3 resultados para Alabaster sculpture

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Il presente lavoro mette in evidenza le principali difficoltà che il traduttore di testi specialistici è chiamato ad affrontare durante la pratica della traduzione. In particolar modo, il nostro studio si concentra sulla figura del traduttore che lavora in ambito artistico : oggigiorno la facilità degli spostamenti e il conseguente aumento del turismo culturale hanno reso la traduzione di dépliant, guide turistiche e cataloghi una pratica necessaria e in continua crescita. L’obiettivo prefissato è quello di verificare l’apporto che le risorse lessicografiche e terminologiche attualmente disponibili danno al traduttore di testi a contenuto artistico. Il nostro lavoro si articola in quattro capitoli. Il primo, di stampo teorico, pone l’accento sulla natura polisemica della parola terminologia (disciplina, metodologia e insieme di termini appartenenti ad un ambito specialistico) e sulla distinzione tra pratica terminologica e traduttiva gettando le basi del secondo capitolo che, partendo dall'esposizione degli ostacoli terminologici incontrati dal traduttore, descrive le lacune dei principali dizionari bilingui italiano-francese e delle basi di dati terminologiche oggi a disposizione. Il terzo capitolo, dedicato alla presentazione del progetto Lessico multilingue dei beni culturali (LBC), ne evidenzia i punti di forza e sottolinea la necessità di creare degli strumenti “ibridi”, concepiti per aiutare il traduttore in ambito artistico. Questa conclusione sarà ulteriormente ribadita nel quarto capitolo, di stampo pratico : l’analisi di una quindicina di termini dell’ambito della scultura (estratti dal corpus de La Vita di Michelangelo, appositamente creato nell'ambito del progetto LBC) mostra l’eccessivo numero di strumenti che il traduttore è costretto a consultare per risolvere adeguatamente le difficoltà incontrate, pratica che non rispecchia più il mestiere della traduzione, all'interno della società dell’informazione, sempre più influenzato dalle scadenze imposte.


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The disintegration of stone materials used in sculpture and architecture due to the crystallization of salts is capable of irreparably damaging artistic objects and historic buildings. A number of phosphonates and carboxylates were tested here as potential crystallization modifiers for sodium carbonate crystallization. Precipitated phases during crystallization induced either by cooling or by evaporation tests were nahcolite (NaHCO3), natron (Na2CO3∙10H2O) and thermonatrite (Na2CO3∙H2O), identified using X-ray diffraction. By using the thermodynamic code PHREEQC and the calculation of the nucleation rate it was demonstrated that nahcolite had to be first phase formed during both tests. The formation of the other phases depended on the experimental conditions under which the two tests were conducted. Nahcolite nucleation is strongly inhibited in the presence of sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate (CA), polyacrylic acid 2100MW (PA) and etidronic acid (HEDP), when the additives are dosed at appropriate concentrations and the pH range of the resulting solution is about 8. Electrostatic attraction generated between the deprotonated organic additives and the cations present in solution appears to be the principal mechanism of additive-nahcolite interaction. Salt weathering tests, in addition to mercury intrusion porosimetry tests allowed to quantify the damage induced by such salts. FESEM observation of both salts grown on calcite single crystals and in limestone blocks subjected to salt crystallization tests allowed to identify the effect of these additives on crystal growth and development. The results show that PA seems to be the best inhibitor, while CA and HEDP, which show similar behaviors, are slightly less effective. The use of such effective crystallization inhibitors may lead to more efficient preventive conservation of ornamental stone affected by crystallization damage due to formation of sodium carbonate crystals.


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The aim of my master thesis is developing novel, greener approaches for the cleaning of artworks: such treatment consists in the removal of old varnish layers which tend to discolor or darken with time, thus allowing replacement with a new protecting coat. While protocols presently applied can be effective in the cleaning of the artworks, none of them take into account conservators’ health safety and environmental issues. Thus, using biomass-derived components, which are non-toxic and reusable and/or compostable might bring into the heritage conservation an additional awareness about safety and environmental claiming. The laboratory work for the thesis is a collaborative work between different groups. The biggest part of the work was at the Polymer group where gels were synthesized using Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) from sustainable resources and green solvents. The use of the gels might help to reduce the volatilization of solvents and contributes to the localization of the cleaning action. After the preparation of the gels, different characterization methods were used in order to estimate their properties and shelf-life. Finally, the work was completed on the application of the gels on sculpture, coated with undesired layers to be removed. Here, pre-mapping of the areas of interest was realized with different optical techniques, followed by the application of the gels for the cleaning and analyzing the effectiveness of cleaning.