15 resultados para Post operative pain

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Il dolore non è solo una conseguenza della malattia ma un fattore patogeno che è di per se stesso in grado di perpetuare il danno all’organismo. Il suo trattamento non è quindi solo un atto di umanità ma un contributo ad arrestare la malattia e restituire la salute al paziente. Tra i farmaci più popolari per la terapia del dolore negli animali da affezione si trova la buprenorfina. Questa molecola viene impiegata con successo da anni nel cane e nel gatto per motivi riconducibili, oltre che alla sua efficacia (la sua potenza è diverse volte quella della morfina), alla lunga durata d’azione e alla scarsità degli effetti collaterali. Nonostante l’ampia diffusione e longevità del suo utilizzo, però, sappiamo poco della farmacocinetica di questa molecola negli animali da affezione; i dosaggi clinicamente impiegati sono di fatto estrapolati dagli studi nell’uomo oppure basati su semplici osservazioni degli effetti; i pochi dati farmacocinetici ottenuti nel cane fanno riferimento a singoli boli di dosi che non sempre corrispondono a quelle clinicamente impiegate. Nonostante la buprenorfina trovi il suo principale impiego nelle somministrazioni protratte a lungo (durante il periodo post-operatorio o la degenza ospedaliera) non è mai stato indagato il profilo farmacocinetico della molecola somministrata a boli ripetuti o come infusione continua. Il nostro studio si pone come obiettivo di indagare la farmacocinetica della buprenorfina somministrata come bolo di carico seguito da un’infusione costante a dosaggi considerati clinici in cani sani nel periodo post operatorio. Lo scopo ultimo è quello di sviluppare un protocollo per la somministrazione di questa molecola in modo prolungato in pazienti degenti ed addolorati per poi, in futuro, confrontare la somministrazione come infusione continua con i tradizionali boli ripetuti. Per lo studio sono state utilizzate giovani cagne adulte di taglia media o grande sottoposte ad intervento di ovariectomia.


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L’approccio chirurgico agli adenomi ipofisari ACTH secernenti è la terapia d’elezione nell’uomo. L’ipofisectomia transfenoidale è invece una tecnica poco diffusa in ambito veterinario. La terapia più diffusa nel cane con ipercortisolismo ipofisi dipendente (PDH) è di tipo medico e prevede la somministrazione di farmaci inibitori della sintesi del cortisolo. Gli adenomi ipofisari possono aumentare di volume e determinare una conseguente sintomatologia neurologica; in questi casi le uniche opzioni terapeutiche sono rappresentate dall’asportazione chirurgica della neoplasia e dalla radioterapia. Nella presente tesi vengono descritti 8 interventi di ipofisectomia transfenoidale effettuati su 7 cani con macroadenoma ipofisario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna. La difficoltà maggiore per il chirurgo è rappresentata dalla localizzazione della fossa ipofisaria rispetto ai punti di repere visibile in tomografia computerizzata o in risonanza magnetica nucleare, oltre ai problemi di sanguinamento durante la rimozione della neoplasia. Nel periodo post-operatorio maggiori complicazioni si riscontrano in soggetti con adenomi ipofisari di maggiori dimensioni. Al contrario, in presenza di adenomi di dimensioni più contenute, la ripresa post-operatoria risulta più rapida e il tasso di successo maggiore. Al fine di poter eseguire nel cane l’exeresi mirata della sola neoplasia ipofisaria, al pari di quanto avviene nell’uomo, è stato condotto uno studio sulla tomografia computerizzata (TC) in 86 cani con PDH. Il protocollo TC non ha tuttavia permesso di individuare con precisione la posizione della neoplasia per guidare il chirurgo nella sua rimozione. In due casi riportati nel presente lavoro si è verificata una recidiva della neoplasia ipofisaria. In un soggetto si è optato per il reintervento, mentre nell’altro caso per la radioterapia. Entrambe le opzioni hanno garantito una buona qualità di vita per più di un anno dall’intervento terapeutico. Questi casi clinici dimostrano come il reintervento e la radioterapia possano essere considerate valide opzioni in caso di recidiva.


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Primary stability of stems in cementless total hip replacements is recognized to play a critical role for long-term survival and thus for the success of the overall surgical procedure. In Literature, several studies addressed this important issue. Different approaches have been explored aiming to evaluate the extent of stability achieved during surgery. Some of these are in-vitro protocols while other tools are coinceived for the post-operative assessment of prosthesis migration relative to the host bone. In vitro protocols reported in the literature are not exportable to the operating room. Anyway most of them show a good overall accuracy. The RSA, EBRA and the radiographic analysis are currently used to check the healing process of the implanted femur at different follow-ups, evaluating implant migration, occurance of bone resorption or osteolysis at the interface. These methods are important for follow up and clinical study but do not assist the surgeon during implantation. At the time I started my Ph.D Study in Bioengineering, only one study had been undertaken to measure stability intra-operatively. No follow-up was presented to describe further results obtained with that device. In this scenario, it was believed that an instrument that could measure intra-operatively the stability achieved by an implanted stem would consistently improve the rate of success. This instrument should be accurate and should give to the surgeon during implantation a quick answer concerning the stability of the implanted stem. With this aim, an intra-operative device was designed, developed and validated. The device is meant to help the surgeon to decide how much to press-fit the implant. It is essentially made of a torsional load cell, able to measure the extent of torque applied by the surgeon to test primary stability, an angular sensor that measure the relative angular displacement between stem and femur, a rigid connector that enable connecting the device to the stem, and all the electronics for signals conditioning. The device was successfully validated in-vitro, showing a good overall accuracy in discriminating stable from unstable implants. Repeatability tests showed that the device was reliable. A calibration procedure was then performed in order to convert the angular readout into a linear displacement measurement, which is an information clinically relevant and simple to read in real-time by the surgeon. The second study reported in my thesis, concerns the evaluation of the possibility to have predictive information regarding the primary stability of a cementless stem, by measuring the micromotion of the last rasp used by the surgeon to prepare the femoral canal. This information would be really useful to the surgeon, who could check prior to the implantation process if the planned stem size can achieve a sufficient degree of primary stability, under optimal press fitting conditions. An intra-operative tool was developed to this aim. It was derived from a previously validated device, which was adapted for the specific purpose. The device is able to measure the relative micromotion between the femur and the rasp, when a torsional load is applied. An in-vitro protocol was developed and validated on both composite and cadaveric specimens. High correlation was observed between one of the parameters extracted form the acquisitions made on the rasp and the stability of the corresponding stem, when optimally press-fitted by the surgeon. After tuning in-vitro the protocol as in a closed loop, verification was made on two hip patients, confirming the results obtained in-vitro and highlighting the independence of the rasp indicator from the bone quality, anatomy and preserving conditions of the tested specimens, and from the sharpening of the rasp blades. The third study is related to an approach that have been recently explored in the orthopaedic community, but that was already in use in other scientific fields. It is based on the vibration analysis technique. This method has been successfully used to investigate the mechanical properties of the bone and its application to evaluate the extent of fixation of dental implants has been explored, even if its validity in this field is still under discussion. Several studies have been published recently on the stability assessment of hip implants by vibration analysis. The aim of the reported study was to develop and validate a prototype device based on the vibration analysis technique to measure intra-operatively the extent of implant stability. The expected advantages of a vibration-based device are easier clinical use, smaller dimensions and minor overall cost with respect to other devices based on direct micromotion measurement. The prototype developed consists of a piezoelectric exciter connected to the stem and an accelerometer attached to the femur. Preliminary tests were performed on four composite femurs implanted with a conventional stem. The results showed that the input signal was repeatable and the output could be recorded accurately. The fourth study concerns the application of the device based on the vibration analysis technique to several cases, considering both composite and cadaveric specimens. Different degrees of bone quality were tested, as well as different femur anatomies and several levels of press-fitting were considered. The aim of the study was to verify if it is possible to discriminate between stable and quasi-stable implants, because this is the most challenging detection for the surgeon in the operation room. Moreover, it was possible to validate the measurement protocol by comparing the results of the acquisitions made with the vibration-based tool to two reference measurements made by means of a validated technique, and a validated device. The results highlighted that the most sensitive parameter to stability is the shift in resonance frequency of the stem-bone system, showing high correlation with residual micromotion on all the tested specimens. Thus, it seems possible to discriminate between many levels of stability, from the grossly loosened implant, through the quasi-stable implants, to the definitely stable one. Finally, an additional study was performed on a different type of hip prosthesis, which has recently gained great interest thus becoming fairly popular in some countries in the last few years: the hip resurfacing prosthesis. The study was motivated by the following rationale: although bone-prosthesis micromotion is known to influence the stability of total hip replacement, its effect on the outcome of resurfacing implants has not been investigated in-vitro yet, but only clinically. Thus the work was aimed at verifying if it was possible to apply to the resurfacing prosthesis one of the intraoperative devices just validated for the measurement of the micromotion in the resurfacing implants. To do that, a preliminary study was performed in order to evaluate the extent of migration and the typical elastic movement for an epiphyseal prosthesis. An in-vitro procedure was developed to measure micromotions of resurfacing implants. This included a set of in-vitro loading scenarios that covers the range of directions covered by hip resultant forces in the most typical motor-tasks. The applicability of the protocol was assessed on two different commercial designs and on different head sizes. The repeatability and reproducibility were excellent (comparable to the best previously published protocols for standard cemented hip stems). Results showed that the procedure is accurate enough to detect micromotions of the order of few microns. The protocol proposed was thus completely validated. The results of the study demonstrated that the application of an intra-operative device to the resurfacing implants is not necessary, as the typical micromovement associated to this type of prosthesis could be considered negligible and thus not critical for the stabilization process. Concluding, four intra-operative tools have been developed and fully validated during these three years of research activity. The use in the clinical setting was tested for one of the devices, which could be used right now by the surgeon to evaluate the degree of stability achieved through the press-fitting procedure. The tool adapted to be used on the rasp was a good predictor of the stability of the stem. Thus it could be useful for the surgeon while checking if the pre-operative planning was correct. The device based on the vibration technique showed great accuracy, small dimensions, and thus has a great potential to become an instrument appreciated by the surgeon. It still need a clinical evaluation, and must be industrialized as well. The in-vitro tool worked very well, and can be applied for assessing resurfacing implants pre-clinically.


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Background: Delirium is defined as an acute disorder of attention and cognition. Delirium is common in hospitalized elderly patient and is associated with increased morbidity, length of stay and patient care costs. Although Delirium can develop at any time during hospitalization, it typically presents early in the post-operative period (Post-Operative Delirium, POD) in the surgery context. The molecular mechanism and possible genetics basis of POD onset are not known, as well as all the risk factors are not completely defined. Our hypothesis is that genetic risk factor involving the inflammatory response could have possible effects on the immunoneuroendocrine system. Moreover, our previous data (inflamm-aging) suggest that aging is associated with an increase of inflammatory status, favouring age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, frailty, depression among other. Some pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines, seem to play a crucial role in increasing the inflammatory status and in the communication and regulation of immunoneuroendocrine system. Objective: this study evaluated the incidence of POD in elderly patients undergoing general surgery, clinical/physical and psychological risk factors of POD insurgency and investigated inflammatory and genetic risk factors. Moreover, this study evaluated the consequence of POD in terms of institutionalization, development of permanent cognitive dysfunction or dementia and mortality Methods: patients aged over 65 admitted for surgery at the Urgency Unit of S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital were eligible for this case–control study. Risk factors significantly associated with POD in univariate analysis were entered into multivariate analysis to establish those independently associated with POD. Preoperative plasma level of 9 inflammatory markers were measured in 42 control subjects and 43 subjects who developed POD. Functional polymorphisms of IL-1 α , IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-alpha cytokine genes were determined in 176 control subjects and 27 POD subjects. Results: A total of 351 patients were enrolled in the study. The incidence of POD was 13•2 %. Independent variables associated with POD were: age, co-morbidity, preoperative cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities. Median length of hospital stay was 21 days for patients with POD versus 8 days for control patients (P < 0•001). The hospital mortality rate was 19 and 8•4 % respectively (P = 0•021) and mortality rate after 1 year was also higher in POD (P= 0.0001). The baseline of IL-6 concentration was higher in POD patients than patients without POD, whereas IL-2 was lower in POD patients compared to patients without POD. In a multivariate analysis only IL-6 remained associated with POD. Moreover IL-6, IL-8 and IL-2 are associated with co-morbidity, intra-hospital mortality, compromised functional status and emergency admission. No significant differences in genotype distribution were found between POD subjects and controls for any SNP analyzed in this study. Conclusion: In this study we found older age, comorbidity, cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities and baseline of IL-6 as independent risk factors for the development of POD. IL-6 could be proposed as marker of a trait that is associated with an increased risk of delirium; i.e. raised premorbid IL-6 level predict for the development of delirium.


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Tumors involving bone and soft tissues are extremely challenging situations. With the recent advances of multi-modal treatment, not only the type of surgery has moved from amputation to limb-sparing procedures, but also the survivorship has improved considerably and reconstructive techniques have the goal to allow a considerably higher quality of life. In bone reconstruction, tissue engineering strategies are the main area of research. Re-vascularization and re-vitalisation of a massive allograft would considerably improve the outcome of biological reconstructions. Using a rabbit animal model, in this study we showed that, by implanting a vascular pedicle inside a weight bearing massive cortical allograft, the bone regeneration inside the allograft was higher compared to the non-vascularized implants, given the patency of the vascular pedicle. Improvement in the animal model and the addition of Stem Cells and Growth factors will allow a further improvement in the results. In soft tissue tumors, free and pedicled flaps have been proven to be of great help as reconstruction strategies. In this study we analyzed the functional and overall outcome of 14 patients who received a re-innervated vascularized flap. We have demonstrated that the use of the innovative technique of motor re-innervated muscular flaps is effective when the resection involves important functional compartments of the upper or lower limb, with no increase of post-operative complications. Although there was no direct comparison between this type of reconstruction and the standard non-innervated reconstruction, we underlined the remarkable high overall functional scores and patient satisfaction following this procedure.


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Tanchirasi (TNKS) è un membro della superfamiglia delle PARP (Poli ADP-Ribosio Polimerasi). TNKS è coinvolta nella stabilizzazione della subunità catalitca del complesso proteico DNA-PK (protein chinasi DNA-dipendente), la DNA-PKcs. Questa proteina è fondamentale per il corretto funzionamento del meccanismo di riparo del DNA chiamato "Saldatura Non Omologa delle Estremità" (NHEJ). La deplezione di TNKS induce una degradazione della DNA-PKcs e una maggiore sensibilità alle radiazioni ionizzanti (RI). TNKS è inoltre un regolatore negativo di axina e di conseguenza un attivatore del pathway di WNT; l'inibizione quindi di TNKS induce anche una inibizione del pathway di WNT. Alterazioni in questo signalling si riscontrano frequentemente nel Medulloblastoma (MB), il tumore cerebrale embrionale più comune dell'infanzia. La radioterapia post-operatoria risulta essere molto efficacia in questa neoplasia, ma causa gravi effetti collaterali e un terzo dei pazienti presenta radioresistenza intrinseca. Un'importante sfida per la ricerca è quindi l'aumento della radiosensibilità tumorale. In questo lavoro, abbiamo studiato gli effetti dell'inibizione farmacologica di TNKS in linee cellulari di MB umano, mediante la small molecule XAV939, potente e specifico inibitore di TNKS. Il trattamento con XAV939 induce una consistente inibizione della capacità proliferativa e clonogenica, non correlata ad un aumento della mortalità cellulare, indicando una bassa tossicità legata alla molecola. Il co-trattamento di XAV939 e RI (γ-ray, dose 2 Gy) causa una ulteriore inibizione della proliferazione cellulare e della capacità di formare colonie. Abbiamo inoltre constatato, mediante Neutral Comet Assay, una minore efficacia nel riparo del DNA in cellule irradiate trattate con XAV939, indicando un effettivo aumento della radiosensibilità in cellule di MB trattate con l'inibitore di TNKS. L'aumentata mortalità cellulare in cellule tumorali trattate con XAV939 e RI ha confermato la nostra ipotesi. Il nostro studio in vitro indica come TNKS possa essere un utile target terapeutico per rendere più efficace l'attuale terapia contro il MB.


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OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio 2012 a ottobre 2014 sono state trattate 10 pazienti; sono state raccolte alcune variabili (età, BMI, il fumo, CDAI, setone perioperatorio, precedenti procedure, uso di immunomodulatori e steroidi). Tutte le pazienti sono state sottoposte ad ileostomia temporanea prima della graciloplastica. La percentuale di successo è stata misurata come numero di pazienti con fistola guarita dopo la chiusura della stomia. Sono stati utilizzati tre questionari prima della graciloplastica e 3 mesi dopo la chiusura della stomia al fine di valutare la qualità della vita (SF-36), l’ incontinenza fecale e la funzione sessuale. RISULTATI: La fistola retto-vaginale è stata chiusa in 9 pazienti su 10 dopo graciloplastica, con un follow-up medio di chiusura della stomia di 19 mesi (range 4 -34). È stata documentata una recidiva di RVF. Il tempo operatorio era 90-150 minuti (media, 120). La degenza postoperatoria era 7-16 giorni (media 10). Complicanze postoperatorie precoci includevano deiscenza delle suture perineali in 2 casi. Le complicanze a lungo termine includevano disestesia della cicatrice perineale. Nei dati post-operatori abbiamo riportato un miglioramento della qualità di vita, della funzione sessuale e della continenza fecale. CONCLUSIONI: La chiusura della fistola retto-vaginale utilizzando la trasposizione del muscolo gracile è associata a morbidità minima e un alto tasso di successo.


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In caso di una lesione del legamento crociato anteriore (ACL), l'approccio chirurgico gold standard è la tecnica di ricostruzione ACL Single-Bundle (SB). Recentemente, sono state proposte altre tecniche alternative per ridurre il rischio di lassità residua post-operatoria, come la ricostruzione del Single Bundle con aggiunta di palstica latearle (SBLP) e le procedure a doppio fascio (DB). Quarantadue pazienti sottoposti a ricostruzione ACL sono stati inclusi prospetticamente nello studio. È stata eseguita una randomizzazione per allocare i pazienti nei diversi gruppi di studio: Single-Bundle-Lateral-Plasty, Single-Bundle e Double-Bundle. Un sistema di navigazione intraoperatorio è stato utilizzato per valutare i valori di lassità. I valori di lassità pre e post-chirurgici sono stati valutati tramite i test Lachman test (AP30), Drawer test (AP90), Varus-Valgus stress test a 0° e 30° flessione del ginocchio (VV0, VV30), rotazione esterna interna (IE30, IE90), e il test del pivot shift (PS). . In tutti e tre i gruppi, i valori di lassità post-ricostruzione sono risultati statisticamente ridotti rispetto ai valori pre-ricostruzione (P < 0,05) per tutti i test analizzati. Considerando l'analisi del test del cassetto e della rotazione interna-esterna a 30 e 90 gradi di flessione del ginocchio, è stata identificata una differenza significativa tra le diverse ricostruzioni chirurgiche. La tecnica SBLP ha portato ad avere i valori di migliori rispetto alle tecniche SB (PIE90 - 0,001) e DB (PAP90 - 0.012; PIE30 - 0,021; PIE90 - 0,003). La tecnica SBLP ha ottenuto risultati significativamente migliori rispetto alle altre tecniche studiate in termini di riduzione della lassità antero-posteriore e interna-esterna a tempo zero dopo la ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore.


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Introduction: Surgical outcomes after biological therapy have not been investigated yet and no information about timing, postoperative complications and survival have been recorded. Methods: This is a prospective study which compares a group of stage IIIA and IIIB NSCLC patients treated with biological therapy with patients undergoing standard induction chemotherapy. Data reported are preliminary results on the safety and effectiveness of surgery after target therapy. Results: We compared 22 patients treated with standard chemotherapy (Group 1) and 6 patients who received target therapy (Group 2). No differences were observed with an important bias due to the limited number of cases. The median time of resection was 159.8 ± 62.8 for group 1 and 201 ± 57.8 for group 2 (p=0.194). Complete resection was obtained in all Group 1-cases. Post-operative complication rate was 22% vs 16% (p=1). Pathologists reported necrosis >50% in 13% in group 1, Fibrosis >50% was presents respectively in 27% and 33% of patients (p=1). Residual vital tumor was >50% in 77% of patients undergone CT and in 66% of patients undergone TT (p=0.622). A total of 6 (31%) patients in the CT-group developed recurrence, 3 in the TT- group (64.2%), p was 0.634. No difference was observed both in terms of OS (P=0.29, Figure 3) and in term of DFS (P=0.106, Figure 4). Discussion: There is no consensus in the use of target therapy for advanced tumor in association with surgery. EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors showed higher and more rapid response and our study wants to demonstrate that surgery after target therapy gives full access to the advantage of definitive local treatment. In our series, despite fibrosis, radical surgery has been achieved in all patients operated. The intraoperative blood loss, operation time, postoperative hospital stay and postoperative complication rate seems to be similar.


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INTRODUCTION Endograft deployment is a well-known cause of arterial stiffness increase as well as arterial stiffness increase represent a recognized cardiovascular risk factor. A harmful effect on cardiac function induced by the endograft deployment should be investigated. Aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of endograft deployment on the arterial stiffness and cardiac geometry of patients treated for aortic aneurysm in order to detect modifications that could justify an increased cardiac mortality at follow-up. MATHERIALS AND METHODS Over a period of 3 years, patients undergoing elective EVAR for infrarenal aortic pathologies in two university centers in Emilia Romagna were examined. All patients underwent pre-operative and six-months post-operative Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) examination using an ultrasound-based method performed by vascular surgeons together with trans-thoracic echocardiography examination in order to evaluate cardiac chambers geometry before and after the treatment. RESULTS 69 patients were enrolled. After 36 months, 36 patients (52%) completed the 6 months follow-up examination.The ultrasound-based carotid-femoral PWV measurements performed preoperatively and 6 months after the procedure revealed a significant postoperative increase of cf-PWV (11,6±3,6 m/sec vs 12,3±8 m/sec; p.value:0,037).Postoperative LVtdV (90±28,3 ml/m2 vs 99,1±29,7 ml/m2; p.value:0.031) LVtdVi (47,4±15,9 ml/m2 vs 51,9±14,9 ml/m2; p.value:0.050), IVStd (12±1,5 mm vs 12,1±1,3 mm; p.value:0,027) were significantly increased if compared with preoperative measures.Postoperative E/A (0,76±0,26 vs 0,6±0,67; p.value:0,011), E’ lateral (9,5±2,6 vs 7,9±2,6; p.value:0,024) and A’ septal (10,8±1,5 vs 8,9±2; p.value0,005) were significantly reduced if compared with preoperative measurements CONCLUSION The endovascular treatment of the abdominal aorta causes an immediate and significant increase of the aortic stiffness.This increase reflects negatively on patients’ cardiac geometry inducing left ventricle hypertrophy and mild diastolic disfunction after just 6 months from endograft’s implantation.Further investigations and long-term results are necessary to access if this negative remodeling could affect the cardiac outcome of patient treated using the endovascular approach.


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Background: The frozen elephant trunk(FET) technique is one of the last evolution in the treatment of complex pathologies of the aortic arch and the descending thoracic aorta.Materials and methods: Between January 2007 and March 2021, a total of 396 patients underwent total aortic arch replacements with the FET technique in our centre.The main indications were thoracic aortic aneurysm(n=104,28.2%), chronic aortic dissection(n=224,53.4%) and acute aortic dissection(n=68, 18.4%). We divided the population in two groups according the position of the distal anastomosis (zone 2 vs zone 3) and the length of the stent graft (< 150 mm vs > 150 mm): conservative group (Zone 2 anastomosis + stent length < 150mm, n. 140 pts) and aggressive group (zone 3 anastomosis + stent length > 150mm, n. 141). Results: The overall 30-day mortality rate was 13%(48/369); the risk factor analysis showed that an aggressive approach was neither a risk factor for major complication (permanent dialysis, tracheostomy, bowel malperfusion and permanent paraplegia) neither for 30-day mortality. The survival rate at 1, 5,10 and 15 years was 87.7%,75%,61.3% and 58.4% respectively. During the follow up, an aortic reintervention was performed in 122 patients (38%), 5 patients received a non-aortic cardiac surgery. Freedom from aortic reintervention at 1-,5- and 10-year was 77%,54% and 44% respectively. The freedom from aortic reintervention was higher in the ‘aggressive’ group (62.5%vs40.0% at 5 years, log-rank=0.056). An aggressive approach was not protective for aortic reintervention at follow up and for death at follow up. Conclusions: The FET technique represents a feasible and efficient option in the treatment of complex thoracic aortic pathologies. An aortic reintervention after FET is very common and the decision-making approach should consider and balance the higher risk of an aggressive approach in terms of post-operative complication versus the higher risk of a second aortic reintervention at follow-up.


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Scopo del progetto di dottorato è stato quello di mettere a punto l’utilizzo di una tecnica alternativa, rispetto a quelle riportate in letteratura, per la risoluzione dell’ernia perineale nel cane. Tale tecnica si propone di risolvere il difetto mediante l’ausilio di una rete protesica in polipropilene in supporto all’erniorrafia perineale tradizionale, mediante sutura a punti staccati dei muscoli che costituiscono il diaframma pelvico. Questa procedura risulta meno invasiva per l’animale rispetto alla tecnica che in letteratura viene definita il gold standard, ovvero la trasposizione del muscolo otturatore interno (Shaughnessy and Monnet, 2015), ed altre tecniche traspositive, quali la trasposizione del muscolo semitendinoso (Morello et al., 2015) e del gluteo superficiale (Bellenger & Canfield, 2002), con tempi di recupero postoperatori più rapidi e una gestione più semplice da parte del proprietario, pur mantenendo eccellenti outcomes. La messa a punto di questa procedura nasce dalla necessità di trovare una tecnica semplice da eseguire, che determini una chiusura del diaframma pelvico tale da evitare la comparsa di recidive e minimizzare le complicazioni post-operatorie. L’intento del progetto è stato di combinare l’erniorrafia perineale tradizionale con l’utilizzo di reti protesiche così da ricostruire il diaframma pelvico con i muscoli deputati a svolgere tale compito e fornire, tramite la rete, un maggiore supporto alla rafia, evitando le trasposizioni muscolari che comporterebbero un intervento più demolitivo e un recupero più lento da parte del paziente. Sono stati inclusi nello studio 30 cani portatori di ernia perineale, per un totale di 50 ernie, trattati con l’intervento proposto dal progetto. Di ogni caso sono stati raccolti il segnalamento, l’anamnesi, le indagini diagnostiche e i successivi follow up post-operatori considerando le eventuali complicazioni o la comparsa di recidiva dell’ernia.


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Objective: The aims of this thesis were to analyze the application mode of the universal adhesives (UA) and to give instructions for clinical procedures. The etching mode of UA on the bond strength to dentin and on the risk of retention, marginal discoloration, marginal adaptation and post-operative sensitivity (POS) was analyzed by two systematic reviews. Three in vitro studies were conducted: 1) evaporation mode of a UA on coronal dentin; 2) cementation approach on radicular dentin; 3) adhesion of metal brackets to enamel. Materials and methods: Two systematic review were conducted firstly, then in vitro study to investigate the evaporation mode in presence or not of pulpal pressure by means of μTBS, and the enzymatic activity using in situ zymography, at T0 and T6. The cementation of a fiber into radicular dentin with different resin-cements was studied, by push-out bond strength evaluation. Orthodontic brackets were cemented according to 4 adhesive protocols and shear bond strength test was conducted. Two adhesive removal techniques were evaluated, and spectrophotometry was used. Results: The probability of POS occurrence was less in SE. SEE approach seems to perform better than SE. Air-drying resulted in higher μTBS. Suction-evaporation, aging and ER mode increased MMPs activity. Differences in NL expression were present at T0 for fiber post study, and the aging produced an increase in marginal infiltration. Brackets cemented with new universal cement with previous etchant application showed good μTBS values. Conclusion: SEE performed better than SE and TE with UA in terms of uTBS. Evaporating with air-drying is better for UA in terms of uTBS and enzymatic activity. Aging and choice of resin cement for cementation of fiber posts influenced the PBS. Brackets cementation with a new resin- cement seems to offer the highest bond strength and leaves more cement remnants after the bracket removal.


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Premessa: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) riduce le complicanze e accorcia il recupero nei pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia per tumore del colon-retto. I pazienti più anziani sono spesso esclusi dai programmi ERAS a causa della difficoltà nell'applicazione dei protocolli stabiliti. Lo scopo dello studio è stato valutare i benefici di ERAS nei pazienti anziani sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva e valutare i risultati a breve termine. Metodi: studio monocentrico osservazionale prospettico condotto da febbraio 2021 a luglio 2022. Sono stati inclusi tutti i pazienti di età ≥ 70 anni sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva. I risultati e le complicanze postoperatorie dei pazienti trattati secondo il nostro protocollo ERAS sono stati confrontati con un gruppo di pazienti < 70 anni sottoposti a intervento chirurgico per cancro del colon-retto nello stesso periodo. Risultati: abbiamo incluso un totale di 186 pazienti (104 ≥ 70 anni vs. 82 < 70 anni). Un terzo dei pazienti di entrambi i gruppi non ha sviluppato complicanze perioperatorie (65,4% vs. 67,0%, p = 0,880). Ugualmente non sono state osservate differenze nell’incidenza di complicanze di grado I-II (31,7% vs. 28,0%) né digrado III-IV (1,9% vs. 4,9%) secondo Dindo-Clavien tra i due gruppi (p = 0,389). Il tasso di leak anastomotico e il reintervento non sono risultati statisticamente differenti tra i due gruppi: 3,8% vs. 4,9% (p = 0,733) e 1,0% vs. 3,6% (p = 0,322) rispettivamente pazienti ≥ 70 anni vs. < 70 anni. I temi di degenza media sono stati di 5.1±4.3 vs. 4.6±4.2, (p = 0.427), mentre i tassi di riammissione sono rimasti inalterati. La mortalità a 90 giorni è risultata del 2,8% vs. 0% (p = 0,256). Conclusioni: nella nostra esperienza i pazienti ≥ 70 anni affetti da tumore del colon-retto dovrebbero seguire routinariamente un programma ERAS prevedendo gli stessi benefici degli altri gruppi di età.


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In recent years, the use of Reverse Engineering systems has got a considerable interest for a wide number of applications. Therefore, many research activities are focused on accuracy and precision of the acquired data and post processing phase improvements. In this context, this PhD Thesis deals with the definition of two novel methods for data post processing and data fusion between physical and geometrical information. In particular a technique has been defined for error definition in 3D points’ coordinates acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner, with the aim to identify adequate correction arrays to apply under different acquisition parameters and operative conditions. Systematic error in data acquired is thus compensated, in order to increase accuracy value. Moreover, the definition of a 3D thermogram is examined. Object geometrical information and its thermal properties, coming from a thermographic inspection, are combined in order to have a temperature value for each recognizable point. Data acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner are also used to normalize temperature values and make thermal data independent from thermal-camera point of view.