10 resultados para Transonic Wind Tunnel
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations to the simulation of bluff body aerodynamics has been thoroughly investigated in the past. Although a satisfactory accuracy can be obtained for some urban physics problems their predictive capability is limited to the mean flow properties, while the ability to accurately predict turbulent fluctuations is recognized to be of fundamental importance when dealing with wind loading and pollution dispersion problems. The need to correctly take into account the flow dynamics when such problems are faced has led researchers to move towards scale-resolving turbulence models such as Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The development and assessment of LES as a tool for the analysis of these problems is nowadays an active research field and represents a demanding engineering challenge. This research work has two objectives. The first one is focused on wind loads assessment and aims to study the capabilities of LES in reproducing wind load effects in terms of internal forces on structural members. This differs from the majority of the existing research, where performance of LES is evaluated only in terms of surface pressures, and is done with a view of adopting LES as a complementary design tools alongside wind tunnel tests. The second objective is the study of LES capabilities in calculating pollutant dispersion in the built environment. The validation of LES in this field is considered to be of the utmost importance in order to conceive healthier and more sustainable cities. In order to validate the numerical setup adopted, a systematic comparison between numerical and experimental data is performed. The obtained results are intended to be used in the drafting of best practice guidelines for the application of LES in the urban physics field with a particular attention to wind load assessment and pollution dispersion problems.
Using Computational Wind Engineering, CWE, for solving wind-related problems is still a challenging task today, mainly due to the high computational cost required to obtain trustworthy simulations. In particular, the Large Eddy Simulation, LES, has been widely used for evaluating wind loads on buildings. The present thesis assesses the capability of LES as a design tool for wind loading predictions through three cases. The first case is using LES for simulating the wind field around a ground-mounted rectangular prism in Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) flow. The numerical results are validated with experimental results for seven wind attack angles, giving a global understanding of the model performance. The case with the worst model behaviour is investigated, including the spatial distribution of the pressure coefficients and their discrepancies with respect to experimental results. The effects of some numerical parameters are investigated for this case to understand their effectiveness in modifying the obtained numerical results. The second case is using LES for investigating the wind effects on a real high-rise building, aiming at validating the performance of LES as a design tool in practical applications. The numerical results are validated with the experimental results in terms of the distribution of the pressure statistics and the global forces. The mesh sensitivity and the computational cost are discussed. The third case is using LES for studying the wind effects on the new large-span roof over the Bologna stadium. The dynamic responses are analyzed and design envelopes for the structure are obtained. Although it is a numerical simulation before the traditional wind tunnel tests, i.e. the validation of the numerical results are not performed, the preliminary evaluations can effectively inform later investigations and provide the final design processes with deeper confidence regarding the absence of potentially unexpected behaviours.
This artwork reports on two different projects that were carried out during the three years of Doctor of the Philosophy course. In the first years a project regarding Capacitive Pressure Sensors Array for Aerodynamic Applications was developed in the Applied Aerodynamic research team of the Second Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy, and in collaboration with the ARCES laboratories of the same university. Capacitive pressure sensors were designed and fabricated, investigating theoretically and experimentally the sensor’s mechanical and electrical behaviours by means of finite elements method simulations and by means of wind tunnel tests. During the design phase, the sensor figures of merit are considered and evaluated for specific aerodynamic applications. The aim of this work is the production of low cost MEMS-alternative devices suitable for a sensor network to be implemented in air data system. The last two year was dedicated to a project regarding Wireless Pressure Sensor Network for Nautical Applications. Aim of the developed sensor network is to sense the weak pressure field acting on the sail plan of a full batten sail by means of instrumented battens, providing a real time differential pressure map over the entire sail surface. The wireless sensor network and the sensing unit were designed, fabricated and tested in the faculty laboratories. A static non-linear coupled mechanical-electrostatic simulation, has been developed to predict the pressure versus capacitance static characteristic suitable for the transduction process and to tune the geometry of the transducer to reach the required resolution, sensitivity and time response in the appropriate full scale pressure input A time dependent viscoelastic error model has been inferred and developed by means of experimental data in order to model, predict and reduce the inaccuracy bound due to the viscolelastic phenomena affecting the Mylar® polyester film used for the sensor diaphragm. The development of the two above mentioned subjects are strictly related but presently separately in this artwork.
The impact of plasma technologies is growing both in the academic and in the industrial fields. Nowadays, a great interest is focused in plasma applications in aeronautics and astronautics domains. Plasma actuators based on the Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) and Electro- Hydro-Dynamic (EHD) interactions are potentially able to suitably modify the fluid-dynamics characteristics around a flying body without utilizing moving parts. This could lead to the control of an aircraft with negligible response time, more reliability and improvements of the performance. In order to study the aforementioned interactions, a series of experiments and a wide number of diagnostic techniques have been utilized. The EHD interaction, realized by means of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) actuator, and its impact on the boundary layer have been evaluated by means of two different experiments. In the first one a three phase multi-electrode flat panel actuator is used. Different external flow velocities (from 1 to 20m/s) and different values of the supplied voltage and frequency have been considered. Moreover a change of the phase sequence has been done to verify the influence of the electric field existing between successive phases. Measurements of the induced speed had shown the effect of the supply voltage and the frequency, and the phase order in the momentum transfer phenomenon. Gains in velocity, inside the boundary layer, of about 5m/s have been obtained. Spectroscopic measurements allowed to determine the rotational and the vibrational temperature of the plasma which lie in the range of 320 ÷ 440°K and of 3000 ÷ 3900°K respectively. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been found. The second EHD experiment is realized on a single electrode pair DBD actuator driven by nano-pulses superimposed to a DC or an AC bias. This new supply system separates the plasma formation mechanism from the acceleration action on the fluid, leading to an higher degree of the control of the process. Both the voltage and the frequency of the nano-pulses and the amplitude and the waveform of the bias have been varied during the experiment. Plasma jets and vortex behavior had been observed by means of fast Schlieren imaging. This allowed a deeper understanding of the EHD interaction process. A velocity increase in the boundary layer of about 2m/s had been measured. Thrust measurements have been performed by means of a scales and compared with experimental data reported in the literature. For similar voltage amplitudes thrust larger than those of the literature, had been observed. Surface charge measurements led to realize a modified DBD actuator able to obtain similar performances when compared with that of other experiments. However in this case a DC bias replacing the AC bias had been used. MHD interaction experiments had been carried out in a hypersonic wind tunnel in argon with a flow of Mach 6. Before the MHD experiments a thermal, fluid-dynamic and plasma characterization of the hypersonic argon plasma flow have been done. The electron temperature and the electron number density had been determined by means of emission spectroscopy and microwave absorption measurements. A deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium had been observed. The electron number density showed to be frozen at the stagnation region condition in the expansion through the nozzle. MHD experiments have been performed using two axial symmetric test bodies. Similar magnetic configurations were used. Permanent magnets inserted into the test body allowed to generate inside the plasma azimuthal currents around the conical shape of the body. These Faraday currents are responsible of the MHD body force which acts against the flow. The MHD interaction process has been observed by means of fast imaging, pressure and electrical measurements. Images showed bright rings due to the Faraday currents heating and exciting the plasma particles. Pressure measurements showed increases of the pressure in the regions where the MHD interaction is large. The pressure is 10 to 15% larger than when the MHD interaction process is silent. Finally by means of electrostatic probes mounted flush on the test body lateral surface Hall fields of about 500V/m had been measured. These results have been used for the validation of a numerical MHD code.
Thanks to the increasing slenderness and lightness allowed by new construction techniques and materials, the effects of wind on structures became in the last decades a research field of great importance in Civil Engineering. Thanks to the advances in computers power, the numerical simulation of wind tunnel tests has became a valid complementary activity and an attractive alternative for the future. Due to its flexibility, during the last years, the computational approach gained importance with respect to the traditional experimental investigation. However, still today, the computational approach to fluid-structure interaction problems is not as widely adopted as it could be expected. The main reason for this lies in the difficulties encountered in the numerical simulation of the turbulent, unsteady flow conditions generally encountered around bluff bodies. This thesis aims at providing a guide to the numerical simulation of bridge deck aerodynamic and aeroelastic behaviour describing in detail the simulation strategies and setting guidelines useful for the interpretation of the results.
The thesis deals with the experimental investigation of turbulent pipe flow at high Reynolds number. Wall-bounded turbulence is an extremely relevant topic for engineering and natural science applications and yet many aspects of the physics are not clear due to the difficulty in performing high Re experiments. To overcome these difficulties the CICLoPE Laboratory was developed, the main element of which is the Long Pipe wind tunnel. The facility is unique in its kind, as thanks to its large scale it delivers a flow quality and resolution that can not be achieved elsewhere at these Reynolds number. Reported here are the results from the first experimental campaign performed in the facility. A first part of the results presented concerns the characterization of this new facility. Flow quality and stability are assessed, particular attention is given to the characterization of pressure drop. The scaling of velocity fluctuations is analysed. The magnitude of the inner peak of the streamwise normal stress shows an increasing trend up to the highest Reynolds number examined, while no outer peak was clearly distinguishable from present measurements. Scaling of coherent motions is investigated via spectral analysis. An inner and outer spectral peaks are identified, with the former scaling in inner units while the latter neither following inner nor outer scaling, and increasing in magnitude with Re. Analysis of the spectra at y+ ≈ 15 shows how the increase of Reynolds normal stress is related to the influence of large scales in the inner wall region. Quadrant analysis was carried out on streamwise and wall-normal velocity fluctuations. The results show the important role in contribution to Reynolds shear stress of highly intermittent and strong events like ejections, that assume an even more intermittent and dominant role with the increase of Reynolds number.
This project concentrates on the Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) wind turbine. The main attention in the project is, therefore, drawn to the control of the DFIG wind turbine and of its power converter and to the ability to protect itself without disconnection during grid faults. It provides also an overview on the interaction between variable speed DFIG wind turbines and the power system subjected to disturbances, such as short circuit faults. The dynamic model of DFIG wind turbine includes models for both mechanical components as well as for all electrical components, controllers and for the protection device of DFIG necessary during grid faults. The viewpoint of this project is to carry out different simulations to provide insight and understanding of the grid fault impact on both DFIG wind turbines and on the power system itself. The dynamic behavior of DFIG wind turbines during grid faults is simulated and assessed by using a transmission power system generic model developed and delivered by Transmission System Operator in the power system simulation toolbox Digsilent, Matlab/Simulink and PLECS.
OBIETTIVI: Per esplorare il contributo dei fattori di rischio biomeccanico, ripetitività (hand activity level – HAL) e forza manuale (peak force - PF), nell’insorgenza della sindrome del tunnel carpale (STC), abbiamo studiato un’ampia coorte di lavoratori dell’industria, utilizzando come riferimento il valore limite di soglia (TLV©) dell’American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). METODI: La coorte è stata osservata dal 2000 al 2011. Abbiamo classificato l’esposizione professionale rispetto al limite di azione (AL) e al TLV dell’ACGIH in: “accettabile” (sotto AL), “intermedia” (tra AL e TLV) e “inaccettabile” (sopra TLV). Abbiamo considerato due definizioni di caso: 1) sintomi di STC; 2) sintomi e positività allo studio di conduzione nervosa (SCN). Abbiamo applicato modelli di regressione di Poisson aggiustati per sesso, età, indice di massa corporea e presenza di patologie predisponenti la malattia. RISULTATI: Nell’intera coorte (1710 lavoratori) abbiamo trovato un tasso di incidenza (IR) di sintomi di STC di 4.1 per 100 anni-persona; un IR di STC confermata dallo SCN di 1.3 per 100 anni-persona. Gli esposti “sopra TLV” presentano un rischio di sviluppare sintomi di STC di 1.76 rispetto agli esposti “sotto AL”. Un andamento simile è emerso per la seconda definizione di caso [incidence rate ratios (IRR) “sopra TLV”, 1.37 (intervallo di confidenza al 95% (IC95%) 0.84–2.23)]. Gli esposti a “carico intermedio” risultano a maggior rischio per la STC [IRR per i sintomi, 3.31 (IC95% 2.39–4.59); IRR per sintomi e SCN positivo, 2.56 (IC95% 1.47–4.43)]. Abbiamo osservato una maggior forza di associazione tra HAL e la STC. CONCLUSIONI: Abbiamo trovato un aumento di rischio di sviluppare la STC all’aumentare del carico biomeccanico: l’aumento di rischio osservato già per gli esposti a “carico intermedio” suggerisce che gli attuali valori limite potrebbero non essere sufficientemente protettivi per alcuni lavoratori. Interventi di prevenzione vanno orientati verso attività manuali ripetitive.
OBIETTIVO: sintetizzare le evidenze disponibili sulla relazione tra i fattori di rischio (personali e lavorativi) e l’insorgenza della Sindrome del Tunnel Carpale (STC). METODI: è stata condotta una revisione sistematica della letteratura su database elettronici considerando gli studi caso-controllo e di coorte. Abbiamo valutato la qualità del reporting degli studi con la checklist STROBE. Le stime studio-specifiche sono state espresse come OR (IC95%) e combinate con una meta-analisi condotta con un modello a effetti casuali. La presenza di eventuali bias di pubblicazione è stata valutata osservando l’asimmetria del funnel plot e con il test di Egger. RISULTATI: Sono stati selezionati 29 studi di cui 19 inseriti nella meta-analisi: 13 studi caso-controllo e 6 di coorte. La meta-analisi ha mostrato un aumento significativo di casi di STC tra i soggetti obesi sia negli studi caso-controllo [OR 2,4 (1,9-3,1); I(2)=70,7%] che in quelli di coorte [OR 2,0 (1,6-2,7); I(2)=0%]. L'eterogeneità totale era significativa (I(2)=59,6%). Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per i diabetici e soggetti affetti da malattie della tiroide. L’esposizione al fumo non era associata alla STC sia negli studi caso-controllo [OR 0,7 (0,4-1,1); I(2)=83,2%] che di coorte [OR 0,8 (0,6-1,2); I(2)=45,8%]. A causa delle molteplici modalità di valutazione non è stato possibile calcolare una stima combinata delle esposizioni professionali con tecniche meta-analitiche. Dalla revisione, è risultato che STC è associata con: esposizione a vibrazioni, movimenti ripetitivi e posture incongrue di mano-polso. CONCLUSIONI: I risultati della revisione sistematica confermano le evidenze dell'esistenza di un'associazione tra fattori di rischio personali e STC. Nonostante la diversa qualità dei dati sull'esposizione e le differenze degli effetti dei disegni di studio, i nostri risultati indicano elementi di prova sufficienti di un legame tra fattori di rischio professionali e STC. La misurazione dell'esposizione soprattutto per i fattori di rischio professionali, è un obiettivo necessario per studi futuri.