti di un flusso turbolento di Rayleigh-Bénard. L'analisi è applicata a dati ottenuti da tre simulazioni numeriche dirette effettuate allo stesso numero di Rayleigh (Ra=10^5) e a numeri di Prandtl differenti (Pr=0.7,2,7). Sulla base di alcune statistiche a singolo punto, vengono definite nel flusso tre regioni caratteritiche: il bulk al centro della cella, lo strato limite termico e quello viscoso in prossimità delle pareti. Grazie all'analisi dei campi istantanei e delle correlazioni spaziali a due punti, sono state poi individuate due strutture fondamentali della convezione turbolenta: le piume termiche e la circolazione a grande scala. L'equazione generalizzata di Kolmogorov, introdotta nell'ultima parte della trattazione, permette di approcciare il problema nella sua complessità, visualizzando come l'energia cinetica viene immessa, si distribuisce e viene dissipata sia nello spazio fisico, sia in quello delle scale turbolente. L'immagine che emerge dall'analisi complessiva è quella di un flusso del tutto simile a una macchina termica. L'energia cinetica viene prodotta nel bulk, considerato il motore del flusso, e da qui fluisce verso le pareti, dove viene infine dissipata.
Statiscal analysis related to a viscoelastic turbulent channel flow characterized as dilute polymer solution.
Sub-grid scale (SGS) models are required in order to model the influence of the unresolved small scales on the resolved scales in large-eddy simulations (LES), the flow at the smallest scales of turbulence. In the following work two SGS models are presented and deeply analyzed in terms of accuracy through several LESs with different spatial resolutions, i.e. grid spacings. The first part of this thesis focuses on the basic theory of turbulence, the governing equations of fluid dynamics and their adaptation to LES. Furthermore, two important SGS models are presented: one is the Dynamic eddy-viscosity model (DEVM), developed by \cite{germano1991dynamic}, while the other is the Explicit Algebraic SGS model (EASSM), by \cite{marstorp2009explicit}. In addition, some details about the implementation of the EASSM in a Pseudo-Spectral Navier-Stokes code \cite{chevalier2007simson} are presented. The performance of the two aforementioned models will be investigated in the following chapters, by means of LES of a channel flow, with friction Reynolds numbers $Re_\tau=590$ up to $Re_\tau=5200$, with relatively coarse resolutions. Data from each simulation will be compared to baseline DNS data. Results have shown that, in contrast to the DEVM, the EASSM has promising potentials for flow predictions at high friction Reynolds numbers: the higher the friction Reynolds number is the better the EASSM will behave and the worse the performances of the DEVM will be. The better performance of the EASSM is contributed to the ability to capture flow anisotropy at the small scales through a correct formulation for the SGS stresses. Moreover, a considerable reduction in the required computational resources can be achieved using the EASSM compared to DEVM. Therefore, the EASSM combines accuracy and computational efficiency, implying that it has a clear potential for industrial CFD usage.
Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.
Recentemente sono stati valutati come fisicamente consistenti diversi modelli non-hermitiani sia in meccanica quantistica che in teoria dei campi. La classe dei modelli pseudo-hermitiani, infatti, si adatta ad essere usata per la descrizione di sistemi fisici dal momento che, attraverso un opportuno operatore metrico, risulta possibile ristabilire una struttura hermitiana ed unitaria. I sistemi PT-simmetrici, poi, sono una categoria particolarmente studiata in letteratura. Gli esempi riportati sembrano suggerire che anche le cosiddette teorie conformi non-unitarie appartengano alla categoria dei modelli PT-simmetrici, e possano pertanto adattarsi alla descrizione di fenomeni fisici. In particolare, si tenta qui la costruzione di determinate lagrangiane Ginzburg-Landau per alcuni modelli minimali non-unitari, sulla base delle identificazioni esistenti per quanto riguarda i modelli minimali unitari. Infine, si suggerisce di estendere il dominio del noto teorema c alla classe delle teorie di campo PT-simmetriche, e si propongono alcune linee per una possibile dimostrazione dell'ipotizzato teorema c_{eff}.