13 resultados para TRNA-mediatedtrans-splicing
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The Ph chromosome is the most frequent cytogenetic aberration associated with adult ALL and it represents the single most significant adverse prognostic marker. Despite imatinib has led to significant improvements in the treatment of patients with Ph+ ALL, in the majority of cases resistance developed quickly and disease progressed. Some mechanisms of resistance have been widely described but the full knowledge of contributing factors, driving both the disease and resistance, remains to be defined. The observation of rapid development of lymphoblastic leukemia in mice expressing altered Ikaros (Ik) isoforms represented the background of this study. Ikaros is a zinc finger transcription factor required for normal hemopoietic differentiation and proliferation, particularly in the lymphoid lineages. By means of alternative splicing, Ikaros encodes several proteins that differ in their abilities to bind to a consensus DNA-binding site. Shorter, DNA nonbinding isoforms exert a dominant negative effect, inhibiting the ability of longer heterodimer partners to bind DNA. The differential expression pattern of Ik isoforms in Ph+ ALL patients was analyzed in order to determine if molecular abnormalities involving the Ik gene could associate with resistance to imatinib and dasatinib. Bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from 46 adult patients (median age 55 yrs, 18-76) with Ph+ ALL at diagnosis and during treatment with imatinib (16 pts) or dasatinib (30 pts) were collected. We set up a fast, high-throughput method based on capillary electrophoresis technology to detect and quantify splice variants. 41% Ph+ ALL patients expressed high levels of the non DNA-binding dominant negative Ik6 isoform lacking critical N-terminal zinc-fingers which display abnormal subcellular compartmentalization pattern. Nuclear extracts from patients expressed Ik6 failed to bind DNA in mobility shift assay using a DNA probe containing an Ikaros-specific DNA binding sequence. In 59% Ph+ ALL patients there was the coexistence in the same PCR sample and at the same time of many splice variants corresponded to Ik1, Ik2, Ik4, Ik4A, Ik5A, Ik6, Ik6 and Ik8 isoforms. In these patients aberrant full-length Ikaros isoforms in Ph+ ALL characterized by a 60-bp insertion immediately downstream of exon 3 and a recurring 30-bp in-frame deletion at the end of exon 7 involving most frequently the Ik2, Ik4 isoforms were also identified. Both the insertion and deletion were due to the selection of alternative splice donor and acceptor sites. The molecular monitoring of minimal residual disease showed for the first time in vivo that the Ik6 expression strongly correlated with the BCR-ABL transcript levels suggesting that this alteration could depend on the Bcr-Abl activity. Patient-derived leukaemia cells expressed dominant-negative Ik6 at diagnosis and at the time of relapse, but never during remission. In order to mechanistically demonstrated whether in vitro the overexpression of Ik6 impairs the response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and contributes to resistance, an imatinib-sensitive Ik6-negative Ph+ ALL cell line (SUP-B15) was transfected with the complete Ik6 DNA coding sequence. The expression of Ik6 strongly increased proliferation and inhibited apoptosis in TKI sensitive cells establishing a previously unknown link between specific molecular defects that involve the Ikaros gene and the resistance to TKIs in Ph+ ALL patients. Amplification and genomic sequence analysis of the exon splice junction regions showed the presence of 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): rs10251980 [A/G] in the exon2/3 splice junction and of rs10262731 [A/G] in the exon 7/8 splice junction in 50% and 36% of patients, respectively. A variant of the rs11329346 [-/C], in 16% of patients was also found. Other two different single nucleotide substitutions not recognized as SNP were observed. Some mutations were predicted by computational analyses (RESCUE approach) to alter cis-splicing elements. In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that the post-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing of Ikaros gene is defective in the majority of Ph+ ALL patients treated with TKIs. The overexpression of Ik6 blocking B-cell differentiation could contribute to resistance opening a time frame, during which leukaemia cells acquire secondary transforming events that confer definitive resistance to imatinib and dasatinib.
Two lectins, called lanceolin and stenodactylin, were purified by affinity chromatography on CL Sepharose 6B from the caudices of the Passifloraceae Adenia lanceolata and Adenia stenodactyla, respectively. They are glycoproteins with Mw of 61,243 (lanceolin) and 63,131 daltons (stenodactylin), consisting of an enzymatic A chain linked to a larger B chain with lectin properties, with N-terminal amino acid sequences similar to that of volkensin, the toxic lectin from Adenia volkensii. These two lectins agglutinate red blood cells, inhibit protein synthesis in a cell-free system as well as in whole cells, and depurinate ribosomes and DNA, but not tRNA or poly(A). They are highly toxic to cells, in which they induce apoptosis and strongly inhibit protein synthesis, and to mice, with LD50s 8.16 mg/kg (lanceolin) and 2.76 mg/kg (stenodactylin) at 48 hours after administration. Thus, lanceolin and stenodactylin have all the properties of the toxic type 2 ribosomeinactivating proteins (RIPs). Further experiments were conducted in order to clarify the effects of these RIPs in cells. We investigated the cronological relationship between cytotoxic activity, indirectly evaluated as inhibition of protein synthesis, and loss of cell viability in NB100 cell line. The induction of apoptosis was assessed by determining caspases 3 and 7 levels, which increase 8-16 hours earlier than the beginning of protein synthesis inhibition. This suggest that the arrest of protein synthesis is not a central event in the pathway of cell poisoning by RIPs. The high toxicity and the induction of cell death only by apoptosis and not by necrosis in two muscular cell lines (TE671 and RD/18) suggest that lanceolin and stenodactylin may be potential candidates for experimental chemoablation in strabism and blepharospasm. These results show that lanceolin and stenodactylin are amongst the most potent toxins of plant origin.
Breast carcinoma, one of the most frequent malignancies in women, is a complex disease in which a number of different factors combine to drive pathogenesis. The biopathological characterization of these tumors is essential to determine their aggressiveness and to find the most appropriate therapy. As in others neoplasms, the deregulation of signal transduction pathways is frequently responsible for conferring selective biological advantages to the tumor. Phosphoinositides play an essential role in diverse cellular functions, their metabolism is highly active, and is tightly controlled. Among the enzymes implicated in this pathway, phospholipase C beta 1 (PLCβ1) is one of the key regulators, both at the cytoplasmic and the nuclear level. The PLCβ1 gene maps onto the short arm of chromosome 20, a region that has been shown to be altered in several solid tumors, including breast cancer. In the present study a FISH approach was used to investigate the genetic alterations of the PLCβ1 gene in various classes of breast cancer which differ in their invasiveness and proliferation status, according to their mitotic index. The overall aim was to find out whether this enzyme could be a suitable prognostic marker for this neoplasm. Our results show that 83% of cases had aneusomies at the 20p12 level, and the most frequent alteration is a gain in this specific locus. Indeed, we found that this amplification is not related to the invasion status since there were no differences in amplified tumor frequencies between in situ and invasive breast cancer. On the contrary, the gain of PLCβ1 was significantly related to the mitotic index (p = 0.001). To verify if the change in genetic dosage influences the expression of PLCβ1 we performed Real Time PCR and Immunohystochemical analysis. Our results confirmed that amplified tumors have higher levels of PLCβ1 mRNA, which is the sum of the two splicing isoforms 1a and 1b. On the other hand, even if protein levels were higher in the majority of cases compared to the nontumoral specimens, there were no significant associations between gain and overexpression. Finally, the significant association between the amplification of PLCβ1 and others important clinicopathological parameters, such as grading and hormonal receptors status, confirmed a correlation of this enzyme with the aggressiveness of breast cancer. This suggests that PLCβ1 has the potential to be a prognostic marker in these tumors. However, further work needs to be carried out to validate these preliminary findings.
Adhesive bonding provides solutions to realize cost effective and low weight aircraft fuselage structures, in particular where the Damage Tolerance (DT) is the design criterion. Bonded structures that combine Metal Laminates (MLs) and eventually Selective Reinforcements can guarantee slow crack propagation, crack arrest and large damage capability. To optimize the design exploiting the benefit of bonded structures incorporating selective reinforcement requires reliable analysis tools. The effect of bonded doublers / selective reinforcements is very difficult to be predicted numerically or analytically due to the complexity of the underlying mechanisms and failures modes acting. Reliable predictions of crack growth and residual strength can only be based on sound empirical and phenomenological considerations strictly related to the specific structural concept. Large flat stiffened panels that combine MLs and selective reinforcements have been tested with the purpose of investigating solutions applicable to pressurized fuselages. The large test campaign (for a total of 35 stiffened panels) has quantitatively investigated the role of the different metallic skin concepts (monolithic vs. MLs) of the aluminum, titanium and glass-fiber reinforcements, of the stringers material and cross sections and of the geometry and location of doublers / selective reinforcements. Bonded doublers and selective reinforcements confirmed to be outstanding tools to improve the DT properties of structural elements with a minor weight increase. However the choice of proper materials for the skin and the stringers must be not underestimated since they play an important role as well. A fuselage structural concept has been developed to exploit the benefit of a metal laminate design concept in terms of high Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (F&DT) performances. The structure used laminated skin (0.8mm thick), bonded stringers, two different splicing solutions and selective reinforcements (glass prepreg embedded in the laminate) under the circumferential frames. To validate the design concept a curved panel was manufactured and tested under loading conditions representative of a single aisle fuselage: cyclic internal pressurization plus longitudinal loads. The geometry of the panel, design and loading conditions were tailored for the requirements of the upper front fuselage. The curved panel has been fatigue tested for 60 000 cycles before the introduction of artificial damages (cracks in longitudinal and circumferential directions). The crack growth of the artificial damages has been investigated for about 85 000 cycles. At the end a residual strength test has been performed with a “2 bay over broken frame” longitudinal crack. The reparability of this innovative concept has been taken into account during design and demonstrated with the use of an external riveted repair. The F&DT curved panel test has confirmed that a long fatigue life and high damage tolerance can be achieved with a hybrid metal laminate low weight configuration. The superior fatigue life from metal laminates and the high damage tolerance characteristics provided by integrated selective reinforcements are the key concepts that provided the excellent performances. The weight comparison between the innovative bonded concept and a conventional monolithic riveted design solution showed a significant potential weight saving but the weight advantages shall be traded off with the additional costs.
The mitochondrion is an essential cytoplasmic organelle that provides most of the energy necessary for eukaryotic cell physiology. Mitochondrial structure and functions are maintained by proteins of both mitochondrial and nuclear origin. These organelles are organized in an extended network that dynamically fuses and divides. Mitochondrial morphology results from the equilibrium between fusion and fission processes, controlled by a family of “mitochondria-shaping” proteins. It is becoming clear that defects in mitochondrial dynamics can impair mitochondrial respiration, morphology and motility, leading to apoptotic cell death in vitro and more or less severe neurodegenerative disorders in vivo in humans. Mutations in OPA1, a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein, cause autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a heterogeneous blinding disease characterized by retinal ganglion cell degeneration leading to optic neuropathy (Delettre et al., 2000; Alexander et al., 2000). OPA1 is a mitochondrial dynamin-related guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) protein involved in mitochondrial network dynamics, cytochrome c storage and apoptosis. This protein is anchored or associated on the inner mitochondrial membrane facing the intermembrane space. Eight OPA1 isoforms resulting from alternative splicing combinations of exon 4, 4b and 5b have been described (Delettre et al., 2001). These variants greatly vary among diverse organs and the presence of specific isoforms has been associated with various mitochondrial functions. The different spliced exons encode domains included in the amino-terminal region and contribute to determine OPA1 functions (Olichon et al., 2006). It has been shown that exon 4, that is conserved throughout evolution, confers functions to OPA1 involved in maintenance of the mitochondrial membrane potential and in the fusion of the network. Conversely, exon 4b and exon 5b, which are vertebrate specific, are involved in regulation of cytochrome c release from mitochondria, and activation of apoptosis, a process restricted to vertebrates (Olichon et al., 2007). While Mgm1p has been identified thanks to its role in mtDNA maintenance, it is only recently that OPA1 has been linked to mtDNA stability. Missense mutations in OPA1 cause accumulation of multiple deletions in skeletal muscle. The syndrome associated to these mutations (DOA-1 plus) is complex, consisting of a combination of dominant optic atrophy, progressive external ophtalmoplegia, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia and deafness (Amati- Bonneau et al., 2008; Hudson et al., 2008). OPA1 is the fifth gene associated with mtDNA “breakage syndrome” together with ANT1, PolG1-2 and TYMP (Spinazzola et al., 2009). In this thesis we show for the first time that specific OPA1 isoforms associated to exon 4b are important for mtDNA stability, by anchoring the nucleoids to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Our results clearly demonstrate that OPA1 isoforms including exon 4b are intimately associated to the maintenance of the mitochondrial genome, as their silencing leads to mtDNA depletion. The mechanism leading to mtDNA loss is associated with replication inhibition in cells where exon 4b containing isoforms were down-regulated. Furthermore silencing of exon 4b associated isoforms is responsible for alteration in mtDNA-nucleoids distribution in the mitochondrial network. In this study it was evidenced that OPA1 exon 4b isoform is cleaved to provide a 10kd peptide embedded in the inner membrane by a second transmembrane domain, that seems to be crucial for mitochondrial genome maintenance and does correspond to the second transmembrane domain of the yeasts orthologue encoded by MGM1 or Msp1, which is also mandatory for this process (Diot et al., 2009; Herlan et al., 2003). Furthermore in this thesis we show that the NT-OPA1-exon 4b peptide co-immuno-precipitates with mtDNA and specifically interacts with two major components of the mitochondrial nucleoids: the polymerase gamma and Tfam. Thus, from these experiments the conclusion is that NT-OPA1- exon 4b peptide contributes to the nucleoid anchoring in the inner mitochondrial membrane, a process that is required for the initiation of mtDNA replication and for the distribution of nucleoids along the network. These data provide new crucial insights in understanding the mechanism involved in maintenance of mtDNA integrity, because they clearly demonstrate that, besides genes implicated in mtDNA replications (i.e. polymerase gamma, Tfam, twinkle and genes involved in the nucleotide pool metabolism), OPA1 and mitochondrial membrane dynamics play also an important role. Noticeably, the effect on mtDNA is different depending on the specific OPA1 isoforms down-regulated, suggesting the involvement of two different combined mechanisms. Over two hundred OPA1 mutations, spread throughout the coding region of the gene, have been described to date, including substitutions, deletions or insertions. Some mutations are predicted to generate a truncated protein inducing haploinsufficiency, whereas the missense nucleotide substitutions result in aminoacidic changes which affect conserved positions of the OPA1 protein. So far, the functional consequences of OPA1 mutations in cells from DOA patients are poorly understood. Phosphorus MR spectroscopy in patients with the c.2708delTTAG deletion revealed a defect in oxidative phosphorylation in muscles (Lodi et al., 2004). An energetic impairment has been also show in fibroblasts with the severe OPA1 R445H mutation (Amati-Bonneau et al., 2005). It has been previously reported by our group that OPA1 mutations leading to haploinsufficiency are associated in fibroblasts to an oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction, mainly involving the respiratory complex I (Zanna et al., 2008). In this study we have evaluated the energetic efficiency of a panel of skin fibroblasts derived from DOA patients, five fibroblast cell lines with OPA1 mutations causing haploinsufficiency (DOA-H) and two cell lines bearing mis-sense aminoacidic substitutions (DOA-AA), and compared with control fibroblasts. Although both types of DOA fibroblasts maintained a similar ATP content when incubated in a glucose-free medium, i.e. when forced to utilize the oxidative phosphorylation only to produce ATP, the mitochondrial ATP synthesis through complex I, measured in digitonin-permeabilized cells, was significantly reduced in cells with OPA1 haploinsufficiency only, whereas it was similar to controls in cells with the missense substitutions. Furthermore, evaluation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (DYm) in the two fibroblast lines DOA-AA and in two DOA-H fibroblasts, namely those bearing the c.2819-2A>C mutation and the c.2708delTTAG microdeletion, revealed an anomalous depolarizing response to oligomycin in DOA-H cell lines only. This finding clearly supports the hypothesis that these mutations cause a significant alteration in the respiratory chain function, which can be unmasked only when the operation of the ATP synthase is prevented. Noticeably, oligomycin-induced depolarization in these cells was almost completely prevented by preincubation with cyclosporin A, a well known inhibitor of the permeability transition pore (PTP). This results is very important because it suggests for the first time that the voltage threshold for PTP opening is altered in DOA-H fibroblasts. Although this issue has not yet been addressed in the present study, several are the mechanisms that have been proposed to lead to PTP deregulation, including in particular increased reactive oxygen species production and alteration of Ca2+ homeostasis, whose role in DOA fibroblasts PTP opening is currently under investigation. Identification of the mechanisms leading to altered threshold for PTP regulation will help our understanding of the pathophysiology of DOA, but also provide a strategy for therapeutic intervention.
The DNA topology is an important modifier of DNA functions. Torsional stress is generated when right handed DNA is either over- or underwound, producing structural deformations which drive or are driven by processes such as replication, transcription, recombination and repair. DNA topoisomerases are molecular machines that regulate the topological state of the DNA in the cell. These enzymes accomplish this task by either passing one strand of the DNA through a break in the opposing strand or by passing a region of the duplex from the same or a different molecule through a double-stranded cut generated in the DNA. Because of their ability to cut one or two strands of DNA they are also target for some of the most successful anticancer drugs used in standard combination therapies of human cancers. An effective anticancer drug is Camptothecin (CPT) that specifically targets DNA topoisomerase 1 (TOP 1). The research project of the present thesis has been focused on the role of human TOP 1 during transcription and on the transcriptional consequences associated with TOP 1 inhibition by CPT in human cell lines. Previous findings demonstrate that TOP 1 inhibition by CPT perturbs RNA polymerase (RNAP II) density at promoters and along transcribed genes suggesting an involvement of TOP 1 in RNAP II promoter proximal pausing site. Within the transcription cycle, promoter pausing is a fundamental step the importance of which has been well established as a means of coupling elongation to RNA maturation. By measuring nascent RNA transcripts bound to chromatin, we demonstrated that TOP 1 inhibition by CPT can enhance RNAP II escape from promoter proximal pausing site of the human Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 (HIF-1) and c-MYC genes in a dose dependent manner. This effect is dependent from Cdk7/Cdk9 activities since it can be reversed by the kinases inhibitor DRB. Since CPT affects RNAP II by promoting the hyperphosphorylation of its Rpb1 subunit the findings suggest that TOP 1inhibition by CPT may increase the activity of Cdks which in turn phosphorylate the Rpb1 subunit of RNAP II enhancing its escape from pausing. Interestingly, the transcriptional consequences of CPT induced topological stress are wider than expected. CPT increased co-transcriptional splicing of exon1 and 2 and markedly affected alternative splicing at exon 11. Surprisingly despite its well-established transcription inhibitory activity, CPT can trigger the production of a novel long RNA (5’aHIF-1) antisense to the human HIF-1 mRNA and a known antisense RNA at the 3’ end of the gene, while decreasing mRNA levels. The effects require TOP 1 and are independent from CPT induced DNA damage. Thus, when the supercoiling imbalance promoted by CPT occurs at promoter, it may trigger deregulation of the RNAP II pausing, increased chromatin accessibility and activation/derepression of antisense transcripts in a Cdks dependent manner. A changed balance of antisense transcripts and mRNAs may regulate the activity of HIF-1 and contribute to the control of tumor progression After focusing our TOP 1 investigations at a single gene level, we have extended the study to the whole genome by developing the “Topo-Seq” approach which generates a map of genome-wide distribution of sites of TOP 1 activity sites in human cells. The preliminary data revealed that TOP 1 preferentially localizes at intragenic regions and in particular at 5’ and 3’ ends of genes. Surprisingly upon TOP 1 downregulation, which impairs protein expression by 80%, TOP 1 molecules are mostly localized around 3’ ends of genes, thus suggesting that its activity is essential at these regions and can be compensate at 5’ ends. The developed procedure is a pioneer tool for the detection of TOP 1 cleavage sites across the genome and can open the way to further investigations of the enzyme roles in different nuclear processes.
The aim of this thesis is to detect the phylogeny and the population dynamics of the European termites of the genera Reticulitermes and Kalotermes, by the use of different mitochondrial (16S, COI/tRNA/COII, CR) and nuclear (microsatellites and Inter-SINE) molecular markers. In the phylogenetic analyses, the obtained results have well defined the cladogenetic events that generated the nowadays species biodiversity of the genus Reticulitermes, while the analysis of the Kalotermes flavicollis taxon showed the presence of at least four genetic clades, defined on the basis of the geographical distance. The second part of the thesis is centred on the population dynamics of two species: Reticulitermes urbis and Kalotermes flavicollis. The first species, native of the Balkans, is known to be present in some cities of Italy and France. I’ve analyzed the colony genetic structure of the introduced population of Bagnacavallo (RA, Italy), using nine microsatellite loci. The obtained results are in accordance with those obtained from another population in France: this species in fact confirms its invasive and infestation capacities. The analysis of the natural population of K. flavicollis, performed with a combination of mitochondrial (control region) and nuclear (microsatellites and I-SINE) markers, clearly evidenced the presence of two genetic lineages that coexist in the same area. Moreover, results clearly indicate that the cross-breeding is allowed. Finally, the whole results are discussed in a comparative view to better understand the differences in ecology, evolutionary dynamics and colony social structure between these two genera.
The aims of this work were to investigate the role of nuclear Phospholipase C beta 1 (PI-PLCβ1) in human and mouse cell lines and to identify new binding partners of nuclear PI-PLCβ1 to further understand the functional network in which the enzyme acts. The intracellular distribution of PI-PLCβ1 was further investigated in human leukaemia cell lines (NB4, HL60, THP1, CEM, Jurkat, K562). With the exception of HL60, a high endogenous level of PI-PLCβ1 was detected in purified nuclei in each of the cell lines. We found that also in Ba/F3 pro-B cells overexpressing PI-PLCβ1b the protein localize within the nucleus. Although our data demonstrated that PI-PLCβ1b was not involved in cell proliferation and IGF-1 response as shown in other cell lines (FELC and Swiss 3T3), there was an effect on apoptosis. Activation of early apoptotic markers caspase-3 and PARP was delayed in PI-PLCβ1b overexpressing Ba/F3 cells treated with 5 gr/ml mitomycin C for 24h. We performed an antibody-specific immunoprecipitation on nuclear lysates from FELC-PLCβ1b cells. Mass spectrometry analysis (nano-ESI-Q-TOF) of co-immunoprecipitated proteins allowed for identification of 92 potential nuclear PI-PLCβ1b interactors. Among these, several already documented PI-PLCβ1b interacting partners (Srp20, LaminB, EF1α2) were identified, further validating our data. All the identified proteins were nuclear, mostly localized within the nuclear speckles. This evidence is particularly relevant as PI-PLCβ1 is known to localize in the same domains. Many of the identified proteins are involved in cell cycle, proliferation and transcriptional control. In particular, many of the proteins are components of the spliceosome multi-complex, strengthening the idea that PI-PLCβ1b is involved in mRNA processing and maturation. Future work will aim to better characterize the regulatory role of PI-PLCβ1b in mRNA splicing.
Specific language impairment (SLI) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder defined as an unexpected failure to develop normal language abilities for no obvious reason. Copy number variants (CNVs) are an important source of variation in the susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, a CNV study within SLI families was performed to investigate the role of structural variants in SLI. Among the identified CNVs, we focused on CNVs on chromosome 15q11-q13, recurrently observed in neuropsychiatric conditions, and a homozygous exonic microdeletion in ZNF277. Since this microdeletion falls within the AUTS1 locus, a region linked to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), we investigated a potential role of ZNF277 in SLI and ASD. Frequency data and expression analysis of the ZNF277 microdeletion suggested that this variant may contribute to the risk of language impairments in a complex manner, that is independent of the autism risk previously described in this region. Moreover, we identified an affected individual with a dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, caused by compound heterozygosity of two deleterious variants in the gene DPYD. Since DPYD represents a good candidate gene for both SLI and ASD, we investigated its involvement in the susceptibility to these two disorders, focusing on the splicing variant rs3918290, the most common mutation in the DPD deficiency. We observed a higher frequency of rs3918290 in SLI cases (1.2%), compared to controls (~0.6%), while no difference was observed in a large ASD cohort. DPYD mutation screening in 4 SLI and 7 ASD families carrying the splicing variant identified six known missense changes and a novel variant in the promoter region. These data suggest that the combined effect of the mutations identified in affected individuals may lead to an altered DPD activity and that rare variants in DPYD might contribute to a minority of cases, in conjunction with other genetic or non-genetic factors.
The human DMD locus encodes dystrophin protein. Absence or reduced levels of dystrophin (DMD or BMD phenotype, respectively) lead to progressive muscle wasting. Little is known about the complex coordination of dystrophin expression and its transcriptional regulation is a field of intense interest. In this work we found that DMD locus harbours multiple long non coding RNAs which orchestrate and control transcription of muscle dystrophin mRNA isoforms. These lncRNAs are tissue-specific and highly expressed during myogenesis, suggesting a possible role in tissue-specific expression of DMD gene isoforms. Their forced ectopic expression in human muscle and neuronal cells leads to a specific and negative regulation of endogenous dystrophin full lenght isoforms. An intriguing aspect regarding the transcription of the DMD locus is the gene size (2.4Mb). The mechanism that ensures the complete synthesis of the primary transcript and the coordinated splicing of 79 exons is still completely unknown. By ChIP-on-chip analyses, we discovered novel regions never been involved before in the transcription regulation of the DMD locus. Specifically, we observed enrichments for Pol II, P-Ser2, P-Ser5, Ac-H3 and 2Me-H3K4 in an intronic region of 3Kb (approximately 21Kb) downstream of the end of DMD exon 52 and in a region of 4Kb spanning the DMD exon 62. Interestingly, this latter region and the TSS of Dp71 are strongly marked by 3Me-H3K36, an histone modification associated with the regulation of splicing process. Furthermore, we also observed strong presence of open chromatin marks (Ac-H3 and 2Me-H3K4) around intron 34 and the exon 45 without presence of RNA pol II. We speculate that these two regions may exert an enhancer-like function on Dp427m promoter, although further investigations are necessary. Finally, we investigated the nuclear-cytoplasmic compartmentalization of the muscular dystrophin mRNA and, specifically, we verified whether the exon skipping therapy could influence its cellular distribution.
Mutations in OPA1 gene have been identified in the majority of patients with Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a blinding disease, and the syndromic form DOA-plus. OPA1 protein is a mitochondrial GTPase involved in various mitochondrial functions, present in humans in eight isoforms, resulting from alternative splicing and proteolytic processing. In this study we have investigated the specific role of each isoform through expression in OPA-/- MEFs, by evaluating their ability to improve the defective mitochondrial phenotypes. All isoforms were able to rescue the energetic efficiency, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and cristae integrity, but only the presence of both long and short forms could recover the mitochondrial morphology. In order to identify the OPA1 protein domains crucial for its functions, we selected and modified the isoform 1, shown to be one of the most efficient in preserving mitochondrial phenotype, to express three specific OPA1 variants, namely: one with a different N-terminus portion, one unable to generate short form owing to deletion of S1 cleavage site and one with a defective GTPase domain. We demonstrated that the simultaneous presence of the N- and C-terminus of OPA1 was essential for the mtDNA maintenance; a cleavable isoform generating s-forms was necessary to completely rescue the energetic competence and the presence of the C-terminus was sufficient to partially recover the cristae ultrastructure. Lastly, several pathogenic OPA1 mutations were inserted in MEF clones and the biochemical features investigated, to correlate the defective phenotypes with the clinical severity of patients. Our results clearly indicate that this cell model reflects very well the clinical characteristics of the patients, and therefore can be proposed as an useful tool to shed light on the pathomechanism underlying DOA.
La Valvola Aortica Bicuspide (BAV) rappresenta la più comune anomalia cardiaca congenita, con un’incidenza dello 0,5%-2% nella popolazione generale. Si caratterizza per la presenza di due cuspidi valvolari anziché tre e comprende diverse forme. La BAV è frequentemente associata agli aneurismi dell’aorta toracica (TAA). La dilatazione dell’aorta espone al rischio di sviluppare le complicanze aortiche acute. Materiali e metodi Sono stati reclutati 20 probandi consecutivi sottoposti a chirurgia della valvola aortica e dell'aorta ascendente presso l'Unità di Chirurgia Cardiaca di Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi di TAA associata a BAV. Sono stati esclusi individui con una condizione sindromica predisponente l’aneurisma aortico. Ciascun familiare maggiorenne di primo grado è stato arruolato nello studio. L’analisi di mutazioni dell’intero gene ACTA2 è stata eseguita con la tecnica del “bidirectional direct sequencing”. Nelle forme familiari, l’intera porzione codificante del genoma è stata eseguita usando l’exome sequencing. Risultati Dopo il sequenziamento di tutti i 20 esoni e giunzioni di splicing di ACTA2 nei 20 probandi, non è stata individuata alcuna mutazione. Settantasette familiari di primo grado sono stati arruolati. Sono state identificate cinque forme familiari. In una famiglia è stata trovata una mutazione del gene MYH11 non ritenuta patogenetica. Conclusioni La mancanza di mutazioni, sia nelle forme sporadiche sia in quelle familiari, ci suggerisce che questo gene non è coinvolto nello sviluppo della BAV e TAA e, l’associazione che è stata riportata deve essere considerata occasionale. L’architettura genetica della BAV verosimilmente dovrebbe consistere in svariate differenti varianti genetiche che interagiscono in maniera additiva nel determinare un aumento del rischio.