24 resultados para Forming Galaxies


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The aim of this thesis is to study the angular momentum of a sample of S0 galaxies. In the quest to understand whether the formation of S0 galaxies is more closely linked to that of ellipticals or that of spirals, our goal is to compare the amount of their specific angular momentum as a function of stellar mass with respect to spirals. Through kinematic comparison between these different classes of galaxies we aim to understand if a scenario of passive evolution, in which the galaxy’s gas is consumed and the star formation is quenched, can be considered as plausible mechanism to explain the transformation from spirals to S0s. In order to derive the structural and photometric parameters of galaxy sub-components we performed a bulge-disc decomposition of optical images using GALFIT. The stellar kinematic of the galaxies was measured using integral field spectroscopic data from CALIFA survey. The development of new original software, based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm, allowed us to obtain the values of the line of sight velocity and velocity dispersion of disc and bulge components. The result that we obtained is that S0 discs have a distribution of stellar specific angular momentum that is in full agreement with that of spiral discs, so the mechanism of simple fading can be considered as one of the most important for transformation from spirals to S0s.


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Clusters of galaxies are the most massive and large gravitationally bounded systems in the whole Universe. Their study is of fundamental importance to constrain cosmological parameters and to obtain informations regarding various kind of emission in different wavebands. In particular, in the radio domain, beside the diffuse emission, the study is focused on the radio galaxies emission. Radio galaxies in clusters can have peculiar morphology, since they interact with the intracluster medium (ICM) in which they are embedded. Particularly, in this thesis we focused our attention on the so-called Narrow-Angle Tailed radio galaxies (NAT), which present radio jets that are bent at extreme angle, up to 90 degrees, from their original orientation. Some NAT show a narrow extended structure and the two radio tails are not resolved even with high resolution radio observations. An example is provided by the source IC310, in the Perseus Cluster, whose structure has been recently interpreted as due to Doppler boosting effects of a relativistic jet oriented at a small angle with respect to the line of sight. If the structure is due to relativistic effects, this implies that the jets are relativistic at about 400 kpc from the core, but this is in contrast with unified models, which predict that for low-power radio source (NAT are classified as FRI radio galaxies) the jets decelerate to sub-relativistic speed within a few kpc from the core. To investigate this scientific topic, in this thesis we have analyzed the innermost structure of a sample of eleven radio galaxies showing a very narrow NAT structure. We can conclude that the structure of these radio galaxies is different from that of IC310. These radio galaxies are indeed strongly influenced by environmental effects and are similar to classical NAT sources.


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Obscured AGN are a crucial ingredient to understand the full growth history of super massive black holes and the coevolution with their host galaxies, since they constitute the bulk of the BH accretion. In the distant Universe, many of them are hosted by submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), characterized by a high production of stars and a very fast consumption of gas. Therefore, the analysis of this class of objects is fundamental to investigate the role of the ISM in the early coevolution of galaxies and black holes. We present a multiwavelength study of a sample of six obscured X-ray selected AGN at z>2.5 in the CDF-S, detected in the far-IR/submm bands. We performed the X-ray spectral analysis based on the 7Ms Chandra dataset, which provides the best X-ray spectral information currently available for distant AGN. We were able to place constraints on the obscuring column densities and the intrinsic luminosities of our targets. Moreover, we built up the UV to FIR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) by combining the broad-band photometry from CANDELS and the Herschel catalogs, and analyzed them by means of an SED decomposition technique. Therefore, we derived important physical parameters of both the host galaxy and the AGN. In addition, we obtained, through an empirical calibration, the gas mass in the host galaxy and assessed the galaxy sizes in order to estimate the column density associated with the host ISM. The comparison of the ISM column densities with the values measured from the X-ray spectral analysis pointed out that the contribution of the host ISM to the obscuration of the AGN emission can be substantial, ranging from ~10% up to ~100% of the value derived from the X-ray spectra. The absorption may occur at different physical scales in these sources and, in particular, the medium in the host galaxy is an ingredient that should be taken into account, since it may have a relevant role in driving the early co-evolution of galaxies with their black holes.


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A really particular and innovative metal-polymer sandwich material is Hybrix. Hybrix is a product developed and manufactured by Lamera AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. This innovative hybrid material is composed by two relatively thin metal layers if compared to the core thickness. The most used metals are aluminum and stainless steel and are separated by a core of nylon fibres oriented perpendicularly to the metal plates. The core is then completed by adhesive layers applied at the PA66-metal interface that once cured maintain the nylon fibres in position. This special material is very light and formable. Moreover Hybrix, depending on the specific metal which is used, can achieve a good corrosion resistance and it can be cut and punched easily. Hybrix architecture itself provides extremely good bending stiffness, damping properties, insulation capability, etc., which again, of course, change in magnitude depending in the metal alloy which is used, its thickness and core thickness. For these reasons nowadays it shows potential for all the applications which have the above mentioned characteristic as a requirement. Finally Hybrix can be processed with tools used in regular metal sheet industry and can be handled as solid metal sheets. In this master thesis project, pre-formed parts of Hybrix were studied and characterized. Previous work on Hybrix was focused on analyze its market potential and different adhesive to be used in the core. All the tests were carried out on flat unformed specimens. However, in order to have a complete description of this material also the effect of the forming process must be taken into account. Thus the main activities of the present master thesis are the following: Dynamic Mechanical-Thermal Analysis (DMTA) on unformed Hybrix samples of different thickness and on pre-strained Hybrix samples, pure epoxy adhesive samples analysis and finally moisture effects evaluation on Hybrix composite structure.


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Cyanoacetylene HC3N is a molecule of great astronomical importance and it has been observed in many interstellar environments. Its deuterated form DC3N has been detected in number of sources from external galaxies to Galactic interstellar clouds, star-forming regions and planetary atmospheres. All these detections relied on previous laboratory investigations, which however still lack some essential information concerning its infrared spectrum. In this project, high-resolution ro-vibrational spectra of DC3N have been recorded in two energy regions: 150 – 450 cm-1 and 1800 – 2800 cm-1. In the first window the ν7← GS, 2ν7 ← ν7, ν5 ← ν7, ν5+ν7 ← 2ν7, ν6+ν7 → 2v7, 4ν7 ← 2ν7 bands have been assigned, while in the second region the three stretching fundamental bands ν1, ν2, ν3 have been observed and analysed. The 150 – 450 cm-1 region spectra have been recorded at the AILES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron (France), the 1800 – 2800 cm-1 spectra at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” in Bologna. In total, 2299 transitions have been assigned. Such experimental transition, together with data previously recorded for DC3N, were included in a least-squares fitting procedure from which several spectroscopic parameters have been determined with high precision and accuracy. They include rotational, vibrational and resonance constants. The spectroscopic data of DC3N have been included in a line catalog for this molecule in order to assist future astronomical observations and data interpretation. A paper which includes this research work has been published (M. Melosso, L. Bizzocchi, A. Adamczyk, E. Cane, P. Caselli, L. Colzid, L. Dorea, B. M. Giulianob, J.-C. Guillemine, M-A. Martin-Drumel, O. Piralif, A. Pietropolli Charmet , D. Prudenzano, V. M. Rivillad, F. Tamassia, Extensive ro-vibrational analysis of deuterated-cyanoacetylene (DC3N) from millimeter wavelengths to the infrared domain, Jour. of Quant. Spectr. and Rad. Tran. 254, 107221, 2020).


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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi consiste nel descrivere sia il processo necessario per la creazione di osservazioni sintetiche di galassie simulate simili alla Via Lattea nella riga di emissione a 21 cm dell'idrogeno neutro (HI), sia il lavoro di analisi fondamentale che serve a confrontare in modo efficace l'output generato con delle osservazioni di galassie reali. Come prima cosa è descritta la teoria quantistica che sta alla base dell'emissione a 21 cm di HI, illustrando l'importanza di tale riga di emissione nell'ambito dell'astronomia e come si possano ottenere informazioni fondamentali sulle sorgenti di questa radiazione a partire dai dati osservativi. Il lavoro poi si focalizza sull'utilizzo del software MARTINI per la creazione di osservazioni sintetiche della linea a 21 cm per una galassia simulata con proprietà simili alla Via Lattea generata utilizzando il modello numerico SMUGGLE. Infine, si passa ad una breve descrizione dell'analisi dei dati sintetici creati, e al loro confronto con dei dati provenienti da osservazioni reali di galassie con proprietà simili, per ottenere una valutazione qualitativa della bontà del modello SMUGGLE impiegato nella simulazione numerica.


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The internal dynamics of elliptical galaxies in clusters depends on many factors, including the environment in which the galaxy is located. In addition to the strong encounters with the other galaxies, we can also consider the gravitational interaction with the ubiquitous Cluster Tidal Field (CTF). As recognized in many studies, one possible way in which CTF affects the dynamics of galaxies inside the cluster is related to the fact that they may start oscillating as “rigid bodies” around their equilibrium positions in the field, with the periods of these oscillations curiously similar to those of stellar orbits in the outer parts of galaxies. Resonances between the two motions are hence expected and this phenomenon could significantly contribute to the formation of the Intracluster Stellar Population (ISP), whose presence is abundantly confirmed by observations. In this thesis work, we propose to study the motion of an elliptical galaxy, modelled as a rigid body, in the CTF, especially when its center of mass traces a quasi-circular orbit in the cluster gravitational potential. This case extends and generalizes the previous models and findings, proceeding towards a much more realistic description of galaxy motion. In addition to this, the presence of a further oscillation, namely that of the entire galaxy along its orbit, will possibly increase the probability of having resonances and, consequently, the rate of ISP production nearly to observed values. Thus, after reviewing the dynamics of a rigid body in a generic force field, we will assess some physically relevant studies and report their main results, discussing their implications with respect to our problem. We will conclude our discussion focusing on the more realistic scenario of an elliptical galaxy whose center of mass moves on a quasi-circular orbit in a spherically symmetric potential. The derivation of the fundamental equations of motion will serve as the basis for future modelling and discussions.


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A recent integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) survey, the MASSIVE survey (Ma et al. 2014), observed the 116 most massive (MK < −25.3 mag, stellar mass M∗ > 10^11.6 M⊙) early-type galaxies (ETGs) within 108 Mpc, out to radii as large as 40 kpc, that correspond to ∼ 2 − 3 effective radii (Re). One of the major findings of the MASSIVE survey is that the galaxy sample is split nearly equally among three groups showing three different velocity dispersion profiles σ(R) outer of a radius ∼ 5 kpc (falling, flat and rising with radius). The purpose of this thesis is to model the kinematic profiles of six ETGs included in the MASSIVE survey and representative of the three observed σ(R) shapes, with the aim of investigating their dynamical structure. Models for the chosen galaxies are built using the numerical code JASMINE (Posacki, Pellegrini, and Ciotti 2013). The code produces models of axisymmetric galaxies, based on the solution of the Jeans equations for a multicomponent gravitational potential (supermassive black hole, stars and dark matter halo). With the aim of having a good agreement between the kinematics obtained from the Jeans equations, and the observed σ and rotation velocity V of MASSIVE (Veale et al. 2016, 2018), I derived constraints on the dark matter distribution and orbital anisotropy. This work suggests a trend of the dark matter amount and distribution with the shape of the velocity dispersion profiles in the outer regions: the models of galaxies with flat or rising velocity dispersion profiles show higher dark matter fractions fDM both within 1 Re and 5 Re. Orbital anisotropy alone cannot account for the different observed trends of σ(R) and has a minor effect compared to variations of the mass profile. Galaxies with similar stellar mass M∗ that show different velocity dispersion profiles (from falling to rising) are successfully modelled with a variation of the halo mass Mh.