11 resultados para Stimulating Factor-receptor

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The use of agents targeting EGFR represents a new frontier in colon cancer therapy. Among these, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) seemed to be the most promising. However they have demonstrated low utility in therapy, the former being effective at toxic doses, the latter resulting inefficient in colon cancer. This thesis work presents studies on a new EGFR inhibitor, FR18, a molecule containing the same naphtoquinone core as shikonin, an agent with great anti-tumor potential. In HT-29, a human colon carcinoma cell line, flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and Western blot analysis, confocal spectral microscopy have demonstrated that FR18 is active at concentrations as low as 10 nM, inhibits EGF binding to EGFR while leaving unperturbed the receptor kinase activity. At concentration ranging from 30 nM to 5 μM, it activates apoptosis. FR18 seems therefore to have possible therapeutic applications in colon cancer. In addition, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) investigation of the direct EGF/EGFR complex interaction using different experimental approaches is presented. A commercially available purified EGFR was immobilised by amine coupling chemistry on SPR sensor chip and its interaction to EGF resulted to have a KD = 368 ± 0.65 nM. SPR technology allows the study of biomolecular interactions in real-time and label-free with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity and thus represents an important tool for drug discovery studies. On the other hand EGF/EGFR complex interaction represents a challenging but important system that can lead to significant general knowledge about receptor-ligand interactions, and the design of new drugs intended to interfere with EGFR binding activity.


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Among the different types of breast cancer (BC), the estrogen receptor positive (ER+) subtype, which requires estrogens for its growth and proliferation, is the most common, while triple negative BC, characterized by the absence of ER, progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, often leads to poor prognosis. First-line therapies for the treatment of ER+ BC act either by suppressing estrogen production, through the inhibition of aromatase (AR) enzyme, or by blocking estrogen prooncogenic activity, via the modulation/degradation of ERs. The serious side effects and the intrinsic or acquired resistance phenomena that arise with prolonged use of these drugs limit their therapeutic application, stimulating the search for new strategies to face this disease. In this context, the development of dual acting aromatase inhibitors, able to target both the orthosteric and the recently identified allosteric pockets of AR could be an opportunity to fight ER+ BC. Another promising strategy could be the development of multitarget compounds, targeting both AR and ERs. In this scenario, here we designed and synthesized two series of new xanthones or more flexible benzophenones as potential dual acting aromatase inhibitors. Moreover, inspired from tamoxifen metabolites and a literature compound endowed with activity on both AR and ER, different structurally related series of potential multitarget compounds were developed. The biological results showed that some of the new molecules were promising candidates for further development. It was recently observed that the lately discovered histamine H4 receptor is expressed in human breast tissue, displaying a key role in biological processes mediated by histamine such as cell proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis in malignant cells, representing a potential target in triple negative BC. Thus, a broad series of methyl quinazoline sulfonamides, carrying different functional groups on the sulfonamide moiety, were designed and synthesized as potential H4 receptor ligands.


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The biological complexity of NGF action is achieved by binding two distinct Neurotrophin receptors, TrkA and p75NTR. While several reports have provided lines of evidence on the interaction between TrkA and p75NTR at the plasma membrane, much fewer data are available on the consequence of such an interaction in terms of intracellular signaling. In this study, we have focused on how p75NTR may affect TrkA downstream signaling with respect to neuronal differentiation. Here, we have shown that cooperation between p75NTR and TrkA results in an increased NGF-mediated TrkA autophosphorylation, leads to a sustained activation of ERK1/2 and accelerates neurite outgrowth. Interestingly, neurite outgrowth is concomitant with a selective enhancement of the AP-1 activity and the transcriptional activation of genes such as GAP-43 and p21(CIP/WAF), known to be involved in the differentiation process. Collectively, our results unveil a functional link between the specific expression profile of neurotrophin receptors in neuronal cells and the NGF-mediated regulation of the differentiation process possibly through a persistent ERKs activation and the selective control of the AP-1 activity. In our studies we discuss the functional role of the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR and TrkA in a ligand-dependent signal transduction. It is known that p75NTR is also involved in the mediation of cell death ligand dependent. Here we show for the first time that the membrane receptor p75NTR, upon binding to b- Amyloid (Ab) peptide, is able to transduce a cytotoxic signal through a mechanism very similar to the one adopted by Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (TNFR1), when activated by TNFa. We define that in neuroblastoma cell line Ab cytotoxicity signals through a pathway depending on p75NTR death domain (DD), mostly through some specific conserved residues. We identified that TRADD is the first interactor recruiting to the membrane and activates JNK and NF-kB transcription factors. Since Ab is defined as the most important aetiologic element associated with the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), characterization of the mechanism involved in the mediation of the neurodegeneration can suggest also new therapeutic approaches.


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Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infects oral epitelial cells, then spreads to the nerve endings and estabilishes latency in sensory ganglia, from where it may, or may not reactivate. Diseases caused by virus reactivation include mild diseases such as muco-cutaneous lesions, and more severe, and even life-threatening encephalitis, or systemic infections affecting diverse organs. Herpes simplex virus represents the most comprehensive example of virus receptor interaction in Herpesviridae family, and the prototype virus encoding multipartite entry genes. In fact, it encodes 11-12 glycoproteins and a number of additional membrane proteins: five of these proteins play key roles in virus entry into subsceptible cells. Thus, glycoprotein B (gB) and glycoprotein C (gC) interact with heparan sulfate proteoglycan to enable initial attachment to cell surfaces. In the next step, in the entry cascade, gD binds a specific surface receptor such as nectin1 or HVEM. The interaction of glycoprotein D with the receptor alters the conformation of gD to enable the activation of gB, glycoprotein H, and glycoprotein L, a trio of glycoproteins that execute the fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane. In this thesis, I described two distinct projects: I. The retargeting of viral tropism for the design of oncolytic Herpesviruses: • capable of infecting cells through the human epitelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), overexpressed in highly malignant mammary and ovarian tumors and correlates with a poor prognosis; • detargeted from its natural receptors, HVEM and nectin1. To this end, we inserted a ligand to HER2 in gD. Because HER2 has no natural ligand, the selected ligand was a single chain antibody (scFv) derived from MAb4D5 (monoclonal antibody to HER2), herein designated scHER2. All recombinant viruses were targeted to HER2 receptor, but only two viruses (R-LM113 and R-LM249) were completely detargeted from HVEM and nectin1. To engineer R-LM113, we removed a large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) and inserted scHER2 sequence plus 9-aa serine-glycine flexible linker at position 39. On the other hand, to engineer R-LM249, we replaced the Ig-folded core of gD (from aa 61 to aa 218) with scHER2 flanked by Ser-Gly linkers. In summary, these results provide evidence that: i. gD can tolerate an insert almost as big as gD itself; ii. the Ig-like domain of gD can be removed; iii. the large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) can be removed without loss of key function; iv. R-LM113 and R-LM249 recombinants are ready to be assayed in animal models of mammary and ovary tumour. This finding and the avaibility of a large number of scFv greatly increase the collection of potential receptors to which HSV can be redirected. II. The production and purification of recombinant truncated form of the heterodimer gHgL. We cloned a stable insect cell line expressing a soluble form of gH in complex with gL under the control of a metalloprotein inducible promoter and purified the heterodimer by means of ONE-STrEP-tag system by IBA. With respect to biological function, the purified heterodimer is capable: • of reacting to antibodies that recognize conformation dependent epitopes and neutralize virion infectivity; • of binding a variety cells at cell surface. No doubt, the availability of biological active purified gHgL heterodimer, in sufficient quantities, will speed up the efforts to solve its crystal structure and makes it feasible to identify more clearly whether gHgL has a cellular partner, and what is the role of this interaction on virus entry.


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Basal-like tumor is an aggressive breast carcinoma subtype that displays an expression signature similar to that of the basal/myoepithelial cells of the breast tissue. Basal-like carcinoma are characterized by over-expression of the Epidermal Growth Factor receptor (EGFR), high frequency of p53 mutations, cytoplasmic/nuclear localization of beta-catenin, overexpression of the Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha target Carbonic Anhydrase isoenzime 9 (CA9) and a gene expression pattern similar to that of normal and cancer stem cells, including the over-expression of the mammary stem cell markers CD44. In this study we investigated the role of p53, EGFR, beta-catenin and HIF-1alpha in the regulation of stem cell features and genes associated with the basal-like gene expression profile. The findings reported in this investigation indicate that p53 inactivation in ductal breast carcinoma cells leads to increased EGFR mRNA and protein levels. In our experimental model, EGFR overexpression induces beta-catenin cytoplasmatic stabilization and transcriptional activity and, by that, leads to increased aggressive features including mammosphere (MS) forming and growth capacity, invasive potential and overexpression of the mammary stem cell gene CD44. Moreover we found that EGFR/beta-catenin axis promotes hypoxia survival in breast carcinoma cells via increased CA9 expression. Indeed beta-catenin positively regulates CA9 expression upon hypoxia exposure. Interestingly we found that beta-catenin inhibits HIF-1alpha transcriptional activity. Looking for the mechanism, we found that CA9 expression is promoted by HIF-1alpha and cytoplasmatic beta-catenin further increased it post-transcriptionally, via direct mRNA binding and stabilization. These data reveal a functional beta-catenin/HIF-1alpha interplay among hallmarks of basal-like tumors and unveil a new functional role for cytoplasmic beta-catenin in the phenotype of such tumors. Therefore it can be proposed that the interplay here described among EGFR/beta-catenin and HIF-1alpha may play a role in breast cancer stem cell survival and function.


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Background: MPLC represents a diagnostic challenge. Topic of the discussion is how to distinguish these patients as a metastatic or a multifocal disease. While in case of the different histology there are less doubt on the opposite in case of same histology is mandatory to investigate on other clinical features to rule out this question. Matherials and Methods: A retrospective review identified all patients treated surgically for a presumed diagnosis of SPLC. Pre-operative staging was obtained with Total CT scan and fluoro-deoxy positron emission tomography and mediastinoscopy. Patients with nodes interest or extra-thoracic location were excluded from this study. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression with complete immunohistochemical analisis was evaluated. Survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meyer method, and clinical features were estimated using a long-rank test or Cox proportional hazards model for categorical and continuous variable, respectively. Results: According to American College Chest Physician, 18 patients underwent to surgical resection for a diagnosis of MPLC. Of these, 8 patients had 3 or more nodules while 10 patients had less than 3 nodules. Pathologic examination demonstrated that 13/18(70%) of patients with multiple histological types was Adenocarcinoma, 2/18(10%) Squamous carcinoma, 2/18(10%) large cell carcinoma and 1/18(5%) Adenosquamosu carcinoma. Expression of EGFR has been evaluated in all nodules: in 7 patients of 18 (38%) the percentage of expression of each nodule resulted different. Conclusions: MPLC represent a multifocal disease where interactions of clinical informations with biological studies reinforce the diagnosis. EGFR could contribute to differentiate the nodules. However, further researches are necessary to validate this hypothesis.


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Oncolytic virotherapy exploits the ability of viruses to infect and kill cells. It is suitable as treatment for tumors that are not accessible by surgery and/or respond poorly to the current therapeutic approach. HSV is a promising oncolytic agent. It has a large genome size able to accommodate large transgenes and some attenuated oncolytic HSVs (oHSV) are already in clinical trials phase I and II. The aim of this thesis was the generation of HSV-1 retargeted to tumor-specific receptors and detargeted from HSV natural receptors, HVEM and Nectin-1. The retargeting was achieved by inserting a specific single chain antibody (scFv) for the tumor receptor selected inside the HSV glycoprotein gD. In this research three tumor receptors were considered: epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) overexpressed in 25-30% of breast and ovarian cancers and gliomas, prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expressed in prostate carcinomas and in neovascolature of solid tumors; and epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII). In vivo studies on HER2 retargeted viruses R-LM113 and R-LM249 have demonstrated their high safety profile. For R-LM249 the antitumor efficacy has been highlighted by target-specific inhibition of the growth of human tumors in models of HER2-positive breast and ovarian cancer in nude mice. In a murine model of HER2-positive glioma in nude mice, R-LM113 was able to significantly increase the survival time of treated mice compared to control. Up to now, PSMA and EGFRvIII viruses (R-LM593 and R-LM613) are only characterized in vitro, confirming the specific retargeting to selected targets. This strategy has proved to be generally applicable to a broad spectrum of receptors for which a single chain antibody is available.


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Cross Reacting Material 197(CRM197) is a Diphteria toxin non toxic mutant that had shown anti-tumor activity in mice and humans. CRM197 is utilized as a specific inhibitor of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF), that competes for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), overexpressed in colorectal cancer and implicated in its progression. We evaluated the effects of CRM197 on HT-29 human colon cancer cell line behaviour and, for CRM197 recognized ability to inhibit HB-EGF, its possible effects on EGFR activation. In particular, while HT-29 does not show any reduction of viability after CRM197 treatment, or changes in cell cycle distribution, in EGFR localization or activation, they show a change in gene expression profile analyzed by microarray. This is the first study where the CRM197 treatment on HT-29 show the alteration of a specific and selected number of genes.


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Disregolazioni dei recettori tirosinchinasici (RTK) sono di frequente riscontro nei tumori dell’uomo e in molti casi sono indicatori biologici che permettono di definire in maniera più accurata la prognosi dei pazienti. Possono rappresentare inoltre marker predittivi per la risposta a terapie antitumorali con farmaci a bersaglio molecolare. Numerosi inibitori tirosinchinasici (TKI) sono attualmente in corso di studio o già disponibili per l’utilizzo in oncologia umana, e molti di questi hanno dimostrato una significativa efficacia utilizzati singolarmente o in combinazione a terapie convenzionali. Studi recenti indicano che un quadro analogo di disregolazione dei recettori tirosinchinasici è presente anche nelle neoplasie dei piccoli animali, e ne suggeriscono in molti casi un’implicazione prognostica. Gli inibitori tirosinchinasi sono da poco entrati nell’arena dell’oncologia veterinaria, ma i primi risultati lasciano supporre che siano destinati ad essere integrati definitivamente nei protocolli terapeutici standard. La tesi consiste in una parte introduttiva in cui sono trattate le principali funzioni biologiche dei recettori tirosinchinasici, la loro struttura e il loro ruolo nell’oncogenesi e nella progressione tumorale in medicina umana e veterinaria. Si affrontano inoltre le principali metodiche di laboratorio per l’analisi molecolare in oncologia e i meccanismi d’azione dei farmaci inibitori tirosinchinasici, con un cenno ai prodotti maggiormente utilizzati e alle loro indicazioni. Segue la presentazione e la discussione dei risultati di quattro studi relativi alla valutazione delle disregolazioni del recettore tirosinchinasico Kit (espressione aberrante e mutazioni genomiche) nel mastocitoma cutaneo del gatto e del recettore del fattore di crescita epidermico (EGFR) nel carcinoma squamocellulare cutaneo del gatto e nei tumori polmonari primitivi del cane, con particolare attenzione al loro ruolo prognostico.


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Numerose evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato il contributo delle cellule staminali di derivazione midollare nei processi di rigenerazione epatica dopo danno tissutale. E’ cresciuto pertanto l’interesse sul loro potenziale impiego in pazienti con cirrosi. Questo studio si propone di valutare la fattibilità e la sicurezza della reinfusione intraepatica di cellule staminali midollari autologhe CD133+ in 12 pazienti con insufficienza epatica terminale definita da un punteggio di Model for End Stage of Liver Disease (MELD) compreso tra 17 e 25. L’efficacia in termini di funzionalità epatica rappresenta un obiettivo secondario. Previa mobilizzazione nel sangue periferico mediante somministrazione di granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alla dose di 7,5 mcg/Kg/b.i.d. e raccolta per leucoaferesi, le cellule CD133+ altamente purificate vengono reinfuse in arteria epatica a partire da 5x104/Kg fino a 1x106/kg. Nei tre giorni successivi si somministra G-CSF per favorire l’espansione e l’attecchimento delle cellule. Durante la mobilizzazione, la reinfusione e nei 12 mesi successivi i pazienti sono sottoposti a periodici controlli clinici, laboratoristici e strumentali e ad attenta valutazione di effetti collaterali. Lo studio è tuttora in corso e ad oggi, 11 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a reinfusione e 4 hanno completato i 12 mesi di follow-up. Il G-CSF è stato ben tollerato e ha consentito di ottenere una buona espansione cellulare. Dopo la reinfusione sono stati documentati un ematoma inguinale e due episodi transitori di encefalopatia portosistemica. Durante il follow-up 4 pazienti sono stati trapiantati e 2 sono morti. Non è stata osservata alcuna modificazione significativa degli indici di funzione epatica. Questi risultati preliminari confermano la possibilità di mobilizzare e reinfondere un numero adeguato di cellule staminali di derivazione midollare in pazienti con malattia epatica in stadio terminale.


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Numerose evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato il contributo delle cellule staminali (SC) di derivazione midollare nei processi di rigenerazione epatica dopo danno tissutale. E’ cresciuto pertanto l’interesse sul loro potenziale impiego in pazienti con cirrosi. Questo studio si proponeva di valutare la fattibilità e la sicurezza della reinfusione intraepatica di cellule staminali midollari autologhe CD133+ in 12 pazienti con insufficienza epatica terminale. Previa mobilizzazione nel sangue periferico mediante somministrazione di granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alla dose di 7,5 mcg/Kg/b.i.d. e raccolta per leucoaferesi (solo se la concentrazione di CD133 + SC era > 8/μL), le cellule CD133+ altamente purificate sono state reinfuse in arteria epatica a partire da 5x104/Kg fino a 1x106/kg. Nei tre giorni successivi è stato somministrato G-CSF per favorire l’espansione e l’attecchimento delle cellule. Durante la fase della mobilizzazione e quella della reinfusione sono stati eseguiti saggi biologici quali: caratterizzazione fenotipica delle SC circolanti, saggi clonogenici, valutazione della concentrazione sierica del Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), Stromal-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) ed il Vascular-Endotelial Growth Factor (VEGF) e caratterizzazione fenotipica delle CD133+SC purificate. Fino ad oggi sono stati reinfusi 12 pazienti. Questi dati preliminari suggeriscono che è possibile mobilizzare e reinfondere un numero considerevole di SC autologhe CD133+ altamente purificate in pazienti con ESLD . Gli studi biologici mostrano che: il numero di progenitori ematopoietici ed endoteliali circolanti è aumentato dopo il trattamento con G–CSF; le SCs CD133+ altamente purificato esprimono marcatori emopoietici ed endoteliali; la concentrazione sierica di HGF, SDF-1, VEGF e la capacità clonogenica di progenitori emopoietici sono aumentati durante la mobilitazione e nelle fasi di reinfusione; il potenziale clonogenico dei progenitori endoteliali mostra espressione variabile.