4 resultados para carbon film electrodes

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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A Micro-opto-mechanical systems (MOMS) based technology for the fabrication of ultrasonic probes on optical fiber is presented. Thanks to the high miniaturization level reached, the realization of an ultrasonic system constituted by ultrasonic generating and detecting elements, suitable for minimally invasive applications or Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of materials at high resolution, is demonstrated. The ultrasonic generation is realized by irradiating a highly absorbing carbon film patterned on silicon micromachined structures with a nanosecond pulsed laser source, generating a mechanical shock wave due to the thermal expansion of the film induced by optical energy conversion into heat. The short duration of the pulsed laser, together with an appropriate emitter design, assure high frequency and wide band ultrasonic generation. The acoustic detection is also realized on a MOMS device using an interferometric receiver, fabricated with a Fabry-Perot optical cavity realized by means of a patterned SU-8 and two Al metallization levels. In order to detect the ultrasonic waves, the cavity is interrogated by a laser beam measuring the reflected power with a photodiode. Various issues related to the design and fabrication of these acoustic probes are investigated in this thesis. First, theoretical models are developed to characterize the opto-acoustic behavior of the devices and estimate their expected acoustic performances. Tests structures are realized to derive the relevant physical parameters of the materials constituting the MOMS devices and determine the conditions theoretically assuring the best acoustic emission and detection performances. Moreover, by exploiting the models and the theoretical results, prototypes of acoustic probes are designed and their fabrication process developed by means of an extended experimental activity.


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Sensors are devices that have shown widespread use, from the detection of gas molecules to the tracking of chemical signals in biological cells. Single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and graphene based electrodes have demonstrated to be an excellent material for the development of electrochemical biosensors as they display remarkable electronic properties and the ability to act as individual nanoelectrodes, display an excellent low-dimensional charge carrier transport, and promote surface electrocatalysis. The present work aims at the preparation and investigation of electrochemically modified SWCNT and graphene-based electrodes for applications in the field of biosensors. We initially studied SWCNT films and focused on their topography and surface composition, electrical and optical properties. Parallel to SWCNTs, graphene films were investigated. Higher resistance values were obtained in comparison with nanotubes films. The electrochemical surface modification of both electrodes was investigated following two routes (i) the electrografting of aryl diazonium salts, and (ii) the electrophylic addition of 1, 3-benzodithiolylium tetrafluoroborate (BDYT). Both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the modified electrode surfaces were studied such as the degree of functionalization and their surface composition. The combination of Raman, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, electrochemistry and other techniques, has demonstrated that selected precursors could be covalently anchored to the nanotubes and graphene-based electrode surfaces through novel carbon-carbon formation.


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My research PhD work is focused on the Electrochemically Generated Luminescence (ECL) investigation of several different homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. ECL is a redox induced emission, a process whereby species, generated at electrodes, undergo a high-energy electron transfer reaction to form excited states that emit light. Since its first application, the ECL technique has become a very powerful analytical tool and has widely been used in biosensor transduction. ECL presents an intrinsically low noise and high sensitivity; moreover, the electrochemical generation of the excited state prevents scattering of the light source: for all these characteristics, it is an elective technique for ultrasensitive immunoassay detection. The majority of ECL systems involve species in solution where the emission occurs in the diffusion layer near to the electrode surface. However, over the past few years, an intense research has been focused on the ECL generated from species constrained on the electrode surface. The aim of my work is to study the behavior of ECL-generating molecular systems upon the progressive increase of their spatial constraints, that is, passing from isolated species in solution, to fluorophores embedded within a polymeric film and, finally, to patterned surfaces bearing “one-dimensional” emitting spots. In order to describe these trends, I use different “dimensions” to indicate the different classes of compounds. My thesis was mostly developed in the electrochemistry group of Bologna with the supervision of Prof Francesco Paolucci and Dr Massimo Marcaccio. With their help and also thanks to their long experience in the molecular and supramolecular ECL fields and in the surface investigations using scanning probe microscopy techniques, I was able to obtain the results herein described. Moreover, during my research work, I have established a new collaboration with the group of Nanobiotechnology of Prof. Robert Forster (Dublin City University) where I spent a research period. Prof. Forster has a broad experience in the biomedical field, especially he focuses his research on film surfaces biosensor based on the ECL transduction. This thesis can be divided into three sections described as follows: (i) in the fist section, homogeneous molecular and supramolecular ECL-active systems, either organic or inorganic species (i.e., corannulene, dendrimers and iridium metal complex), are described. Driving force for this kind of studies includes the search for new luminophores that display on one hand higher ECL efficiencies and on the other simple mechanisms for modulating intensity and energy of their emission in view of their effective use in bioconjugation applications. (ii) in the second section, the investigation of some heterogeneous ECL systems is reported. Redox polymers comprising inorganic luminophores were described. In such a context, a new conducting platform, based on carbon nanotubes, was developed aimed to accomplish both the binding of a biological molecule and its electronic wiring to the electrode. This is an essential step for the ECL application in the field of biosensors. (iii) in the third section, different patterns were produced on the electrode surface using a Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. I developed a new methods for locally functionalizing an inert surface and reacting this surface with a luminescent probe. In this way, I successfully obtained a locally ECL active platform for multi-array application.


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Questa tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un elettrodo modificato con un polimero isolante per la determinazione indiretta del radicale OH. I polimeri testati sono stati polifenolo, polipirrolo e polipirrolo sovraoossidato ed il primo è risultato quello con le migliori prestazioni. Il film di modificante è stato depositato per elettropolimerizzazione del fenolo in ambiente acido, su un elettrodo di carbone vetroso (GC) ed è risultato isolante e perfettamente adeso al GC, impedendo il trasferimento di carica alle più comuni sonde redox. L’attacco dei radicali OH, generati dalla reazione di Fenton o dalla fotolisi di H2O2, rimuove parzialmente il polimero dal GC, ripristinando parzialmente il comportamento conduttore dell’elettrodo. L’entità della degradazione del film polifenolico è stata valutata sfruttando la corrente relativa alla sonda redox Ru(NH3)63+, che rappresenta il segnale analitico per la determinazione del radicale OH. L’elettrodo è stato impiegato per stimare le prestazioni di foto catalizzatori a base di nanoparticelle di TiO2, ottenendo risultati correlati a quelli ricavati da un metodo HPLC. Inoltre esso è stato usato per sviluppare una nuova procedura per la determinazione della capacità di scavenging verso i radicali OH, che è stata applicata all’analisi di composti puri e campioni reali. I risultati erano confrontabili con quelli determinati con metodiche standardizzate, comunemente impiegate per la determinazione della capacità antiossidante. Inoltre è stato condotto uno studio riguardante la modifica di un elettrodo di platino con un idrossido misto a strati a base di cobalto e alluminio (LDH). In particolare si sono valutati gli effetti di diversi pretrattamenti del Pt sulle caratteristiche e prestazioni elettrocatalitiche del film di LDH nei confronti dell’ossidazione di anilina, fenolo e acido salicilico. Questi composti possono essere impiegati come molecole sonda per la determinazione del radicale OH e rivestono interesse da un punto di vista elettroanalitico perché portano facilmente alla passivazione della superficie di Pt.