6 resultados para Parameterized layouts
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The control of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell system (PEM FC) for domestic heat and power supply requires extensive control measures to handle the complicated process. Highly dynamic and non linear behavior, increase drastically the difficulties to find the optimal design and control strategies. The objective is to design, implement and commission a controller for the entire fuel cell system. The fuel cell process and the control system are engineered simultaneously; therefore there is no access to the process hardware during the control system development. Therefore the method of choice was a model based design approach, following the rapid control prototyping (RCP) methodology. The fuel cell system is simulated using a fuel cell library which allowed thermodynamic calculations. In the course of the development the process model is continuously adapted to the real system. The controller application is designed and developed in parallel and thereby tested and verified against the process model. Furthermore, after the commissioning of the real system, the process model can be also better identified and parameterized utilizing measurement data to perform optimization procedures. The process model and the controller application are implemented in Simulink using Mathworks` Real Time Workshop (RTW) and the xPC development suite for MiL (model-in-theloop) and HiL (hardware-in-the-loop) testing. It is possible to completely develop, verify and validate the controller application without depending on the real fuel cell system, which is not available for testing during the development process. The fuel cell system can be immediately taken into operation after connecting the controller to the process.
High spectral resolution radiative transfer (RT) codes are essential tools in the study of the radiative energy transfer in the Earth atmosphere and a support for the development of parameterizations for fast RT codes used in climate and weather prediction models. Cirrus clouds cover permanently 30% of the Earth's surface, representing an important contribution to the Earth-atmosphere radiation balance. The work has been focussed on the development of the RT model LBLMS. The model, widely tested in the infra-red spectral range, has been extended to the short wave spectrum and it has been used in comparison with airborne and satellite measurements to study the optical properties of cirrus clouds. A new database of single scattering properties has been developed for mid latitude cirrus clouds. Ice clouds are treated as a mixture of ice crystals with various habits. The optical properties of the mixture are tested in comparison to radiometric measurements in selected case studies. Finally, a parameterization of the mixture for application to weather prediction and global circulation models has been developed. The bulk optical properties of ice crystals are parameterized as functions of the effective dimension of measured particle size distributions that are representative of mid latitude cirrus clouds. Tests with the Limited Area Weather Prediction model COSMO have shown the impact of the new parameterization with respect to cirrus cloud optical properties based on ice spheres.
We present a non linear technique to invert strong motion records with the aim of obtaining the final slip and rupture velocity distributions on the fault plane. In this thesis, the ground motion simulation is obtained evaluating the representation integral in the frequency. The Green’s tractions are computed using the discrete wave-number integration technique that provides the full wave-field in a 1D layered propagation medium. The representation integral is computed through a finite elements technique, based on a Delaunay’s triangulation on the fault plane. The rupture velocity is defined on a coarser regular grid and rupture times are computed by integration of the eikonal equation. For the inversion, the slip distribution is parameterized by 2D overlapping Gaussian functions, which can easily relate the spectrum of the possible solutions with the minimum resolvable wavelength, related to source-station distribution and data processing. The inverse problem is solved by a two-step procedure aimed at separating the computation of the rupture velocity from the evaluation of the slip distribution, the latter being a linear problem, when the rupture velocity is fixed. The non-linear step is solved by optimization of an L2 misfit function between synthetic and real seismograms, and solution is searched by the use of the Neighbourhood Algorithm. The conjugate gradient method is used to solve the linear step instead. The developed methodology has been applied to the M7.2, Iwate Nairiku Miyagi, Japan, earthquake. The estimated magnitude seismic moment is 2.6326 dyne∙cm that corresponds to a moment magnitude MW 6.9 while the mean the rupture velocity is 2.0 km/s. A large slip patch extends from the hypocenter to the southern shallow part of the fault plane. A second relatively large slip patch is found in the northern shallow part. Finally, we gave a quantitative estimation of errors associates with the parameters.
The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept. The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class. Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks. The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database. Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA. Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.
Our scope in this thesis is to propose architectures of CNNs in such a way to model the early visual pathway, including the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and the Horizontal Connectivity of the primary visual cortex. Moreover, we will show how cortically inspired architectures allow to perform contrast perceptual invariance as well as grouping and the emergence of visual percepts. Particularly, the LGN is modeled with a first layer l0 containing a single filter Ψ0 that pre-filters the image I. Since the RPs of the LGN cells can be modeled as a LoG, we expect to obtain a radially symmetric filter with a similar shape; to this end, we prove the rotational invariance of Ψ0 and we study the influence of this filter to the subsequent layer. Indeed, we compare the statistic distribution of the filters in the second layer l1 of our architecture with the statistic distribution of the RPs of V1 cells of a macaque. Then, we model the horizontal connectivity of V1 implementing a transition kernel K1 to the layer l1. In this setting, we study the vector fields and the association fields induced by the connectivity kernel K1. To this end, we first approximate the filters bank in l1 with a Gabor function and use the parameters just found to re-parameterize the kernel. Thanks to this step, the kernel is now re-parameterized into a sub-Riemmanian space R2 × S1. Now we are able to compare the vector and association fields induced by K1 with the models of the horizontal connectivity.
The pursuit of decarbonization and increased efficiency in internal combustion engines (ICE) is crucial for reducing pollution in the mobility sector. While electrification is a long-term goal, ICE still has a role to play if coupled with innovative technologies. This research project explores various solutions to enhance ICE efficiency and reduce emissions, including Low Temperature Combustion (LTC), Dual fuel combustion with diesel and natural gas, and hydrogen integration. LTC methods like Dual fuel and Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) show promise in lowering emissions such as NOx, soot, and CO2. Dual fuel Diesel-Natural Gas with hydrogen addition demonstrates improved efficiency, especially at low loads. RCCI Diesel-Gasoline engines offer increased Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) compared to standard diesel engines while reducing specific NOx emissions. The study compares 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke engine layouts, optimizing scavenging systems for both aircraft and vehicle applications. CFD analysis enhances specific power output while addressing injection challenges to prevent exhaust short circuits. Additionally, piston bowl shape optimization in Diesel engines running on Dual fuel (Diesel-Biogas) aims to reduce NOx emissions and enhance thermal efficiency. Unconventional 2-Stroke architectures, such as reverse loop scavenged with valves for high-performance cars, opposed piston engines for electricity generation, and small loop scavenged engines for scooters, are also explored. These innovations, alongside ultra-lean hydrogen combustion, offer diverse pathways toward achieving climate neutrality in the transport sector.