15 resultados para Parallel corpora

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This study aims to the elaboration of juridical and administrative terminology in Ladin language, actually on the Ladin idiom spoken in Val Badia. The necessity of this study is strictly connected to the fact that in South Tyrol the Ladin language is not just safeguarded, but the editing of administrative and normative text is guaranteed by law. This means that there is a need for a unique terminology in order to support translators and editors of specialised texts. The starting point of this study are, on one side the need of a unique terminology, and on the other side the translation work done till now from the employees of the public administration in Ladin language. In order to document their efforts a corpus made up of digitalized administrative and normative documents was build. The first two chapters focuses on the state of the art of projects on terminology and corpus linguistics for lesser used languages. The information were collected thanks to the help of institutes, universities and researchers dealing with lesser used languages. The third chapter focuses on the development of administrative language in Ladin language and the fourth chapter focuses on the creation of the trilingual Italian – German – Ladin corpus made up of administrative and normative documents. The last chapter deals with the methodologies applied in order to elaborate the terminology entries in Ladin language though the use of the trilingual corpus. Starting from the terminology entry all steps are described, from term extraction, to the extraction of equivalents, contexts and definitions and of course also of the elaboration of translation proposals for not found equivalences. Finally the problems referring to the elaboration of terminology in Ladin language are illustrated.


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Singularities of robot manipulators have been intensely studied in the last decades by researchers of many fields. Serial singularities produce some local loss of dexterity of the manipulator, therefore it might be desirable to search for singularityfree trajectories in the jointspace. On the other hand, parallel singularities are very dangerous for parallel manipulators, for they may provoke the local loss of platform control, and jeopardize the structural integrity of links or actuators. It is therefore utterly important to avoid parallel singularities, while operating a parallel machine. Furthermore, there might be some configurations of a parallel manipulators that are allowed by the constraints, but nevertheless are unreachable by any feasible path. The present work proposes a numerical procedure based upon Morse theory, an important branch of differential topology. Such procedure counts and identify the singularity-free regions that are cut by the singularity locus out of the configuration space, and the disjoint regions composing the configuration space of a parallel manipulator. Moreover, given any two configurations of a manipulator, a feasible or a singularity-free path connecting them can always be found, or it can be proved that none exists. Examples of applications to 3R and 6R serial manipulators, to 3UPS and 3UPU parallel wrists, to 3UPU parallel translational manipulators, and to 3RRR planar manipulators are reported in the work.


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The construction and use of multimedia corpora has been advocated for a while in the literature as one of the expected future application fields of Corpus Linguistics. This research project represents a pioneering experience aimed at applying a data-driven methodology to the study of the field of AVT, similarly to what has been done in the last few decades in the macro-field of Translation Studies. This research was based on the experience of Forlixt 1, the Forlì Corpus of Screen Translation, developed at the University of Bologna’s Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Culture. As a matter of fact, in order to quantify strategies of linguistic transfer of an AV product, we need to take into consideration not only the linguistic aspect of such a product but all the meaning-making resources deployed in the filmic text. Provided that one major benefit of Forlixt 1 is the combination of audiovisual and textual data, this corpus allows the user to access primary data for scientific investigation, and thus no longer rely on pre-processed material such as traditional annotated transcriptions. Based on this rationale, the first chapter of the thesis sets out to illustrate the state of the art of research in the disciplinary fields involved. The primary objective was to underline the main repercussions on multimedia texts resulting from the interaction of a double support, audio and video, and, accordingly, on procedures, means, and methods adopted in their translation. By drawing on previous research in semiotics and film studies, the relevant codes at work in visual and acoustic channels were outlined. Subsequently, we concentrated on the analysis of the verbal component and on the peculiar characteristics of filmic orality as opposed to spontaneous dialogic production. In the second part, an overview of the main AVT modalities was presented (dubbing, voice-over, interlinguistic and intra-linguistic subtitling, audio-description, etc.) in order to define the different technologies, processes and professional qualifications that this umbrella term presently includes. The second chapter focuses diachronically on various theories’ contribution to the application of Corpus Linguistics’ methods and tools to the field of Translation Studies (i.e. Descriptive Translation Studies, Polysystem Theory). In particular, we discussed how the use of corpora can favourably help reduce the gap existing between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Subsequently, we reviewed the tools traditionally employed by Corpus Linguistics in regard to the construction of traditional “written language” corpora, to assess whether and how they can be adapted to meet the needs of multimedia corpora. In particular, we reviewed existing speech and spoken corpora, as well as multimedia corpora specifically designed to investigate Translation. The third chapter reviews Forlixt 1's main developing steps, from a technical (IT design principles, data query functions) and methodological point of view, by laying down extensive scientific foundations for the annotation methods adopted, which presently encompass categories of pragmatic, sociolinguistic, linguacultural and semiotic nature. Finally, we described the main query tools (free search, guided search, advanced search and combined search) and the main intended uses of the database in a pedagogical perspective. The fourth chapter lists specific compilation criteria retained, as well as statistics of the two sub-corpora, by presenting data broken down by language pair (French-Italian and German-Italian) and genre (cinema’s comedies, television’s soapoperas and crime series). Next, we concentrated on the discussion of the results obtained from the analysis of summary tables reporting the frequency of categories applied to the French-Italian sub-corpus. The detailed observation of the distribution of categories identified in the original and dubbed corpus allowed us to empirically confirm some of the theories put forward in the literature and notably concerning the nature of the filmic text, the dubbing process and Italian dubbed language’s features. This was possible by looking into some of the most problematic aspects, like the rendering of socio-linguistic variation. The corpus equally allowed us to consider so far neglected aspects, such as pragmatic, prosodic, kinetic, facial, and semiotic elements, and their combination. At the end of this first exploration, some specific observations concerning possible macrotranslation trends were made for each type of sub-genre considered (cinematic and TV genre). On the grounds of this first quantitative investigation, the fifth chapter intended to further examine data, by applying ad hoc models of analysis. Given the virtually infinite number of combinations of categories adopted, and of the latter with searchable textual units, three possible qualitative and quantitative methods were designed, each of which was to concentrate on a particular translation dimension of the filmic text. The first one was the cultural dimension, which specifically focused on the rendering of selected cultural references and on the investigation of recurrent translation choices and strategies justified on the basis of the occurrence of specific clusters of categories. The second analysis was conducted on the linguistic dimension by exploring the occurrence of phrasal verbs in the Italian dubbed corpus and by ascertaining the influence on the adoption of related translation strategies of possible semiotic traits, such as gestures and facial expressions. Finally, the main aim of the third study was to verify whether, under which circumstances, and through which modality, graphic and iconic elements were translated into Italian from an original corpus of both German and French films. After having reviewed the main translation techniques at work, an exhaustive account of possible causes for their non-translation was equally provided. By way of conclusion, the discussion of results obtained from the distribution of annotation categories on the French-Italian corpus, as well as the application of specific models of analysis allowed us to underline possible advantages and drawbacks related to the adoption of a corpus-based approach to AVT studies. Even though possible updating and improvement were proposed in order to help solve some of the problems identified, it is argued that the added value of Forlixt 1 lies ultimately in having created a valuable instrument, allowing to carry out empirically-sound contrastive studies that may be usefully replicated on different language pairs and several types of multimedia texts. Furthermore, multimedia corpora can also play a crucial role in L2 and translation teaching, two disciplines in which their use still lacks systematic investigation.


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Con questa tesi abbiamo messo a punto una metodologia per l'applicazione del "corpus-based approach" allo studio dell'interpretazione simultanea, creando DIRSI-C, un corpus elettronico parallelo (italiano-inglese) e allineato di trascrizioni di registrazioni tratte da convegni medici, mediati da interpreti simultaneisti. Poiché gli interpreti professionisti coinvolti hanno lavorato dalla lingua straniera alla loro lingua materna e viceversa, il fattore direzionalità è il parametro di analisi delle prestazioni degli interpreti secondo i metodi di indagine della linguistica dei corpora. In this doctoral thesis a methodology was developed to fully apply the corpus-based approach to simultaneous interpreting research. DIRSI-C is a parallel (Italian-English/English-Italian) and aligned electronic corpus, containing transcripts of recorded medical international conferences with professional simultaneous interpreters working both from and into their foreign language. Against this backdrop, directionality represents the research parameter used to analyze interpreters' performance by means of corpus linguistics tools.


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The 3-UPU three degrees of freedom fully parallel manipulator, where U and P are for universal and prismatic pair respectively, is a very well known manipulator that can provide the platform with three degrees of freedom of pure translation, pure rotation or mixed translation and rotation with respect to the base, according to the relative directions of the revolute pair axes (each universal pair comprises two revolute pairs with intersecting and perpendicular axes). In particular, pure translational parallel 3-UPU manipulators (3-UPU TPMs) received great attention. Many studies have been reported in the literature on singularities, workspace, and joint clearance influence on the platform accuracy of this manipulator. However, much work has still to be done to reveal all the features this topology can offer to the designer when different architecture, i.e. different geometry are considered. Therefore, this dissertation will focus on this type of the 3-UPU manipulators. The first part of the dissertation presents six new architectures of the 3-UPU TPMs which offer interesting features to the designer. In the second part, a procedure is presented which is based on some indexes, in order to allows the designer to select the best architecture of the 3-UPU TPMs for a given task. Four indexes are proposed as stiffness, clearance, singularity and size of the manipulator in order to apply the procedure.


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Hybrid technologies, thanks to the convergence of integrated microelectronic devices and new class of microfluidic structures could open new perspectives to the way how nanoscale events are discovered, monitored and controlled. The key point of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of such an approach into applications of ion-channel High Throughput Screening (HTS)platforms. This approach offers promising opportunities for the development of new classes of sensitive, reliable and cheap sensors. There are numerous advantages of embedding microelectronic readout structures strictly coupled to sensing elements. On the one hand the signal-to-noise-ratio is increased as a result of scaling. On the other, the readout miniaturization allows organization of sensors into arrays, increasing the capability of the platform in terms of number of acquired data, as required in the HTS approach, to improve sensing accuracy and reliabiity. However, accurate interface design is required to establish efficient communication between ionic-based and electronic-based signals. The work made in this thesis will show a first example of a complete parallel readout system with single ion channel resolution, using a compact and scalable hybrid architecture suitable to be interfaced to large array of sensors, ensuring simultaneous signal recording and smart control of the signal-to-noise ratio and bandwidth trade off. More specifically, an array of microfluidic polymer structures, hosting artificial lipid bilayers blocks where single ion channel pores are embededed, is coupled with an array of ultra-low noise current amplifiers for signal amplification and data processing. As demonstrating working example, the platform was used to acquire ultra small currents derived by single non-covalent molecular binding between alpha-hemolysin pores and beta-cyclodextrin molecules in artificial lipid membranes.


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The term "Brain Imaging" identi�es a set of techniques to analyze the structure and/or functional behavior of the brain in normal and/or pathological situations. These techniques are largely used in the study of brain activity. In addition to clinical usage, analysis of brain activity is gaining popularity in others recent �fields, i.e. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and the study of cognitive processes. In this context, usage of classical solutions (e.g. f MRI, PET-CT) could be unfeasible, due to their low temporal resolution, high cost and limited portability. For these reasons alternative low cost techniques are object of research, typically based on simple recording hardware and on intensive data elaboration process. Typical examples are ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where electric potential at the patient's scalp is recorded by high impedance electrodes. In EEG potentials are directly generated from neuronal activity, while in EIT by the injection of small currents at the scalp. To retrieve meaningful insights on brain activity from measurements, EIT and EEG relies on detailed knowledge of the underlying electrical properties of the body. This is obtained from numerical models of the electric �field distribution therein. The inhomogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of human tissues make accurate modeling and simulation very challenging, leading to a tradeo�ff between physical accuracy and technical feasibility, which currently severely limits the capabilities of these techniques. Moreover elaboration of data recorded requires usage of regularization techniques computationally intensive, which influences the application with heavy temporal constraints (such as BCI). This work focuses on the parallel implementation of a work-flow for EEG and EIT data processing. The resulting software is accelerated using multi-core GPUs, in order to provide solution in reasonable times and address requirements of real-time BCI systems, without over-simplifying the complexity and accuracy of the head models.


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Parallel mechanisms show desirable characteristics such as a large payload to robot weight ratio, considerable stiffness, low inertia and high dynamic performances. In particular, parallel manipulators with fewer than six degrees of freedom have recently attracted researchers’ attention, as their employ may prove valuable in those applications in which a higher mobility is uncalled-for. The attention of this dissertation is focused on translational parallel manipulators (TPMs), that is on parallel manipulators whose output link (platform) is provided with a pure translational motion with respect to the frame. The first part deals with the general problem of the topological synthesis and classification of TPMs, that is it identifies the architectures that TPM legs must possess for the platform to be able to freely translate in space without altering its orientation. The second part studies both constraint and direct singularities of TPMs. In particular, special families of fully-isotropic mechanisms are identified. Such manipulators exhibit outstanding properties, as they are free from singularities and show a constant orthogonal Jacobian matrix throughout their workspace. As a consequence, both the direct and the inverse position problems are linear and the kinematic analysis proves straightforward.


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This thesis is concerned with the role played by software tools in the analysis and dissemination of linguistic corpora and their contribution to a more widespread adoption of corpora in different fields. Chapter 1 contains an overview of some of the most relevant corpus analysis tools available today, presenting their most interesting features and some of their drawbacks. Chapter 2 begins with an explanation of the reasons why none of the available tools appear to satisfy the requirements of the user community and then continues with technical overview of the current status of the new system developed as part of this work. This presentation is followed by highlights of features that make the system appealing to users and corpus builders (i.e. scholars willing to make their corpora available to the public). The chapter concludes with an indication of future directions for the projects and information on the current availability of the software. Chapter 3 describes the design of an experiment devised to evaluate the usability of the new system in comparison to another corpus tool. Usage of the tool was tested in the context of a documentation task performed on a real assignment during a translation class in a master's degree course. In chapter 4 the findings of the experiment are presented on two levels of analysis: firstly a discussion on how participants interacted with and evaluated the two corpus tools in terms of interface and interaction design, usability and perceived ease of use. Then an analysis follows of how users interacted with corpora to complete the task and what kind of queries they submitted. Finally, some general conclusions are drawn and areas for future work are outlined.


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Massive parallel robots (MPRs) driven by discrete actuators are force regulated robots that undergo continuous motions despite being commanded through a finite number of states only. Designing a real-time control of such systems requires fast and efficient methods for solving their inverse static analysis (ISA), which is a challenging problem and the subject of this thesis. In particular, five Artificial intelligence methods are proposed to investigate the on-line computation and the generalization error of ISA problem of a class of MPRs featuring three-state force actuators and one degree of revolute motion.


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Despite the several issues faced in the past, the evolutionary trend of silicon has kept its constant pace. Today an ever increasing number of cores is integrated onto the same die. Unfortunately, the extraordinary performance achievable by the many-core paradigm is limited by several factors. Memory bandwidth limitation, combined with inefficient synchronization mechanisms, can severely overcome the potential computation capabilities. Moreover, the huge HW/SW design space requires accurate and flexible tools to perform architectural explorations and validation of design choices. In this thesis we focus on the aforementioned aspects: a flexible and accurate Virtual Platform has been developed, targeting a reference many-core architecture. Such tool has been used to perform architectural explorations, focusing on instruction caching architecture and hybrid HW/SW synchronization mechanism. Beside architectural implications, another issue of embedded systems is considered: energy efficiency. Near Threshold Computing is a key research area in the Ultra-Low-Power domain, as it promises a tenfold improvement in energy efficiency compared to super-threshold operation and it mitigates thermal bottlenecks. The physical implications of modern deep sub-micron technology are severely limiting performance and reliability of modern designs. Reliability becomes a major obstacle when operating in NTC, especially memory operation becomes unreliable and can compromise system correctness. In the present work a novel hybrid memory architecture is devised to overcome reliability issues and at the same time improve energy efficiency by means of aggressive voltage scaling when allowed by workload requirements. Variability is another great drawback of near-threshold operation. The greatly increased sensitivity to threshold voltage variations in today a major concern for electronic devices. We introduce a variation-tolerant extension of the baseline many-core architecture. By means of micro-architectural knobs and a lightweight runtime control unit, the baseline architecture becomes dynamically tolerant to variations.


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This dissertation studies the geometric static problem of under-constrained cable-driven parallel robots (CDPRs) supported by n cables, with n ≤ 6. The task consists of determining the overall robot configuration when a set of n variables is assigned. When variables relating to the platform posture are assigned, an inverse geometric static problem (IGP) must be solved; whereas, when cable lengths are given, a direct geometric static problem (DGP) must be considered. Both problems are challenging, as the robot continues to preserve some degrees of freedom even after n variables are assigned, with the final configuration determined by the applied forces. Hence, kinematics and statics are coupled and must be resolved simultaneously. In this dissertation, a general methodology is presented for modelling the aforementioned scenario with a set of algebraic equations. An elimination procedure is provided, aimed at solving the governing equations analytically and obtaining a least-degree univariate polynomial in the corresponding ideal for any value of n. Although an analytical procedure based on elimination is important from a mathematical point of view, providing an upper bound on the number of solutions in the complex field, it is not practical to compute these solutions as it would be very time-consuming. Thus, for the efficient computation of the solution set, a numerical procedure based on homotopy continuation is implemented. A continuation algorithm is also applied to find a set of robot parameters with the maximum number of real assembly modes for a given DGP. Finally, the end-effector pose depends on the applied load and may change due to external disturbances. An investigation into equilibrium stability is therefore performed.


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In the past two decades the work of a growing portion of researchers in robotics focused on a particular group of machines, belonging to the family of parallel manipulators: the cable robots. Although these robots share several theoretical elements with the better known parallel robots, they still present completely (or partly) unsolved issues. In particular, the study of their kinematic, already a difficult subject for conventional parallel manipulators, is further complicated by the non-linear nature of cables, which can exert only efforts of pure traction. The work presented in this thesis therefore focuses on the study of the kinematics of these robots and on the development of numerical techniques able to address some of the problems related to it. Most of the work is focused on the development of an interval-analysis based procedure for the solution of the direct geometric problem of a generic cable manipulator. This technique, as well as allowing for a rapid solution of the problem, also guarantees the results obtained against rounding and elimination errors and can take into account any uncertainties in the model of the problem. The developed code has been tested with the help of a small manipulator whose realization is described in this dissertation together with the auxiliary work done during its design and simulation phases.