10 resultados para Urban open spaces

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions.


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Obiettivo generale dello studio è rivolto alla definizione di linee d’indirizzo volte alla riqualificazione paesaggistica, per l’integrazione ed il recupero delle corti e degli edifici moderni dei centri aziendali agricoli a carattere multifunzionale in territorio rurale, attraverso soluzioni appropriate sia sul piano tecnologico-formale che su quello economico-funzionale. Con riferimento ad un’area studio sovracomunale della provincia di Bologna (Regione Emilia-Romagna), si è determinato, quale obiettivo specifico, l’individuazione delle possibili soluzioni di riqualificazione, da realizzarsi in economia, cioè primariamente attraverso i mezzi e le competenze normalmente disponibili in un’azienda agricola di questo tipo. A seguito del riconoscimento dei caratteri specifici e dei tipi edilizi degli edifici rurali tradizionali nella pianura emiliano romagnola, dell’identificazione delle metodologie d’indagine dei caratteri degli edifici rurali in letteratura, nonché dell’analisi della normativa di riferimento in materia di aziende multifunzionali, sono state definite le aziende studio, appartenenti ad aree geografiche differenti. La metodologia d’indagine individuata è stata condotta per la determinazione delle tipologie costruttive, dei materiali utilizzati e dei requisiti delle aziende, in relazione alle diverse specificità, alla definizione funzionale degli spazi costruiti, degli spazi aperti e delle differenti relazioni fra essi e l’identificazione ed analisi dei percorsi delle diverse tipologie di fruitori. L’identificazione delle criticità dei caratteri architettonici riscontrate, sia negli edifici agricoli sia nella corte, ha condotto al riconoscimento degli ambiti di intervento per la progettazione delle soluzioni di riqualificazione funzionale e paesaggistica, attraverso lo studio delle possibili soluzioni per la schermatura o rivalorizzazione sia degli edifici moderni di servizio all’agricoltura (analizzando le potenzialità progettuali offerte dalle pareti verdi, dai brise soleil, dalle facciate ventilate o da intonaci e tinteggiature), sia per la riqualificazione dei percorsi e degli aspetti paesaggistici (intervenendo sulla proposta di materiali da pavimentazione, e delle essenze da utilizzare), da realizzarsi in economia, ma comparati con alternative proposte di tipo commerciale.


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Oggetto della ricerca è lo studio del National Institute of Design (NID), progettato da Gautam Sarabhai e sua sorella Gira, ad Ahmedabad, assunta a paradigma del nuovo corso della politica che il Primo Ministro Nehru espresse nei primi decenni del governo postcoloniale. Obiettivo della tesi è di analizzare il fenomeno che unisce modernità e tradizione in architettura. La modernità indiana, infatti, nacque e si sviluppò con i caratteri di un Giano bifronte: da un lato, la politica del Primo Ministro Nehru favorì lo sviluppo dell’industria e della scienza; dall’altro, la visione di Gandhi mirava alla riscoperta del locale, delle tradizioni e dell’artigianato. Questi orientamenti influenzarono l’architettura postcoloniale. Negli anni ‘50 e ’60 Ahmedabad divenne la culla dell’architettura moderna indiana. Kanvinde, i Sarabhai, Correa, Doshi, Raje trovarono qui le condizioni per costruire la propria identità come progettisti e come intellettuali. I motori che resero possibile questo fermento furono principalmente due: una committenza di imprenditori illuminati, desiderosi di modernizzare la città; la presenza ad Ahmedabad, a partire dal 1951, dei maestri dell’architettura moderna, tra cui i più noti furono Le Corbusier e Kahn, invitati da quella stessa committenza, per la quale realizzarono edifici di notevole rilevanza. Ad Ahmedabad si confrontarono con forza entrambe le visioni dell’India moderna. Lo sforzo maggiore degli architetti indiani si espresse nel tentativo di conciliare i due aspetti, quelli che derivavano dalle influenze internazionali e quelli che provenivano dallo spirito della tradizione. Il progetto del NID è uno dei migliori esempi di questo esercizio di sintesi. Esso recupera nella composizione spaziale la lezione di Wright, Le Corbusier, Kahn, Eames ibridandola con elementi della tradizione indiana. Nell’uso sapiente della struttura modulare e a padiglione, della griglia ordinatrice a base quadrata, dell’integrazione costante fra spazi aperti, natura e architettura affiorano nell’edificio del NID echi di una cultura millenaria.


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Se le trasformazioni sociali in atto tendono a esasperare il senso di incertezza, sradicamento ed individualismo, sussistono pratiche che si contrappongono alle tendenze dominanti, finalizzate a ricucire i legami sociali su scala locale. La progettazione urbano-architettonica interiorizza il nuovo bisogno di comunità originando soluzioni abitative tese a favorire gli scambi informali fra vicini, facendo leva sul concetto di capitale sociale, attaccamento al quartiere, identità del luogo e partecipazione. La casa, simbolo di stabilità e sicurezza ma anche di privacy, privatismo familiare, diventa sempre più oggetto di studi, domanda sociale e intervento politico. Soprattutto è sempre più intesa come un nodo di relazioni familiari in una rete di relazioni sociali più ampie. Casa e quartiere incidono nella esperienza di benessere e socialità familiare? In che modo gli spazi urbani e architettonici influenzano la coesione sociale? Quale il ruolo degli abitanti nello sviluppare socialità e integrazione? Sono queste le domande che ci siamo posti per rilevare le dinamiche sociali e culturali dell’abitare attraverso uno studio di caso condotto in due quartieri simili. Dalla ricerca emerge come il significato della casa non sia univoco ma cambi rispetto al ciclo di vita familiare e a quello economico e ciò incide nella partecipazione alle attività di quartiere. Mostriamo inoltre come lo spazio fisico costruito crea importanti opportunità per gli scambi informali e per il benessere familiare e individuale dei bambini ma che, il contesto sociale sia una discriminate fondamentale. Nel quartiere dove è presente una organizzazione di abitanti il numero delle relazioni di vicinato aumenta, cambiano anche la qualità delle relazioni e le distanze fisiche fra i vicini. Emerge inoltre che la reciprocità è il principale strumento di costruzione della coesione comunitaria interna e crea un atteggiamento di apertura e fiducia che va al di là dei confini di quartiere.


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The rational construction of the house. The writings and projects of Giuseppe Pagano Description, themes and research objectives The research aims at analysing the architecture of Giuseppe Pagano, which focuses on the theme of dwelling, through the reading of 3 of his house projects. On the one hand, these projects represent “minor” works not thoroughly known by Pagano’s contemporary critics; on the other they emphasise a particular methodological approach, which serves the author to explore a theme closely linked to his theoretical thought. The house project is a key to Pagano’s research, given its ties to the socio-cultural and political conditions in which the architect was working, so that it becomes a mirror of one of his specific and theoretical path, always in a state of becoming. Pagano understands architecture as a “servant of the human being”, subject to a “utilitarian slavery” since it is a clear, essential and “modest” answer to specific human needs, free from aprioristic aesthetic and formal choices. It is a rational architecture in sensu stricto; it constitutes a perfect synthesis between cause and effect and between function and form. The house needs to accommodate these principles because it is closely intertwined with human needs and intimately linked to a specific place, climatic conditions and technical and economical possibilities. Besides, differently from his public and common masterpieces such as the Palazzo Gualino, the Istituto di Fisica and the Università Commerciale Bocconi, the house projects are representative of a precise project will, which is expressed in a more authentic way, partially freed from political influences and dogmatic preoccupations and, therefore, far from the attempt to research a specific expressive language. I believe that the house project better represents that “ingenuity”, freshness and “sincerity” that Pagano identifies with the minor architecture, thereby revealing a more authentic expression of his understanding of a project. Therefore, the thesis, by tracing the theoretical research of Pagano through the analysis of some of his designed and built works, attempts to identify a specific methodological approach to Pagano’s project, which, developed through time, achieves a certain clarity in the 1930s. In fact, this methodological approach becomes more evident in his last projects, mainly regarding the house and the urban space. These reflect the attempt to respond to the new social needs and, at the same time, they also are an expression of a freer idea of built architecture, closely linked with the place and with the human being who dwells it. The three chosen projects (Villa Colli, La Casa a struttura d’acciaio and Villa Caraccio) make Pagano facing different places, different customers and different economic and technical conditions, which, given the author’s biography, correspond to important historical and political conditions. This is the reason why the projects become apparently distant works, both linguistically and conceptually, to the point that one can define them as ”eclectic”. However, I argue that this eclecticism is actually an added value to the architectural work of Pagano, steaming from the use of a method which, having as a basis the postulate of a rational architecture as essence and logic of building, finds specific variations depending on the multiple variables to be addressed by the project. This is the methodological heritage that Pagano learns from the tradition, especially that of the rural residential architecture, defined by Pagano as a “dictionary of the building logic of man”, as an “a-stylistic background”. For Pagano this traditional architecture is a clear expression of the relationships between a theme and its development, an architectural “fact” that is resolved with purely technical and utilitarian aims and with a spontaneous development far from any aprioristic theoretical principle. Architecture, therefore, cannot be an invention for Pagano and the personal contribution of each architect has to consider his/her close relationship with the specific historical context, place and new building methods. These are basic principles in the methodological approach that drives a great deal of his research and that also permits his thought to be modern. I argue that both ongoing and new collaborations with younger protagonists of the culture and architecture of the period are significant for the development of his methodology. These encounters represent the will to spread his own understanding of the “new architecture” as well as a way of self-renewal by confronting the self with new themes and realities and by learning from his collaborators. Thesis’ outline The thesis is divided in two principal parts, each articulated in four chapters attempting to offer a new reading of the theory and work of Pagano by emphasising the central themes of the research. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis and to the theme of the rational house, as understood and developed in its typological and technical aspects by Pagano and by other protagonists of the Italian rationalism of the 1930s. Here the attention is on two different aspects defining, according to Pagano, the house project: on the one hand, the typological renewal, aimed at defining a “standard form” as a clear and essential answer to certain needs and variables of the project leading to different formal expressions. On the other, it focuses on the building, understood as a technique to “produce” architecture, where new technologies and new materials are not merely tools but also essential elements of the architectural work. In this way the villa becomes different from the theme of the common house or from that of the minimalist house, by using rules in the choice of material and in the techniques that are every time different depending on the theme under exploration and on the contingency of place. It is also visible the rigorous rationalism that distinguishes the author's appropriation of certain themes of rural architecture. The pages of “Casabella” and the events of the contemporary Triennali form the preliminary material for the writing of this chapter given that they are primary sources to individuate projects and writings produced by Pagano and contemporary architects on this theme. These writings and projects, when compared, reconstruct the evolution of the idea of the rational house and, specifically, of the personal research of Pagano. The second part regards the reading of three of Pagano’s projects of houses as a built verification of his theories. This section constitutes the central part of the thesis since it is aimed at detecting a specific methodological approach showing a theoretical and ideological evolution expressed in the vast edited literature. The three projects that have been chosen explore the theme of the house, looking at various research themes that the author proposes and that find continuity in the affirmation of a specific rationalism, focussed on concepts such as essentiality, utility, functionality and building honesty. These concepts guide the thought and the activities of Pagano, also reflecting a social and cultural period. The projects span from the theme of the villa moderna, Villa Colli, which, inspired by the architecture of North Europe, anticipates a specific rationalism of Pagano based on rigour, simplicity and essentiality, to the theme of the common house, Casa a struttura d’acciaio, la casa del domani, which ponders on the definition of new living spaces and, moreover, on new concepts of standardisation, economical efficiency and new materials responding to the changing needs of the modern society. Finally, the third project returns to the theme of the, Villa Caraccio, revisiting it with new perspectives. These perspectives find in the solution of the open plant, in the openness to nature and landscape and in the revisiting of materials and local building systems that idea of the freed house, which express clearly a new theoretical thought. Methodology It needs to be noted that due to the lack of an official Archive of Pagano’s work, the analysis of his work has been difficult and this explains the necessity to read the articles and the drawings published in the pages of «Casabella» and «Domus». As for the projects of Villa Colli and Casa a struttura d’acciaio, parts of the original drawings have been consulted. These drawings are not published and are kept in private archives of the collaborators of Pagano. The consultation of these documents has permitted the analysis of the cited works, which have been subject to a more complete reading following the different proposed solutions, which have permitted to understand the project path. The projects are analysed thought the method of comparison and critical reading which, specifically, means graphical elaborations and analytical schemes, mostly reconstructed on the basis of original projects but, where possible, also on a photographic investigation. The focus is on the project theme which, beginning with a specific living (dwelling) typology, finds variations because of the historico-political context in which Pagano is embedded and which partially shapes his research and theoretical thought, then translated in the built work. The analysis of the work follows, beginning, where possible, from a reconstruction of the evolution of the project as elaborated on the basis of the original documents and ending on an analysis of the constructive principles and composition. This second phase employs a methodology proposed by Pagano in his article Piante di ville, which, as expected, focuses on the plant as essential tool to identify the “true practical and poetic qualities of the construction”(Pagano, «Costruzioni-Casabella», 1940, p. 2). The reading of the project is integrated with the constructive analyses related to the technical aspects of the house which, in the case of Casa a struttura d’acciaio, play an important role in the project, while in Villa Colli and in Villa Caraccio are principally linked to the choice of materials for the construction of the different architectural elements. These are nonetheless key factors in the composition of the work. Future work could extend this reading to other house projects to deepen the research that could be completed with the consultation of Archival materials, which are missing at present. Finally, in the appendix I present a critical selection of the Pagano’s writings, which recall the themes discussed and embodied by the three projects. The texts have been selected among the articles published in Casabella and in other journals, completing the reading of the project work which cannot be detached from his theoretical thought. Moving from theory to project, we follow a path that brings us to define and deepen the central theme of the thesis: rational building as the principal feature of the architectural research of Pagano, which is paraphrased in multiple ways in his designed and built works.


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To understand a city and its urban structure it is necessary to study its history. This is feasible through GIS (Geographical Information Systems) and its by-products on the web. Starting from a cartographic view they allow an initial understanding of, and a comparison between, present and past data together with an easy and intuitive access to database information. The research done led to the creation of a GIS for the city of Bologna. It is based on varied data such as historical map, vector and alphanumeric historical data, etc.. After providing information about GIS we thought of spreading and sharing the collected data on the Web after studying two solutions available on the market: Web Mapping and WebGIS. In this study we discuss the stages, beginning with the development of Historical GIS of Bologna, which led to the making of a WebGIS Open Source (MapServer and Chameleon) and the Web Mapping services (Google Earth, Google Maps and OpenLayers).


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Two of the main features of today complex software systems like pervasive computing systems and Internet-based applications are distribution and openness. Distribution revolves around three orthogonal dimensions: (i) distribution of control|systems are characterised by several independent computational entities and devices, each representing an autonomous and proactive locus of control; (ii) spatial distribution|entities and devices are physically distributed and connected in a global (such as the Internet) or local network; and (iii) temporal distribution|interacting system components come and go over time, and are not required to be available for interaction at the same time. Openness deals with the heterogeneity and dynamism of system components: complex computational systems are open to the integration of diverse components, heterogeneous in terms of architecture and technology, and are dynamic since they allow components to be updated, added, or removed while the system is running. The engineering of open and distributed computational systems mandates for the adoption of a software infrastructure whose underlying model and technology could provide the required level of uncoupling among system components. This is the main motivation behind current research trends in the area of coordination middleware to exploit tuple-based coordination models in the engineering of complex software systems, since they intrinsically provide coordinated components with communication uncoupling and further details in the references therein. An additional daunting challenge for tuple-based models comes from knowledge-intensive application scenarios, namely, scenarios where most of the activities are based on knowledge in some form|and where knowledge becomes the prominent means by which systems get coordinated. Handling knowledge in tuple-based systems induces problems in terms of syntax - e.g., two tuples containing the same data may not match due to differences in the tuple structure - and (mostly) of semantics|e.g., two tuples representing the same information may not match based on a dierent syntax adopted. Till now, the problem has been faced by exploiting tuple-based coordination within a middleware for knowledge intensive environments: e.g., experiments with tuple-based coordination within a Semantic Web middleware (surveys analogous approaches). However, they appear to be designed to tackle the design of coordination for specic application contexts like Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services, and they result in a rather involved extension of the tuple space model. The main goal of this thesis was to conceive a more general approach to semantic coordination. In particular, it was developed the model and technology of semantic tuple centres. It is adopted the tuple centre model as main coordination abstraction to manage system interactions. A tuple centre can be seen as a programmable tuple space, i.e. an extension of a Linda tuple space, where the behaviour of the tuple space can be programmed so as to react to interaction events. By encapsulating coordination laws within coordination media, tuple centres promote coordination uncoupling among coordinated components. Then, the tuple centre model was semantically enriched: a main design choice in this work was to try not to completely redesign the existing syntactic tuple space model, but rather provide a smooth extension that { although supporting semantic reasoning { keep the simplicity of tuple and tuple matching as easier as possible. By encapsulating the semantic representation of the domain of discourse within coordination media, semantic tuple centres promote semantic uncoupling among coordinated components. The main contributions of the thesis are: (i) the design of the semantic tuple centre model; (ii) the implementation and evaluation of the model based on an existent coordination infrastructure; (iii) a view of the application scenarios in which semantic tuple centres seem to be suitable as coordination media.


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Il presente lavoro è dedicato allo studio della geografia immaginaria creata dallo scrittore indiano di lingua inglese R.K. Narayan (1906-2001), allo scopo non solo di indagare la relazione che si stabilisce tra spazio, personaggi e racconto, ma anche di rilevare l’interazione tra il mondo narrativo e le rappresentazioni dominanti dello spazio indiano elaborate nel contesto coloniale e postcoloniale. Dopo un primo capitolo di carattere teorico-metodologico (che interroga le principali riflessioni seguite allo "spatial turn" che ha interessato le scienze umane nel corso del Novecento, i concetti fondamentali formulati nell’ambito della teoria dei "fictional worlds", e i più recenti approcci al rapporto tra spazio e letteratura), la ricerca si articola in due ulteriori sezioni, che si rivolgono ai quattordici romanzi dell’autore attraverso una pratica interpretativa di ispirazione geocritica e “spazializzata”. Nel secondo capitolo, che concerne la dimensione “verticale” che si estende dal cronotopo dei romanzi a quello dell’autore e dei lettori, si procede al rilevamento, all’interno del mondo narrativo, di tre macro-paesaggi, successivamente messi a confronto con le rappresentazioni endogene e esogene dello spazio extratestuale; da questo confronto, la cittadina di Malgudi emerge come proposta autoriale di riorganizzazione sociale e urbana dal carattere innovativo e dallo statuto eterotopico, sia in rapporto alla tradizione letteraria dalla quale origina, sia rispetto alle circostanze ambientali dell’India meridionale in cui essa è finzionalmente collocata. Seguendo una dinamica “orizzontale”, il terzo capitolo esamina infine il rapporto tra lo spazio frazionato di Malgudi, i luoghi praticati dai suoi abitanti e la relazione che questi instaurano con il territorio transfrontaliero e con la figura del forestiero; inoltre, al fine di stabilire la misura in cui la natura dello spazio narrativo influisce sulla forma del racconto, si osservano le coincidenze tra il tema dell’incompiutezza che pervade le vicende dei personaggi e la forma aperta dei finali romanzeschi.


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The prospect of the continuous multiplication of life styles, the obsolescence of the traditional typological diagrams, the usability of spaces on different territorial scales, imposes on contemporary architecture the search for new models of living. Limited densities in urban development have produced the erosion of territory, the increase of the harmful emissions and energy consumption. High density housing cannot refuse the social emergency to ensure high quality and low cost dwellings, to a new people target: students, temporary workers, key workers, foreign, young couples without children, large families and, in general, people who carry out public services. Social housing strategies have become particularly relevant in regenerating high density urban outskirts. The choice of this research topic derives from the desire to deal with the recent accommodation emergency, according to different perspectives, with a view to give a contribution to the current literature, by proposing some tools for a correct design of the social housing, by ensuring good quality, cost-effective, and eco-sustainable solutions, from the concept phase, through management and maintenance, until the end of the building life cycle. The purpose of the thesis is defining a framework of guidelines that become effective instruments to be used in designing the social housing. They should also integrate the existing regulations and are mainly thought for those who work in this sector. They would aim at supporting students who have to cope with this particular residential theme, and also the users themselves. The scientific evidence of either the recent specialized literature or the solutions adopted in some case studies within the selected metropolitan areas of Milan, London and São Paulo, it is possible to identify the principles of this new design approach, in which the connection between typology, morphology and technology pursues the goal of a high living standard.


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Oggetto del presente studio è il progetto di ricostruzione del centro urbano di Le Havre ad opera di Auguste Perret. Suo obiettivo è il riconoscimento di quell’idea di città posta a fondamento del progetto, per il quale ci si propone di indagare il senso e le grammatiche costitutive della sua forma. Quella di Le Havre costituisce una dimostrazione di come una forma urbana ancora compatta ed evocativa della città storica possa definirsi a partire dalle relazioni stabilite con gli elementi della geografia fisica. Nei suoi luoghi collettivi e monumentali, che rimandano chiaramente a una cultura dell’abitare che affonda le proprie radici nella più generale esperienza della costruzione della città francese, la città riconosce un valore formale e sceglie di rappresentare il proprio mondo civico dinanzi a quei grandi elementi della geografia fisica che costituiscono l’identità del luogo nel quale questa si colloca. Sembra infatti possibile affermare che gli spazi pubblici della città atlantica riconoscano e traducano nella forma della Place de l’Hôtel de Ville le ripide pendici della falesia del Bec-de-Caux, in quella della Porte Océane l’orizzonte lontano dell’Oceano, e nel Front-de-mer Sud l’altra riva dell’estuario della Senna. Questa relazione fondativa sembra essere conseguita anche attraverso la definizione di un’appropriata grammatica dello spazio urbano, la cui significatività è nel fondarsi sull’assunzione, allo stesso tempo, del valore dello spazio circoscritto e del valore dello spazio aperto. La riflessione sullo spazio urbano investe anche la costruzione dell’isolato, sottoposto a una necessaria rifondazione di forma e significato, allo scopo di rendere intellegibile le relazioni tra gli spazi finiti della città e quelli infiniti della natura. La definizione dell’identità dello spazio urbano, sembra fondarsi, in ultima analisi, sulle possibilità espressive delle forme della costruzione che, connotate come forme dell’architettura, definiscono il carattere dei tipi edilizi e dello spazio da questi costruito.