4 resultados para Secondary Sources
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In ogni capitolo, l’atto del ricordare viene indagato nelle diverse valenze che lo mettono in rapporto diretto con la nostalgia e l’oblio. L’analisi dei testi letterari copre un arco di tempo di quasi un secolo, partendo dalle innovazioni tecnico-stilistiche realizzate da Katherine Mansfield fino all’eccezionale ricchezza e al meritato successo di pubblico e critica della scrittrice canadese Alice Munro. La bibliografia dei testi primari e secondari è strutturata con criteri tematici e cronologici.
Atmospheric aerosol particles directly impact air quality and participate in controlling the climate system. Organic Aerosol (OA) in general accounts for a large fraction (10–90%) of the global submicron (PM1) particulate mass. Chemometric methods for source identification are used in many disciplines, but methods relying on the analysis of NMR datasets are rarely used in atmospheric sciences. This thesis provides an original application of NMR-based chemometric methods to atmospheric OA source apportionment. The method was tested on chemical composition databases obtained from samples collected at different environments in Europe, hence exploring the impact of a great diversity of natural and anthropogenic sources. We focused on sources of water-soluble OA (WSOA), for which NMR analysis provides substantial advantages compared to alternative methods. Different factor analysis techniques are applied independently to NMR datasets from nine field campaigns of the project EUCAARI and allowed the identification of recurrent source contributions to WSOA in European background troposphere: 1) Marine SOA; 2) Aliphatic amines from ground sources (agricultural activities, etc.); 3) Biomass burning POA; 4) Biogenic SOA from terpene oxidation; 5) “Aged” SOAs, including humic-like substances (HULIS); 6) Other factors possibly including contributions from Primary Biological Aerosol Particles, and products of cooking activities. Biomass burning POA accounted for more than 50% of WSOC in winter months. Aged SOA associated with HULIS was predominant (> 75%) during the spring-summer, suggesting that secondary sources and transboundary transport become more important in spring and summer. Complex aerosol measurements carried out, involving several foreign research groups, provided the opportunity to compare source apportionment results obtained by NMR analysis with those provided by more widespread Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) techniques that now provided categorization schemes of OA which are becoming a standard for atmospheric chemists. Results emerging from this thesis partly confirm AMS classification and partly challenge it.
All’ascolto dell’incompiuto Matrimonio di Musorgskij, Borodin aveva sentenziato lapidariamente: «une chose manquée». Uguale commento viene riservato tuttora alla produzione operistica di Sergej Rachmaninov. In questo caso però non ci troviamo di fronte a un teatro rivoluzionario che si trova costretto a fare un passo indietro rispetto ai principi programmatici di cui si vuol far portatore, bensì a un potenziale inespresso, a un profilo drammaturgico mai giunto a piena maturazione. L’evidente eterogeneità della produzione operistica lasciataci in eredità dal compositore non permette infatti di determinarne con chiarezza le ‘linee guida’ e ne rende problematica la collocazione nel contesto musicale a lui coevo. Scopo della presente dissertazione è indagare l’apprendistato e il debutto operistico del compositore russo attraverso l’analisi di materiale documentario, testi letterari, partiture nonché delle fonti critiche in lingua russa, difficilmente accessibili per lo studioso italiano. Il cuore dell’elaborato è un’analisi dettagliata di Aleko, un atto unico presentato nel 1892 dal compositore come prova finale al corso di ‘Libera composizione’ del Conservatorio di Mosca. L’opera viene considerata nel suo complesso come organismo drammatico-musicale autonomo (rapporto fonte/libretto, articolazione interna, sistema delle forme, costellazione dei personaggi, distribuzione delle voci, ecc.), ma inquadrata al contempo nel più ampio contesto del teatro musicale coevo (recezione critica sia da parte della pubblicistica coeva sia da parte della storiografia musicale). Viene fornita in appendice un’edizione del libretto con traduzione a fronte. Incorniciano l’analisi dell’opera un capitolo in cui si offre una rilettura estetica del ‘caso Rachmaninov’ e un aperçu sulla produzione operistica matura del compositore, alla luce delle riflessioni proposte nel corso della dissertazione.
Over the past ten years, the cross-correlation of long-time series of ambient seismic noise (ASN) has been widely adopted to extract the surface-wave part of the Green’s Functions (GF). This stochastic procedure relies on the assumption that ASN wave-field is diffuse and stationary. At frequencies <1Hz, the ASN is mainly composed by surface-waves, whose origin is attributed to the sea-wave climate. Consequently, marked directional properties may be observed, which call for accurate investigation about location and temporal evolution of the ASN-sources before attempting any GF retrieval. Within this general context, this thesis is aimed at a thorough investigation about feasibility and robustness of the noise-based methods toward the imaging of complex geological structures at the local (∼10-50km) scale. The study focused on the analysis of an extended (11 months) seismological data set collected at the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy), an area for which the underground geological structures are well-constrained thanks to decades of geothermal exploration. Focusing on the secondary microseism band (SM;f>0.1Hz), I first investigate the spectral features and the kinematic properties of the noise wavefield using beamforming analysis, highlighting a marked variability with time and frequency. For the 0.1-0.3Hz frequency band and during Spring- Summer-time, the SMs waves propagate with high apparent velocities and from well-defined directions, likely associated with ocean-storms in the south- ern hemisphere. Conversely, at frequencies >0.3Hz the distribution of back- azimuths is more scattered, thus indicating that this frequency-band is the most appropriate for the application of stochastic techniques. For this latter frequency interval, I tested two correlation-based methods, acting in the time (NCF) and frequency (modified-SPAC) domains, respectively yielding esti- mates of the group- and phase-velocity dispersions. Velocity data provided by the two methods are markedly discordant; comparison with independent geological and geophysical constraints suggests that NCF results are more robust and reliable.