5 resultados para Remote Control

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Il presente lavoro di tesi nasce come collaborazione tra il Laboratorio di Progettazione Elettronica e il Laboratorio di Microscopia a Fluorescenza del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell' Università di Bologna. In particolare nasce dalla volontà di dotare il dipartimento di un apparato sperimentale in grado di svolgere studi sulla Galvanotassia, un fenomeno biologico consistente nella migrazione di cellule sottoposte a stimolazione elettrica. La Galvanotassia è nota da fine '800 ma non sono ancora chiari i meccanismi cellulari che la provocano. Una migliore comprensione di tale fenomeno potrebbe portare importanti sviluppi in ambito medico, sia diagnostici che terapeutici. Dalla letteratura a riguardo non è emersa l'esistenza di apparecchi elettronici di controllo che permettano lo studio della Galvanotassia e che possano essere duttili a seconda del tipo di esperimento che si voglia svolgere. Da qui l'idea di iniziare lo sviluppo di un dispositivo elettronico, che fosse riprogrammabile, a basso costo e facilmente trasportabile. La progettazione di questo dispositivo ha portato ad una prima fase di test e verifiche sperimentali che hanno permesso di migliorare e affinare la costruzione di uno strumento di misura e controllo dei parametri relativi alla Galvanotassia. Sono già stati programmati test futuri che porteranno ad una versione definitiva dell' apparecchiatura alla quale succederanno più approfondite ricerche sul fenomeno della Galvanotassia.


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The rapid development in the field of lighting and illumination allows low energy consumption and a rapid growth in the use, and development of solid-state sources. As the efficiency of these devices increases and their cost decreases there are predictions that they will become the dominant source for general illumination in the short term. The objective of this thesis is to study, through extensive simulations in realistic scenarios, the feasibility and exploitation of visible light communication (VLC) for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) applications. A brief introduction will introduce the new scenario of smart cities in which visible light communication will become a fundamental enabling technology for the future communication systems. Specifically, this thesis focus on the acquisition of several, frequent, and small data packets from vehicles, exploited as sensors of the environment. The use of vehicles as sensors is a new paradigm to enable an efficient environment monitoring and an improved traffic management. In most cases, the sensed information must be collected at a remote control centre and one of the most challenging aspects is the uplink acquisition of data from vehicles. My thesis discusses the opportunity to take advantage of short range vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications to offload the cellular networks. More specifically, it discusses the system design and assesses the obtainable cellular resource saving, by considering the impact of the percentage of vehicles equipped with short range communication devices, of the number of deployed road side units, and of the adopted routing protocol. When short range communications are concerned, WAVE/IEEE 802.11p is considered as standard for VANETs. Its use together with VLC will be considered in urban vehicular scenarios to let vehicles communicate without involving the cellular network. The study is conducted by simulation, considering both a simulation platform (SHINE, simulation platform for heterogeneous interworking networks) developed within the Wireless communication Laboratory (Wilab) of the University of Bologna and CNR, and network simulator (NS3). trying to realistically represent all the wireless network communication aspects. Specifically, simulation of vehicular system was performed and introduced in ns-3, creating a new module for the simulator. This module will help to study VLC applications in VANETs. Final observations would enhance and encourage potential research in the area and optimize performance of VLC systems applications in the future.


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L'obiettivo di questo elaborato è quello di indicare una via verso una nuova modalità di utilizzo degli osservatori astronomici disseminati lungo la penisola italiana. Utilizzando le tecnologie disponibili e integrandole fra loro il sistema che si andrà a progettare permetterà di controllare da remoto un osservatorio astronomico. Questa nuova modalità di interazione con strumenti scientifici quali i telescopi potrà rendere possibile nuove modalità di divulgazione astronomica, sia in ambito educativo fornendo nuovi strumenti alle scuole che in ambito culturale potendo avvicinare tutti i curiosi all'osservazione dei corpi celesti che circondano il pianeta Terra. Utilizzare la tecnologia per avvicinare le persone alla scienza è una grande sfida per il futuro: le nuove scoperte e le nuove invenzioni non sono ormai piu frutto di singole menti brillanti ma frutto di collaborazioni e figlie della "sapienza collettiva" che Internet sta fortificando e rendendo sempre piu fruibile.


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The importance of pyrazole and isoquinoline-5,8-dione scaffolds in medical chemistry is underlined by the high number of drugs currently on trading that contains these active ingredients. Due to their cytotoxic capability, the interest of medicinal chemists in these heterocyclic rings has grown exponentially especially, for cancer therapy. In this project, the first synthesis of pyrazole-fused isoquinoline-5,8-diones has been developed. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition followed by oxidative aromatization, established by our research group, has been employed. Screening of reaction conditions and characterization studies about the regioselectivity have been successfully performed. A remote control of regioselectivity, to achieve the two possible regioisomers has been accomplished. Through Molecular Docking studies, Structure-Activity relationship of differently substituted scaffolds containing our central core proved that a family of PI3K inhibitors have been discovered. Finally, in order to verify the promising antitumor activity, a first test of cell viability in vitro on T98G cell line of a solid brain tumor, the Glioblastoma Multiforme, showed cytotoxic inhibition comparable to currently trade anticancer drugs.


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The symbol in air traffic control (ATC), essentially unchanged since the beginning of commercial air traffic early last century, is the characteristic control tower with its large, tilted windows, situated at an exposed location, and rising high above the airport. “Remote Tower” is changing the provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) in a way that it is more service tailored, dynamically located and available when and where needed, enabled by digital solutions replacing the physical presence of controllers and control towers at aerodromes with a remotely provided Air Traffic Service for Multiple Aerodromes. The paper examines this phenomenon that will mark an epochal change, analysing the experiments and validations carried out in the last years.