9 resultados para adhesion by chemical bonding

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This PhD Thesis is focused on the development of fibrous polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering applications and on the improvement of scaffold biomimetic properties. Scaffolds were fabricated by electrospinning, which allows to obtain scaffolds made of polymeric micro or nanofibers. Biomimetism was enhanced by following two approaches: (1) the use of natural biopolymers, and (2) the modification of the fibers surface chemistry. Gelatin was chosen for its bioactive properties and cellular affinity, however it lacks in mechanical properties. This problem was overcome by adding poly(lactic acid) to the scaffold through co-electrospinning and mechanical properties of the composite constructs were assessed. Gelatin effectively improves cell growth and viability and worth noting, composite scaffolds of gelatin and poly(lactic acid) were more effective than a plain gelatin scaffold. Scaffolds made of pure collagen fibers were fabricated. Modification of collagen triple helix structure in electrospun collagen fibers was studied. Mechanical properties were evaluated before and after crosslinking. The crosslinking procedure was developed and optimized by using - for the first time on electrospun collagen fibers - the crosslinking reactant 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, with good results in terms of fibers stabilization. Cell culture experiments showed good results in term of cell adhesion and morphology. The fiber surface chemistry of electrospun poly(lactic acid) scaffold was modified by plasma treatment. Plasma did not affect thermal and mechanical properties of the scaffold, while it greatly increased its hydrophilicity by the introduction of carboxyl groups at the fiber surface. This fiber functionalization enhanced the fibroblast cell viability and spreading. Surface modifications by chemical reactions were conducted on electrospun scaffolds made of a polysophorolipid. The aim was to introduce a biomolecule at the fiber surface. By developing a series of chemical reactions, one oligopeptide every three repeating units of polysophorolipid was grafted at the surface of electrospun fibers.


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Extensive literature outlined that the quality of the mother-foetus relationship is considered the main feature with regard to the quality of postnatal mother-infant interaction and also to the child’s psychical development. Nowadays the relationship between the pregnant woman and her foetus is viewed as the central factor of the somatic dialogue between the functioning of the maternal and the foetal organisms. This dialogue is responsible for the physic development of the child, as well as of its psychosomatic structure. Therefore the research area has necessarily had to extend to the analysis of psychological processes concerning: the pregnancy, the couple that is bound by parenthood, the influence of intergenerational dynamics. In fact, the formation of maternal identity, as well as that of the relationship between the woman and the foetus, refers to the pregnant woman’s relationship with her parents, especially with her mother. The same pregnancy, considered as a psychosomatic event, is directly influenced by relational, affective and social factors, particularly by the quality of the interiorized parental relations and the quality of the current relationships (such as that with her partner and with her family of origin). Some studies have begun to investigate the relationship between the pregnant woman and the foetus in term of “prenatal attachment” and its relationship with socio-demographic, psychological e psychopathological aspects (such as pre and post partum depression), but the research area is still largely unexplored. The present longitudinal research aimed to investigate the quality of the pregnant womanfoetus relationship by the prenatal attachment index, the quality of the interiorized relationship with woman’s parents, the level of alexithymic features and maternity social support, in relation with the modulation of the physiology of delivery and of postpartum, as well as of the physical development of the child. A consecutive sample of 62 Italian primipara women without any kind of pathologies, participated in the longitudinal study. In the first phase of this study (third trimester of the pregnancy), it has investigated the psychological processes connected to the affective investment of the pregnant women towards the unborn baby (by Prenatal Attachment Inventory), the mothers’ interiorized relationship with their own parents (by Parental Bonding Instrument), the social and affective support from their partner and their family of origin are able to supply (by Maternity Social Support Scale), and the level of alexithymia (by 20-Toronto Alexithymia Scale). In the second phase of this study, some data concerning the childbirth course carried out from a “deliverygram” (such as labour, induction durations and modalities of delivery) and data relative to the newborns state of well-being (such as Apgar and pH indexes). Finally, in the third phase of the study women have been telephoned a month after the childbirth. The semistructured interview investigated the following areas: the memory concerning the delivery, the return to home, the first interactions between the mother and the newborn, the breastfeeding, the biological rhythms achieved from newborns. From the data analysis a sample with a good level of prenatal attachment and of support social and a good capability to mental functioning emerged. An interesting result is that the most of the women have a great percentage of “affectionless control style” with both parents, but data is not sufficient to interpret this result. Moreover, considering the data relative to the delivery, medical and welfare procedures, that have been necessary, are coherent with the Italian mean, while the percentage of the caesarean section (12.9%) is inferior to the national percentage (30%). The 29% of vaginal partum has got epidural analgesia, which explains the high number (37%) of obstetrician operations (such as Kristeller). The data relative to the newborn (22 male, 40 female) indicates a good state of well-being because Apgar and pH indexes are superior to 7 at first and fifth minutes. Concerning the prenatal phase, correlation analysis showed that: the prenatal attachment scores positively correlated with the expected social support and negatively correlated with the “externally oriented thinking” dimension of alexithymia; the maternity social support negatively correlated with total alexithymia score, particularly with the “externally oriented thinking” dimension, and negatively correlated with maternal control of parental bonding. Concerning the delivery data, there are many correlations (after all obvious) among themselves. The most important are that the labour duration negatively correlated with the newborn’s index state of well-being. Finally, concerning the data from the postpartum phase the women’ assessments relative to the partum negatively correlated with the duration of the delivery and positively correlated with the assessment relative to the return to home and the interaction with the newborn. Moreover the length of permanence in the hospital negatively correlated with women’s assessments relative to the return to home that, in turn, positively correlated with the quality of breastfeeding, the interaction between the mother and the newborn and the biological regulation of the child. Finally, the women’ assessments relative to breastfeeding positively correlated with the mother-child interactions and the biological rhythms of children. From the correlation analysis between the variables of the prenatal phase and the data relative to the delivery, emerged that the prenatal attachment scores positively correlated with the dilatation stage scores and with the newborn’s Apgar index at first minute, the paternal care dimension of parental bonding positively correlated with the lengths of the various periods of childbirth like so the paternal control dimension with placental stage. Moreover, emerged that the expected social support positively correlated with the lengths of the various periods of childbirth and that the global alexithymia scores, particularly “difficulty to describe emotions” dimension, negatively correlated with total childbirth scores. From the correlation analysis between the variables of the prenatal phase and variable of the postpartum phase emerged that the total alexithymia scores positively correlated with the time elapsed from the childbirth to the breastfeeding of the child, the difficulty to describe emotions dimension of the alexithymia negatively correlated with the quality of the breastfeeding, the “externally oriented thinking” dimension of the alexithymia negatively correlated with mother-child interactions, and finally the paternal control dimension of the parental bonding negatively correlated with the time elapsed from the child to the breastfeeding of the child. Finally, from the analysis of the correlation between the data of the partum and the women’s assessments of the postpartum phase, emerged the negative correlation between the woman’s assessment relative to the delivery and the quantitative of obstetrician operations and the lengths of the various periods of childbirth, the positive correlation between the women’s assessment about the length of delivery periods and the real lengths of the same ones, the positive relation between woman’s assessment relative to the delivery and the Apgar index of children. In conclusion, there is a remarkable relation between the quality of the relationship the woman establishes with the foetus that influences the course of the pregnancy and the delivery that, in turn, influences the postpartum outcome, particularly relative to the mother-children relationship. Such data should be confirmed by heterogeneous populations in order to identify vulnerable women and to project focused intervention.


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The thesis reports the synthesis, and the chemical, structural and spectroscopic characterization of a series of new Rhodium and Au-Fe carbonyl clusters. Most new high-nuclearity rhodium carbonyl clusters have been obtained by redox condensation of preformed rhodium clusters reacting with a species in a different oxidation state generated in situ by mild oxidation. In particular the starting Rh carbonyl clusters is represented by the readily available [Rh7(CO)16]3- 9 compound. The oxidized species is generated in situ by reaction of the above with a stoichiometric defect of a mild oxidizing agents such as [M(H2O)x]n+ aquo complexes possessing different pKa’s and Mn+/M potentials. The experimental results are roughly in keeping with the conclusion that aquo complexes featuring E°(Mn+/M) < ca. -0.20 V do not lead to the formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters, probably because of the inadequacy of their redox potentials relative to that of the [Rh7(CO)16]3-/2- redox couple. Only homometallic cluster s such as have been fairly selectively obtained. As a fallout of the above investigations, also a convenient and reproducible synthesis of the ill-characterized species [HnRh22(CO)35]8-n has been discovered. The ready availability of the above compound triggered both its complete spectroscopic and chemical characterization. because it is the only example of Rhodium carbonyl clusters with two interstitial metal atoms. The presence of several hydride atoms, firstly suggested by chemical evidences, has been implemented by ESI-MS and 1H-NMR, as well as new structural characterization of its tetra- and penta-anion. All these species display redox behaviour and behave as molecular capacitors. Their chemical reactivity with CO gives rise to a new series of Rh22 clusters containing a different number of carbonyl groups, which have been likewise fully characterized. Formation of hetero-metallic Rh clusters was only observed when using SnCl2H2O as oxidizing agent because. Quite all the Rh-Sn carbonyl clusters obtained have icosahedral geometry. The only previously reported example of an icosahedral Rh cluster with an interstitial atom is the [Rh12Sb(CO)27]3- trianion. They have very similar metal framework, as well as the same number of CO ligands and, consequently, cluster valence electrons (CVEs). .A first interesting aspect of the chemistry of the Rh-Sn system is that it also provides icosahedral clusters making exception to the cluster-borane analogy by showing electron counts from 166 to 171. As a result, the most electron-short species, namely [Rh12Sn(CO)25]4- displays redox propensity, even if disfavoured by the relatively high free negative charge of the starting anion and, moreover, behaves as a chloride scavenger. The presence of these bulky interstitial atoms results in the metal framework adopting structures different from a close-packed metal lattice and, above all, imparts a notable stability to the resulting cluster. An organometallic approach to a new kind of molecular ligand-stabilized gold nanoparticles, in which Fe(CO)x (x = 3,4) moieties protect and stabilize the gold kernel has also been undertaken. As a result, the new clusters [Au21{Fe(CO)4}10]5-, [Au22{Fe(CO)4}12]6-, Au28{Fe(CO)3}4{Fe(CO)4}10]8- and [Au34{Fe(CO)3}6{Fe(CO)4}8]6- have been isolated and characterized. As suggested by concepts of isolobal analogies, the Fe(CO)4 molecular fragment may display the same ligand capability of thiolates and go beyond. Indeed, the above clusters bring structural resemblance to the structurally characterized gold thiolates by showing Fe-Au-Fe, rather than S-Au-S, staple motives. Staple motives, the oxidation state of surface gold atoms and the energy of Au atomic orbitals are likely to concur in delaying the insulator-to-metal transition as the nuclearity of gold thiolates increases, relative to the more compact transition-metal carbonyl clusters. Finally, a few previously reported Au-Fe carbonyl clusters have been used as precursors in the preparation of supported gold catalysts. The catalysts obtained are active for toluene oxidation and the catalytic activity depends on the Fe/Au cluster loading over TiO2.


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This experimental thesis concerns the study of the long-term behaviour of ancient bronzes recently excavated from burial conditions. The scientific interest is to clarify the effect of soil parameters on the degradation mechanisms of ancient bronze alloy. The work took into consideration bronzes recovered from the archaeological sites in the region of Dobrudja, Romania. The first part of research work was dedicated to the characterization of bronze artefacts using non destructive (micro-FTIR, reflectance mode) and micro-destructive (based on sampling and analysis of a stratigraphical section by OM and SEM-EDX) methods. Burial soils were geologically classified and analyzed by chemical methods (pH, conductivity, anions content). Most of objects analyzed showed a coarse and inhomogeneous corroded structure, often made up of several corrosion layers. This has been explained by the silt nature of soils, which contain low amount of clay and are, therefore, quite accessible to water and air. The main cause of a high dissolution rate of bronze alloys is the alternate water saturation and instauration of the soil, for example on a seasonal scale. Moreover, due to the vicinity of the Black Sea, the detrimental effect of chlorine has been evidenced for few objects, which were affected by the bronze disease. A general classification of corrosion layers was achieved by comparing values of the ratio Cu/Sn in the alloy and in the patina. Decuprification is a general trend, and enrichment of copper within the corrosion layers, due to the formation of thick layers of cuprite (Cu2O), is pointed out as well. Uncommon corrosion products and degradation patterns were presented as well, and they are probably due to peculiar local conditions taking place during the burial time, such as anaerobic conditions or fluctuating environmental conditions. In order to acquire a better insight into the corrosion mechanisms, the second part of the thesis has regarded simulation experiments, which were conducted on commercial Cu-Sn alloys, whose composition resembles those of ancient artefacts one. Electrochemical measurements were conducted in natural electrolytes, such as solutions extracted from natural soil (sampled at the archaeological sites) and seawater. Cyclic potentiodynamic experiments allowed appreciating the mechanism of corrosion in both cases. Soil extract’s electrolyte has been evaluated being a non aggressive medium, while artificial solution prepared by increasing the concentration of anions caused the pitting corrosion of the alloy, which is demonstrated by optical observations. In particular, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy allows assessing qualitatively the nature of corroded structures formed in soil and seawater. A double-structured layer is proposed, which differ, in the two cases, for the nature of the internal passive layer, which result defectiveness and porous in case of seawater.


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This thesis was carried out in the context of a co-tutoring program between Centro Ceramico Bologna (Italy) and Instituto di Tecnologia Ceramica, Castellón de la Plana (Spain). The subject of the thesis is the synthesis of silver nanoparticles and at their likely decorative application in the productive process of porcelain ceramic tiles. Silver nanoparticles were chosen as a case study, because metal nanoparticles are thermally stable, and they have non-linear optical properties when nano-structured, and therefore they develop saturated colours. The nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction in aqueous solution, a method chosen because of its reduced working steps and energy costs. Besides such a synthesis method uses non-expensive and non-toxic raw material. By adopting this synthesis technique, it was also possible to control the dimension and the final shape of the nanoparticles. Several syntheses were carried out during the research work, modifying the molecular weight of the reducing agent and/or the firing temperature, in order to evaluate the influence such parameters have on the Ag-nanoparticles formation. The syntheses were monitored with the use of UV-Vis spectroscopy and the average dimension as well as the morphology of the nanoparticles was analysed by SEM. From the spectroscopic data obtained from each synthesis, a kinetic study was completed, relating the progress of the reaction to the two variables (ie temperature and molecular weight of the reducing agent). The aim was finding equations that allow the establishing of a relationship between the operating conditions during the synthesis and the characteristics of the final product. The next step was finding the best method of synthesis for the decorative application. For such a purpose the amount of nanoparticles, their average particle size, the shape and the agglomeration are considered. An aqueous suspension containing the nanoparticles is then sprayed over the fired ceramic tiles and they are subsequently thermally treated in conditions similar to the industrial one. The colorimetric parameters of the obtained ceramic tiles were studied and the method proved successful, giving the ceramic tiles stable and intense colours.


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Lo vendemmia meccanica incontra ancora resistenze legate al timore di peggiorare la qualità del prodotto e di avere elevate perdite di raccolta. In questo contesto sono state effettuate quattro prove sperimentali, finalizzate a definire le interazioni macchina, pianta e prodotto raccolto e a valutare nuove possibilità di regolazione delle vendemmiatrici e di gestione del prodotto raccolto. Le prime due sono state realizzate con vendemmiatrici a scuotimento orizzontale e verticale. L’obiettivo è stato quello di individuare l’influenza della frequenza del battitore sull’efficienza di raccolta e sulla qualità del prodotto e di verificare il maltrattamento provocato dagli organi di intercettazione e trasporto della vendemmiatrice. I risultati hanno dimostrato l’importanza della corretta regolazione del battitore delle vendemmiatrici a scuotimento orizzontale che operano direttamente sulla fascia produttiva del vigneto. Questa regolazione risulta più semplice sulle macchine a scuotimento verticale che agiscono indirettamente sui fili di sostegno delle doppie cortine. La misura delle sollecitazioni all’interno della macchina ha evidenziato valori anche elevati, pericolosi per l’integrità del prodotto raccolto, legati alla differente costruzione degli organi d’intercettazione e trasporto. La terza prova ha valutato l’efficacia di due nuovi accessori per le vendemmiatrici: la regolazione dell’ampiezza del battitore e un sensore per misurare in continuo il grado di ammostamento provocato. I risultati hanno dimostrato la loro validità per migliorare le prestazioni operative delle vendemmiatrici e per fornire agli operatori uno strumento di controllo in tempo reale sulla qualità della raccolta. Infine, considerando che le vendemmiatrici producono sempre un ammostamento dell’uva, abbiamo verificato un sistema innovativo che permette di anticipare la protezione del mosto libero già durante il trasporto dal campo. Il sistema si è dimostrato semplice, efficace ed economico. Queste esperienze hanno dimostrano che la vendemmia meccanica, se correttamente gestita, permette di ottenere ottimi risultati sotto il profilo qualitativo, tecnologico ed economico.


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The aim of this thesis was to design, synthesize and develop a nanoparticle based system to be used as a chemosensor or as a label in bioanalytical applications. A versatile fluorescent functionalizable nanoarchitecture has been effectively produced based on the hydrolysis and condensation of TEOS in direct micelles of Pluronic® F 127, obtaining highly monodisperse silica - core / PEG - shell nanoparticles with a diameter of about 20 nm. Surface functionalized nanoparticles have been obtained in a one-pot procedure by chemical modification of the hydroxyl terminal groups of the surfactant. To make them fluorescent, a whole library of triethoxysilane fluorophores (mainly BODIPY based), encompassing the whole visible spectrum has been synthesized: this derivatization allows a high degree of doping, but the close proximity of the molecules inside the silica matrix leads to the development of self - quenching processes at high doping levels, with the concomitant fall of the fluorescence signal intensity. In order to bypass this parasite phenomenon, multichromophoric systems have been prepared, where highly efficient FRET processes occur, showing that this energy pathway is faster than self - quenching, recovering the fluorescence signal. The FRET efficiency remains very high even four dye nanoparticles, increasing the pseudo Stokes shift of the system, attractive feature for multiplexing analysis. These optimized nanoparticles have been successfully exploited in molecular imaging applications such as in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo imaging, proving themselves superior to conventional molecular fluorophores as signaling units.


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The next generation of vaccine adjuvant are represented by a wide ranging set of molecules called Toll like agonists (TLR’s). Although many of these molecules are complex structures extracted from microorganisms, small molecule TLR agonists have also been identified. However, delivery systems have not been optimized to allow their effective delivery in conjunction with antigens. Here we describe a novel approach in which a small molecule TLR agonist has been conjugated directly to antigens to ensure effective co delivery. We describe the conjugation of a relevant protein, a recombinant protective antigen from S.pneumoniae (RrgB), which is linked to a TLR7 agonist. Following thorough characterization to ensure there was no aggregation, the conjugate was evaluated in a murine infection model. Results showed that the conjugate extended animals’ survival after lethal challenge with S.pneumoniae. Comparable results were obtained with a 10 fold lower dose than that of the native unconjugated antigen. Notably, the animals immunized with the same dose of unconjugated TLR7 agonist and antigen showed no adjuvant effect. The increased immunogenicity was likely a consequence of the co-localization of TLR7 agonist and antigen by chemical binding and is was more effective than simple co-administration. Likely, this approach can be adopted to reduce the dose of antigen required to induce protective immunity, and potentially increase the safety of a broad variety of vaccine candidates


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Chromatography is the most widely used technique for high-resolution separation and analysis of proteins. This technique is very useful for the purification of delicate compounds, e.g. pharmaceuticals, because it is usually performed at milder conditions than separation processes typically used by chemical industry. This thesis focuses on affinity chromatography. Chromatographic processes are traditionally performed using columns packed with porous resin. However, these supports have several limitations, including the dependence on intra-particle diffusion, a slow mass transfer mechanism, for the transport of solute molecules to the binding sites within the pores and high pressure drop through the packed bed. These limitations can be overcome by using chromatographic supports like membranes or monoliths. Dye-ligands are considered important alternatives to natural ligands. Several reactive dyes, particularly Cibacron Blue F3GA, are used as affinity ligand for protein purification. Cibacron Blue F3GA is a triazine dye that interacts specifically and reversibly with albumin. The aim of this study is to prepare dye-affinity membranes and monoliths for efficient removal of albumin and to compare the three different affinity supports: membranes and monoliths and a commercial column HiTrapTM Blue HP, produced by GE Healthcare. A comparison among the three supports was performed in terms of binding capacity at saturation (DBC100%) and dynamic binding capacity at 10% breakthrough (DBC10%) using solutions of pure BSA. The results obtained show that the CB-RC membranes and CB-Epoxy monoliths can be compared to commercial support, column HiTrapTM Blue HP, for the separation of albumin. These results encourage a further characterization of the new supports examined.