9 resultados para Obstetrics, informed consent

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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L’elaborato propone una riflessione rispetto all’atto giuridico del consenso informato quale strumento garante dell’esercizio del diritto alla salute per i migranti. Attraverso una riflessione antropologica rispetto alla natura, alla costruzione e alla logica dei diritti universali, verranno analizzate le normative nazionali, europee ed internazionali a tutela del diritto alla salute per i migranti; l’obiettivo della ricerca è indagare l’eventuale scarto tra normative e politiche garantiste nei confronti della salute migrante e l’esistenza di barriere strutturali che impediscono un pieno esercizio del diritto alla salute. L’ipotesi di ricerca si basa sulla reale capacità performativa del consenso informato, proposto solitamente sia come strumento volto ad assicurare la piena professionalità dell’operatore sanitario nell’informare il paziente circa i rischi e i benefici di un determinato trattamento sanitario, sia come garante del principio di autonomia. La ricerca, attraverso un’analisi quanti-qualitativa, ha interrogato il proprio campo, rappresentato da un reparto di ginecologia ed ostetrica, rispetto alle modalità pratiche di porre in essere la firma nei moduli del consenso informato, con particolare attenzione alle specificità proprie delle pazienti migranti. Attraverso l’osservazione partecipante è stato quindi possibile riflettere su aspetti rilevanti, quali le dinamiche quotidiane che vengono a crearsi tra personale sanitario e pazienti, le caratteristiche e i limiti del servizio di mediazione sanitaria, le azioni pratiche della medicina difensiva. In questo senso il tema del “consenso informato”, indagato facendo interagire discipline quali l’antropologia, la bioetica, la filosofia e la sociologia, si è posto sia come lente di lettura privilegiata per comprendere le dinamiche relazionali ad oggi esistenti tra professionisti sanitari e popolazione migrante, ancora vittima di diseguaglianze strutturali, ma altresì come “innesco potenziale” di nuove modalità di intendere la relazione medico-paziente.


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The present study is part of the EU Integrated Project “GEHA – Genetics of Healthy Aging” (Franceschi C et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1100: 21-45, 2007), whose aim is to identify genes involved in healthy aging and longevity, which allow individuals to survive to advanced age in good cognitive and physical function and in the absence of major age-related diseases. Aims The major aims of this thesis were the following: 1. to outline the recruitment procedure of 90+ Italian siblings performed by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The procedures related to the following items necessary to perform the study were described and commented: identification of the eligible area for recruitment, demographic aspects related to the need of getting census lists of 90+siblings, mail and phone contact with 90+ subjects and their families, bioethics aspects of the whole procedure, standardization of the recruitment methodology and set-up of a detailed flow chart to be followed by the European recruitment centres (obtainment of the informed consent form, anonimization of data by using a special code, how to perform the interview, how to collect the blood, how to enter data in the GEHA Phenotypic Data Base hosted at Odense). 2. to provide an overview of the phenotypic characteristics of 90+ Italian siblings recruited by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The following items were addressed: socio-demographic characteristics, health status, cognitive assessment, physical conditions (handgrip strength test, chair-stand test, physical ability including ADL, vision and hearing ability, movement ability and doing light housework), life-style information (smoking and drinking habits) and subjective well-being (attitude towards life). Moreover, haematological parameters collected in the 90+ sibpairs as optional parameters by the Bologna and Rome recruiting units were used for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results obtained using the above mentioned phenotypic characteristics reported in the GEHA questionnaire. 3. to assess 90+ Italian siblings as far as their health/functional status is concerned on the basis of three classification methods proposed in previous studies on centenarians, which are based on: • actual functional capabilities (ADL, SMMSE, visual and hearing abilities) (Gondo et al., J Gerontol. 61A (3): 305-310, 2006); • actual functional capabilities and morbidity (ADL, ability to walk, SMMSE, presence of cancer, ictus, renal failure, anaemia, and liver diseases) (Franceschi et al., Aging Clin Exp Res, 12:77-84, 2000); • retrospectively collected data about past history of morbidity and age of disease onset (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteopororis, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ocular diseases) (Evert et al., J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58A (3): 232-237, 2003). Firstly these available models to define the health status of long-living subjects were applied to the sample and, since the classifications by Gondo and Franceschi are both based on the present functional status, they were compared in order to better recognize the healthy aging phenotype and to identify the best group of 90+ subjects out of the entire studied population. 4. to investigate the concordance of health and functional status among 90+ siblings in order to divide sibpairs in three categories: the best (both sibs are in good shape), the worst (both sibs are in bad shape) and an intermediate group (one sib is in good shape and the other is in bad shape). Moreover, the evaluation wanted to discover which variables are concordant among siblings; thus, concordant variables could be considered as familiar variables (determined by the environment or by genetics). 5. to perform a survival analysis by using mortality data at 1st January 2009 from the follow-up as the main outcome and selected functional and clinical parameters as explanatory variables. Methods A total of 765 90+ Italian subjects recruited by UNIBO (549 90+ siblings, belonging to 258 families) and ISS (216 90+ siblings, belonging to 106 families) recruiting units are included in the analysis. Each subject was interviewed according to a standardized questionnaire, comprising extensively utilized questions that have been validated in previous European studies on elderly subjects and covering demographic information, life style, living conditions, cognitive status (SMMSE), mood, health status and anthropometric measurements. Moreover, subjects were asked to perform some physical tests (Hand Grip Strength test and Chair Standing test) and a sample of about 24 mL of blood was collected and then processed according to a common protocol for the preparation and storage of DNA aliquots. Results From the analysis the main findings are the following: - a standardized protocol to assess cognitive status, physical performances and health status of European nonagenarian subjects was set up, in respect to ethical requirements, and it is available as a reference for other studies in this field; - GEHA families are enriched in long-living members and extreme survival, and represent an appropriate model for the identification of genes involved in healthy aging and longevity; - two simplified sets of criteria to classify 90+ sibling according to their health status were proposed, as operational tools for distinguishing healthy from non healthy subjects; - cognitive and functional parameters have a major role in categorizing 90+ siblings for the health status; - parameters such as education and good physical abilities (500 metres walking ability, going up and down the stairs ability, high scores at hand grip and chair stand tests) are associated with a good health status (defined as “cognitive unimpairment and absence of disability”); - male nonagenarians show a more homogeneous phenotype than females, and, though far fewer in number, tend to be healthier than females; - in males the good health status is not protective for survival, confirming the male-female health survival paradox; - survival after age 90 was dependent mainly on intact cognitive status and absence of functional disabilities; - haemoglobin and creatinine levels are both associated with longevity; - the most concordant items among 90+ siblings are related to the functional status, indicating that they contain a familiar component. It is still to be investigated at what level this familiar component is determined by genetics or by environment or by the interaction between genetics, environment and chance (and at what level). Conclusions In conclusion, we could state that this study, in accordance with the main objectives of the whole GEHA project, represents one of the first attempt to identify the biological and non biological determinants of successful/unsuccessful aging and longevity. Here, the analysis was performed on 90+ siblings recruited in Northern and Central Italy and it could be used as a reference for others studies in this field on Italian population. Moreover, it contributed to the definition of “successful” and “unsuccessful” aging and categorising a very large cohort of our most elderly subjects into “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups provided an unrivalled opportunity to detect some of the basic genetic/molecular mechanisms which underpin good health as opposed to chronic disability. Discoveries in the topic of the biological determinants of healthy aging represent a real possibility to identify new markers to be utilized for the identification of subgroups of old European citizens having a higher risk to develop age-related diseases and disabilities and to direct major preventive medicine strategies for the new epidemic of chronic disease in the 21st century.


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Scopo dello studio: Stabilire se cambiamenti della perfusione di una lesione target di epatocarcinoma (HCC), valutati quantitativamente mediante ecografia con contrasto (CE-US) alla settimana 2 e 4 di terapia con sorafenib, possono predire la progressione di malattia alla settimana 8, valutata con la tomografia computerizzata o la risonanza magnetica con mezzo di contrasto (TC-RM) usando i criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors). Pazienti e metodi: Il comitato etico ha approvato lo studio ed i pazienti hanno fornito un consenso informato scritto prima dell’arruolamento. Lo studio è stato effettuato su un campione di soggetti con epatocarcinoma avanzato o non suscettibile di trattamento curativo, in monoterapia con sorafenib. La valutazione della risposta tumorale è stata effettuata con TC o RM a 2 mesi usando i criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati. La CE-US è stata effettuata entro 1 settimana prima dell’inizio del trattamento con sorafenib e durante la terapia alla settimana 2, 4, 8, 16 e 32. I parametri quantitativi funzionali sono stati ottenuti impiegando un software dedicato. I cambiamenti dei valori dei parametri suddetti tra il tempo zero ed i punti temporali successivi sono stati confrontati con la risposta tumorale basata sui criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati. Risultati: La riduzione dei valori dei parametri relativi alla perfusione tumorale, in particolare di WiAUC e PE (parametri correlati con il volume ematico), al T2/T4 (settimana 2, 4), predice la risposta tumorale a 2 mesi, valutata secondo i criteri RECIST e RECIST modificati, risultata indicativa di malattia stabile (responders). Conclusione: L’ecografia con contrasto può essere impiegata per quantificare i cambiamenti della vascolarizzazione tumorale già alla settimana 2, 4 dopo la somministrazione di sorafenib nei pazienti con HCC. Questi precoci cambiamenti della perfusione tumorale possono essere predittivi della risposta tumorale a 2 mesi e possono avere un potenziale nella valutazione precoce dell'efficacia della terapia antiangiogenica nell’epatocarcinoma.


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La tesi di dottorato "Unione Europea e Sanità" è uno studio sistematico del diritto alla salute e della protezione della sanità pubblica nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'Unione Europea. Il primo capitolo analizza le competenze sanitarie dell'Unione Europea, introdotte per la prima volta dal Trattato di Maastricht e definitivamente sistemate all'art. 168 TFUE. La norma identifica alcuni settori specifici nei quali l'Unione può agire e altri, quali l'organizzazione dei sistemi sanitari e la fornitura di cure mediche, che rimangono in capo agli Stati membri. Il secondo capitolo esamina le deroghe e le esigenze imperative connesse alla salvaguardia della salute nel mercato interno ed è suddiviso in tre sezioni dedicate alla libera circolazione delle merci, al diritto di stabilimento e alla libera prestazione dei servizi. Nella prima ci si è occupati dello sviluppo della legislazione farmaceutica. Nella seconda si sono analizzati il mutuo riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali e le legislazioni statali che restringono il diritto di stabilimento degli operatori sanitari transfrontalieri. Nella terza si è rivolta l'attenzione alla mobilità dei pazienti che, attraverso la giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, è stata trasfusa in un atto di diritto derivato. Il terzo capitolo si concentra sul ruolo del diritto alla salute nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'Unione Europea in considerazione del valore vincolante della Carta dei diritti fondamentali. Coerentemente, si è scelto di mantenere una struttura tripartita. Nella prima sezione, ci si interroga sull'esistenza di tale diritto alla luce dei pochi casi presenti. Nella seconda, lo si analizza per il tramite delle obbligazioni di proteggere, rispettare ed adempiere, enucleate attraverso alcuni strumenti internazionali e si verifica il ruolo del principio di non discriminazione in relazione all'accesso alle cure. Nella terza, infine, si verifica il ruolo del consenso informato rispetto alla sperimentazione clinica ed alla donazione di materiale biologico.


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Il trattamento dell’osteoartrosi (OA) del cane è una sfida nella pratica clinica veterinaria. Molti trattamenti sono stati proposti, tuttavia la risposta clinica agli stessi non è sempre soddisfacente. Molti farmaci sono utilizzati per il trattamento dell’OA, tra cui farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei, corticosteroidi, ed inibitori della produzione dell’ossido nitrico. Lo stanozololo è un derivato sintetico del testosterone; oltre alle sue proprietà anaboliche/androgeniche , a basse dosi lo stanozololo ha un affinità per i recettori glucocorticoidi. Per questa attività antinfiammatoria e rigenerativa sui tessuti articolari danneggiati viene utilizzato nella degenerative joint desease del cavallo. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare l’efficacia clinica dello stanozololo intra-articolare a 15, 30, 45 e 60 giorni dal trattamento di gomiti con OA di cane. E’ stato eseguito uno studio cieco, multicentrico e randomizzato. Previo consenso informato, sono stati arruolati 48 cani, suddivisi in 3 gruppi e trattati con stanozololo, mavacoxib e con entrambi i farmaci. Sono state valutate zoppia, tollerabilità del trattamento, range of motion, e punteggio radiografico. Inoltre sono state stabilite e annoverate quantità e qualità del liquido sinoviale. Ai dati ottenuti sono stati applicati i test di Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-quadro e Fischer, i quali hanno dimostrato l’efficacia della terapia nei singoli gruppi e tra i diversi gruppi di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la riduzione di almeno un grado di zoppia e la riduzione della progressione dell’OA nei casi trattati con stanozololo. Si può quindi affermare che tale molecola per via intra-articolare può essere una valida alternativa per il trattamento dell’OA di gomito nel cane.


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L’aumento esponenziale del contenzioso medico-legale – originatosi negli USA negli anni Sessanta in proporzioni tali da far parlare di medical liability crisis, e sviluppatosi in Italia a partire dalla metà degli anni Ottanta – ha comportato e continua a comportare, unitamente ad altre conseguenze negative, il ricorso sempre più frequente dei sanitari alle pratiche di medicina difensiva, con elevatissimi costi a carico del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale dovuti alla sovrabbondanza di trattamenti e ricoveri inutili e di procedure diagnostiche invasive non necessarie, peraltro produttive di stress emotivo nei pazienti. La causa dell’aumento della litigiosità deve essere ricercata in buona parte nella relazione medico-paziente, in particolar modo con riferimento al momento informativo che precede l’acquisizione del consenso informato al trattamento clinico. In Italia, i limiti che per lo più caratterizzano gli studi riguardanti il consenso informato derivano principalmente dal fatto che essi tendono a focalizzarsi unicamente sulla componente scritta del medesimo. Il fulcro del consenso informato, invece, deve ritenersi rappresentato da una comunicazione tra sanitario e paziente relativa ad un trattamento proposto ed alle possibili alternative, alla non sottoposizione ad alcun trattamento e ai rischi e benefici di ciascuna di queste opzioni. In un tale contesto il tema della comunicazione tra il professionista e la persona assistita sta suscitando interesse poiché ci si aspetta che esso conduca a miglioramenti degli outcome dei pazienti e alla diminuzione delle denunce da parte di questi ultimi per casi di responsabilità sanitaria. La maggiore attenzione al rapporto medico - paziente ha fatto emergere il bisogno di migliorare e potenziare le abilità comunicative dei medici, in un’ottica in cui il momento comunicativo possa essere percepito dal professionista come fulcro del rapporto medico-paziente, nella prospettiva di una elaborazione di strategie di prevenzione e contrasto ai fenomeni di medicina difensiva.


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Human reactions to vibration have been extensively investigated in the past. Vibration, as well as whole-body vibration (WBV), has been commonly considered as an occupational hazard for its detrimental effects on human condition and comfort. Although long term exposure to vibrations may produce undesirable side-effects, a great part of the literature is dedicated to the positive effects of WBV when used as method for muscular stimulation and as an exercise intervention. Whole body vibration training (WBVT) aims to mechanically activate muscles by eliciting neuromuscular activity (muscle reflexes) via the use of vibrations delivered to the whole body. The most mentioned mechanism to explain the neuromuscular outcomes of vibration is the elicited neuromuscular activation. Local tendon vibrations induce activity of the muscle spindle Ia fibers, mediated by monosynaptic and polysynaptic pathways: a reflex muscle contraction known as the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR) arises in response to such vibratory stimulus. In WBVT mechanical vibrations, in a range from 10 to 80 Hz and peak to peak displacements from 1 to 10 mm, are usually transmitted to the patient body by the use of oscillating platforms. Vibrations are then transferred from the platform to a specific muscle group through the subject body. To customize WBV treatments, surface electromyography (SEMG) signals are often used to reveal the best stimulation frequency for each subject. Use of SEMG concise parameters, such as root mean square values of the recordings, is also a common practice; frequently a preliminary session can take place in order to discover the more appropriate stimulation frequency. Soft tissues act as wobbling masses vibrating in a damped manner in response to mechanical excitation; Muscle Tuning hypothesis suggest that neuromuscular system works to damp the soft tissue oscillation that occurs in response to vibrations; muscles alters their activity to dampen the vibrations, preventing any resonance phenomenon. Muscle response to vibration is however a complex phenomenon as it depends on different parameters, like muscle-tension, muscle or segment-stiffness, amplitude and frequency of the mechanical vibration. Additionally, while in the TVR study the applied vibratory stimulus and the muscle conditions are completely characterised (a known vibration source is applied directly to a stretched/shortened muscle or tendon), in WBV study only the stimulus applied to a distal part of the body is known. Moreover, mechanical response changes in relation to the posture. The transmissibility of vibratory stimulus along the body segment strongly depends on the position held by the subject. The aim of this work was the investigation on the effects that the use of vibrations, in particular the effects of whole body vibrations, may have on muscular activity. A new approach to discover the more appropriate stimulus frequency, by the use of accelerometers, was also explored. Different subjects, not affected by any known neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, were voluntarily involved in the study and gave their informed, written consent to participate. The device used to deliver vibration to the subjects was a vibrating platform. Vibrations impressed by the platform were exclusively vertical; platform displacement was sinusoidal with an intensity (peak-to-peak displacement) set to 1.2 mm and with a frequency ranging from 10 to 80 Hz. All the subjects familiarized with the device and the proper positioning. Two different posture were explored in this study: position 1 - hack squat; position 2 - subject standing on toes with heels raised. SEMG signals from the Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Lateralis (VL) and Vastus medialis (VM) were recorded. SEMG signals were amplified using a multi-channel, isolated biomedical signal amplifier The gain was set to 1000 V/V and a band pass filter (-3dB frequency 10 - 500 Hz) was applied; no notch filters were used to suppress line interference. Tiny and lightweight (less than 10 g) three-axial MEMS accelerometers (Freescale semiconductors) were used to measure accelerations of onto patient’s skin, at EMG electrodes level. Accelerations signals provided information related to individuals’ RF, Biceps Femoris (BF) and Gastrocnemius Lateralis (GL) muscle belly oscillation; they were pre-processed in order to exclude influence of gravity. As demonstrated by our results, vibrations generate peculiar, not negligible motion artifact on skin electrodes. Artifact amplitude is generally unpredictable; it appeared in all the quadriceps muscles analysed, but in different amounts. Artifact harmonics extend throughout the EMG spectrum, making classic high-pass filters ineffective; however, their contribution was easy to filter out from the raw EMG signal with a series of sharp notch filters centred at the vibration frequency and its superior harmonics (1.5 Hz wide). However, use of these simple filters prevents the revelation of EMG power potential variation in the mentioned filtered bands. Moreover our experience suggests that the possibility of reducing motion artefact, by using particular electrodes and by accurately preparing the subject’s skin, is not easily viable; even though some small improvements were obtained, it was not possible to substantially decrease the artifact. Anyway, getting rid of those artifacts lead to some true EMG signal loss. Nevertheless, our preliminary results suggest that the use of notch filters at vibration frequency and its harmonics is suitable for motion artifacts filtering. In RF SEMG recordings during vibratory stimulation only a little EMG power increment should be contained in the mentioned filtered bands due to synchronous electromyographic activity of the muscle. Moreover, it is better to remove the artifact that, in our experience, was found to be more than 40% of the total signal power. In summary, many variables have to be taken into account: in addition to amplitude, frequency and duration of vibration treatment, other fundamental variables were found to be subject anatomy, individual physiological condition and subject’s positioning on the platform. Studies on WBV treatments that include surface EMG analysis to asses muscular activity during vibratory stimulation should take into account the presence of motion artifacts. Appropriate filtering of artifacts, to reveal the actual effect on muscle contraction elicited by vibration stimulus, is mandatory. However as a result of our preliminary study, a simple multi-band notch filtering may help to reduce randomness of the results. Muscle tuning hypothesis seemed to be confirmed. Our results suggested that the effects of WBV are linked to the actual muscle motion (displacement). The greater was the muscle belly displacement the higher was found the muscle activity. The maximum muscle activity has been found in correspondence with the local mechanical resonance, suggesting a more effective stimulation at the specific system resonance frequency. Holding the hypothesis that muscle activation is proportional to muscle displacement, treatment optimization could be obtained by simply monitoring local acceleration (resonance). However, our study revealed some short term effects of vibratory stimulus; prolonged studies should be assembled in order to consider the long term effectiveness of these results. Since local stimulus depends on the kinematic chain involved, WBV muscle stimulation has to take into account the transmissibility of the stimulus along the body segment in order to ensure that vibratory stimulation effectively reaches the target muscle. Combination of local resonance and muscle response should also be further investigated to prevent hazards to individuals undergoing WBV treatments.


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Image-to-image (i2i) translation networks can generate fake images beneficial for many applications in augmented reality, computer graphics, and robotics. However, they require large scale datasets and high contextual understanding to be trained correctly. In this thesis, we propose strategies for solving these problems, improving performances of i2i translation networks by using domain- or physics-related priors. The thesis is divided into two parts. In Part I, we exploit human abstraction capabilities to identify existing relationships in images, thus defining domains that can be leveraged to improve data usage efficiency. We use additional domain-related information to train networks on web-crawled data, hallucinate scenarios unseen during training, and perform few-shot learning. In Part II, we instead rely on physics priors. First, we combine realistic physics-based rendering with generative networks to boost outputs realism and controllability. Then, we exploit naive physical guidance to drive a manifold reorganization, which allowed generating continuous conditions such as timelapses.


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The field of bioelectronics involves the use of electrodes to exchange electrical signals with biological systems for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in biomedical devices and healthcare applications. However, the mechanical compatibility of implantable devices with the human body has been a challenge, particularly with long-term implantation into target organs. Current rigid bioelectronics can trigger inflammatory responses and cause unstable device functions due to the mechanical mismatch with the surrounding soft tissue. Recent advances in flexible and stretchable electronics have shown promise in making bioelectronic interfaces more biocompatible. To fully achieve this goal, material science and engineering of soft electronic devices must be combined with quantitative characterization and modeling tools to understand the mechanical issues at the interface between electronic technology and biological tissue. Local mechanical characterization is crucial to understand the activation of failure mechanisms and optimizing the devices. Experimental techniques for testing mechanical properties at the nanoscale are emerging, and the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a good candidate for in situ local mechanical characterization of soft bioelectronic interfaces. In this work, in situ experimental techniques with solely AFM supported by interpretive models for the characterization of planar and three-dimensional devices suitable for in vivo and in vitro biomedical experimentations are reported. The combination of the proposed models and experimental techniques provides access to the local mechanical properties of soft bioelectronic interfaces. The study investigates the nanomechanics of hard thin gold films on soft polymeric substrates (Poly(dimethylsiloxane) PDMS) and 3D inkjet-printed micropillars under different deformation states. The proposed characterization methods provide a rapid and precise determination of mechanical properties, thus giving the possibility to parametrize the microfabrication steps and investigate their impact on the final device.