15 resultados para Civil engineering|Mechanical engineering

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This is a research B for the University of Bologna. The course is the civil engineering LAUREA MAGISTRALE at UNIBO. The main purpose of this research is to promote another way of explaining, analyzing and presenting some civil engineering aspects to the students worldwide by theory, modeling and photos. The basic idea is divided into three steps. The first one is to present and analyze the theoretical parts. So a detailed analysis of the theory combined with theorems, explanations, examples and exercises will cover this step. At the second, a model will make clear all these parts that were discussed in the theory by showing how the structures work or fail. The modeling is able to present the behavior of many elements, in scale which we use in the real structures. After these two steps an interesting exhibition of photos from the real world with comments will give the chance to the engineers to observe all these theoretical and modeling-laboratory staff in many different cases. For example many civil engineers in the world may know about the air pressure on the structures but many of them have never seen the extraordinary behavior of the bridge of Tacoma ‘dancing with the air’. At this point I would like to say that what I have done is not a book, but a research of how this ‘3 step’ presentation or explanation of some mechanical characteristics could be helpful. I know that my research is something different and new and in my opinion is very important because it helps students to go deeper in the science and also gives new ideas and inspirations. This way of teaching can be used at all lessons especially at the technical. Hope that one day all the books will adopt this kind of presentation.


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Reinforced concrete columns might fail because of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bar when exposed to earthquake motions. Depending on the hoop stiffness and the length-over-diameter ratio, the instability can be local (in between two subsequent hoops) or global (the buckling length comprises several hoop spacings). To get insight into the topic, an extensive literary research of 19 existing models has been carried out including different approaches and assumptions which yield different results. Finite element fiberanalysis was carried out to study the local buckling behavior with varying length-over-diameter and initial imperfection-over-diameter ratios. The comparison of the analytical results with some experimental results shows good agreement before the post buckling behavior undergoes large deformation. Furthermore, different global buckling analysis cases were run considering the influence of different parameters; for certain hoop stiffnesses and length-over-diameter ratios local buckling was encountered. A parametric study yields an adimensional critical stress in function of a stiffness ratio characterized by the reinforcement configuration. Colonne in cemento armato possono collassare per via dell’instabilità dell’armatura longitudinale se sottoposte all’azione di un sisma. In funzione della rigidezza dei ferri trasversali e del rapporto lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro, l’instabilità può essere locale (fra due staffe adiacenti) o globale (la lunghezza d’instabilità comprende alcune staffe). Per introdurre alla materia, è proposta un’esauriente ricerca bibliografica di 19 modelli esistenti che include approcci e ipotesi differenti che portano a risultati distinti. Tramite un’analisi a fibre e elementi finiti si è studiata l’instabilità locale con vari rapporti lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro e imperfezione iniziale-diametro. Il confronto dei risultati analitici con quelli sperimentali mostra una buona coincidenza fino al raggiungimento di grandi spostamenti. Inoltre, il caso d’instabilità globale è stato simulato valutando l’influenza di vari parametri; per certe configurazioni di rigidezza delle staffe e lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro si hanno ottenuto casi di instabilità locale. Uno studio parametrico ha permesso di ottenere un carico critico adimensionale in funzione del rapporto di rigidezza dato dalle caratteristiche dell’armatura.


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In the past a change in temperature of 5°C most often occurred over intervals of thousands of years. According to estimates by the IPCC, in the XXI century is expected an increase in average temperatures in Europe between 1.8 and 4.0°C in the best case caused by emissions of carbon dioxide and other GHG from human activities. As well as on the environment and economic context, global warming will have effects even on road safety. Several studies have already shown how increasing temperature may cause a worsening of some types of road surface damages, especially rutting, a permanent deformation of the road structures consisting in the formation of a longitudinal depression in the wheelpath, mostly due to the rheological behavior of bitumen. This deformation evolves during the hot season because of the heating capacity of the asphalt layers, in fact, the road surface temperature is up to 24°C higher than air. In this thesis, through the use of Wheeltrack test, it was studied the behavior of some types of asphalt concrete mixtures subjected to fatigue testing at different temperatures. The objectives of this study are: to determine the strain variation of different bituminous mixture subjected to fatigue testing at different temperature conditions; to investigate the effect of aggregates, bitumen and mixtures’ characteristics on rutting. Samples were made in the laboratory mostly using an already prepared mixtures, the others preparing the asphalt concrete from the grading curve and bitumen content. The same procedure was performed for each specimen: preparation, compaction using the roller compactor, cooling and heating before the test. The tests were carried out at 40 - 50 - 60°C in order to obtain the evolution of deformation with temperature variation, except some mixtures for which the tests were carried out only at 50°C. In the elaboration of the results were considered testing parameters, component properties and the characteristics of the mixture. Among the testing parameters, temperature was varied for each sample. The mixtures responded to this variation with a different behavior (linear logarithmic and exponential) not directly correlated with the asphalt characteristics; the others parameters as load, passage frequency and test condition were kept constant. According to the results obtained, the main contribution to deformation is due to the type of binder used, it was found that the modified bitumen have a better response than the same mixtures containing traditional bitumen; to the porosity which affects negatively the behavior of the samples and to the homogeneity ceteris paribus. The granulometric composition did not seem to have interfered with the results. Overall has emerged at working temperature, a decisive importance of bitumen composition, than the other characteristics of the mixture, that tends to disappear with heating in favor of increased dependence of rutting resistance from the granulometric composition of the sample considered. In particular it is essential, rather than the mechanical characteristics of the binder, its chemical properties given by the polymeric modification. To confirm some considered results, the maximum bulk density and the air voids content were determined. Tests have been conducted in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department at NTNU in Trondheim according to European Standards.


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In the recent decade, the request for structural health monitoring expertise increased exponentially in the United States. The aging issues that most of the transportation structures are experiencing can put in serious jeopardy the economic system of a region as well as of a country. At the same time, the monitoring of structures is a central topic of discussion in Europe, where the preservation of historical buildings has been addressed over the last four centuries. More recently, various concerns arose about security performance of civil structures after tragic events such the 9/11 or the 2011 Japan earthquake: engineers looks for a design able to resist exceptional loadings due to earthquakes, hurricanes and terrorist attacks. After events of such a kind, the assessment of the remaining life of the structure is at least as important as the initial performance design. Consequently, it appears very clear that the introduction of reliable and accessible damage assessment techniques is crucial for the localization of issues and for a correct and immediate rehabilitation. The System Identification is a branch of the more general Control Theory. In Civil Engineering, this field addresses the techniques needed to find mechanical characteristics as the stiffness or the mass starting from the signals captured by sensors. The objective of the Dynamic Structural Identification (DSI) is to define, starting from experimental measurements, the modal fundamental parameters of a generic structure in order to characterize, via a mathematical model, the dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these parameters is helpful in the Model Updating procedure, that permits to define corrected theoretical models through experimental validation. The main aim of this technique is to minimize the differences between the theoretical model results and in situ measurements of dynamic data. Therefore, the new model becomes a very effective control practice when it comes to rehabilitation of structures or damage assessment. The instrumentation of a whole structure is an unfeasible procedure sometimes because of the high cost involved or, sometimes, because it’s not possible to physically reach each point of the structure. Therefore, numerous scholars have been trying to address this problem. In general two are the main involved methods. Since the limited number of sensors, in a first case, it’s possible to gather time histories only for some locations, then to move the instruments to another location and replay the procedure. Otherwise, if the number of sensors is enough and the structure does not present a complicate geometry, it’s usually sufficient to detect only the principal first modes. This two problems are well presented in the works of Balsamo [1] for the application to a simple system and Jun [2] for the analysis of system with a limited number of sensors. Once the system identification has been carried, it is possible to access the actual system characteristics. A frequent practice is to create an updated FEM model and assess whether the structure fulfills or not the requested functions. Once again the objective of this work is to present a general methodology to analyze big structure using a limited number of instrumentation and at the same time, obtaining the most information about an identified structure without recalling methodologies of difficult interpretation. A general framework of the state space identification procedure via OKID/ERA algorithm is developed and implemented in Matlab. Then, some simple examples are proposed to highlight the principal characteristics and advantage of this methodology. A new algebraic manipulation for a prolific use of substructuring results is developed and implemented.


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This thesis selects concrete, steel and their relation as research subjects, mainly commentary and discusses the property changes of steel and concrete materials under and after high temperature.The differences and comparisons of reasearch methods and ways between different researchers and different papers,particularly for chinese researches and chinese papers,and partly for comparison between chinese papers methods and Euro-Amercian papers methods about Fire Resistance Behavior of Reinforced Concrete will be summarized and analyzed.The researches on fire-resistance behavior of reinforced concrete become more and more important all over the world. And I would find differences between Chinese researches results, between Chinese researches results and other countries researches results.


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In the last decade the near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been increasingly used to improve the load carrying capacity of concrete members. Compared to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable advantages. This technique consists in the insertion of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminate strips into pre-cut slits opened in the concrete cover of the elements to be strengthened. CFRP reinforcement is bonded to concrete with an appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy adhesive or cement grout. Up to now, research efforts have been mainly focused on several structural aspects, such as: bond behaviour, flexural and/or shear strengthening effectiveness, and energy dissipation capacity of beam-column joints. In such research works, as well as in field applications, the most widespread adhesives that are used to bond reinforcements to concrete are epoxy resins. It is largely accepted that the performance of the whole application of NSM systems strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins, for which proper curing conditions must be assured. Therefore, the existence of non-destructive methods that allow monitoring the curing process of epoxy resins in the NSM CFRP system is desirable, in view of obtaining continuous information that can provide indication in regard to the effectiveness of curing and the expectable bond behaviour of CFRP/adhesive/concrete systems. The experimental research was developed at the Laboratory of the Structural Division of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho in Guimar\~aes, Portugal (LEST). The main objective was to develop and propose a new method for continuous quality control of the curing of epoxy resins applied in NSM CFRP strengthening systems. This objective is pursued through the adaptation of an existing technique, termed EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring through Ambient Response Method) that has been developed for monitoring the early stiffness evolution of cement-based materials. The experimental program was composed of two parts: (i) direct pull-out tests on concrete specimens strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips were conducted to assess the evolution of bond behaviour between CFRP and concrete since early ages; and, (ii) EMM-ARM tests were carried out for monitoring the progressive stiffness development of the structural adhesive used in CFRP applications. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method for evaluating the elastic modulus of the epoxy, static E-Modulus was determined through tension tests. The results of the two series of tests were then combined and compared to evaluate the possibility of implementation of a new method for the continuous monitoring and quality control of NSM CFRP applications.


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The assessment of historical structures is a significant need for the next generations, as historical monuments represent the community’s identity and have an important cultural value to society. Most of historical structures built by using masonry which is one of the oldest and most common construction materials used in the building sector since the ancient time. Also it is considered a complex material, as it is a composition of brick units and mortar, which affects the structural performance of the building by having different mechanical behaviour with respect to different geometry and qualities given by the components.


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The present work is aimed to the study and the analysis of the defects detected in the civil structure and that are object of civil litigation in order to create an instruments capable of helping the different actor involved in the building process. It is divided in three main sections. The first part is focused on the collection of the data related to the civil proceeding of the 2012 and the development of in depth analysis of the main aspects regarding the defects on existing buildings. The research center “Osservatorio Claudio Ceccoli” developed a system for the collection of the information coming from the civil proceedings of the Court of Bologna. Statistical analysis are been performed and the results are been shown and discussed in the first chapters.The second part analyzes the main issues emerged during the study of the real cases, related to the activities of the technical consultant. The idea is to create documents, called “focus”, addressed to clarify and codify specific problems in order to develop guidelines that help the technician editing of the technical advice.The third part is centered on the estimation of the methods used for the collection of data. The first results show that these are not efficient. The critical analysis of the database, the result and the experience and throughout, allowed the implementation of the collection system for the data.


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Motivation Thanks for a scholarship offered by ALma Mater Studiorum I could stay in Denmark for six months during which I could do physical tests on the device Gyro PTO at the Departmet of Civil Engineering of Aalborg University. Aim The goal of my thesis is an hydraulic evaluation of the device: Gyro PTO, a gyroscopic device for conversion of mechanical energy in ocean surface waves to electrical energy. The principle of the system is the application of the gyroscopic moment of flywheels equipped on a swing float excited by waves. The laboratory activities were carried out by: Morten Kramer, Jan Olsen, Irene Guaraldi, Morten Thøtt, Nikolaj Holk. The main purpose of the tests was to investigate the power absorption performance in irregular waves, but testing also included performance measures in regular waves and simple tests to get knowledge about characteristics of the device, which could facilitate the possibility of performing numerical simulations and optimizations. Methodology To generate the waves and measure the performance of the device a workstation was created in the laboratory. The workstation consist of four computers in each of wich there was a different program. Programs have been used : Awasys6, LabView, Wave lab, Motive optitrack, Matlab, Autocad Main Results Thanks to the obtained data with the tank testing was possible to make the process of wave analisys. We obtained significant wave height and period through a script Matlab and then the values of power produced, and energy efficiency of the device for two types of waves: regular and irregular. We also got results as: physical size, weight, inertia moments, hydrostatics, eigen periods, mooring stiffness, friction, hydrodynamic coefficients etc. We obtained significant parameters related to the prototype in the laboratory after which we scale up the results obtained for two future applications: one in Nissun Brending and in the North Sea. Conclusions The main conclusion on the testing is that more focus should be put into ensuring a stable and positive power output in a variety of wave conditions. In the irregular waves the power production was negative and therefore it does not make sense to scale up the results directly. The average measured capture width in the regular waves was 0.21 m. As the device width is 0.63 m this corresponds to a capture width ratio of: 0.21/0.63 * 100 = 33 %. Let’s assume that it is possible to get the device to produce as well in irregular waves under any wave conditions, and lets further assume that the yearly absorbed energy can be converted into electricity at a PTO-efficiency of 90 %. Under all those assumptions the results in table are found, i.e. a Nissum Bredning would produce 0.87 MWh/year and a North Sea device 85 MWh/year.


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The purpose of this work is to find a methodology in order to make possible the recycling of fines (0 - 4 mm) in the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) process. At the moment this fraction is a not desired by-product: it has high contaminant content, it has to be separated from the coarse fraction, because of its high water absorption which can affect the properties of the concrete. In fact, in some countries the use of fines recycled aggregates is highly restricted or even banned. This work is placed inside the European project C2CA (from Concrete to Cement and Clean Aggregates) and it has been held in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the Technical University of Delft, in particular, in the laboratory of Resources And Recycling. This research proposes some procedures in order to close the loop of the entire recycling process. After the classification done by ADR (Advanced Dry Recovery) the two fractions "airknife" and "rotor" (that together constitute the fraction 0 - 4 mm) are inserted in a new machine that works at high temperatures. The temperatures analysed in this research are 600 °C and 750 °C, cause at that temperature it is supposed that the cement bounds become very weak. The final goal is "to clean" the coarse fraction (0,250 - 4 mm) from the cement still attached to the sand and try to concentrate the cement paste in the fraction 0 - 0,250 mm. This new set-up is able to dry the material in very few seconds, divide it into two fractions (the coarse one and the fine one) thanks to the air and increase the amount of fines (0 - 0,250 mm) promoting the attrition between the particles through a vibration device. The coarse fraction is then processed in a ball mill in order to improve the result and reach the final goal. Thanks to the high temperature it is possible to markedly reduce the milling time. The sand 0 - 2 mm, after being heated and milled is used to replace 100% of norm sand in mortar production. The results are very promising: the mortar made with recycled sand reaches an early strength, in fact the increment with respect to the mortar made with norm sand is 20% after three days and 7% after seven days. With this research it has been demonstrated that once the temperature is increased it is possible to obtain a clean coarse fraction (0,250 - 4 mm), free from cement paste that is concentrated in the fine fraction 0 - 0,250 mm. The milling time and the drying time can be largely reduced. The recycled sand shows better performance in terms of mechanical properties with respect to the natural one.


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Lateral cyclic loaded structures in granular soils can lead to an accumulation of irreversible strains by changing their mechanical response (densification) and forming a closed convective cell in the upper layer of the bedding. In the present thesis the convective cell dimension, formation and grain migration inside this closed volume have been studied and presented in relation to structural stiffness and different loads. This relation was experimentally investigated by applying a cyclic lateral force to a scaled flexible vertical element embedded in dry granular soil. The model was monitored with a camera in order to derive the displacement field by means of the PIV technique. Modelling large soil deformation turns out to be difficult, using mesh-based methods. Consequently, a mesh-free approach (DEM) was chosen in order to investigate the granular flow with the aim of extracting interesting micromechanical information. In both the numerical and experimental analyses the effect of different loading magnitudes and different dimensions of the vertical element were considered. The main results regarded the different development, shape and dimensions of the convection cell and the surface settlements. Moreover, the Discrete Element Method has proven to give satisfactory results in the modelling of large deformation phenomena such as the ratcheting convective cell.


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As sustainability becomes an integral design driver for current civil structures, new materials and forms are investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate analytically and numerically the mechanical behavior of monolithic domes composed of mycological fungi. The study focuses on hemispherical and elliptical forms, as the most typical solution for domes. The influence of different types of loading, geometrical parameters, material properties and boundary conditions is investigated in this study. For the cases covered by the classical shell theory, a comparison between the analytical and the finite element solution is given. Two case studies regarding the dome of basilica of “San Luca” (Bologna, Italy) and the dome of sanctuary of “Vicoforte” (Vicoforte, Italy) are included. After the linear analysis under loading, buckling is also investigated as a critical type of failure through a parametric study using finite elements model. Since shells rely on their shape, form-found domes are also investigated and a comparison between the behavior of the form-found domes and the hemispherical domes under the linear and buckling analysis is conducted. From the analysis it emerges that form-finding can enhance the structural response of mycelium-based domes, although buckling becomes even more critical for their design. Furthermore, an optimal height to span ratio for the buckling of form-found domes is identified. This study highlights the importance of investigating appropriate forms for the design of novel biomaterial-based structures.


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The objective of this study was to fundamentally characterize the laboratory performance of traditional hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures incorporating high RAP content and waste tire crumb rubber through their fundamental engineering properties. The nominal maximum aggregates size was chosen for this research was 12mm (considering the limitation of aggregate size for surface layer) and both coarse and fine aggregates are commonly used in Italy that were examined and analyzed in this study. On the other hand, the RAP plays an important role in reducing production costs and enhancing the environmentally sustainable pavements instead of using virgin materials in HMA. Particularly, this study has aimed to use 30% of RAP content (25% fine aggregate RAP and 5% coarse aggregate RAP) and 1% of CR additives by the total weight of aggregates for mix design. The mixture of aggregates, RAP and CR were blended with different amount of unmodified binder through dry processes. Generally, the main purposes of this study were investigating on capability of using RAP and CR in dense graded HMA and comparing the performance of rejuvenator in RAP with CR. In addition, based on the engineering analyses during the study, we were able compare the fundamental Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) value of dense graded HMA and also mechanical characteristics in terms of Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus (ITSM). In order to get an extended comparable data, four groups of different mixtures such as conventional mixture with only virgin aggregates (DV), mixture with RAP (DR), mixture with RAP and rejuvenator (DRR), and mixture with RAP, rejuvenator, CR (DRRCr) were investigated in this research experimentally. Finally, the results of those tests indicated that the mixtures with RAP and CR had the high stiffness and less thermal sensitivity, while the mixture with virgin aggregates only had very low values in comparison.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an emerging area of research associated to improvement of maintainability and the safety of aerospace, civil and mechanical infrastructures by means of monitoring and damage detection. Guided wave structural testing method is an approach for health monitoring of plate-like structures using smart material piezoelectric transducers. Among many kinds of transducers, the ones that have beam steering feature can perform more accurate surface interrogation. A frequency steerable acoustic transducer (FSATs) is capable of beam steering by varying the input frequency and consequently can detect and localize damage in structures. Guided wave inspection is typically performed through phased arrays which feature a large number of piezoelectric transducers, complexity and limitations. To overcome the weight penalty, the complex circuity and maintenance concern associated with wiring a large number of transducers, new FSATs are proposed that present inherent directional capabilities when generating and sensing elastic waves. The first generation of Spiral FSAT has two main limitations. First, waves are excited or sensed in one direction and in the opposite one (180 ̊ ambiguity) and second, just a relatively rude approximation of the desired directivity has been attained. Second generation of Spiral FSAT is proposed to overcome the first generation limitations. The importance of simulation tools becomes higher when a new idea is proposed and starts to be developed. The shaped transducer concept, especially the second generation of spiral FSAT is a novel idea in guided waves based of Structural Health Monitoring systems, hence finding a simulation tool is a necessity to develop various design aspects of this innovative transducer. In this work, the numerical simulation of the 1st and 2nd generations of Spiral FSAT has been conducted to prove the directional capability of excited guided waves through a plate-like structure.